Doc T (Macha MC Book 1)

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Doc T (Macha MC Book 1) Page 4

by Skye McNeil

The mischievous gleam in her gaze made Doc’s jeans tighten. Behind her innocent facade was a woman craving to be turned into a goddess… if she let him.

  He nodded curtly, careful to keep his demeanor professional. He’d just patched. The last thing he needed was to be labeled a pushover.

  Reaper’s phone rang, and Doc chose that moment to escort his charge from the office. “What would you like to see first?”

  Isa ran her hand along the wall. “You’re new, aren’t you?”


  “Why’d you get chosen for this job, then?”

  “We rotate through the club. It was my turn.”

  “Bollocks. Tell me the real reason.”

  Doc stopped and crossed his arms over his chest. Looking as fierce as possible, he lowered his gaze to hers. Instead of fear, he saw defiance. “Because I’m Reaper’s nephew, that’s why. My father was VP before he died. Macha is in my blood just like it’s in yours.”

  Isa narrowed her eyes. “Bullshit. You don’t want to be here on protection detail.”

  “I didn’t until I met you.”

  Her sudden gasp tempted him to show her how true his words were, but Cueball stepped into the hallway. The pool shark slowly pulled off his sunglasses and let his brown eyes slide over Isa.

  “Hello, hot stuff. The name’s Cueball. I heard there was a new girl around the club.” He licked his lips, eyes lingering over her perky body. “Sorry I missed you at dinner last night.”

  Doc stepped forward, but Isa interrupted his act. “Do you like breathing?”

  Cueball smirked. “Last I checked.”

  “Then I suggest you back off before the Belfast president finds out you’re drooling over his daughter.”

  Doc bit back a laugh at the expression on Cueball’s face. The other man stepped away, hands up in surrender. “No harm intended.” He glanced to Doc. “They grow them feisty in Ireland.”

  He jerked his chin up. “Wouldn’t have it any other way, brother.”

  Cueball chuckled and maintained his path toward the bedrooms.

  When Doc turned back around, he met Isa’s glowering face. The more time he spent with her only intensified his longing to put her over his knee. She was sassy when needed, and that stirred up the most primitive sensations in his mind. Suddenly, being uprooted from his familiar role as the club doctor wasn’t so bad.

  “Are all MC members horndogs?”

  Doc took a step closer and tugged on the bottom of her shirt. It barely covered her navel, leaving plenty of skin available to tempt any man. “Have you seen yourself, Isa? You’re the prettiest girl in the clubhouse.” His eyes fixed to her lips, where she was rubbing them together. “And that fire of yours only makes it hotter.” He reached over and ran his knuckles down the side of her neck, goose bumps spreading at his touch. “Because we all like to play with fire.”

  “What if I burn you?” she whispered, the sound airy and uncertain.

  He chuckled and stepped away. “You’re worth the scars, princess.”



  Holy hell, he’s hot. Isa swallowed her sip of water and tried to concentrate on Doc’s words. It was difficult because she kept getting caught on his lips instead. They were subtly hidden beneath his scruff but looked perfect in every way.

  They were halfway through the clubhouse tour, though she’d need a refresher course if there was to be a quiz. So far, she gleaned that she needed to stay away from the patch members and prospects. Evidently, they weren’t her cuppa, as Doc implied. Cheeky bastard doesn’t know my cuppa.

  They toured the garage where Rubble, Reaper, and a few prospects worked. She decided Doc was right about Rubble being the toughest man in the club. The hulking man looked like he could break a tree trunk with his bare hands. Plus, his mismatched eyes, one blue and one green, gave her eerie chills. After chatting—or rather Doc chatting—with the garage guys, Isa decided Rubble wasn’t too bad but needed to smooth out the edges of his personality. Probably why they call him Rubble.

  Next, Doc showed her the tattoo parlor and bar named Booze and Tattoos. It was catchy, even if she wondered if people regretted their decision to drink and ink. Brewer ran the bar while Snoopy and his girl, Lily—or, more affectionately, Legs—handled the tattoo parlor along with Hawk.

  Someday, Isa promised herself to ask if these MC names had stories behind them. Lily’s was obvious. Her legs were covered in intricate tattoos and extremely shapely. Brewer, well, she assumed it was because of his occupation at the bar. The ones Isa wasn’t sure of were Hawk, Klink, Boulder, and Shovelhead. She honestly didn’t care about any of them. Well, except Doc’s. His seemed self-explanatory. She’d yet to ask how he’d earned his club name but hoped he’d volunteer the information.

  “Are you ready to take a ride?”

  Isa shook her mind away from the last hour of visual overload. Walking in on Hawk and a club nymph a few minutes earlier nearly sent her straight for the mountains. She’d seen plenty of romance movies and a few pornos, but the actual act frightened her.

  “Um, yeah?”

  Doc handed her a helmet. “You don’t sound very enthused.”

  She eyed the large Harley in front of her. It was decked out in chrome and gleamed in the sunlight. “I’ve never ridden one before.”

  “I don’t think you’ve ridden anything, much less a Harley.” She inhaled sharply, and he didn’t even bother to look ashamed.

  “Bloody bastard.” She scowled at his implication. “That’s none of your business.”

  He folded his arms across his chest, eyes intently scanning hers. “You sure? Because I think it is.”

  Heat simmered in Isa’s veins. She didn’t want to discuss her experience or lack thereof. Even if he sent a bolt of lightning straight between her legs. “On to the bike.”

  “All right, all right, but you should get used to being open about shit like that, Isa.”

  “Why? I don’t plan on being here long.”

  “Just long enough, I hope.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Excuse me?” She stomped to him and waved her finger in his smug face. “If you think I’ll sleep with some low-life biker covered in tattoos with floppy hair, you have another thing coming.”

  Doc’s usually teasing eyes softened. “Princess, I promise to keep you coming long into the night.”

  Shaking her head, she laughed at the sheer insanity. In one conversation, the man made her blood boil yet somehow turned her on at the same time. “You think you’re hot shit, don’t you?”

  “Usually.” He carefully clipped her helmet in place before securing his own. “Hop on, babe. You’re in for an experience you won’t forget.” She opened her mouth to protest, but he kept talking. “This lady was my dad’s. She’s the best bike in two hundred miles. I recently refurbished all the parts, so she runs like a kitten.”

  “A kitten?” She timidly straddled the bike behind him. “More like a cougar,” she said when he turned on the engine.

  Doc patted her thigh. “Hang on.”

  Isa wrapped her arms around his waist in time for the bike to roll onto the street. She closed her eyes and buried her face in Doc’s wide back, pounding heart drowned out by the motorcycle’s roar. Despite his cheeky behavior, he was the only person at the clubhouse she could minutely trust. Even if he wants to get in my knickers.

  Only after they made the first turn did she peek out from behind him. The open road sprawled out in front of them, mountains on either side. The warm summer air knocked her breath away for an instant. Squeezing him tighter, she inhaled and grinned. This isn’t so bad. She watched trees whiz by on either side, the town of Snowshoe quickly approaching. She figured the MC was in city limits, but their location outside the town center made sense. They were the first line of defense, or so Doc told her earlier. Why, she wasn’t sure. It gave her a good feeling, though, that the town appreciated the MC instead of fearing it.

  Clinging closer to the unruly biker, she scanned the horizon. I
t was an endless road. From where she sat, it didn’t look scary or intimidating but exhilarating instead.

  Doc’s smile caught her attention, and she held back from kissing his scruffy cheek. Bugger, why do I want to do that? They were both new to the MC, and somehow that rationalized her mind.

  Isa rested her chin on his shoulder. The scent of oil and musk overpowered the fresh rainfall. It was completely Doc, and her stomach jumped when he reached down and rubbed her thigh comfortingly.

  I could get used to this. Riding behind a sexy, muscular man, the whole world ahead of us.

  Her train of thought stopped there. She couldn’t let herself wonder what could happen between them. She wasn’t worldly. Not like the club nymphs. Doc sure as hell was worldly. She’d recognized the lustful gleam in his blue eyes on more than one occasion. She couldn’t imagine anything with him. It’d only end in disappointment.

  The motorcycle slowed, and they took a left turn up toward the mountains. She glanced over her shoulder and watched the buildings fade from view. Only trees and mountains were in their path now.

  “I thought we were going to town,” she said against his ear.

  He shook his head. “Nah, maybe next time. I’m showing you the good stuff.”

  Shivering when a patch of cold air hit them, she snuggled closer. His body heat did more than succeed in warming her. She could stay in her spot and never get sick of it. Maybe Macha really is in my blood.

  After thirty minutes, the motorcycle stopped outside a large fenced area. Leaning over, Doc punched in a code, and the gate swung open.

  “Where are we?”

  “Macha’s mountain lodge.” He didn’t give her the chance to ask more, simply drove up the long and winding driveway. The dense trees broke apart at the top of the incline, an enormous lodge sitting atop. Trees lined the driveway, two sizeable garages on both sides of the main cabin.

  Doc parked and helped her off the back. The change in temperature sent her teeth chattering, and she rubbed her hands up and down her arms. A surge of heat surrounded her, and she smelled Doc before his leather jacket rested on her shoulders.

  “Should’ve warned you. It gets pretty cold up here sometimes.” He tucked her under his arm and led them to the front door. A wooden awning held up by stone pillars kept visitors out of the elements until entry. After punching in another code, the door clicked open and warmth greeted her.

  “Whoa.” Her mouth gaped at the interior. While it looked like any other expensive lodge from the outside, the inside surprised her. It looked nothing like a cabin in the woods but more of a compound. A catwalk across two sets of stairs grabbed her attention first. The entire space was warm and welcoming. The cherry hardwood floors throughout disappeared through several doors and hallways. Televisions were mounted on the walls, comfortable-looking couches filling the space. A large fireplace sat farther in a den off the living room.

  “That’s what I thought too.” Doc smirked and plopped onto one of the couches, turning on the TV across from him.

  Ignoring him, Isa kept exploring the space. She could make out the doors leading to a back patio and swore under her breath at the floor-to-ceiling windows back there. A blue glow beckoned her further, and she gasped at the sight of the pool just through the doors.

  “It’s a hot spring,” he said, somehow beside her. “It stays warm all year round.” He grinned down at her. “Skinny-dipping is more than acceptable if you forgot to pack a swimsuit.”

  Rolling her eyes, she shoved him away from the door and opened it. Sure enough, the large deck boasted a full-sized pool with plenty of outdoor chairs. Another smaller, crescent-shaped pool sat to the side.

  “The moon pool is cold water,” Doc informed. “When it gets really warm in the summer, it’s nice to soak in that one.”

  Craning her neck, she could make out an open garage to the far right. It was empty now but hinted at the perfect spot for UTVs or motorcycle parking. Another deck sat on top of the garage, tables and chairs ready for use as well as a fire pit. Instantly, she wanted to roast marshmallows and stargaze on that upper deck.

  Behind the fenced-in pool area sat untamed wilderness. If she looked hard enough, she swore she could see wildlife back there. It was an ideal location to lie low and enjoy the serenity of nature.

  Turning on her toes, she took in the backside of the lodge. It looked bigger from here. The front kept the true size of the compound well hidden. Windows dotted the back of the oversized cabin. Bedrooms. She’d bet her sketchbook on it. From here, the lodge looked like at least two stories of solid defense. Positioned on the side of a mountain, overlooking the valley, it was the ideal spot for a fortress.

  “This place is incredible.”

  “Wait until you see upstairs.” Doc waved her inside, locking the door behind them.

  They made their way up the stairs, the scent of pine lingering in the air. Doors lined the wide hallway, and Isa stayed close to him until he paused at a room. “This is where you’ll stay.” He walked inside. “The boys need to add the finishing touches, and then you’ll be set.”

  Isa glanced around the room that boasted a vaulted ceiling. It was empty save for a ladder. Blue-gray walls gave the space a homey feel. As did the walk-in closet and large bay window overlooking the pool. The mountains and trees in the background made her think of Ireland. No other buildings could be seen from this spot. “It’s perfect.”

  “Once they get a bed and dresser, yeah.” Doc rested his arms above the doorway. “My room is across the hall. Macha uses this place for weekend fun and when there’s trouble.”

  Her eyes snapped to him. “Am I in trouble?”

  He searched her face. “No, but they’re taking extra precautions. If the Twelve Brothers finds out your identity and location, we’ll be ready.”

  Suddenly the leather jacket felt paper thin. Retreating to the door, she wrapped her arms around Doc and buried her nose in his shirt. Instead of reacting, he stayed perfectly still. It should’ve encouraged her that she was safe with him, but it only made Isa feel alone in a world full of bikers who may or may not want to hurt her.

  As if sensing her mood, he gently enclosed her in a hug. “You’re safe with me, Isa.” He kissed the top of her head. The simple act overshadowed his earlier innuendos. He wasn’t as tough as he acted in front of everyone else. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you. I swear.”



  She tilted her head up, their lips inches apart. “I’m scared.”

  His blue eyes dipped to her lips and back again. “I’d be worried if you weren’t.”

  A loud thud from the first floor broke them apart. “We should go. The guys are back from break. We’ll be in their way.” He disappeared down the hall before Isa could utter another word.

  By the time they arrived back at the Macha clubhouse, Isa realized three things. One: she loved the feel of a motorcycle between her legs. Two: she liked matching wits with Doc. Three: she equally loved the feeling of being in Doc’s arms.



  “How’s Isa settling in?” Reaper asked the next afternoon.

  Doc sipped his favorite beer. He’d managed to get five hours of sleep last night, though only after taking a shower to get Isa’s smell off him. It lingered more than any woman’s perfume. The lack of sleep got to him earlier when he helped Brewer and Rubble clean up the bar. Evidently, the crowd from the night before had been rowdier than usual. He wouldn’t have minded the work except the club nymphs kept pawing at him. While he was in dire need of release, he didn’t want to hook up with one of the women who threw themselves at him.

  “It’s taking a bit of time, but that’s normal.” He watched Klink hunker down by his motorcycle to check the oil. “The guys sure like her.”

  Reaper chuckled and took a drag from his cigarette. “I’m not surprised. Hell, her mama was a beauty back in the day.” He coughed. “But nothing like Queenie.”

  Doc roll
ed his eyes. He’d never accuse his uncle of being unfaithful. The man worshipped the ground Queenie walked on. It didn’t happen like that for every couple, but it was more common for Macha old ladies. Hell, the few patch members who had old ladies wouldn’t be caught dead with one of the club nymphs. Despite the few who had open relationships, a member didn’t give a woman his patch unless he meant to make their patron proud.

  “They’re treating her right, though, aren’t they?” Reaper’s face was tanned from years of sun damage, and the wrinkles on his forehead deepened when he frowned. “Because I’ll shove my foot straight up their arses—”

  “I’m taking care of it.” Doc finished off his beer, eyes fixed on the parking lot. It was nigh on opening time for the bar, and stragglers from Snowshoe were already filling the open spaces.

  His mind turned to Isa. She was safe in the clubhouse, but he still felt the need to check on her. After sparring with her the other day, all he’d wanted to do was fuck her up against his bike. She was a virgin like he thought. She’d all but admitted it. Knowing that fact, he was even more determined to keep her safe. Keeping things professional with Isa was becoming increasingly difficult, though. He couldn’t stop wanting her.

  “You like her.” It wasn’t a question. They both knew the answer.

  He nodded slightly.

  Reaper patted Doc’s back once. “Don’t get attached unless you’re willing to make her your old lady. Isadora isn’t a club nymph.”

  “I know that,” he snapped, eyes flashing to his uncle.

  “Good. Then you’ll also know she’s returning to Ireland once the tiff is over.” He dropped the cigarette and snuffed it with the toe of his boot. “Just like you’ll go back to hopping from nymph to nymph after this is done.”

  Doc crushed the beer can and tossed it in the nearby recycling bin. “Maybe.”

  “Maybe? Why the change of heart?”

  “Didn’t say that, but it makes me wonder about the future.” The sun had completely set now, the overhead lights flickering on in the dusk. He shrugged and shoved off the porch. “Don’t get me wrong. I like the feeling of just me, the road, my bike and a couple guys I trust.”


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