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TAMING THE BEAST: An Alpha Male Page 10

by Olivia Cox

  “I want you to suck my cock you little bitch.” The only bitch here on this bed was him. He could call me whatever he wanted. I opened my mouth and accumulated enough spit in my mouth to drop it in a heavy glob to cover his cock. It spread out over top and flowed down the sides. When it reached my hands, I began to stroke him with more authority and determination.

  “What if I were to tell you that I don’t care what you want? This is not about you and it’s all about me and my frustration at having to hear you every fucking time that you went in here with a girl. I can’t take anymore and I decided to take action.” I opened my mouth licking my lips with anticipation, before touching the hot surface of the head. It was against my lips and I spread it over the top, until his plum sized head was in my mouth. I was still jerking him and then the first shot landed on my tongue. I thought for sure that he was blowing off, but apparently this was just a prelude for more to come later.

  “I can’t believe this is really happening. I never thought I would have you like this and I’m not going to squander the time we have. Take it fucking deep.” His hands tried to grab my head, but I was not going to play it like that. I forced his hands back beside him, while at the same time my mouth was indulging in its own curiosity. A little bit more each time went into my mouth. It was nothing like the cucumber. That cucumber had no give. His cock reminded me more of the banana, but even thicker.

  I scratched lightly around the circumference of his balls, but I didn’t do anything to ruin this moment for either one of us. I had him in deep as I could, but there were still a couple of inches left to go. Amazingly, I forced myself to take them and looked up into his face to see this wide grin. That came from the kind of pleasure that I was inflicting him with.

  I could see the pleasure on his face and the way that his body was responding to me. It was so interesting to be able to explore at my leisure and not worry about him trying to take control. I let him linger in my constricting throat for 30 seconds. I breathed through my nose. I pulled him back out and did it three more times. I pulled off of him to see that his cock had changed from this deep pink to a more purple angry color.

  I continued to give him that kind of oral gratification, but each time he came to the end of his rope, I would tie it in a metaphorical knot. My hand was grasping him tightly and squeezing off that flow. This was the best possible way to know that I was going to get more than Serena did. He hadn’t woken up, but he was acting like he was. His hips were moving and I had to contend with him slamming that salami down my throat each and every time.

  His balls had risen up against his cock. I don’t think that he could’ve gotten any harder and the excitement had made him balloon. That vein was pronounced and quite visible. It was showing signs the time was near.

  “I need to cum….please…why won’t you let me cum?” It was so good to hear him beg. I put more emphasis on the flat of my tongue pushing his cock up against the roof of my mouth. I gave him a tight seal that he would never forget. “Yes… God damn it… Jessica I never knew you had this in you.” His cock went off and at first I was scared by the volume, but I soon got into the swing of things. I devoured him with an appetite that would scare most guys away. I was possessed and my body didn’t feel like my own.

  I milked him of everything he had not leaving a single drop remaining inside that long column of flesh. I let it go and it slapped noisily against his stomach. I grabbed him and stroked him, making sure to take particular care about moving the skin over the head this time. He bucked up against me. Being over sensitive had made his cock take notice. That piece stared me down unblinking with sweet sticky tears. I swiped them off with the pad of my thumb. It was awakening and I wasn’t going to allow it to slumber any longer than necessary.

  I pulled my panties to the side and then I got into position. I had my hand on his cock. I let his member feel the hot slippery surface and then took a deep breath and pushed him past any kind of resistance. I wasn’t a virgin, but I’d only had one lover. I thought that he was a good man and I decided to take a chance only to be disappointed in his performance.

  “It’s time you fuck your stepsister. It’s time for me to find out what all the fuss is about.” With one long stroke that took my breath away I was finally getting what I had been thinking about for some time. I was super wet. I only wished that he was awake long enough to give me a tongue lashing I would never forget. I didn’t necessarily need the extra stimulation and the walls of my sex were pretty well lubricated with the excitement of going down on him. “You’ve never been there when I needed you the most. In the dark of night lying in my bed stupidly thinking about you and not having you by my side was killing me.” He made no response and I slowly dragged the lips of my wet pussy over the length of pipe between his legs. This was the kind of thing I was looking for and couldn’t find with anybody else.

  This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I was going to make no mistake about it. It could be all taken away, but somehow I knew that I was going to consummate this relationship. I wanted him to call me by name in the throes of passion, while I closed my eyes and let him take me to a height of pleasure that I never knew before.

  I had the head poised to go back in and let myself slide down the pole back to the regular position of sitting astride him with my knees on either side. My hands were on his chest and those muscles seen through the eyes of an impressionable young lady like myself was causing me to move in a more hectic pace.

  “I’m not going to let you ruin this like you have for so many others. You’re not the only one that has some tricks up her sleeve.” I scratched my nails down his chest leaving behind a reminder of what we had done tonight. I wasn’t sure if he would remember in the morning, but that didn’t even concern me. His mouth parted and I drove my tongue into his mouth while pounding back with a fever pitch that had me out of control. The bed was rocking with the motion of the ocean. I was biting his tongue when suddenly his eyes came wide open.

  I was a woman on a mission and with the panties over his eyes; he could only see things like they were in a dreamlike fog. He looked at me for a moment and then his eyes fluttered and went back into an unconscious state of arousal.

  I would give him that precious memory and maybe he would have some idea of what happened and maybe not. I wondered if I should really take this all the way or should I stop before risking catching something from him. His balls were bouncing with each stroke that I gave myself. I was in control of the depth and intensity of the moment. It was one thing to be caught in the web of man’s forceful ways, but it’s another to actually have that power in the palm of my hand.

  Every time that I thought that he was ready; I would slow down and then come to a complete stop on top of him. I continued on and made sure to get him in the right position to rub my clit against the shaft. “I’m fucking losing it, Anthony and feel like my entire body is coming off the rails… yes…fuck me…let me take what I want and leave you wondering if this really… HAPPENEDDDDDDD.” That one was a big one and not even my fingers could come even close to giving me something like that.

  I squeezed very tightly with my inner muscles now moving along his length. I didn’t stop and I forced myself to draw this out as long as possible. What was left in his balls sizzled to the top and exploded with three nice hard streams that felt hot inside me. I finally was able to retract myself and lie back with my legs curling around his. My wet pussy was showing how well fucked it really was. It was swollen and had a deep pink color with my clit throbbing. Losing out on this moment was not an option, but going to the very end of the finish line was not my intention. I’d gotten caught up in my own devious thoughts. It was a side effect of wanting nothing more than to feel him drive it deep inside me.

  I was about to leave, when I decided to give him a kiss Goodnight. That was when he grabbed me by the back of the head and returned that kiss. His eyes were open and he was staring at me in the darkness. Could he see me through the thin fabric? I finally
had enough strength to pull his fingers from around my neck. I turned my back on him and ran out the door.

  I went back to my room and it was no more than 5 minutes later that I heard my father and Allison coming home. It was a close call, but it was worth it in the end. I was little worried about what was going to happen in the morning, but that was a few hours away. I had time to revel in getting what I wanted for a change.

  Chapter six

  I came downstairs and it was a Saturday morning and I couldn’t have been happier. I lay there in a post orgasmic trance last night touching the combination of both of juices seeping out between my lips.

  My father and Allison had left early leaving me find Anthony sitting there in only his boxer shorts eating a bowl of captain crunch. “I would ask what you got up to last night, but I think I know.” I was stunned and I thought for a moment that he was going to call me on the carpet for my behavior. Instead, he tossed me my panties and walked back behind me to slap my ass playfully. “You know my dirty secret and I expect you will keep it to yourself.”

  “Why would I do that when I have this kind of leverage over you? Those girls probably don’t even know you kept them as some sort of sick souvenir of your time together.” He was still behind me and I could feel the presence of something poking me like a stick.

  “Do you know that I woke up in the middle of the night and could swear you were in my room? What do you make of that, Jessica? Is there something you want to tell me?” I was trembling underneath his interrogation, but I was going to have to try and remain calm.

  “I don’t know what goes on in that sick little head of yours, Anthony. I can’t control whatever demented thoughts become a fantasy in your dreams. The only way that you would ever get me into your room would be either by chloroform or in your own damn head.” I was doing my best to make it sound like I was put off by his suggestion that I had snuck in there to see him.

  “I’m sure you’re right, but there is one way to find out for sure.” This made my heart sink. Something told me that I was in a bit more trouble than I knew of. “I always have my web cam on and recording from across the room. I haven’t had a chance to look at the footage from last night, but maybe we should do that together.” He grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull away, but his strength was a little bit too much. “I don’t think you understand, Jessica. I’m not giving you a choice. I know what you did last night and you can deny it all you want, but the proof will be easily seen.”

  I didn’t dignify that with a response. I had no idea how I was going to get out of this, but keeping quiet seemed like a good start.

  He pulled me up the stairs and I saw the look in his eyes. He dragged me into his bedroom and then sat down in front of his computer with me standing there like a deer in the headlights. I was wearing a pair of very skimpy shorts and the panties I was wearing were now a little wet from nervous perspiration. I swallowed hard behind his back and then the camera with its footage began to stream across his computer screen.

  If a light was on, he probably would’ve been able to see something, but mostly it was just like dancing shadows. It was my time to go on the offensive. “I don’t know what kind of sick game you’re playing, but I’m not in the mood.” I thought that I was in the clear, but he fast forward, until my face was staring back at us. He stopped it with me in front of his computer about to leave the room after what I had done.

  “I don’t suppose you have anything to say for yourself. I think your father would really like to know what kind of girl he raised. I’m going to show them both this footage and see the disappointment in their eyes.” I wasn’t sure if he was serious, but I could play this game almost as well as he could.

  “You breathe one word of this and I’ll make it so that you’re the one that forced me to come to you. I’ll say you blackmailed me over a bad grade. I even have one that I haven’t shown my father. I’ll make you look like some pervert that wanted to get in my pants. I know how to make your life a living hell and maybe it would be best that we both try and get along. I certainly don’t want you to show the footage to anyone, but I will spin it in my favor.” He lifted me easily off my feet and placed me on top of his lap.

  I squirmed with his two hands grasping my wrists. It was obvious from the unfurling flag between his legs that he wanted more of what I gave him last night. “I didn’t think you had it in you, but maybe there’s more to you than meets the eye. “I know you’ve seen the box, but you haven’t seen what’s in it. Let me be the first to show you.” He got up and I could’ve left, but something made my feet stay exactly where they were in the room.

  “I think I should leave…” I was cut off with his finger in the air and with his body now bent over in the closet. He pulled it out and laid it on the bed in front of the both of us. “I don’t know if I really want to see this. I already found your hidden stash of panties. What can be more shocking than that?” My mouth was agape, as the box was opened and I saw the contents staring me in the eyes.

  “Only a very select few have been privileged to witness this. There have only been two that actually enjoyed this kind of sex play.” Inside the box was a variety of different sexual aids. Vibrators in various sizes and dildos that most likely would have made me scream to the heavens over and over again were right there. “God knows, I’ve been looking for somebody to share my desires. I believe I’ve been looking in all the wrong places when where I should’ve been looking is right underneath this roof. You’ve got what you wanted, but I haven’t gotten what I wanted. You will come to my room and it may not be tonight or tomorrow night, but soon you’ll be begging me to use every one of these things on that sweet little body of yours.”

  “I don’t…know what you are trying to get at. I was curious and now I don’t need anything more from you.” He was calling my bluff and I had become quite addicted to the delicious package that I was fortunate enough to be able to enjoy last night.

  “I like to get a little rough. I’m sure that I can break you in. I’ve had this heat burning between my legs from the moment that I met you, Jessica. You have the kind of body that would take a whole weekend to explore from head to toe. You can’t stand there and look at me with those lust crazed eyes and tell me you haven’t thought about it. You were able to take me when I was the weakest last night, but what you were missing was the true experience of being overpowered by a man. To feel the overwhelming presence and no that you’re pretty much my plaything. I think about it often and I only wish that I was awake for last night’s interesting performance.”

  “I just remembered I have plans with Helena to see a movie.” I left him and I heard that cackle of laughter as I went down the hall. He was too cocksure himself, but the lesson I had tried to perpetrate had gone over his head. The really odd thing about all of it was that I did want to feel what it was like to be taken.

  “You’ll be back and you may not think so right now, but trust me the day will come that you’ll be begging me for another go around. I always find those that are in my bed want it even more the second time around. They’re terrified of the size of me, but once they feel what it’s like to be stuffed full like that, they don’t know what to do with themselves. I’ve had several girls want to ride bareback, but you’re the only one that really went through with it.” I had no idea how he could possibly know that I wasn’t wearing a condom. It didn’t matter and my nasty ways had been caught on camera. I doubted that he would erase. He was going to replay it over and over again. It wasn’t like he could see much, but it would fuel his curiosity.

  Chapter seven

  I hadn’t told anybody about my stupid trick of seducing him when he was drunk. They would’ve seen me as desperate and most likely would have ridiculed me mercilessly. It had been a few days and I had denied him his just deserts.

  I stand here in the bathroom and look at the stick and I can’t believe this is happening. It was not my intention to get pregnant, but going in there without any kind of protection was only aski
ng for it. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I felt he needed all the information before I made a decision one way or the other.

  I waited for another day and then I couldn’t take it anymore. I barged into his room to see him pumping new life into his manhood. He stared at me with disbelief that I would actually interrupt his me time. “I hope that you have a good reason for coming in here like this. I was just about to bend you over my bend.” I was stunned by his attempt to embarrass me.

  I think he saw the angst on my face and his teasing gesture had changed. I sat on his bed with my palms down on my knees. I couldn’t look at him and I felt his hand on my shoulder in a comforting gesture. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I may as well just come out and say it. I’m pregnant and it is yours. I’ve never been with anybody else, so you don’t have to ask me any of those stupid questions running around in your head. I know this was unconscionable, but I feel trapped and I need you to say something.” It was a lot to absorb. He was obviously in a state of shock. The hand on my shoulder had gripped my trapeze just a little bit tighter than before.

  “We have a lot to discuss. What we need to do right away is to get an appointment with a real Dr. I’m guessing that you used one of those home pregnancy tests. Let’s be sure before we go off half cocked. I never thought about being a father, but it does make me happy. I know this was a mistake, but I think I would love to have a child to raise in my image. I see the way I’ve been treating women and I wonder if it’s too late to say that I’m sorry.” I wasn’t sure if he meant anything of what he was saying, but he did sound like he was on the level.

  “I hope you didn’t think I did this to get my hands on your trust fund. I know all about the millions you’re going to inherit upon your 25th birthday. I’m not asking for anything, but I certainly wasn’t expecting you to be over the moon. Do you think we should tell my father and your mother?” I turned and saw the worried look on his face.


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