Blood Bound (Blood Ravengers Book 1)

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Blood Bound (Blood Ravengers Book 1) Page 15

by Traci Douglass

  She pulled free from her sister. “I can’t. I’m sorry, I just can’t. Nothing but bad things happen when I unleash them. Look at what happened in the courtyard. All my powers did was fuck everything up for Dante.”

  “You didn’t fuck up anything. At least not yet.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means he expected you to do what had to be done when the time came.”

  Anna pulled away, running a hand through her hair. “He wanted to create a world where half breeds could live without fear, but he never said anything about me killing him.”

  “How exactly did you think this revolution of his would be accomplished, huh? Milk and cookies?”

  “This isn’t funny.”

  “Never said it was, sis. Listen to what Dante was really saying.” Liz narrowed her gaze. “You know I’m right.”

  Anna replayed their conversations in her head, searching for some clue that this was what Dante really wanted, what he really needed her to do. There wouldn’t be a second chance to get this right. With his healing powers compromised, he wouldn’t survive her cutting unless…

  Every worthy cause requires a sacrifice.

  A sacrifice she could make, if she had the courage.

  If she loved him enough.

  Sighing, Anna took her sister’s hand. “Will you stay with me? Until it’s done?”

  “Of course,” Liz said, hugging her. “You just have to trust him a little longer.”

  Tears welled, but Anna blinked them back.

  There’d be time enough to weep later.

  Right now, she had a world to save.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Help me move him,” Dex said, bending over Dante. “We can’t leave him out here.”

  “We can and we will,” Rev said from somewhere beyond Dante’s line of vision. “We’re already in deep enough if your leader catches us.”

  “He’s not my leader.”

  “You’re in Basher’s gang, are you not, beast?”

  “As are you, bloodsucker.”

  Dante heard their bickering through a haze of lassitude, unable to muster a response. Dex sat him up and he slumped forward, the gravity of his failure weighing him down like an anvil. He blinked, his gaze locked on the ground, a dark smudge of congealed blood. Something was different now, but Dante’s sluggish mind refused to register exactly what.

  All he knew was his vibrant connection with Anna was gone.

  Anna hated him and he was to blame.

  “Dante?” Dex crouched beside him and shook his shoulder. “Are you in there?”

  He wanted to speak, wanted to tell his closest friend he was here, he was sorry. But the sigil burned into his chest seared hotter, severing his breath and his gumption.

  Instead, Dante stayed. Exactly as Basher had ordered.

  “Dammit.” Rev forced Dante’s chin upward. “If there is anything of him left, he won’t survive long unless we sever that mark.”

  Dex poked the throbbing wound on Dante’s chest. “If we stab him, he could die.”

  “He’s a dead man anyway.” Rev released Dante’s chin and his head flopped back down onto his chest. “Better to die free than enslaved.”

  “True,” Dex grabbed Basher’s pocketknife from the ground beside Dante. “Restrain him.”

  Rev secured Dante’s arms behind his back. “This is going to hurt like hell, my friend.”

  Dex squinted at Dante’s wound, as if trying to decide the best way to approach it. He raised the blade and prepared to strike. Dante steeled himself for the agony to come.

  Before the blade made contact, however, a bright light flashed, followed by a voice.

  “Drop the knife, wolf.”


  Dex glanced back at her over his shoulder. “I’m trying to save him.”

  “My mate, my job.” Anna shoved Dex out of the way and cupped Dante’s cheeks. “I’m here and I love you.”

  The humanity cowering within him rallied.

  She took the blade from Dex’s hand. “And I’m the only one who’s doing this because Liz says it’s the only way to save you. But know if you die on me and don’t come back, Dante, I will hunt you down and murder you again. Understand?”

  She kissed him fast then placed her forehead against his.

  “Rev?” Basher’s shout reverberated through the dark courtyard. “Get the fuck in here. It’s time to head to the medicine wheel.”

  Rev pushed to his feet beside Dex. “Coming.”

  “Dante, come,” Basher commanded.

  Again, his body moved of its own volition, leaving Anna behind.

  “Dante, no,” she called.

  He rose to his feet and stumbled toward the door ahead, like a sleepwalker.

  “Rev will keep an eye on him,” Dex whispered from somewhere behind Dante.

  “So will I.” Anna said from the shadows. “I’m going, too.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The first thing that struck Anna upon arriving near the medicine wheel was the eerie quiet. Well, that and the fact her twin sister insisted on burning some smelly incense to “purify” them before the convergence.

  Dex, who sat in the backseat of Anna’s compact rental, checked his weapon then chambered a round and slid the gun back into the holster on his side. “Incantations will not help us tonight.”

  “These are not incantations,” Liz said. “They’re Native American chants, to summon our guardian spirits.”

  Anna glanced over at her sister. “We have guardian spirits, too?”

  “Yes, according to the Crow Nation, who built this medicine wheel.” Liz gave Dex a peeved look over her shoulder. “And the wolf shifter’s not in charge here. We are.”

  “Us?” Anna asked.

  “None of this would be happening without us.” She patted Anna’s hand then gave her a serious look. “Can you sense him?”

  Anna closed her eyes and focused on her connection with Dante, murky and dark, but still present at least. “He’s alive in there, somewhere. Barely.”

  “Right.” Liz reached into the small pouch she’d slung across her body in the training room and pulled out a watch. She checked the time then peered into the clear, starry sky. “The convergence will happen soon. We need to get up to the summit.”

  They started the mile and a half climb with Dex leading the way, followed by the twins. They kept to the sides of the gravel path to avoid detection, but with the full moon rising, it was more difficult.

  The closer they got to the medicine wheel, the more Anna’s stress levels rose. Back at the courtyard she’d operated on pure adrenaline and bravado, ready to kick ass and take names, all to save the man she loved. But now, as the time of her sacrifice drew closer, her confidence waned.

  Last week, she’d been safely tucked away in her Atlanta apartment, grading midterm papers before break, the biggest question swirling in her mind was how to get to Salvation and back with as few complications as possible.

  Now, high in the Wyoming Big Horn Mountains, miles from civilization and on a collision course with an otherworld psychopath, she’d never envisioned the answer would change her destiny forever.

  Deep in thought, she tripped over a large stone jutting from the dirt. Thankfully, Dex caught her before she fell.

  “Thanks.” She regained her balance before letting go of his arm. “Guess I’m a bit distracted.”

  “To do a great right, do a little wrong…” Dex winked, then sprinted on ahead again.

  By the time they reached the top of the mountain, Basher had deployed the whole Blood Ravagers gang to line the perimeter of the medicine wheel. She and Liz crouched behind two large boulders while Dex hid behind a small ridge.

  At each of the inner “spokes” of the wheel knelt a bound woman, twenty-eight of them total. In the growing brightness of the rising moon, Anna spotted Basher at the center of the huge circle, a lethal-looking machete clutched in the gang leader’s hand. Dante slumped near his feet.
  Footsteps crunched up the gravel trail from the parking lot below and a Hispanic man, late-twenties, stopped near Anna’s position. She peered over the top of the rock to see the same man she’d glimpsed at the mustang reserve the other night. Juan. Behind him was a small group of Asian men.

  As they passed, their hushed voices echoed, but Anna couldn’t make out what they were saying. She glanced over at Liz, who held up a finger, then leaned closer to Anna’s side.

  “They’re brokering the deal for the psychics,” Liz whispered. “Apparently, Basher wants more money for this batch.”


  “He says they’re more potent.”

  “When will the convergence start?” Anna peered up at the Big Dipper and Orion’s Belt, her heart sinking. “Dante won’t last much longer. I’m afraid I’m going to forget something, or screw something up. What if I do something to make Dante’s suffering worse or…”

  Her words trailed off, the last thought too horrible to contemplate.

  “Dante was willing to risk everything for a chance to live without fear or prejudice. He loves you. The two of you are life mates, blood bound, meaning you accepted his love, and his mission. You won’t fail him now. You can’t.”

  The snick of a cocked trigger sounded and Anna froze. “Was that Dex?”

  “No,” Spud said, looming over them. “Dex is otherwise occupied.”

  He gestured with his gun for both women to stand. They obeyed, slowly, Anna glimpsing Dex being dragged to the middle of the medicine wheel by two other gang members.

  “What do we do now?” Anna hissed.

  “Now, we—”

  “Spud, bring them bitches down here,” Basher bellowed. “I ain’t got all night.”

  Liz met Anna’s gaze and grinned. “Now, we wait.”

  “Wait for what?” Anna tried her best to see where she was going, but still stubbed her toe on a tree stump and cursed loud, clutching Basher’s knife tight in the pocket of her dress. “This seems like the perfect time to do something.”

  “Not yet.” Liz followed along beside her, her expression serene, like she was being led to Sunday brunch instead of her own execution. “You’ll know when the time is right.”

  “How?” They reached the center and Spud ordered both to kneel. Anna gave her sister some serious side-eye, her tone urgent. “How will I know?”

  “Trust me and trust yourself,” Liz said. “You’ll know.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Look at that shit.”

  Dante turned at Basher’s order, his gaze landing on Liz and Anna. They both appeared unharmed, but how? The answer skittered at the edges of his consciousness, avoiding capture. Anna watched him with wide, sad eyes and his demon purred in her presence.


  “You had one job, boy. One.” Basher kicked Dante hard in the side and more of his ribs shattered beneath the gang leader’s steel-toed wrath. “Can’t even kill a couple of fucking humans. Why did I have you as my second-in-command, huh?” He leaned closer to Dante as he spoke. “Did you really think you were smarter than me? Did you, boy?”

  Another hard kick and Dante toppled forward onto the ground, his cheek mashed into the gravel, his arms limp, his gaze still locked on Anna. Fury sparked in her eyes and the earth rumbled beneath him.

  “Half-breed like you got about as many brains as a dog turd,” Basher continued. “I knew all along about your little secret. About all your mutinous plots and plans against me. Thought you’d overthrow old Basher and have the gang for yourself? Make it a sick little hideout for all your pathetic, half-breed friends?” He spat near Dante’s head. “Want to know how I knew?”

  A scuffle sounded as another person was tossed down on the ground between him and Anna. Tattered clothes, stick-thin body, reeking of ammonia and fresh urine where he’d wet himself.


  “Sorry, man,” the junkie cried. “Please don’t kill me.”

  “Your crackhead buddy here couldn’t wait to blab all your secrets. Made it too easy, really. All I had to do was keep him stoned off his ass.” Basher sneered. “Can’t pick your fucking rats any better than you can your friends.”

  There were more blows to Dante’s unresponsive body—back, arms, legs—a blow to accompany each spiteful word from Basher’s mouth. “Worthless piece of half-breed fucking shit.” At last, the pummeling ceased. “Should’ve taken care of this myself a long time ago.”

  Basher flung his machete aside and pulled out his gun instead, aiming directly between Anna’s eyes. “Liked you better with that wig on, bitch.”

  She flinched as he traced the barrel of the gun down her cheek and into the neckline of her gown, pulling the material aside so he could peek below it.

  Basher licked his lips. “Seems a shame to kill you without tasting the goods first.”

  Dante’s bond with Anna flared hotter than the surface of the sun, her distress fueling his inner rebellion. Eyes fixed on her, he forced his wishes through their connection, praying she’d listen to his instructions. After a few moments, she met Dante’s gaze again, uncertainty lurking in hers.

  One cut. Through the brand. I’ll handle the rest.

  She shoved Basher in a vain attempt to knock him aside.

  The moon had risen high above them now, bathing the area in white light.

  Liz gasped. “The convergence.”

  Basher looked up as well. “Fuck.”

  Anna and Dante stared at each other across the span of several feet.

  Now, ofryd. Whatever happens, I love you.

  The next few seconds were a blur. Anna scrambled toward him, Basher’s pocketknife in her hand. Basher cursed then fired. The bullet missed Anna and struck Juan instead, killing him instantly. Then, all hell broke loose.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Bullets whizzed past Anna from all directions as Basher lost his balance in the melee and tumbled to the ground. Fingers shaking, she reached Dante and poised the blade over his heart.

  Behind her, Liz yelled and Anna swiveled in time to see her sister punch Spud hard in the crotch. The guardian demon wheezed then crumpled to his knees like a wet paper bag, holding his injured parts, eyes watering.

  “Is it time?” Anna shouted.

  “Yes.” Liz called, even as Basher tackled her backward. They landed hard on the ground, his gun at her sister’s forehead.

  Anna blinked down at Dante, tears welling anew. Cutting through the seal on his chest might sever Basher’s control, but if she did it wrong, there was a good chance it would end Dante’s life as well. Without his healing powers, he was already weak. The blood loss alone could kill him before he was able to regain enough of his powers to save himself.

  She hated being in this position again.

  Hated having to choose between life and death, war and peace, good and evil.

  The voice in her head, Dante’s voice, rang like a clarion call.

  One cut. Through the brand. I’ll handle the rest.

  Anna straddled his torso, the pocketknife hovering just above his heart. She needed both hands to steady the blade and cut precisely. The tension and power building within her reached unbearable levels. Every fiber of her being screamed for her to do it, yet still she hesitated, staring down into Dante’s beautiful eyes, his beautiful face.

  How could she risk killing her life mate, the man she loved?

  The sinister sound of Basher’s chuckle crept over her. He cocked his gun near Liz’s face. “Bye bye, bitch.”

  Do it, ofryd. For me. For us.

  “I love you, Dante,” Anna cried and sliced through the brand on his chest.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dante’s mind cleared immediately once the seal was broken. He sat up and grabbed the pocketknife from Anna’s limp hand then charged for Basher.

  Liz’s eyes widened as she saw him approach, but she managed not to show any other reaction. Dante hacked blindly toward Basher, his movements still jerky with exhaustion and his body s
till badly injured.

  The gang leader cursed and rolled to the side, swiping Dante’s weak legs out from under him. The gun slipped from Basher’s hand while the pocketknife tumbled from Dante’s grip. They battled for both weapons and Dante gained control of the gun while Basher grabbed his knife. Finger on the trigger, Dante aimed for the wrath demon’s forehead as Basher poised the blade at Dante’s throat.

  “Looks like we’re at an impasse, boy.” Basher said. “I’m twice as strong as you and quicker. Even if you shoot me, I’ll still slash your throat.”

  “Then we both die.” Dante smiled, slow and cold. “Still a win.”

  He pulled the trigger. Basher slashed fast, but thankfully, not deep.

  Dante collapsed forward, the stench of demon blood and brains stinging his nose. Choking pain radiated outward from his wounded chest, his bleeding throat, severing his breath and all connections to this world, save one.

  “Dante.” Anna crawled to him and held him close.

  Dante inhaled her sweet scent—flowers and sunshine and goodness and light. All the things he’d always dreamed about but never experienced until she came into his life.

  Beside them, Liz stood, arms outstretched. “I could use a little help here, sis.”

  “No.” Anna squeezed him tighter. “I’m not leaving him.”

  “If you love him, you will. He’s not done yet.” The winds around them raged and fights broke out, escalating quickly. “You want Basher to come back to life? You want otherworld warfare on your hands?”


  “Then help me.”

  “He’s dying.”

  “And you will too if you don’t get over here.”

  Dante summoned what strength he had left to force words past his aching throat. “I love you, ofryd.”

  “I love you, too,” Anna cried. “Please don’t leave me.”

  “You must help Liz.” He coughed, the coppery tang of blood in his mouth. Dante lifted a shaky hand and cupped Anna’s cheek, his vision tunneling. “This is our sacrifice.”


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