Healing Mr White

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Healing Mr White Page 5

by J A Fielding

  Natasha screamed out loud before she collapsed on him, panting hard.

  “You keep working me like that, I won’t need therapy,” Mitchell said. She laughed and planted a kiss on his shoulder.

  “Well, that’s one of the things I’m here for,” she said, still panting.

  “So, what do you have lined up for today?” he asked.

  “To be honest, I think I’ll know as time goes on because I literally feel like I am cracking under the pressure,” she said as she raised her head to look at him.

  “You don’t have to do all this, you know,” he said, looking at her.

  “I know but I am no longer just Natasha Black. I am Natasha Schmidt. The family business is also important to me,” she said smiling. He held her tightly and she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Thanks for this, for everything. It means the world to me,” he said.

  “Just doing my due diligence,” she said smiling. “I would like to swing by Nan’s and see Alexis,” she added.

  “I would like to see her too. Can I come with?” he asked. Natasha frowned. She did not like the idea of having him moving around. “I promise I will use the crutches,” he said quickly, almost as if he had read her mind.

  “Fine. Let me have a shower first,” she said.

  “Do I get a shower too?” he asked as he looked at her.

  “Yes, but not alone,” she said as she pulled herself away from him, forcing his cock out of her.

  “Oh yeah,” Mitchell said in a tone that let her know that this was more than just about the shower.

  “No, Mitchell. You can’t handle that,” she said as she got off the bed. “Keep the weight off, remember?” she asked as she helped him get off the bed. She held him steady and helped him walk towards the bathroom where she restarted the shower. She then slowly helped him get under the water where she helped bathe him before she guided him out of the bathroom. She got his clothes and laid them out on the bed before she went back to the bathroom and finished her own shower.

  When she came back out, Mitchell was still getting dressed. She hated that he had to struggle this much. Even though he was trying to show her that he was okay with everything, she knew that at the back of his mind, he was not okay with the whole situation. All in all, she loved the man he was.


  Estelle had prepared what was Natasha’s favorite breakfast: waffles with syrup, well done eggs and bacon. That always made Natasha’s mouth water. When Mitchell and Natasha got there, Estelle had just put out the generous spread.

  “If I didn’t know any better I would have thought that you are trying to keep us here forever,” Mitchell said as he made his way to the table. Estelle smiled.

  “Well, I would not mind that at all,” Estelle said as she pulled out his chair. Mitchell took a seat as Natasha went on upstairs to check on the baby. Mitchell looked at Eric who was now walking towards them and smiled.

  “Guess I am not the only one taking some time off work today, huh?” he said. Eric laughed.

  “I would like a few more days actually but I’ll just have to do with the one,” he said as he shook Mitchell’s hand. “How are you doing anyway? Natasha told me that you have a few more weeks before you can fully be back on your feet, literally,” he said.

  “Yeah, I just have to stick to therapy and see how everything goes,” Mitchell said.

  “So, this was a soccer injury?” Eric asked.

  “Well, in England they call it football, but yeah,” Mitchell said.

  “I never thought that such a fun sport could do this much damage,” Eric said.

  “Well, you should have heard some of the horror stories I was being told about soccer. Apparently some guy had a fall so bad that he can never walk again. That is definitely not something you want to hear while you wait for a doctor’s prognosis,” Mitchell said.

  “You hear about these things but you never really think that it might happen to someone you know,” Eric said. “And how is Natasha handling all this?” he asked. Mitchell smiled.

  “She is great, really great. She has taken it upon herself to handle my workload and hers all the while making sure that I don’t miss a single appointment,” he said. “Your daughter is hands down the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn’t have been able to get through this if she was not there for me,” he added. Eric smiled proudly.

  “That’s my girl. That is definitely the daughter I raised,” he said.

  “I know. She makes me proud to be the man I am, a husband and a father,” Mitchell said. Eric smiled at him.

  “You know how people say that a parent always knows when her daughter makes the right choice? Well, I felt it with you and I see why,” Eric said. He could remember the sick feeling he got in the pit of his stomach every time he saw Jay but he never got that, not with Mitchell.

  “I have to say that I am honored, sir,” Mitchell said. Eric laughed.

  “How is it that you are worth a billion dollars but you are still humble enough to call common folk like myself sir?” Eric asked.

  “Well, sir, that is just how my father raised me,” Mitchell said as Estelle joined them at the table.

  “What is all these chit chat about? Eat up before it gets cold,” she said as she took a bite of her bacon. “And where is Tasha?” she asked, looking at Mitchell.

  “Probably with Alexis,” he said. “That is definitely where I’d be,” he added in a low voice. Estelle smiled at him.

  “I know you miss her but trust me, Natasha is not doing herself any favors by being up there. That girl woke us up at the crack of dawn and she just went back to sleep,” she said.

  “Hopefully for another two hours,” Eric said.

  “Oh, is she being a handful to you guys?” Mitchell asked. “Because we can get the nanny, no problem,” he added. Eric laughed.

  “Oh no, it’s good to have the pitter patter of little feet again. She keeps me on my toes,” Eric said. “Actually, she is the reason I have been taking so many days off work since every day is not bring your granddaughter to work day,” he added. Mitchell laughed as Natasha came down the stairs. Mitchell looked at her sad face and smiled.

  “She is asleep, isn’t she?” he asked.

  “You knew? Why didn’t you tell me?” Natasha asked as she took a seat next to Mitchell.

  “Actually I just found out myself,” Mitchell said.

  “I have really missed her smile,” Natasha said, frowning.

  “You guys are here all day, right? You can still see her,” Eric said. Natasha took a bite of her waffle and shrugged.

  “I have to take Mitchell back home for his physiotherapy at four,” she said.

  “That’s plenty of time. She will be awake by then,” Eric said.

  “So how is work going?” Estelle asked. Natasha smiled.

  “Great. We have had some pretty serious deals this past year and greater ones that almost broke my husband’s leg. So I guess business is booming,” she said. Estelle looked at Mitchell and frowned.

  “I am really sorry about this whole thing, dearie,” she said.

  “Don’t worry about me, Estelle. I am a trooper,” Mitchell said smiling. “Plus Tasha is doing a really good job of making sure the company does not crash and burn,” he added as he looked at Natasha.

  “Really? She is working?” Eric said. “You used to beg to stay home when I had the flu,” he said.

  “Well, in my defense, Daddy, that was school and I am not working anymore. At least not from the office,” Natasha said before taking a bite of her food.

  “So who is handling business?” Estelle asked.

  “There isn’t any pressing business really. We sent Stacy to handle the last bit of urgent business we had,” Mitchell said.

  “Your assistant?” Eric asked raising an eyebrow.

  “That girl is a bit too intelligent to be an assistant,” Natasha said proudly. “I might just pick her to replace me when I finally decide to retire,” she added.
  “Wow, she s that good, huh?” Eric asked.

  “You should have seen the fight she put up when one of the guys on the board tried taking Stacy for a few days. Natasha almost threw him off the fortieth floor,” Mitchell said laughing.

  “You are exaggerating,” Natasha said.

  “Seriously? You should have seen yourself that day. I had never seen you that pissed off and this was just your assistant. I’d hate to see how you react when someone tries to pull anything on Alexis,” Mitchell said, laughing.

  “I am not even looking forward to her teenage years,” Natasha said shaking her head. “That’s when all the weird boys in her life start showing up,” she added.

  “Oh, I remember those days,” Eric said shaking his head.

  “Why are you shaking your head, Daddy? I was a star daughter,” Natasha said, looking at her father. Eric looked at Estelle and laughed.

  “They grow up so fast and forget even faster,” Estelle said, smiling. Mitchell’s gaze shifted from Eric, to Estelle and back to Natasha.

  “Am I missing something?” he asked.

  “Yeah, some of my daughter’s terrible boyfriend choices,” Eric said.

  “They were not that bad,” Natasha said. Eric and Estelle looked at each other and laughed.

  “Let’s see, Adam, Zachary, Jay…and that’s just the top three,” Estelle said. “I don’t know the other two but if Jay is in the top three then I agree Natasha you struck gold with me,” Mitchell said.

  “Don’t blow your own trumpet, babe,” Natasha said smiling.

  “No, he is right. For a moment there I thought that all hope was lost for you,” Eric said. “But you bounced back and we are happy and I’m proud to be called grandpa,” he added.

  “Well, give it another year. Alexis is still at ‘opa’,” Estelle said. They all laughed.

  “I am loving this by the way,” Mitchell said smiling.

  “Of course you are. That’s because they are not bashing you,” Natasha said. “You wait until the day I have breakfast with your mom. I’m sure bashing you will be fun,” she added.

  Mitchell leaned in and kissed her cheek before he whispered in her ear. “I was a golden child,” he said. Natasha smiled.

  “So was I and behold,” she said, holding her hand out to her father and grandmother. She smiled and took another bite before looking at her father and Nan. They were right. Her love life had been a train wreck and it would have probably still have been terrible if Mitchell had not been in her life. She loved each and every minute of having Mitchell in her life, and Alexis and her dad and her Nan as well. She leaned in and nudged Mitchell. “You know I love you, right?” she said in a whisper. Mitchell smiled at her and nodded.

  “I know and I love you right back,” he said in a whisper.

  “Is there something you two want to share with the rest of the class?” Estelle asked. Natasha and Mitchell looked up and laughed.

  Chapter 6

  “How is it that your Nan made you waffles and you never thought of calling me?” Rita asked as she burst through the doors at Natasha and Mitchell’s place. Natasha had just finished cleaning up in the living room when Rita came in. She looked up at her and smiled.

  “Nice to see you, Rita. Why don’t you come on in?” she said sarcastically.

  “I’m sorry, but I just passed by to say hi to Alexis and imagine my shock when Estelle told me to bring this over because you left it there when you had brunch the other day,” Rita said as she lifted her hand that held Natasha’s blue cashmere scarf. Natasha walked over to Rita, wrapped her arms around her, and hugged her.

  “It was kind of a rushed thing. We didn’t plan it or anything,” she said as she pulled away. Rita looked at her, frowned, and shrugged.

  “Well, I just felt left out,” she said. Natasha laughed.

  “Are you sure you’re not just sorry you missed Nan’s waffles?” she asked.

  “Well, there is that,” Rita said laughing.

  “But I did invite you here for today’s little party, right? That should count for something,” Natasha said as she walked to the kitchen, with Rita close behind.

  “Yeah, about that. I didn’t know what to bring so I just brought two bottles of this,” Rita said as she put the bag in her hand on the kitchen counter. Natasha looked in the bag and smiled. “I figured 1960 was a good year for whatever the celebration,” Rita added as Natasha put the two bottles of white wine in the fridge.

  “This is perfect,” she said.

  “What are we celebrating, anyway?” Rita asked as she helped herself to one of the sandwiches on the counter. She figured that the trays set out in the kitchen were for whatever Natasha had invited her for.

  “Stacy’s graduation from mere assistant to full blown exec,” Natasha said. Rita raised an eyebrow.

  “Huh?” she asked. Natasha shook her head.

  “Okay, here’s the deal. Mitchell was on the verge of closing a major deal and since he could not travel, we had to send Stacy in to close the deal,” Natasha explained.

  “I don’t get it. Why didn’t you go?” Rita asked.

  “And leave my invalid husband all alone?” Natasha asked, frowning. Rita shrugged.

  “Of course. What was I thinking?” she said. “So, how did she do?” she asked before she took another bite of her sandwich.

  “Awesome. She closed the deal for ten million more than what Mitchell thought it would cost. I always said she was too good to be an assistant,” Natasha said proudly as she placed an assortment of fruit on one tray. “She went in a girl, she came back a woman with a great ass and big fat boobs,” Natasha added as she smiled. Rita laughed.

  “You make boobs sound disgusting,” Rita said laughing. “So, what’s the plan?” she asked as she looked at Natasha.

  “Well, Mona and Leo are in town so they will be picking her up from the airport. Dave and Mitchell are downstairs, and they will join us later,” Natasha said. Rita shook her head.

  “Wait, Dave is here?” she asked. Natasha nodded. “That makes so much sense. He texted me that he is catching up on some love from a brother. It was a very disturbing thought,” she added, making Natasha laugh.

  “Yeah, he is giving Mitchell moral support in physio…that’s what they are doing downstairs by the way. Not any weird man on man romance kind of stuff,” Natasha said, smiling. Rita nodded.

  “Good, because I don’t think I would have had the heart to look at him again,” she said before taking the last bite of her sandwich. “Okay, now that I have some food in me, what can I help with?” she asked. Natasha looked around and frowned.

  “Well, I’m pretty much done except…” she walked over to the fridge and came back with a bowl of chopped up mangoes and strawberries. “You could make the smoothie. We have a number of teetotalers today and this will be their drink of choice. Okay, this and some fresh passion fruit juice I made in the morning,” she said smiling.

  “Wow, you’ve been busy,” Rita said.

  “Well, Lupe helped with the sandwiches,” Natasha said.

  “Yeah, but still,” Rita said as she looked at the generous spread on the counter.

  “Well, there is nothing more to do. I mean, Mitch feels bad when I go to work and leave him here. Okay, maybe not mad, just really down. So, I try to work when he is asleep but that rarely happens. I think he is over-rested and yeah, Alexis is not here. So, you get the drift,” she said. Rita nodded.

  “Which brings me to my next question. How are you guys…you know…bedroom affairs?” she asked. Natasha looked up at her in surprise.

  “Really? You want me to discuss my sex life with my husband?” she asked.

  ‘Well, discuss is a very big word. Just an overview, really, is what I am looking for,” Rita said. Natasha rolled her eyes.

  “Okay. I won’t give you the details but to be honest this is the best sex I have ever had,” she said before she giggled. Rita’s eyes grew wide. She did not think she had heard her best friend giggling si
nce high school. Could it really be that good?

  “Oh please, you’re exaggerating,” she said as she looked at Natasha.

  “No, for real. I get to do everything, I am in total control and I love it. I have made control my bitch,” she said, smiling. Rita shrugged.

  “You were right the first time. This is so not my business,” she said as she poured the chopped up fruit in a blender. Natasha smiled.

  “What can I say? I love what I love and this is one of the things I actually love,” she said.

  “Good for you,” Rita said as she switched on the blender. “So, that’s it? I counted seven when you told me who was coming,” she said, a bit louder to be heard over the sound of the blender.

  “Well, it’s just a small thing, really. Wine, sandwiches, juice. Kind of a brunch but in the evening rather than in the morning or mid-morning,” Natasha said. Rita smiled. “And I have to go change, because Mona is almost here,” she said as she walked out of the kitchen.

  “I’ll just finish up here,” Rita called out. Natasha rushed to her bedroom where she had a quick shower. She had already picked out what she was wearing, a short blue sleeveless dress and a pair of red heels. She had told everyone to look glam in the invite she sent out. Now that she and Mitchell were not getting a lot of time to go out, this would suffice as their first date night in weeks and she was determined to make it memorable. She straightened out her hair and used her curling iron on it before she styled it into a simple but elegant side sweep. She did some light makeup but went bold red on her lips. After putting on a pair of matching earrings, she walked back to the living room where Rita had just finished putting the glasses on the table. “Wow, are you bent on making me feel underdressed?” she asked when she saw Natasha.


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