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Inferno Page 9

by Casey Lane

  I glared at her and retorted, “you are my friend, not his. I do not want to hear your voice of reason right now. Put it away.”

  Playing peacemaker, Jack interjected, “the important thing here is that you’re safe and no one got hurt in that mob. Why don’t we just call it a night and head home, what d’ya say?”

  I had only taking one step toward the line of cabs that waited to whisk away inebriated fares, when Tank cleared his throat, catching everyone’s attention. He smiled at me apologetically before saying, “actually, the boss told us to take you back to the club.” Sensing that my pissed off meter was about to blow and not wanting to be involved in another dramatic scene, he quickly added, “if you don’t go, I won’t get paid for tonight. If he’s really pissed, I could lose my regular club gig.”

  We stared at each other for several moments while I tried to decide what to do. The guys did technically save me from a potentially dangerous situation, and it wasn’t their fault that Ethan withheld their bodyguard status from me. In the end, it really boiled down to me not wanting to be responsible for them losing their jobs. Tank sensed my acquiescence and grinned mischievously. I followed them to their car, muttering the whole time about what a manipulative bastard he was.

  The drive to Inferno gave me the opportunity to stoke the smoldering coals enough that by the time I entered the club, my anger had reached volcanic proportions. I was in such a red haze that I barely noticed the leggy brunette who bumped into me as I charged into Ethan’s office, slamming the door behind me. Not bothering to look up, he continued reading the documents laid out on his desk. After a few minutes with still no acknowledgement of my arrival, I marched over to the couch and flung a small pillow, hitting him in the head. Ethan leaned back in his chair, fixing me with a steely gaze.

  “Did you forget to tell me something?”

  “Nope,” he said with absolutely no remorse.

  “You don’t think that hiring two hulking giants to tail me was an important detail to share?”

  “Their orders were not to engage unless you were in danger. If the night would have gone smoothly, you would never have known they were there.”

  “I am not one of your businesses to manage. This is my life. You do not get to make executive decisions without my consent, and you definitely do not get to decide what information you will and will not share!”

  “I wasn’t going to sit here all night worrying about your safety when I have the resources available to provide protection,” he replied with an eerie calm. Too bad I was too pissed to recognize it as the warning sign it was.

  “Oh yeah, because having a freaking steel cage drag me out of a building kicking and screaming was definitely the way to go. Nothing says I care more than that!” I yelled.

  Ethan exploded out of his chair, knocking it over in the process. He braced his hands on the top of his desk, leaning forward menacingly. I gave myself a mental high five for not shrinking back in fear but instead facing his anger head on. I was also mature enough to admit, even if only to myself, that if he called my bluff and came around that desk, I was hauling ass outta here.

  “What did you expect me to do Alexis? Your stubborn ass refused to stay home or somewhere else equally safe. You do the complete fucking opposite of safe and run off to a goddamn concert where it would be easy for that nut case to get his hands on you. You’re damn lucky I hired bodyguards instead of chaining your ass to the bed like I really wanted to.”

  I quietly explained my actions, praying that Ethan would understand. “I refuse to become a prisoner of my fear. I lost everything when my family died, including myself. I was so afraid that unforeseen danger lurked around every corner that I hid from everything. I was an empty shell trying to convince myself that the bubble of protection I created equaled happiness. In reality, I was drowning in my own fear. I will not give up my freedom again. If I stop living my life and hide, he still wins.”

  “This is not a product of an overactive imagination. This guy is a real threat to your safety. Ignoring it does not make it any less dangerous. You can’t pretend this away!”

  “I’m not ignoring the situation, but I can’t stay locked up all of the time either. I am careful. I don’t go anywhere alone, and I always tell multiply people where I am.”

  Ethan stood up straight and the anger drained away, softening his features. He moved around the desk, closing the distance to stand before me. I could see the concern etched in the lines surrounding his beautiful blue eyes, and it hurt knowing I was the reason they were there. I palmed his cheek, tenderly running my thumb repeatedly over the creases attempting to smooth them away.

  “I should have told you I was sending the boys,” he conceded.

  I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, burying my head in his chest. Ethan rested his chin on the top of my head, absently stroking my hair. We stood in the middle of his office draped around each other, both of us lost to our own dark thoughts.

  Chapter Twelve

  Group Message

  Bella – morning kids. Everyone survive last night? (this means you Lex)

  Lex – yeah, I’m fine. We’re learning to compromise (gasp)

  Jack – Oooo, you almost sound like an adult

  Lex – you can suck a dick Jack

  Jack – I would but there doesn’t seem to be one currently available

  Makayla – what do you do when you’re out braless AND you have a hole in the crotch of your sweat pants? That’s right. You go to Wal-Mart!

  Bella – bet you’re looking hot

  Lex – no one will notice there

  Makayla – I wanted to blend in with my surroundings

  Bella – it’s like your form of camouflage

  Makayla – exactly, I’m immersing myself in their culture

  Jack – that shit would not fly at Target

  Lex – hey, while you’re there, check prices on small dining tables

  Bella – why?

  Lex – I need one. Both of the sides on mine are broke

  Jack – do you dine on it? Ever?

  Makayla – the better question is how did it get broken?

  Bella – kinky sex

  Lex – I do dine on it ass. I broke it leaning on it, bitches

  Makayla – so you were getting it from behind?

  Bella – yep, kinky sex going on at the Reed house

  Makayla – Lex was supposed to be the good one. Now she’s getting in bar fights and breaking furniture with her wild monkey sex

  Lex – believe me, that table is way too small to handle any kind of kinky. If I did, it would be in pieces

  Jack – TMI Lex. Keep the Rough Rider details to yourself

  Lex – a gallon of milk would knock it down

  Makayla – I’m sure it would since you destroyed it with kinky sex

  Lex – you’re lucky my codependency centers around you ass munchers or I would never speak to any of you again!


  Tonight is the night Ethan and Sebastian have been working towards for so long. Ardor had a soft opening a few weeks ago, giving the guys a chance to work out any glitches, but this is the official grand opening and it’s by invitation only. I think I may be more nervous than they are.

  There is a fully bar stocked, and a buffet table loaded down with a smorgasbord of hors d’oeuvres is set up against the far wall. I’m placing card holders along the bar and throughout the room. The sleek, glossy finish bolsters my custom design as an alluring backdrop to embossed lettering.


  Where the Sophisticated Play

  Tonight’s guests will be encouraged to accompany their endorsement with one of the cards. After all, word of mouth is still the best form of advertising. Ethan called earlier in the day to let me know something came up unexpected, and he needed to deal with it right away. He sent Sebastian to pick me up, and he is planning to meet us here to save time. I keep glancing at my watch, thinking that if he doesn’t get his ass moving, he’s g
oing to miss the beginning of his own party.

  Makayla joined me by the bar while Sebastian went over last minute details with the staff. I’m a little envious of her ability to be every bit as comfortable at a highbrow event wearing a black, asymmetrical cocktail dress as she is sporting jeans and a tee at a baseball game.

  “It’s almost show time,” she said, looking around the room. “I don’t think we’ve forgotten anything.”

  “Why, if I didn’t know better, I’d think the unflappable Makayla Stewart was nervous,” I teased in a southern accent.

  She rewarded me with her famous death stare that cause children everywhere to quiver in fear. “Shut it before I punch you in your heart.”

  Feigning apprehension, complete with a mock intake of breath for dramatic effect, I drawled, “what will the others think when I tell them that the gaping hole of black sludge in your chest is being knit back together with rainbows and kittens, and gasp, dare I say… feelings?”

  Before we could continue our little tête-à-tête, the front door opened and a harried Ethan threw out apologizes as he rushed in.

  “Cutting it a little close there, buddy,” was Sebastian’s biting comment.

  “I know, I know, I’m sorry. I got here as quick as I could.”

  “What the hell was so important that it couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”

  Before he had a chance to respond, the door opened and a man walked in, trailed by a pretty girl at least fifteen years his junior. I recognized him from a television commercial as Darian Eckstein, the face of Choice Transportation. Without missing a beat, both Ethan and Sebastian transformed into charismatic hosts, welcoming the couple warmly. The invited parties continued to trickle in every few minutes, and the space was quickly teeming with rich and powerful money moguls and local celebrities. Makayla and I played the dutiful girlfriends, making small talk and entertaining the boy’s parents, while they networked with the high rollers.

  As soon as I was free, I made a beeline to the double high top table my little gang had procured. I slid into the seat across from Sara and quickly relieved her of the drink in her hand with one quick swallow. My hand flew to my throat, clutching it, as my eyes glossed with moisture.

  “What the hell,” I coughed.

  “Yeah, that’s straight whisky burning your esophagus right now. Next time, try sipping it.”

  Tate, being the chivalrous bloke that he is, fetched a round for the table before ditching us to rub elbows with the city’s elite. Sara and I were cracking up as Bella, Makayla, and Jack ran detailed commentary on some of the outrageous dresses the women were wearing. By the time we had moved on to the game Name That Plastic Surgery, Sophia had joined our table. We were contemplating a lady in a skin tight, navy dress. The question on the table was whether her DD knockers and obvious butt implants counteracted each other to function as balancing agents. Jack was explaining his medically based hypothesis when a flash of red caught my eye.

  Standing with a small group of men, and right next to Ethan, was a woman in an elegant red dress that stopped just above her knees. Shiny, dark chocolate hair hung to her waist, and when she turned her picture-perfect smile our way, I noticed how her chunky bangs framed her face perfectly. I continued watching as the woman captivated her audience, continually touching Ethan in an overly friendly manner. The beauty leaned into Ethan, pressing her body close to his, whispering in his ear. They shared a private laugh, and Ethan’s arm slipped around her back, running his hand up and down her spine.

  I tapped Sophia on the arm, and in a low voice asked, “do you know her?” indicating the woman now hanging on Ethan’s arm.

  “That’s Lydia Garcia,” she said in disgust. “She’s the most egotistic, self-centered person I have ever met. I haven’t seen her around in a few years. Rumor was that she moved out to L.A., trying to land a contract with a modeling agency. I haven’t seen her on the cover of any magazines, so it must not be working out as well as she planned.”

  With eyes focused on what most would assume was an affectionate couple, I asked the question I feared, but needed an answer to all the same. “Did they ever date?”

  Sophia followed my gaze and irritation bloomed across her face. “Honestly, I don’t know. She hung out at Inferno a lot and always made a point of being wherever Ethan was. Lydia is a freaking attention whore. If they did hook up, she was the one who did the chasing.” Sophia studied my face with a frown. “Lex, you have nothing to worry about. You and Lydia aren’t even in the same league. My brother has never been as content and happy as he is since meeting you. He loves you.” I mustered up a partial smile in an attempt to ease Sophia’s concerned look.

  I continued my spectator role, torturing myself with the undeniable fact that they looked good together, and even more so with my overactive imagination. Lydia, or the man stealing, home wrecking whore that I was now referring to her as, once again leaned into Ethan. This time one hand hugged his arm while she placed the other on his chest. She said something, prompting one of Ethan’s smirks that I had grown to love so much, and turned from the men. I couldn’t help but notice that all eyes from the little group were fixated on her swaying hips, all but one. At least I can give Ethan points for not ogling her ass, I thought.

  “Sophia! It’s so good to see you,” Lydia cooed.

  “Hello Lydia. I didn’t know you were in town,” Sophia replied with a forced smile.

  “When Ethan told me about his big grand opening, I knew he would want me here to support him.”

  “Where are my manners? You haven’t met Alexis. Alexis, this is Lydia Garcia, an old acquaintance of Ethan’s,” she said, stressing the word old. With a sickening sweet lilt, she continued. “Lydia, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Alexis Reed, Ethan’s girlfriend. You should see how mama just gushes over Lex at every family function. We all just love her.”

  Lydia’s face soured for a split second before her pleasant mask slipped back into place. “I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot more of me now that I’m moving back. I have already propositioned Ethan with an idea that he’s considering. In fact, the last time we discussed it, he was leaning more and more towards a yes.”

  “What a bitch,” Makayla announced as Lydia ambled away.

  I excused myself and retreated to the privacy of the restroom for my meltdown. I surveyed my reflection in the mirror, noting how my champagne colored dress did nothing for my pale skin. The sallow face staring back at me was showing visible signs from constant stress. Seeing myself now, I knew that Sophia was absolutely right. I am in no way even close to being in the same league as Lydia Garcia.

  “You’ll never keep him,” said a tart voice. Standing in the mirror behind me is Lydia. Apparently, the ruse of politeness is no longer required. “He has always belonged to me, and he always will. I know Ethan has had his fun while I was away. You’re just another one of his…distractions, while he waited for me to return.”

  Lydia paused in her litany, gauging my response to her words, before continuing. “Do you honestly believe he thought of you at all when he flew to Atlanta to meet me?” She smiled cruelly at my reaction. “Oh, you poor thing, he didn’t tell you did he? Who do you think he’s been spending his nights with while you’re dutifully waiting at home like a good little girl? I’m at the club, with him, every night while you’re all alone, pining after a man who will never love you.”

  Lydia’s words forced a fleeting memory to flash vividly in my mind. I was transported back to the night of the concert. I remember I was in an angry rush to reach Ethan. Oh my god, Lydia was the leggy brunette who bumped into me as she left his office.

  Not being privy to my inner monologue, Lydia continued my enlightenment. “Even today, on one of the most important occasions of his career, he put everything and everyone on hold because of one little phone call from me. The proof of how little you mean to him has been blatantly demonstrated all evening. Was it you he introduced to all of the people vital to his success? Did he wrap his
arm around you, holding you close, allowing others to witness the two of you stealing a few private moments here and there? No, he shoved you in a dark corner in the back of the room where you wouldn’t be noticed. Do you think that was by accident? Even you should know enough to realize every move he makes is calculated. You may be a fun toy to play with, but he didn’t want his dirty little secret to embarrass him when the stakes are this high.”

  As much as I would love to tell you the story of how I kicked the shit out of that ruthless bitch, I can’t. The truth is she hit just about every insecurity I had concerning our relationship. Instead of using my ninja skills to turn her into a bloody pulp on the bathroom floor, all I could do was stand there silently, staring at her through the mirror with a flood of tears running down my face. Satisfied with the results of her vicious attack, she left without uttering another word.

  I cried harder, trying to figure out what to do. I knew I couldn’t stay in the bathroom all night, but I also couldn’t rejoin the party. To my horror, a bathroom stall creaked open. As if the last five minutes wasn’t horrifying enough, now I have the added humiliation of knowing that someone was a witness to that nasty scene.

  “Lex?” said a tentative voice. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I was afraid to come out.”

  Sara was standing a few feet away, shifting nervously in an uncomfortable situation. I focused enough to notice she was holding a small purse and prayed she had the means to my escape.

  “Sara, do you have your keys with you?” I asked between sobs.

  Sara handed me her keys, explaining where she had parked and promising to play interference to give me a chance at escape. Peeking out the bathroom door, Sara gave me the all clear. I quickly headed down the back hallway to a door that exited into the alley. My getaway was hindered slightly with my impaired, bleary-eyed vision and the gut wrenching sobs I was trying to contain. I was ten feet away from the mouth of the alley when a crashing sound caused me to turn abruptly. Shadowy forms danced along the walls of the dark tunnel. Terrified of what I couldn’t see, I ran as fast as my heeled shoes would carry me.


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