Preaching to the Choir

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Preaching to the Choir Page 35

by Kitty Parker

  * * *

  "Bryce, you officially fail at life."

  "It's not my fault!" he insisted, breaking his fourth match in half as he attempted to light the candles on the large cake we'd bought for Kurt that afternoon. "These things must be defective."

  Jane rolled her eyes and snatched the pack out of his hand. "Give me those. He's been waiting out in the hall for ten minutes already!" She deftly plucked out a match and struck it, succeeding on her first try. After lighting the nineteen candles we'd spread out around the cake, she extinguished it and dropped it into the wastebasket.

  "I think everything's ready," Eden pronounced, making sure that the cake was centered on the small table in the boys' room. "Adam, you can go let him in."

  "Jane, do you honestly think he's going to be surprised?" I asked. "I mean, the reason we gave him for keeping him out of the room wasn't exactly believable."

  "Hey!" she protested. "We could have been having a naked pillow fight! It's totally logical that we'd have to get decent before letting him in."

  Adam pulled open the door to the hallway. "Kurt," he called. "You can come in now."

  "I'm just sorry I missed all the fun." The note of sarcasm in my boyfriend's voice made it clear that he didn't buy our excuse at all. Still, he was polite enough to pretend to be surprised as he stepped across the threshold.

  "SURPRISE!" we shouted.

  Unable to contain myself, I ran over to Kurt and leapt into his arms, giving him a huge smooch smack on the lips. We'd only officially been together for a few hours, but I was already addicted to his kiss.

  Wrapping his arms around me, Kurt squeezed me tight until Elliot loudly cleared his throat, reminding us of the reason we were in the room in the first place.

  Chuckling, Kurt set me down, dropping a quick kiss on the top of my head and wrapping an arm around my waist.

  "Ready, guys?" asked Matt. "One…two…three…"

  We all began to sing.

  "Happy birthday to you,

  Happy birthday to you,

  Happy birthday dear Kurt,

  Happy birthday to you!"

  Kurt approached the cake as we cheered for him a bit and broke into a lopsided grin.

  "You going to make a wish, man?" asked Luke.

  Kurt waved him off. "I'm thinking about it. It's not going to be easy this year."

  We waited patiently as Kurt pondered his wish options, clapping when he finally made up his mind and blew out his candles with one breath.

  "Alright!" Bryce exclaimed. "Let's eat this sucker!"

  Rolling her eyes, Jane handed Kurt a large knife that I suspected she'd swiped from the hotel kitchen.

  Beaming, he turned to me. "Lotte, will you do me the honor of cutting the cake with me?"

  Giggling like the love-struck teenaged girl that I was, I lay my hand on top of his where it rested on the handle of the knife. Together, we sliced into the mass of angel-food goodness covered in whipped cream.

  * * *

  An hour later, when we were all stuffed to the gills with birthday cake, Kurt led me away from our friends and out onto the small balcony that adjoined the room. He quietly closed the glass doors behind us and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

  "Can I tell you something?" he whispered resting his forehead against mine.

  I smiled warmly. "You can tell me anything."

  He chuckled. "I honestly didn't know what to wish for this year."

  "Why's that?" I asked.

  "Because I've been wishing for the same thing since I turned nine, and I finally got it."

  He brushed my lips with his. My heart fluttered happily in response.

  "I wished for you, too," I admitted.

  He seemed surprised. "Really? When?"

  I grinned. "At the Trevi Fountain."

  Whatever reaction I had been expecting, it certainly wasn't Kurt bursting into laughter.

  "What's so funny?" I demanded.

  "Sorry, I just think it's great that you made that wish, since I wished for you, too."

  Seeing the humor in the situation, I chuckled as well.

  When we'd sobered again, Kurt sighed contentedly. "This is the most amazing birthday I've ever had."

  I raised my eyebrows. "Even better than that one where you threw a house party and Giles Arden got drunk and fell into your pool?"

  "Even better than that," he chuckled.

  "Wow. I didn't think anything could top that one."

  He took my hand in his. "Well, the present I got this year beats any other I've ever gotten, hands down."

  "Oh!" I exclaimed, suddenly remembering. "That reminds me. I have to give you the actual present that I bought you! Hold on just a second." I nipped back into the room and, ignoring the questioning gazes of my friends, retrieved the wrapped parcel from where I'd stashed it for the evening under Adam's pillow.

  "Here it is!" I announced as I popped back onto the balcony and shut the door behind me.

  Kurt beamed as I handed it to him. He held it up to his ear and shook it. "Hey, it doesn't rattle!" he protested with a pout.

  I smacked him upside the head. "Just open it, you goof."

  Chuckling, he eagerly tore off the wrapping paper, revealing my gift. He smiled warmly when he saw what it was. "It's beautiful, Lotte."

  "Can I tell you why I bought it?"

  He nodded.

  "Yesterday," I began. "I was walking around Montmartre in the place where all the artists hang out. I saw this painting and I was just blown away. I'd passed that café a few times before, but I never really noticed it. It was only when I saw this that I realized how beautiful it was. And, well, I thought…that it was kind of like you." I smiled sheepishly. "I was going to give it to you tonight and use it to tell you how I felt, but you kind of beat me to that."

  Words had apparently failed Kurt, as all he did in reaction to my (admittedly cheesy) explanation was set down the painting and wrap his arms around me, covering my lips with his. The kiss was just starting to heat up when a tapping noise distracted us.

  Confused, I turned around to seek out the source of the sound, only to find Bryce with his face pressed up against the glass doors like a suckerfish, making some rather rude noises with his lips.

  As I rolled my eyes at my friend's immaturity, Kurt made a grab for the door handle, attempting to chase after him. Unfortunately, the door wouldn't budge.

  Bryce had locked us outside.

  Something about the whole situation really tickled me, and as my beloved boyfriend began banging on the glass (much to the amusement of the occupants of the room beyond), I burst into laughter.

  "Damn," Kurt cursed. "What are we supposed to do now?"

  Still in a playful mood, I decided to tease him. "We could just take off our clothes and make love right now," I suggested in the most serious voice I could come up with.

  Kurt whirled around to face me, looking slightly petrified. "What?" he all but squeaked.

  "Relax," I chuckled, laying a hand on his arm. "I was just kidding."

  Kurt seemed both relieved and disappointed. "Oh." Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "Hey, why don't we pretend to do that, just to freak them out?"

  I raised an eyebrow. "You seriously want to?"

  "They're bound to let us back in if they think we're about to have unprotected sex on a hotel balcony for all of Paris to see," he pointed out.

  I grinned. "Alright, I'm in. What do we do?"

  He shrugged. "Start making out furiously and make it look like we're really about to go at it, I guess."

  "Good plan," I agreed.

  He nodded. "Alright, you ready?"


  He lunged for me, capturing my lips in a searing kiss. Playing along, I immediately threaded my fingers through his hair, exaggerating my movements so that our friends would be sure to see everything. Kurt groaned louder than was necessary, then plunged his tongue into my mouth. I arched my body against him, moving my hands to his chest. He detached himself from my lips and burie
d his face in the crook of my neck.

  "Are they doing anything yet?" he murmured.

  I snuck a peek through the glass doors. They were sitting around and chatting, none of them looking toward the balcony.

  "They haven't even noticed us," I replied.

  He gave my neck a feather-light kiss. "Moan really loudly."

  I did as he told me.

  Sure enough, up popped Brigid's head. Her eyes widened to the size of golf balls when she saw us. She hastily poked Jane in the arm, gesturing frantically toward our little performance. Suddenly, all eyes were on us.

  "They're looking," I announced. "Make it good."

  Kurt looped his arms under my thighs, wrapping my legs around his waist and carrying me over to the glass doors until my back was pressed right up against them. I leaned down to give him a kiss, and he grinned mischievously in response.

  "Are they coming?" I asked.

  He glanced over my shoulder and into the room. "Not yet. They're all just kind of staring at us."


  "I know, right?"

  "I could do one of my fake orgasms," I suggested.

  Kurt nuzzled my neck. "I don't think we're quite at that point yet."

  "You come up with something, then."

  He did just that. Slowly, he began to slide a hand up the back of my shirt. His touch sent shivers up my spine, and I was actually disappointed that we couldn't just go at it right then and there.

  The possibility of Kurt's nimble fingers finding the clasp of my bra must have finally sent someone over the edge, for the next thing I new, I was tumbling backward, Kurt on top of me, as the door behind us gave way. We landed with a loud thud on the carpet of the hotel room.

  "Hey!" shouted Jane, who had evidently been the one to "interrupt" us. "Don't make me come out there!"

  Kurt just laughed.

  "Finally," I sighed. "We were starting to think that we'd actually have to start stripping to get someone to open the door."

  As the meaning of my words sunk in, various forms of chortles, giggles, and guffaws began to circulate around the room.

  "So much for the free porn show," grumbled Bryce.

  Brigid smacked him.

  * * *

  When Kurt and I walked out of customs and into Logan Airport's international arrivals area, hand in hand, I was honestly surprised by the sheer lack of surprise on our families' faces. I would have thought that seeing their children who had never gotten along holding hands would have resulted in at least some sort of shock. Apparently, I was wrong.

  "Lottchen!" Mutti squealed, bounded over to me, and eagerly engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug. "Und Kurtlein!" She gave my boyfriend the same treatment. "You are back! You are back, and I am cooking sauerbraten for everyone tonight!"

  I sighed. Trust Mutti to break out the traditional German foods that I couldn't eat as soon as I got home.

  My dad walked toward me, arms stretched out for a hug. "Meine Lotte! I am so glad you are home!" He embraced me and planted a kiss on my cheek, then turned to the boy whose hand was still grasping mine. "Kurt!" he exclaimed, clapping the younger male on the back. "How are you? Did you enjoy your trip?"

  Kurt beamed. "Oh yes, Mr. Leisch," he replied. "Very much so."

  Although I didn't know Kurt's family particularly well, I recognized them making their way over to our little group. A tall, handsome man with graying hair and a roguish smile led the way, followed by a cheerful looking woman of about fifty and a brooding but meticulously well-groomed teenaged boy.

  Kurt finally let go of my hand as he embraced his father. "Hi, dad!"

  "It's good to have you back, Kurt," Mr. Matthews proclaimed, patting his son affectionately on the back.

  Mrs. Matthews quickly bumped her husband out of the way. "My turn!" she exclaimed, all but throwing her arms around Kurt. "Oh, my baby, I've missed you so much!"

  I could see Kurt's cheeks redden slightly, but he gave his mother a tight squeeze nonetheless. "I've missed you, too, mom."

  When the two of them finally broke apart, Kurt turned to his brother. "Hey, Jack," he greeted, engaging with the boy in a "manly hug." "It's good to see you, man."

  Jack grinned. "Likewise, bro."

  "Carola!" exclaimed Mrs. Matthews all of a sudden, evidently having noticed Mutti. They'd been old PTA buddies and whatnot. "It's been ages! How are you?"

  Mutti wrapped her friend in a warm hug. "I am wunderbar, Katherine, how are you?"

  As all the adults began to converse amongst themselves, Kurt slipped his arm around my waist. I smiled up at him happily. We stood like that for a minute or two, and though it was obvious that our parents had seen us being affectionate with one another, they had yet to comment. The lack of reaction was actually starting to bother me.

  I eventually caved in to my frustration. "Mutti!" I called.

  Having reached a stopping point in her conversation with Mrs. Matthews, she headed over toward Kurt and I jovially. "Ja, Liebchen?"

  For Kurt's benefit, I decided to converse in English. "Haven't you noticed anything, you know, different about Kurt and I?"

  "You are together, I know," she pointed out nonchalantly.

  Well, that certainly wasn't what I'd been expecting. "So, er…aren't you going to do anything? You know, like scream, jump, faint, have a heart attack…something?"

  "Why should I?" she chuckled. "I have known this would come for a very long time. I am happy, yes, but not surprised."

  "You have my blessing, Kurt," my dad chimed in. "Just do not get Lotte schwanger (pregnant), ja?"

  "Is that an STD or something?" Kurt muttered.

  I snorted. "Not exactly."

  * * *

  It was rather strange to be home again but with Kurt as my boyfriend (Lord, how I loved saying that!). I was surrounded by things that I associated with hating him, and yet there he was, sitting on my comforter with his goofy grin and hazel eyes that twinkled just for me. We could still hear the sounds of dinner drifting up from below, but we didn't care. We'd purposely escaped the large family gathering - the rude and suggestive comments (mostly courtesy of Kurt's father and brother) had become simply too annoying to deal with.

  "Verdammt (damn it)," I cursed as I dug through my sock drawer. "I know it's here somewhere…"

  Kurt sighed. "Will you just tell me what you're looking for?"

  "It's just this…stupid…picture I wanted to show you…" I grunted, getting frustrated as I shoved my nylons and stockings aside. Finally, I located the photograph I'd been after in the very back corner underneath the colorful holiday socks that my great aunt liked to send me.

  "Aha!" I crowed triumphantly. "Here it is!"

  I turned around to show it to Kurt, but he was absorbed some sort of book that he'd evidently found in the drawer of my nightstand, judging by the fact that it was hanging open.

  "What's that?" I inquired. The book looked familiar, but I couldn't place it.

  He grinned. "Your diary from the seventh grade."

  "And you're reading it?"

  His grin grew. "Why yes, I am. It's very entertaining. Here, let me read you a passage out loud." He cleared his throat dramatically. "'October twelfth. Today was my thirteenth birthday!' - Wow, Lotte, I didn't know you drew little smiley faces underneath your exclamation points. - 'Mutti made me her special Pfannkuchen for breakfast and all the kids on the morning bus sang happy birthday to me! When I got to school, Jane snuck up behind me and put this goofy plastic crown on my head and said I had to wear it all day because I was the birthday queen. I was going to, but then stupid Kurt stole it. I had to chase him all the way across the school to the eighth grade pod to get it back, and of course, all the eighth graders were all what the f-asterisk-asterisk-asterisk.' - I can't believe you censor yourself in your diary. - 'What is that dude's problem? Can't he even leave me alone on my birthday? No, he just has to be a jerk ALL the freaking time.' - Wow, this Kurt character sounds like a real douchebag, doesn't he? - 'But then at lunch, h
e actually said happy birthday to me like he meant it and gave me a piece of chocolate. I mean, I ate it and all - hello, it's chocolate - but does that kid have like multiple personality disorder or something? He's seriously whack.'"

  By the time Kurt finished reading, my cheeks were burning with embarrassment. "Yeah, sorry about that…" I mumbled.

  Closing the diary, he tossed it aside. "Hey, no worries." He stood up from the bed to give me a reassuring peck on the cheek. "We were both pretty stupid when we were thirteen."

  I pouted, pretending to be offended. "Who are you calling stupid?"

  "You," he teased, looking very smug.

  "Oh, you asked for it, mister…"

  With that, I shoved him backward onto the bed with a flump. We wrestled around a bit, laughing our heads off, and when we finally grew tired, we just lay side by side and cuddled.

  "Lotte," he began, stroking my hair. "What was that picture you were going to show me?"

  "Oh, that," I recalled, shifting to reach the end of the bed, where I'd casually dropped the photograph in question. I grabbed it and handed it back to him "Here it is."

  He perused it for a few moments before chuckling, the deep vibrations in his chest reaching my body where it lay against his, creating a most pleasant sensation. "It's our third grade class. There's you in the front," he pointed to a small girl with long, blonde braids. "And there's me behind you."

  "You're giving me bunny ears," I pointed out with a grin.

  He planted a kiss on the top of my head. "I was such a charming little boy, wasn't I?"

  "So charming that it only took you eleven years to land your girl," I teased.

  "Shut up."

  "Make me."


  And he did just that, pressing his lips to mine and banishing any other thoughts from my mind and words from my mouth. It wasn't as though I had anything important to say, anyway. All that mattered was the boy attached to my lips, and that was just fine with me.


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