Healing Mr White

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by J A Fielding

  Healing Mr White

  A BWWM interracial romance by J A Fielding of BWWMRomance.com

  The ninth in the top selling 'Mr White' African American / interracial romance series. While each can be read as a stand alone story, read them all for maximum enjoyment. The 9 parts are as follows:

  Is Mr White Mr Right?

  Mr White Proposes.

  Wedding Planning With Mr White.

  My Honeymoon With Mr White.

  Making Babies With Mr White.

  Giving Birth To Mr White’s Baby.

  My Future With Mr White.

  Igniting The Passion With Mr White.

  Healing Mr White.

  Natasha and Mitchell are back in a all new interracial romance story!

  When Mitchell gets injured in a soccer game with clients, he's left housebound and away from work. A workaholic by nature, how will he find the extra time he can now spend with his wife Natasha and Daughter Alexis? And how will Natasha 'cope' with having to now do most of the work in bed? Find out in this new BWWM romance book!

  Please only read this book if you're over 18 years of age, as it contains scenes of a sexual nature. If you're over 18, you're in for a treat! ;)


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Get Another BWWM Book Free

  More Books By J A Fielding

  About J A Fielding

  Chapter 1

  Natasha let her gym bag drop to the floor as soon as she got home, then rushed to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. She grabbed a bottle of water and downed it in big gulps before she looked at the contents of the fridge again. There was a leftover slice of cake and half a blueberry pie that called out to her. There were also two slices of pizza that seemed to beckon with every lingering look but she knew they were all not a good idea. She had finally managed to shed her baby weight and stuffing herself was the one thing that would guarantee her looking like Mrs. Porky. She groaned as she grabbed a slice of watermelon, an orange and some strawberries. At least she could make her own shakes…tasty ones, nothing like that nasty stuff sold in stores branded “protein shake.” To Natasha, they could have very well taken tar and gravel and called it a healthy shake. It tasted like such anyway.

  She combined all the fruits in the blender and in minutes, she had a nice glass of tropical smoothie without the milk. She looked at the time as she drank it and sighed. She had exactly forty minutes before Rita walked in with Alexis and that would be the end of her personal quality time. She quickly walked to the living room and picked up her gym bag before she rushed to her room. She took a quick shower and then put on her night shirt and a pair of sweat pants. She then picked up her laptop and switched it on. She had every intention of working but she found herself looking at a blank page of her diary.

  “I may as well just do this,” she thought as she took a deep breath.

  Dear Diary,

  Whoever said that women can do anything and everything that men can had obviously never had a child. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining, but sometimes I find myself picturing an island where I am all alone…sometimes being fanned by a scantily dressed Hawaiian man. Okay, maybe sometimes I picture Alexis and Mitchell there with me, but hey…that only happens every so often. But on a lighter note, I love being who I am…a wife, a mother and a career woman. The fact that I can juggle the three makes it all worthwhile.

  She stopped typing and carried her laptop to the living room where she sat down and reclaimed her smoothie. She took a long sip before she went on typing.

  The most important thing that keeps me going is that I have to be the kind of mother to Alexis I always dreamed of having, rather than having to be MIA in her life for whatever reason. It is just that simple. I love my family, and I would do anything for them and there is no way I would ever be a messy mother to my daughter. I learned from the best. I…

  She paused as she took another sip. As she sipped on the drink, she could not help but notice just how quiet the house was. With Alexis out of the house and Mitchell away on one of his business trips, the house was like a ghost town. She was still thinking about that when she heard the doorbell. She walked to the door and opened it, smiling at Rita who had a sleeping Alexis in her arms. Natasha relieved her of the heavy two year old as Rita walked to the living room.

  “She might be out till tomorrow. She was excited to be at the zoo,” Rita said when Natasha came back. “I now understand what people mean when they talk of ‘hands on parenting,’” she added. Natasha laughed as she walked to the kitchen.

  “Smoothie?” she called out to Rita.

  “What kind?” Rita asked.

  “Homemade tropical,” Natasha said.

  “Cool,” Rita said. Natasha poured her a glass and then walked back to the living room. “I must say, this new diet thing is a really strange thing for me to get used to,” she said as Natasha sat down.

  “Well, those love handles were not going to disappear on their own, now, were they? And the only way I make sure that they don’t come back is by controlling my eating habits,” Natasha said before she took a long sip.

  “Yeah, I know that but you have always been petite,” Rita said.

  “Yeah, until I had a baby. Now I have to make sure that I work hard to bring the sexy back; otherwise I will be a Liza Minnelli till I die,” Natasha said smiling.

  “So anyway, how is the new job going?” Rita asked. Natasha smiled at her and shook her head as she tried getting the right words to describe whatever emotion she was feeling at the moment.

  “Amazing. I don’t think I have ever worked on anything so big,” she said excitedly.

  “Yeah, I can see it in your eyes. Hey, it even got you to the gym so it must be good,” Rita said as she took the last sip of her smoothie. “Damn, what was in this? This is awesome,” she said as she put the glass down.

  “Watermelon, orange and strawberry,” Natasha said as she put her own glass down. She looked at Rita and shook her head. “What do you mean, it got me to the gym?” she asked.

  “Well, you were not an active gym member before the account came through and now you are spending ten hours a week at the gym. Need I say anymore?” Rita asked rhetorically. “Plus, you have a gym in the house. Why do you have to use a commercial one anyway?” she asked.

  “I need to see people who are actually bigger than me so that I can feel encouraged. Plus I needed the trainer,” Natasha said. Rita shook her head.

  “You can get a personal trainer to come here,” she said matter of factly. Natasha nodded.

  “True but every time I come through those doors, I just want to sleep because I have to keep up with Alexis, catch up with my husband, sometimes work a little and at times also fix dinner. Trust me, there was no way I was going to work a trainer into that schedule,” she said. “Plus, after all that, focusing would be hard especially when I know that my bed is just in the other room,” she added. Rita laughed.

  “Come on. You could make it work. It’s just a matter of self-discipline,” she said. “Kind of like you are doing now with the whole healthy eating thing,” she added. Natasha frowned at her.

  “Hey, you are my friend. You are supposed to be on my side,” she said. Rita laughed and leaned back.

  “How is Mitchell anyway? I haven’t seen him in a while,” she said. Natasha shrugged and smiled.

  “He is okay. He’s in England on business,” she said.

  “Sometimes I feel like the two of you have a virtual marriage,” Rita said smiling. “It’s like he is never around. Wasn’t he in France last wee
kend?” she asked. Natasha smiled and nodded.

  “Well, thanks to Skype, we talk everyday without fail but you are right. He has been a bit of a tourist lately,” she said. Since the Nassir contract got signed, Natasha had been crazy busy at work and coincidentally, Mitchell had to work on another contract, a new client from Europe. Their tight schedules made it almost impossible for them to spend more than two days together before one of them had to be called to work. “But I like to think that it’s a guarantee to early retirement,” Natasha added. Rita smiled at her and nodded.

  “I know what you mean, girl,” she said. She then leaned in and looked at Natasha closely. “Lupe’s gone, right?” she asked in a whisper. Natasha was intrigued. Why would Rita want to know whether the housekeeper was in or not?

  “Yeah, she’s gone. Why?” Natasha said. Rita moved closer.

  “Awesome. Remember Tameka Sohn?” she asked, looking into Natasha’s eyes. Natasha frowned and shook her head.

  “Well, the name is familiar,” she said still frowning.

  “Come on, Tameka Sohn? We had her for tenth grade math,” Rita said. Natasha smiled.

  “Ms. Sohn? Why are you calling her by her first name? Are you guys that close?” she asked. Rita shook her head.

  “No, that is how juicy the gossip is,” she said. “So rumor has it that she is a cougar and that she is Jay’s new play toy,” she added excitedly. Natasha’s eyes grew big.

  “Jay? My ex Jay?” she asked surprised. Rita laughed.

  “Yeah, that very one,” she said. Natasha suddenly burst out laughing. “Guess you really ruined that one,” she said. Natasha wiped a tear and leaned back.

  “Well, his loss. But it’s a good thing he messed up because I wouldn’t have had Mitchell if he hadn’t and I wouldn’t trade Mitch for anything,” she said. “But seriously though, Ms. Sohn? Did he run out of women whose lives he could ruin? How desperate must he have been?” she asked laughing. Rita nodded.

  “I know, right? But like I said, you ruined him for other women,” she said. Natasha pretended to fan her face.

  “What can I say, it’s genetic,” she said smiling.

  “I wonder how his mother is taking it,” Rita said.

  “Oh my god, does she even know about it? That drama queen may as well have had a heart attack,” Natasha said. “Do you remember how agitated she was when we broke up?” she asked.

  “When you dumped him.” Rita corrected.

  “Poh-tay-toh potato,” Natasha said. “Bottom line, the relationship was over. But serves her right. She does have a holier than thou attitude. It’s about time reality hit her hard across the face,” she added. Rita raised an eyebrow and smiled.

  “That’s a whole new side of you I had never seen,” she said. “What have you been keeping all bottled up inside for this long?” she asked. Natasha shrugged.

  “A whole lot of stuff. Let’s start with the fact that Jay was an ass and anything trickling down from that can be seen as valid collateral information,” she said.

  “Listen to you getting all legal up in here,” she said in a mock ghetto voice. “Anyway, I’m hungry. Got any food?” she asked as she stood up.

  “I have every kind of food, depending on what you are hungry for,” Natasha said as she followed her to the kitchen. “Leftover pizza, casserole…oh, I made a lasagna yesterday,” she said as she watched Rita look at the contents of her fridge. She pulled out the two slices of pizza and walked to the microwave. “None for me, thanks,” she said. Rita looked at her and smiled.

  “Sweetie, I was not intending to give you any. You are on a diet, remember?” she asked.

  “Whoa, thanks for caring,” Natasha said.

  “What? I’m being supportive,” Rita said. “Besides, I’m starved. I was doing inventory today and the only food I had all day was a bagel and cup of coffee,” she added. Natasha smiled. Rita reached for some green goo in the fridge and handed it to Natasha. “But in the spirit of being supportive, here,” she said. Natasha looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “What am I supposed to do with this?” she asked.

  “You are all about smoothies and nasty tasting fluid and this qualifies for both of those descriptions. So drink it, or eat it…whatever you are supposed to do,” Rita said. Natasha shook her head.

  “This is Alexis’. It’s her vegetables,” she said putting it back.

  “Now you are making the baby eat the goo too?” Rita asked frowning.

  “She has always had the vegetables,” Natasha said as she leaned against the counter.

  “If they are her vegetables, where is the label?” Rita asked.

  “Why do I feel like am being interrogated? You think I would force my child to have some shitty tasting goo?” she paused a little and then snapped her fingers. “Wait, there was that time she had a bad case of diarrhea. Then, I had to make her drink some weird rehydration salts. Tasted like warm pee,” she added. Rita frowned as she took one slice of pizza from the microwave before putting the other one in.

  “How do you even know how warm pee tastes like? Why would you have an idea of pee…you know what, never mind,” she said. Natasha laughed.

  “Everyone knows what pee tastes like because somehow, everyone has tasted their pee at some point in their lives,” she said as she cut a small piece of Rita’s warm pizza. “Oh God, that’s heavenly,” she said when she bit into it. Rita laughed.

  “Come on, have one slice. That won’t mess up your diet plan that much, will it?” she asked. Natasha shrugged

  “I will be back at the gym for two hours tomorrow. So what the hell,” she said as she took another bite. “Oh my God, I have missed the taste of melted cheese,” she said dramatically. Rita laughed as she took her own slice out of the microwave. She walked over to the fridge and took out two cans of soda. “Oh no, one slice of pizza is enough. I am not about to have carbonated drinks,” Natasha said as she walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water.

  “You are really taking this diet thing seriously, huh?” Rita asked as they made their way back to the living room. Natasha smiled and nodded.

  “I had love handles, Rita. Love handles. I was one slice of chocolate cake away from getting the entire Mabel Simmons look,” she said as she sat down.

  “Who’s Mabel Simmons?” Rita asked looking at her. Natasha looked at her surprised.

  “No self-respecting black woman can ask that question with a straight face,” she said.

  “Why? Should I know her?” Rita asked. Natasha raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh my God, you really don’t know her. I thought you are a Tyler Perry fan,” Natasha said. Rita shrugged.

  “I am, what does that got to do with…” her words trailed off when she suddenly realized what Natasha had been driving at. “Mabel Simmons is Madea, isn’t she?” she asked.

  “Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner,” Natasha said dramatically. Rita laughed and shook her head.

  “I will never understand why you didn’t go for a career in show business,” she said.

  “Oh no, I don’t have the stomach for it,” Natasha said. Rita squinted.

  Are you sure?” she asked. Natasha nodded.

  “One hundred percent,” she said. Just then they heard Alexis' shrill cry pierce the serenity of the room. “Duty calls,” Natasha said as she stood up. She walked to the nursery and found Alexis standing in her crib. “Hey sweetie,” she said as she picked her up in her arms. “I thought you’d be out until tomorrow. Why are you up?” she asked as she made faces at Alexis, making her smile even though her cheeks had tear streaks. “You want to go say hi to Auntie Rita?” she said as she walked to the living room.

  “There is our girl,” Rita said as Natasha sat down next to her. The baby reached for Rita’s pizza. “Whoa, hungry already?” Rita asked as she cut a small piece and fed it to her.

  “Yeah, she will have that for the next hour,” Natasha said smiling.

  “They are so cute when they are this young. Why can’t
some scientist come up with an antidote that makes them remain this way?” Rita asked as they watched her struggle with the small piece of pizza.

  “I know, right? I am not looking forward to her teenage years,” Natasha said.

  “Why do you have to be like so uncool mom? I hate you. Urgh!” Rita said in a mock teenage voice. Natasha shook her head.

  “We really need to get that scientist before we get to that age,” she said just as her phone rang. She smiled. “I think this is your daddy, Alexis,” she said before she picked up. “Hey Mitchell,” she said.

  “Actually Natasha, it’s Patrick Keller.” Natasha frowned and looked at Rita.

  “Oh hi, Patrick. Is Mitchell there with you?” she asked.

  “Well actually yes, but there’s been some sort of accident,” Patrick said.

  “What do you mean, some sort of accident? Where’s Mitchell? I want to talk to my husband,” Natasha said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen. Rita looked at her and picked Alexis up. She had no idea what was happening but she needed to know. She put Alexis in the playpen and then walked to the kitchen where Natasha was talking in hushed tones.

  “Tasha, what’s going on?” she asked as she looked at Natasha who was still talking on the phone. “Natasha!” she called again when she saw Natasha hanging up. Something was definitely the matter and she was either too scared or too shocked to speak. Rita walked over to her and draped an arm around her shoulders before she walked her back to the living room. “Tasha, I need you to tell me what the hell is going on,” she said as she looked into her eyes.

  “Mitch…he…” Natasha started.

  “Yeah, what did Mitch do? Is he okay?” Rita asked looking at her. “Sweetie, I need to know what is going through your head. What happened? Where is Mitch? Is he okay?” she asked, not sure which question she wanted answered first.

  “That was Patrick Keller, Mitchell’s business associate in England,” Natasha said. She seemed to be staring into space.


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