Dragon's Heart

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Dragon's Heart Page 26

by Michelle Rabe

  “No changes. I suppose we should begin preparations for the journey. I trust you’ll have that well in hand.” Serena slipped behind the privacy screen and began dressing for the day. On the other side, Bronwynn read through the list of petitioners, taking a few moments to summarize each request being brought before the crown.

  Chapter 27

  Several days later, Serena stepped into the hunting lodge and looked around. The building was small, only one room with a large fireplace, table and chairs off to one side and a cozy looking bed along one wall. The door closed behind her, and a moment later, she heard the bolt slide home, locking her in. She took a deep breath and busied herself, putting the provisions into the larder. When that was done, she looked around, searching for something else to do. The fire was dying, so she added some wood, stoking the flames until the heat radiating from them was almost unbearable. Serena checked around the lodge, tapping her hand against her leg, hoping something would jump out at her. She walked over to the table and sat down, waiting. Before she realized it, her fingers were drumming out a rhythm on the tabletop, the sound hammering into her head. She grabbed onto her wrist to stop it. When she did, her thumb brushed up against the embroidered vines on the cuff of his shirt.

  She pushed away from the table. Unable to remain still, Serena paced the perimeter of the room. As she moved, her thoughts turned to the markings on her face, the only visible manifestation of her true lineage when in human form. She stopped pacing and closed her eyes. The nightmare vision came as it often did. His look of shock and disgust. The accusations… hurt and betrayal in his voice.

  The door on the other side of the lodge opened, a shaft of ruby-kissed sunset light spilling into the room. Serena spun on the ball of her foot. Though she knew it was locked, she tried the door nearest her. No matter how hard she tugged, it didn’t budge.

  Behind her, she heard the other door close. A moment later, a rattling sound bounced around the room, followed by a string of heartfelt cursing that made Serena wonder where a prince of the realm had heard such language. She forced herself to let go of the door, gathered her courage and turned.

  Killian stood by the other door with his back to her. He tried to pull it open again, and raised his hand to bang on it, but thought better of it. Serena crept closer, not taking her eyes off him. He removed his cloak, hung it on a hook and sighed, his shoulders drooping, head falling forward.

  For what seemed like the first time in months, her heart beat within her chest. Her breath caught in her lungs, burning. She stopped and stared at him as though it had been years, not months, since she’d seen him. “Killian.” His name fell from her lips, and her heart missed a few beats when he spun around. He appeared to wear a mask to hide his true emotions. He was cold, untouchable. A shudder ran through Serena, and regret lanced her heart. I caused this. My words have brought us to this place. I deserve his contempt, his hatred. This is not my Killian. She fought to keep her own emotions under control.

  Silence filled the lodge as Killian’s eyes raked her body and heat flooded her cheeks when their eyes met. His blue eyes burned but froze her in place. Serena couldn’t read his emotions.

  “You lied to me.” His words were clipped, precise, yet held no discernible emotion. There was too much in the air for her to read. He stalked toward her, his rolling gait more fluid and graceful than she remembered.

  “Yes.” Her reply came out as a breathy squeak. Something about him was feral, beautiful. She remained frozen in place as he stepped within inches of her.

  “You never loved me.” She heard the measured breaths, matching her own.


  “No, you never loved me, or no, that’s not true.”

  She didn’t realize he’d backed her into the wall until she felt the rough wood against her back.

  “Serena.” He reached up and caught an errant strand of hair between his fingers, “I’m waiting. You know I hate to be kept waiting.”

  “I—” She licked her lips and swallowed hard. “I—” Her mind spun, and she tried to look away, but he was so close that no matter where her gaze landed, he was there.

  “Did you ever love me?” His words were deceptive. Soft, gentle, coaxing, but she sensed the current of hurt, betrayal, and anger running through them as his fingers toyed with her hair.

  “Yes. Always” It was as if someone had hijacked her voice and was making her say the exact opposite of what she knew had to be said. She spoke the truth, but the lie had to be maintained. A lie that was safer, better for both of them. And yet, the lie was crumbling.

  “Was your last letter to me a lie?” He let the hair fall from his fingers.


  He reached up and traced the edges of her markings with the tips of his fingers. He smiled when Serena’s eyes slid half closed, and she trembled under his touch. “All of our time together, was it ever a charade?”


  “Do you still love me?” His fingertips skated down to her chin, his thumb tracing her lips.

  She leaned in and pressed her lips to his in a quick kiss. “Always.”

  He curled his fingers behind her neck and whispered, “Why?”

  “Duty.” Serena’s breath caught in her throat, “I— I thought—”

  “Shhh.” He shook his head and held up one hand to silence her. “I don’t want to hear any more.” Taking a calculated step back, giving both of them room to breathe, seemed like the best option. Each breath filled his senses with her. He closed his eyes, allowing his mind time to adjust back to a different way of thinking.

  After what seemed like an eternity, he opened his eyes. Serena hadn’t moved, but she stared at him, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Killian leaned in and brushed a gentle kiss on her lips. A slight smile curling his own, he traced the lines of her tears with the tip of his tongue.

  “Now,” he whispered, “what were you saying?” When she remained silent, he pressed her. “You thought?”

  “I thought it would be better for both of us if we parted. It was a mistake. I knew the moment the letter left my hand. Please say you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  “You should have talked to me. We should have discussed this.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I made a mistake. We’ve both been paying for it every day.”

  Killian reached up and caressed her cheek as she drew in a shaky breath. Her eyes slipped closed, and she slid her arms around his waist.

  “Serena.” He waited for her to look at him before continuing, “I am yours.” He drew her in and feathered a light kiss on her lips. “You are mine.” Before she had the chance to respond, he had captured her lips. His kiss was demanding, bordering on rough. Not taking his lips off hers, Killian stepped forward, pressing their bodies together. His arms wrapped around her waist. He broke away from the kiss. “Put your arms around my neck.”

  “What?” She frowned.

  “Don’t think,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck. “Do as I say.”


  “Trust me.” He caught her earlobe between his teeth and gave it a gentle tug, then eased back, finding her green-gold eyes, the pupils large and lids fluttering. “Trust me.” He was more insistent, needing to touch her, to hold her, to kiss her, wanting to take her into his arms and into his bed. But she hesitated. “What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes fluttered, and she tried to concoct a lie, something that would push him away again, would sever their connection for good. But all she could say was, “You’re different.”

  “I’ve spent the last few months believing the only woman I ever loved was lying to me. That every memory we shared was part of an act, an elaborate scheme.” He licked his lips and swallowed hard. “I know we have much to discuss, and we will. Just not tonight. Tonight, I want to get lost in your arms, your touch, and your kiss. We will have a long, serious talk tomorrow.”

  He watched regret, sadness, and some measure of fear, play over her
features. Then she lifted her arms and draped them over his shoulders, threading her fingers together behind his neck. She glanced down, breaking eye contact.

  “Serena.” She peered up at him. “I love you, always.” He slipped his arms around her waist and tugged her close.

  “And I love you, only you.”

  Killian’s hands drifted down over her hips, landing on her upper thighs. He started backing away from the wall, pulling her with him. “Please don’t ever do something foolish like that again.”

  “Foolish?” The laughter in her voice echoed in the room as her hand dropped to the center of his chest, and she pushed him away with a gentle shove. He stepped back, his hands falling away.

  “Yes. Foolish.” He approached her again. The beautiful, feral predator Serena had seen before was back, and she was his prey. He lunged, catching her off guard, grabbing her waist. She screamed, high-pitched, but giggling, as he lifted her off her feet and threw her over his shoulder.


  Laughing, he carried her to the bed and deposited her on the mattress. He bent down, stopping her laughter with a searing kiss as his hands went to her bodice and began unlacing it. Serena’s arms wrapped around him as the kiss continued… small sounds of pleasure escaping her throat. He broke the connection and pulled back so he could drink in the sight of her. Bracing his weight on his left arm, Killian’s right hand drifted up her torso. His featherlight touch inched up to the markings around her eyes. Serena’s eyes slipped closed, and she sighed.

  “What are these?” he whispered.

  The warmth of his fingers radiated through her, although he wasn’t touching her. “Scales.” She drew in a hissing breath when Killian’s hands brushed against them for just a second.

  “Why are there scales around your eyes?” Fingertips drifted down to her chin and tilted it up, hoping she would look at him.

  Serena took a deep, shaky breath. She swallowed, feeling her mouth go dry. This is it. He’s either going to accept what I am or turn away. She stalled, wanting to draw out what might be the last time he was ever this close to her.

  “Serena?” His fingers brushed her cheek. “Please talk to me.”

  “I am Dragon Fey.” The words fell from her mouth before she could think of a way to soften the blow or ease into it.

  Killian’s drifting fingers paused. His breath stopped. The silence stretched with neither of them speaking or moving. Serena held her breath. Her jaw ached from fighting to keep from crying as the silence continued.

  “Open your eyes.” His breath tickled her ear, lips teasing the flesh below it.

  Serena shivered and did as he asked. Killian’s handsome face filled her vision, his eyes soft, a slight smile curling his lips. “They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. We’ll discuss the Dragon Fey part, later.” He kissed her lips, not as gentle as before. “For now, all I want is you. Just my Serena.” He smiled. “Unless, of course, you’d prefer we talk.” His hand drifted up her body, teasing. “I, however, have other things in mind.”

  Serena slid her hand behind his neck and drew him down to her. “Talk later,” she whispered against his lips before pulling him into a passionate kiss.

  When he broke the kiss, Killian once again braced himself on one arm and used the other to open her bodice, exposing the fine linen shirt beneath. A slow smile curled his lips as he brushed the collar near her throat with his finger, skirting over the embroidered vines.

  “I believe this is mine, my lady.” Before she had a chance to answer, he dipped his head and nipped her throat.

  Serena gasped, and her fingers flexed, digging into his back. “It is, my prince.”

  “Perhaps I should take it back from you.”

  She blushed, causing the freckles to stand out against her pale skin. “Yours first.”

  Killian chuckled and gave her a fast, fierce kiss before rising up on his knees. He drew his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Serena crawled back, moving toward the center of the bed, and he stretched out beside her. His hand skimmed over the shirt that still covered her torso. Serena arched into his touch with eyes halfway closed.

  “Look at me.” His hand held her chin and turned it toward him, her green eyes met his cobalt ones.

  “Do you want this?” His voice was full of promise.

  She knew she should say no. Knew it was a bad idea. Knew the ramifications could only lead to more hurt and grief for the both of them. But she looked into his eyes and saw the uncertainty and love in them. She propped herself up on an elbow and brushed her lips against his. “Yes, Killian. I want this. I want you.”

  He let out a long, shaky breath, and cupped her cheek. Killian kissed her with all the pent-up love and desire he’d been trying to keep locked behind walls. He reveled in the soft sounds of pleasure she made as her arms went around his neck and returned his kiss with equal fervor.

  They spent the next several hours entangled with one another… learning each other… discovering the heights of ecstasy… exploring the depths of their passion. When they were spent, limbs too heavy for muscles to move, Killian drew the covers over them. Serena curled against him. Wrapped in each other’s arms, they drifted off to sleep.

  Serena woke in an awkward position, one arm and leg draped across her bed partner, her head pillowed on his chest. Deep inside, her dragon purred in contentment for the first time since she’d attended the wedding. The night before, here in the lodge, came back to her in a flood of images, sounds, and sensations. She cuddled closer and gave a contented sigh.

  “Satisfied, my lady?” Killian kissed the top of her head.

  “Quite so, my love.” She stretched and kissed his cheek. Letting out a squeak of laughter when he tightened his hold on her.

  “No regrets?”


  Killian’s smile slipped, the laughter fading from his eyes. Serena saw every insecurity he had about being loved for who he was, not the title he would soon inherit, flash in his eyes. She brushed his cheek with the back of her fingers and drew him to her for a slow, luxurious kiss.

  “My only regret is that we can’t stay here forever.”

  “Tempting, my love. Very tempting.” He chuckled as his stomach rumbled.

  “It sounds as though we should go see what our jailers have left us to eat.”

  “Should we be upset with them?” he asked watching her as she slipped out of bed, padding off in search of a shirt.

  Killian stretched and sighed, enjoying the view, when his pants flew at his face. He caught them and laughed. “Are you trying to tell me something, my lady?”

  “Yes, my prince, royal or not, you are not allowed just to sit around in bed while I get us something to eat.”

  He slid out of bed, pulling his trousers on, then turned to see Serena wearing his shirt again. Not the one she’d worn the night before, but the shirt he’d arrived in. “Why don’t I get us some food?” He must have seen doubt in her expression because he closed the distance between them, and with his hands on her hips, he kissed her. “Yes, love. I may be a prince, but I do know a thing or two about obtaining food.”

  “It’s not as simple as calling for a servant.” Laughter laced her words.

  “I do know how to prepare a few things. I believe I might be able to come up with enough to sustain us.”

  “Are you certain?” Serena hopped back on the bed and crawled to the center before tucking her legs close to her chest.

  Killian bent at his waist, supporting himself on his fists. He kissed the tip of her nose. “Quite certain.” Turning to the small kitchen area, he checked the cabinets to see what kind of food was stocked.

  Serena stayed in the middle of the bed… watching… as he first went through every cupboard and drawer, nodding and making noises of approval or dismissal in his throat every now and again. There’s an opening now. I could tell him who my family was while he prepares the food. She bit her lip and said, “If you’d like some help…”

  Killian tu
rned slowly to face her and smiled. “No, thank you, my lady. I have this under control.”

  “As you wish.”

  Killian turned back to what he was doing, and Serena felt warmth flow through her entire being. Part of her wanted to turn into a dragon, pluck him from the ground in her claws and fly as fast and as far as she could. She wondered what it would be like to escape arranged marriages and the pressures of their respective courts. Seeing Killian relaxed and at ease made her wish this was how it always was between them. He was the Killian she’d been seeing in her dreams, the man she knew he wanted to be.

  Soon, Killian seemed satisfied. “It’s not much. Perhaps our jailers will bring more sustenance later in the day. Or even let us out to hunt.” He joined her on the bed, folding his legs under him as he set a plate piled high with bread, fruit, and cheese between them.

  “Thank you, my prince.” She picked a plump, heart-shaped red berry… eyeing it. She’d never seen anything like it before.

  “They’re sweet with just a little bit of a bite. Much like a certain lieutenant I know.” Killian plucked the berry from her fingers and held it in front of her lips. Serena licked her lips before closing the short distance, and she bit into the berry. Sighing, she enjoyed the sweet yet tart flavor as it filled her senses.

  Killian chuckled and popped the remaining part into his mouth, chewing it slowly, never taking his eyes off Serena. A blush swept up her cheeks when she noticed his eyes on her. She tried to hide behind her hand, “What?”

  “I thought I’d never see you again.” He looked around the lodge, a smile curling his lips. “Now this. I have two days alone with you.” His eyes focused down as he picked up the bread, ripping off a chunk and putting it in his mouth to stop himself.

  “Killian.” She put her finger under his chin and tilted it up so her eyes could meet his. Serena’s heart sank as she saw uncertainty and fear in his cobalt eyes. “If we’re going work this out, you and I need to communicate. Something we haven’t excelled at in the recent past. Please, don’t hold anything back.”


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