Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 7)

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Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 7) Page 23

by Stephanie Hudson

  “I wouldn’t underestimate me if I were you.” I teased back.

  “Oh I wouldn’t dare. The lack of confidence I speak of was referring to the shy girl I saw standing opposite me, terrified she would have to dance for me.”

  “Ah well, yes.” I had to agree with him there.

  “And any girl who knows her own beauty as you should, knows the worth of the power she holds. So when given the opportunity to show off such beauty in the form of a dance, she will take it. This isn’t rare to see…” He paused and placed a hand to my cheek and continued,

  “But what is rare to see is a beautiful girl who uses the strengths of her mind and of her heart to reach her goals…” He let his hand run down my neck and tapped on my heart when he said this before then letting his hand run gently over my breast when getting to his next point,

  “…She doesn’t use them to manipulate, as Stateira does using her beauty.” This he was referring to the way she was dressed with most of her body on show.

  “Men can be easily fooled by such a woman but a real King doesn’t want to be led around on a leash whilst letting himself believe he is free. For a King may pick such beauty to look upon but only a foolish King picks such beauty to sit upon his throne with him…do I look like a foolish King to you?” He finished by asking me this question and I finally understood what he was saying.

  “No, you don’t, my Lord,” I told him making him grin back at me. This was his way of explaining to me why in the past he had someone like Stateira as his Concubine. Which made me question, had tonight’s ‘Chosen’ been merely a test of character?

  “But I do believe you had a question for me,” he said reminding me that he was right, I did have a question for him, one that tied in with our current conversation.

  “Out of all your other Concubines, have you ever had them sit upon your throne with you like this?” Draven looked taken aback by the question and raised an eyebrow at me.

  “No…Why do you ask?”

  “Well I told you that I understand the reasons your sister doesn’t approve and you seemed surprised by this, but it’s obvious.”

  “How so?” he asked clearly intrigued, which is why he shifted me around so that he could see my face more clearly.

  “Because if I am the first as you say, then she must see me as a threat.” I knew I was really pushing it here but I couldn’t help it, I wanted to test the waters on this one.

  “A threat you say…A threat who saves my life?... Explain this to me,” he asked trying to make a point but no doubt doing so to try and throw me off where I was going with this.

  “I am not a queen and I am not a princess. I have no royal blood to offer the likes of a king. She is no doubt worried for your reputation and if what you say is true, that there is power in my heart and mind, along with unknown beauty, then sat up here upon your throne, in her eyes…My Lord, would that not be reason enough to see it as a threat?” I asked straightening my back and showing him the mind he spoke of with such respect. Well let’s see if after all that he still thought of it that way.

  “And you, do you consider yourself a threat to my throne and royal bloodline?” he asked me seriously after taking the time to think about the point I made. I couldn’t help it but I laughed and blurted out,

  “Oh, Hell no!” Then I covered my mouth realising what I had said and his eyes grew wide before they crinkled with humour.

  “And pray tell me, for what do you know of Hell to speak of it as such?” he asked in jest.

  “You would be surprised,” I told him dryly unable to say anything else, for I doubted he would believe me if I told him that I had been there twice, each time done so to save his ass!

  “I certainly would be, for if you were to tell me otherwise, a face such as yours only ever came from the beauty found in Heaven.” I gave him a small smile, knowing of the same beauty that could also be found in Demons. For the downfall of having a good heart wasn’t always from looking to find an Angel in a Demon, but sometimes it was from trusting that Angels all had good hearts.

  But Draven thought he was only speaking to a girl who knew what she was told and not of the hidden world he lived in, that was one I discovered long ago. And more importantly, one that was discovered long before Draven ever entered my world. I wondered what he would have said if I had confessed to him of seeing Demons most of my life?

  “So let us return to why you don’t consider yourself a threat,” he said going back to what prompted my ‘hellish’ reply.

  “It’s simple. I have no ambitions of becoming queen or any other royalty for that matter.” Now this did surprise him. He jolted back a little as if doing a double take and looked at me as if he was trying to detect a lie.

  “You wouldn’t wish to become queen?” he asked as if needing to hear me say it again just to be sure.

  “No, not at all. Not unless it was something that was expected of me so that I could be with the person I loved. I respect anyone who chooses to take on the responsibility of an entire nation upon their shoulders but only when they do so for the right reasons.”

  “I must confess this is surprising but what you say also intrigues me. I have never met someone with this view when asked such a question.” Well one look at Stateira back in the harem that day and I wasn’t surprised, as right there was my first example of someone wanting that power for the wrong reasons.

  “Do you want to hear my honest opinion?” I asked making him smirk back at me.

  “Oh very much so. In fact, I am very much looking forward to hearing your views on such a subject.” I gave him a little grin and asked,

  “Are you teasing me?” At this he laughed once, lifted up his hands and said,

  “I wouldn’t dare, for I fear what your mind would make your lips say.” This time I laughed and teased back,

  “Or what you may learn from it.” At this his eyes grew soft and he ran the back of his hand down my cheek before saying,

  “I have a feeling that would be a great deal from you. Please continue and let us see what I can learn this time.” Then he nodded for me to continue. I took a deep breath and decided to give it to him, as he couldn’t then say he didn’t ask for it.

  “Power isn’t found in simply being in a position that allows you to tell people what to do, but is more powerful when found in the freedom of asking people what to do and having them choosing to do so through respect, not fear…that’s where real strength lies. Like having your men join you in battle because they believe in their cause for fighting. Those are the men you want at your back, not because they have been ordered to die for another man’s cause…Because in the end it is belief that holds the power and the strong union in that belief that is more powerful than any royal command.” Once I had finished he looked stunned. All the time while listening to me prattle on and preaching my views he had an elbow to his armrest, supporting his hand that covered his jaw as he stroked his beard out of habit.

  “What?” I asked after I could no longer stand it. He was just staring at me as though he was waiting for me to disappear in a puff of smoke.

  “I am just trying to figure out if you’re real or not,” he told me gesturing with his hand as though he couldn’t believe it. I laughed and said,

  “Yes, trust me, I am annoyingly real.” He frowned and said,

  “Annoying, No. Real, well I am still not sure of that yet.”

  “Why not?” I asked unable to help myself.

  “You may not understand what I am I about to tell you but I fear I have no other way to explain.” I nodded for him to continue.

  “My idea of promised perfection is not everyone else’s idea of it. I never knew when it would happen or how long I would have to wait but I feel as though with you sat here on my lap, telling me how the ways of the world should be, that the wait is over. So yes, in sight of such perfection, I am indeed finding myself questioning it, for it is not every day the Gods gift you with such a promise and grant it so quickly.”

��I…I…I don’t know what to say.” I told him too overwhelmed to speak. Tears filled my eyes and threatened to cascade over with the sheer amount of emotions his words had created. He believed I was his Chosen One, even when others did not. This was what he was trying to tell me and only someone who knew what he stood to lose could really appreciate what this meant.

  He didn’t care that I was human. He didn’t care that I wasn’t who everyone else thought was the ‘Electus’. All he cared about was that he had found me and that he believed I was his Chosen One. That’s all that mattered to him.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Sweetest one, for it is how I feel when I have you here in my arms,” he said smiling at me as he swiped away a few stray tears that had slipped down my cheek. It was a beautiful moment and not one I would ever forget, as it was like having Draven tell me that he loved me for the first time all over again.

  “And besides, whether you are of royal blood or not, from the sound of such worldly wisdom you hold, I will indeed be seeking your council on certain matters.” I grinned and nudged his arm, saying,

  “What, like matters of war? Because I’d better warn you now, I am more of a ‘let’s all get along’ kind of girl” At this he burst out laughing once more, again showing everyone in the room that their King obviously did have a sense of humour and also, someone else for that matter...

  “By the Gods! Why, in all my years I didn’t know you could even make that sound!” A voice suddenly shouted from across the room as the doors were opened to grant him entrance. I looked up trying to make out the man but he had a helmet on that covered half of his face.

  But Draven on the other hand didn’t need to see him to know who it was and after first grinning at me, he set me down off his lap before standing up to greet his…


  Chapter 57

  What to do About Family

  “Brother come, there is someone I wish for you to meet!” Draven shouted, beckoning his brother from across the room. I don’t know why but my heart started beating wildly in my chest as if something very bad was about to happen. I didn’t really have a reason for this as it wasn’t as though his brother could recognise me in any way and with Pip around, I was safe from having my real side discovered.

  Then what exactly was I afraid of?

  I couldn’t say and had no more time to think about it as Vincent was currently making his way through the crowd to us. I didn’t really know what to expect when seeing him but the last thing was who faced me now.

  “Arsaces, you old goat! Was that really you I heard making that awful noise, for no wonder you never did it before!” Vincent said taking off his golden helmet and showing me the same handsome face I was used to but with a very different personality to go with it.

  He seemed so young at heart and so full of life. But where was the reserved Vincent I was so used to? The Vincent who was the very epitome of cool, calm and collected to the point that if he was threatening you, you probably wouldn’t even know it until his blade was protruding out of your body.

  Even his hair seemed unruly, as wild curls bounced around his head barely being contained by the tie he had used to try and tame them. His eyes were the same crystal blue but now with an added mischief to them, they almost glowed with excitement. He was stunning and still looked all Angel, but one who was now out to find trouble and certainly not one for helping maintain order.

  “Vardanis, I wish to introduce you to my new Head Concubine.” Draven said informing me of his brother’s name in this time. He stepped to one side as he was mostly blocking me from view and Vincent’s eyes widened when he saw me.

  “Why brother, you surprise me,” he said pushing Draven further to one side before circling around me like a predator.

  “How so?” Draven asked sternly, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Because this one is not only beautiful but she also looks intelligent, which is something new for you!” Vincent joked, nudging his brother’s arm as he openly teased him. He also grinned at me and said,

  “A damn sight better than that Harpie you had as your last Concubine, that is for damn sure!” I couldn’t help but laugh considering I had met a few Harpies in my time and he didn’t know how right he was about that statement.

  “Ah well, about that…” Draven started to say but Vincent held up his hand and said,

  “No need Brother, for I have heard of her murderous actions already.”

  “How? You have only just arrived,” Draven asked incredulously. Vincent tapped the side of his head and teased,

  “Ah yes, but you should know by now Arsaces, that gossip travels faster than a sandstorm in this city.”

  “And you have spies,” Draven added dryly.

  “And I have spies.” Vincent confirmed light-heartedly.

  “But come now, someone has to keep an eye on you,” he said slapping his brother’s back and I couldn’t help but giggle at his playful behaviour.

  “Oh, she is adorable but wherever did you find her?” he asked as though I was some lost kitten found wandering on the streets.

  “That is not something I wish to discuss right now. I take it your hunt was successful?” Draven asked, quickly changing the subject, thank God. Vincent shot Draven a look in disbelief.

  “And this is something you do wish to discuss?”

  “There is nothing that can’t be said in front of her,” Draven replied coming to stand next to me, obviously not liking the way Vincent stood so close. He raised a cheeky eyebrow at him and tested that theory,

  “Nothing?” When Draven merely glared at him Vincent burst out laughing and said,

  “Good! Glad to hear the rumours are finally true for once.” Of course, I knew the hidden meaning behind all of this, which had me wondering if Draven ever did plan on telling me what or who he really was?

  “So this beauty saved your life I hear?” he asked looking down at Draven’s dagger, before kicking it up with his foot and catching the forgotten blade in his hand. Then he looked back at me with something that looked an awful lot like respect.

  “She was very brave,” Draven said resting a hand on my shoulder as though I was his star pupil, which meant this was yet another occasion where the real Keira came out, as I let my mouth run away with me.

  “I don’t think so, if I am honest I have been itching for an excuse to slap that evil smile from her face since I first saw her, but it’s not like you can just go around hitting people for being a massive cow bag, bitch face…uh…I mean…” Shut up, shut up! I scolded myself as I turned to face Draven who must now be thinking very differently of me.

  “Cow bag? Bitch face? I do not believe I know these terms,” he said smirking at me and Vincent laughed.

  “No, but I for one will certainly be using them! Oh I like her! I declare you must keep her brother, for if you do not, then I certainly will, for she is most amusing,” Vincent said joyfully only this was the wrong thing to say in front of Draven. He growled at him and came to stand in front of me protectively.

  “I assure you that I intend to keep her…for a very, very long time, if you get my meaning, brother.” Draven gritted out these words like he was also carving the declaration in stone. It was a warning and nothing else, one that from the looks of it, he was starting to take very seriously.

  “So it is true what they say?” Vincent asked with wide eyes.

  “Enough! We will discuss this another time, but in the meantime let us sit for I wish to hear of your success,” Draven commanded looking back to his throne.

  “You might be needing this again sometime, or should I give it to your lovely Concubine here, whose name you still haven’t told me.” Vincent joked as he was about to pass me Draven’s dagger. Draven took it off him before I could take it and gave his brother another glare, one Vincent didn’t take seriously.

  Then without answering him straight away, Draven simply wrapped an arm around my waist, picking me up with one hand as he sheathed his blade with
the other. Then he casually walked up the steps to his throne as though he wasn’t carrying a small person with one arm.

  “Uh…I can walk, my Lord,” I commented on a laugh.

  “Yes, but I find pleasure in carrying you. This way I can keep you close,” he told me softly before he turned to sit us down at the same time using his other arm to swing up my legs to position me on his lap. I couldn’t help but notice the way Vincent watched us with an openly displayed smirk, as he too made his way to his own throne.

  “I have named her Nāzanin,” Draven told his brother and I couldn’t help but wonder what it meant, seeing as I’d heard him call me this a few times before. Thankfully I didn’t have long to wait thanks to Vincent.

  “Ah but of course, ‘Sweetest one’. Well, no one would doubt it after one look at that face.” I blushed at both Vincent’s compliment and what Draven had named me. Vincent burst out laughing the second he noticed my red cheeks.

  “And she even blushes! Why brother, I would say I am surprised at seeing you with such an innocent beauty but after hearing for myself of her fiercely protective side, I dare say she would make you a fine wife!” This time I couldn’t tell whether Vincent was joking or not but from the looks of Draven I would say he at least was taking what his brother said seriously.

  “Ah but just wait until you hear her political views on war…then you will be declaring her my queen before long,” Draven teased back, squeezing my sides and seeing if I had a ticklish spot, which of course I did. I grabbed his hands and tried to stop him from being so mean, which he simply found even more amusing.

  “So tell me of your hunt, did you catch the Roman spies?” Draven asked after finally giving up on torturing me. Vincent didn’t answer at first as he seemed captivated by watching the way his brother was with me, as though he had never seen anything like it.


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