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Inferno Page 3

by Casey Lane

  Makayla – did he mention our little altercation

  Lex – Ethan, no. Sebastian, yes. They found my embarrassment very amusing

  Makayla – lady luck has certainly been a fickle, fickle bitch to you lately

  Lex – that she has

  Chapter Four

  Thankfully, the weeks that followed went relatively smooth. Kathleen and I finished a few projects we were working on together. They also provided a very nice commission check for me. Every other minute I spent working up designs for Sebastian and Ethan. Luckily, they didn’t hold the mishap at the club against me and pull their account. I’m not sure how I would have explained that one to Kathleen. At any rate, I have come up with several possibilities, and I am very confident that I’ll knock their socks off when I meet with them next week. However, tonight I am looking forward to some fun and relaxation with my girls.

  Jack, an Administrator at Memorial Hospital, scored us tickets to their annual winter charity ball. Anything that gives us an excuse to dress up like we’re going to a high school prom has good time written all over it. There is also the added bonus that some very eligible bachelors will attend, and some of us are definitely on the prowl.

  This evening we are modeling Bella’s work. She is an aspiring fashion designer and has been working on our dresses for the past six months. I’m dressed in a form fitting, halter dress. The red satin skims my body all the way to the floor. It’s simple and graceful. I love it. I left my hair long and sleek. Rhinestones suspended from my ears and covering my left wrist add just a little flash.

  Makayla, hair in an intricate updo, wearing a black, deep sweetheart bodice, full floor length, light pink chiffon and tulle skirt with hand stitched pink, clear, and black beads adorning the empire waist, looks like she just stepped out of a fairy tale. Looking at her, you would never know she is more evil queen than fairy princess.

  Bella is exquisite in a peacock blue strapless evening gown overlaid with silver lace. Ruffled silk in the same peacock blue is draped over her right shoulder grecian style and held in place by elaborate silver stonework along her waist. Her hair is pulled back into a severe bun, accentuating her high cheekbones. Long dangle earrings and silver bracelets add just the right touch, but her best accessory is the man on her arm, Tate Matthews. He’s about five inches taller than Bella, which she loves because she can wear her four inch heels without the fear of looking like the odd couple. Tate, short blonde hair, pale blue eyes, and a dimple in each cheek, is the quintessential boy next door. He absolutely adores Bella. Lucky bitch.

  We just walked into the Grand Celestial Ballroom. The place reeks of sophistication. Silver fabric is draped elegantly to cover the walls. Thousands of crystal snowflakes in various shapes and sizes hang from the ceiling, transforming the harsh lighting into a soft mellow glow. An orchestra is playing quietly in the background while waiters in white tuxedos silently circulate; carrying trays of fluted champagne and hors d’oeuvres to the colorful gown and tuxedo clad patrons.

  “This is gonna suck,” grumbles Makayla. “Where’s the real food? And please tell me we aren’t going to be stuck listening to this shit music all night.”

  “You’re at a society event. What did you expect, peanuts and beer?” I whispered.

  “I’m just saying that if you’re going to spend this much money on a fancy party, it should at least be something that doesn’t put the guest to sleep. Look, that guy in the corner is nodding off. He knows what I’m talking about.”

  “I swear if you do anything to embarrass or upset Jack tonight, I will kill you,” I warned Makayla.

  “Where is twinkle toes anyway?”

  “Makayla,” I said through clenched teeth, “I’m not kidding. Don’t ruin this for him.”

  “Fine, lets at least scope out the joint for possible man meat,” Makayla griped as she drug me away from Bella and Tate, who where in deep conversation with another couple.

  Bella and Tate are working the room, Makayla is working some poor schmuck who hasn’t got a clue what he’s in for, Jack is flitting around making sure everyone is having a good time, and I’m tucked neatly back against the wall out of the way. I love to people watch. The obnoxious flirting, the sly look from across the room and my favorite is watching the conniving people. The ones who try to out maneuver the other pawns. People forget that they always have an audience. Nothing ever goes truly unnoticed. You should really consider yourself lucky if you manage to avoid getting your stupidity posted on the internet. That’s a win in my book.

  I was serendipitously watching a middle aged, balding, fat guy attempting to subtly place the palm of his hand on the bum of another man’s wife, when someone spoke to me, causing me to let out a little squeak as I jumped. I turned to see a good looking guy about three inches taller than me. Close cropped, military cut, clean-shaven, perfect nose with just a hint of fading freckles, and light green eyes. He has tanned skin and tight abs that cut into a yummy V down to his hips. The latter I know from personal experience. Unfortunately, all of that hotness is attached to my douche bag ex, David. Damn, he looked good in a tux though.

  “I see you still don’t pay much attention to your surroundings. That’s going to get you into trouble one day,” he said teasingly.

  “I believe it already has, or don’t you remember?” I replied with mock concern.

  “You look beautiful tonight. I almost forgot how breathtaking you can be,” David said as his eyes slowly worked their way from my face to the hem of my dress and back up.

  I just continued to stare, saying nothing.

  “Come on Lex, baby. You won’t return my calls. I said I was sorry. Let me make it up to you. I miss you baby,” he said as he reached in an attempt to run the back of his fingers along my cheek.

  Smacking his hand away, I hissed, “don’t touch me.”

  “Aw, baby, don’t be like that. It was just a misunderstanding.”

  “Exactly what part was a misunderstanding? Was it the part where you continuously lied to me, or the part where I walked in on you and your office tramp? Please tell me how I misinterpreted any of that.” He was silent. “That’s what I thought.”

  When I turned to walk away, David grabbed my arm, roughly jerking me to him. I began to struggle discreetly in an attempt not to make a scene, when another hand latched on pulling me to collide with a very solid chest. I looked up at my new assailant to see blue eyes glaring menacingly over my head at David.

  “Who the hell are you? Get your hands off my girl! I SAID GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY GIRL!” boomed David. Shit. Now people are looking. We’re causing a scene and Jack is going to kill me. Before I even have a chance to process what is happening around me, another tuxedo clad arm is firmly planted in the center of David’s chest, forcing him to release my arm and take a few steps back.

  “I thought I told you to leave her alone. You don’t listen very well, do you?” Tate seethed while removing his jacket.

  “Back off Matthews, this is none of your business.”

  “It is my business when you keep screwing with one of my girls. Alexis told you, repeatedly, to stay the hell away from her. This is the last time I’m going to tell you to walk away, and this time you better keep walking.”

  “Just because you’re banging one of her friends doesn’t make you her anything. Mind your own damn business.”

  Tate and David faced off, nose to nose. Well, more like nose to chin since Tate’s taller. A circle started to form around our little group, and I would not have been the least bit surprised if someone would have started the schoolyard chant. Fight…Fight…Fight. This will definitely make the ball the talk of the town for weeks to come. I just wish it wasn’t at my expense.

  I reached out to touch Tate’s arm and hesitantly called his name, “Tate? Please just let it go. He’s not worth ruining Jack’s party, and we’re causing a scene.”

  After a few tense moments, Tate took a step back, and I released the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.<
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  “Don’t worry about the party girly, are you ok?” Jack asked, appearing out of thin air, concern in his eyes.

  “I’m fine,” I said automatically.

  “This isn’t over Lex,” David warned, and then he turned and walked away.

  “Sweetheart, you’re shaking. You are anything but fine. You are coming home with us tonight. Makayla’s like a pit bull. That jackweed will never get past her,” Jack said trying to lighten the mood. “Thanks for the assist there Ethan; we’ve got her from here.”

  Chapter Five

  I have spent the past few weeks hiding out at my friends’ places and avoiding my cell phone as much as possible. I have had exactly twenty-seven voicemails from David and twice as many texts the week following the ball. They started out as apologies. Baby, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. She was a complete mistake. I’ve only ever loved you… Yada, yada, yada. When I didn’t respond to his groveling, his messages turned mean. Stop being stupid Lex. You need me. I’m all you’ve got. No one else will ever care for you the way I do. When those did not cause the desired effect, he got ugly. Listen you fucking bitch, no one treats me like this. You’re going to regret this Alexis. When you come crawling back to me, you’re going to have to wait at the end of the line. That’s when I started deleted them without checking them first. I even thought I saw him a few times. I know, paranoid much?

  The only bright spots during that time were the meetings with Sebastian. Ethan had Inferno business so he was a big fat no show during our consultations. That was probably better for my concentration; not that staring at Sebastian is any type of hardship. I just prefer his tall, dark, and handsome business partner in my slutty daydreams. Anyway, they decided to go with the name Ardor, as I suggested, which played really well into my design plan. The advertisements are the silhouettes of a male and female professional in inconspicuous sultry poses. The idea is that the demographic could easily imagine themselves replacing the ambiguous figures in each scenario. The ads give off the vibe that something naughty is about to happen and management may not approve of their wicked extra-curricular activities. Sebastian loved them. His exact words were, “now this is somewhere I’d like to hang. I can make my play without having to check ID’s for jail bait or have drunken kids dump their beer down my back.” We sealed the deal with a high five.


  Group Message

  Lex – I can’t work anymore. What’s everyone up to

  Jack – hair cut. I got the big guy who’s been crushing on me

  Makayla – Aw, more cushion for the pushin

  Jack – this dude could cushion a fall from a plane

  Bella – in waiting room for gynie appt. I swear I spend more time getting ready for these appts than I do for a date

  Makayla – did you put glitter dust on your who ha

  Bella – damn, knew I forgot something

  Lex – I don’t even know why strippers glitter that area

  Makayla – to distract you from the visible signs of their STD

  Jack – heading back to work. Be home late tonight

  Makayla – thanks for the warning

  Lex – did your haircut have a happy ending?

  Jack – no, it ended in an uncomfortable parting of ways

  Bella – goddammit! My appts not till tomoro. I had cute hair and everything! (said very whiney)


  Sebastian called earlier in the week inviting me to Inferno tonight. Makayla was the only one without plans for the evening so I badgered her until she agreed to be my wingman. We’re all gussied up, but instead of being inside getting our groove on, Makayla’s arguing with the doorman. Apparently, he does not believe that we are friends of the owner and there at his bequest. I have no idea what gave him that impression…

  “Damn, you’re a big boy. Is it true what they say about hand size in relation to other parts of a man’s anatomy? ‘Cause if it is, I think I might be a little scared of you.” Yep that was Makayla. The doorman was not impressed, and he almost clotheslined her when he stuck his arm out to block her entry.

  “Seriously door dude, we are special guests of the owner,” Makayla annunciated slowly. “Ask Bastian boy.”

  When the doorman didn’t immediately give into her demand to allow us through, she had such a hissy fit and caused the scene to end all scenes until the doorman had no choice but to summon management. Thankfully, Sebastian found her antics endearing.

  “Can you go anywhere without causing a ruckus?” Sebastian asked while escorting us, one on each arm, to a private seating area that overlooked the dance floor.

  “In Makayla’s defense, we did hit the hooch a wee bit early. I was nervous. Chances are good that Mr. Hottie McHot Pants will be here, and what if I make a fool of myself. Then I started worrying about whether Blonde Bimbo would be here. What if she recognizes us and attacks me again? Then I started hyperventilating. That’s when Makayla got out the shot glasses and started pouring. Do not judge me. I was under a lot of pressure.” I stopped walking, forcing the others to halt, and let out an exasperated sigh. “I probably shouldn’t have told you any of that.”

  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me,” Sebastian said with a wink. He sat us down on a cozy little couch. With each of us on either side, he stretched his arms out behind us and ordered three beers. “You two are going to be the cheapest dates I’ve ever had.”

  “Hey! I am not cheap! I didn’t even let Bobby McPhearson get to second base, and I dated him for a whole year,” I pouted and crossed my arms on a huff.

  “Well, that’s good to know,” Ethan grinned from the chair beside me.

  “She hasn’t been laid in so long, her hymen is growing back,” Makayla confirmed sweetly.

  I leaned across Sebastian’s lap to address Makayla directly, “It is medically impossible for your hymen to grow back.”

  “Then you’re a freaking medical miracle! Bet you’ll even make the Guinness Book of World Records for being the first person to ever become a virgin again.”

  “Maybe some of us are just a little more selective on whom we allow access to our fun house.”

  “Sweetheart, your funhouse is going to get condemned if you don’t let someone keep up with the maintenance regularly.”

  “I am so glad we met these girls. The entertainment value is priceless,” Sebastian spoke over my head to Ethan.

  I sat back in my seat and frowned at Ethan. “Ya know, you’re like a cat, always sneaking up behind me. You need a bell around your neck.”

  I think we have realized by now that, unfortunately, my brain tends to nap when under the influence of alcohol, and Makayla’s mouth does not have the ability to sensor itself, like ever. Therefore, what was about to happen next, was clearly not our fault. Here we are minding our own business, enjoying a few shots and a couple of beers. Makayla is shamelessly flirting with Sebastian, which he doesn’t appear to mind in the least bit. I was glaring at Ethan and giving him my best high school debate speech on why his hotness should be illegal. I was explaining how his attractiveness is single handedly causing the destruction of American values, when a whiney ass voice hollered Ethan’s name. You know it’s going to be bad when my first thought after seeing who the voice belonged to was thank God I’m wearing pants.

  “Ethan, Ethan! We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Blonde Bimbo said as she and her friend made their way over to us.

  “Fucking hell,” Ethan muttered.

  Makayla came to stand beside me and that is when I realized I was standing. When in the hell did I stand up? There we stayed, frozen side by side, staring at the horror before us. Blonde Bimbo was wearing gold hot pants, a midriff, black, halter top that barely covered her assets; she paired all that wholesomeness with six inch, clear, stripper heals. Tagging along behind her was another frightful sight. Her clone, which I could tell was not a natural blonde by her telltale black roots, was dressed more modestly. She was wearing a black velour, one
-piece, bell bottom, jump suit. The top half, bedazzled with rhinestones, formed a deep, open V all the way down to reveal her belly button ring. If the thin string, stretched tightly along the underside of her fake boobs, broke, there is no telling where her ta tas might end up.

  “Oh my God. They’re multiplying.” I may have said that a tad too loud.

  Makayla turned to Ethan with pure disgust. “Dude, seriously? You are hot. Like scorching red-hot, turn my panties into a puddle hot. You could have a harem of gorgeous woman, like my girl here, but instead you collect members of the white trash bimbo brigade? What is wrong with you? Do you have a small package?” Turning to me, Makayla continued. “I bet that’s it. I would never have believed it just by looking at him. You had better just throw him out of your spank bank now. Such a waste,” she finished with a shake of her head.

  “It’s a good thing me and Candy gots here to rescue you from them hookers,” Clone Bimbo said snidely as she ran her hand up Ethan’s muscled chest.

  “Did she just call us hookers? She did, didn’t she?” I asked Makayla.

  “Sebastian, bro, a little help please?” Ethan pleaded, and he tried to remove the talons clutching his shirt.

  “No can do. This shit is too good not to document, but I will forward you a copy later. FYI, my monies on the hookers,” Sebastian guffawed as he held up his phone to capture the coming shenanigans.

  Turning back to the repulsive sight before us, I addressed our party crashers. “First of all, it’s Candy and I. Proper grammar is an important part of the English language. Maybe you should study it. Secondly, the 1980’s Texas pageant circuit called, and they want their look back. I know I used big words like and, and the, so let me break this down for you. That was not a compliment.”

  “For your information, I wasn’t even born in 1980, and we’re from Georgia not Texas,” Blonde Bimbo informed us nastily.

  “Never pegged you for the intellectual type; guess you proved me wrong,” Makayla said mockingly to Ethan.


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