The Kotahi Bay Quartet

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The Kotahi Bay Quartet Page 21

by J. C. Hart

  "Neither are you, surprisingly." His eyes twinkled with mirth before dulling, a look of weary resignation replacing his amusement. "I'm ready for this to be over."

  "Okay, let's get this done then. What do I need to do?"

  "The box."

  "Got it." She pulled it from her lap.

  "There's a catch underneath, and you have to twist it to the right, and then the—"

  "Got it."

  Alyssa gasped as a compartment opened and revealed a leather cord adorned with five glass beads. Some of them glittered in the light though others were dull. It was one of the strangest pieces she'd ever seen, and it felt heavy with magic and history.

  "And now what? Please don't tell me I have to destroy this." She closed her eyes and cringed.

  "You have to smash the beads. It is the only way."

  "Seriously?" Alyssa opened her eyes but the dead serious expression on his face made her set aside her disappointment. "Right, okay. Whatever you say goes."

  She went to get up from the couch to find a hammer or something but the ghost stopped her, his form all but solid when he touched her arm.

  "Thank you for this. I know you think it costs you nothing, but I've been waiting for centuries for someone to release me and I am very grateful."

  "No biggie."

  "Still, I would like to give you a gift."

  "Yeah? Okay then. I won't say no." Alyssa's brow furrowed, not sure what to expect, but curious all the same.

  "First you have to complete the task. I hope you find happiness."

  "Thanks. I hope you… Well, whatever it is. I hope it's good." Alyssa felt more awkward than ever before so she turned away from the ghost, scanning the room for something heavy. Why had she been so hasty to clear the place out?

  But there by the fire was a piece of stray pine that must have lingered since winter. She placed the necklace on the hearth and took a breath, trying not to think about how once this was done she would be more alone than…well, maybe ever, and brought the wood down on the beads.

  Fragments of glass flew everywhere and the room flooded with a cold so bitter that Alyssa shuddered and cursed Magnus for not warning her. And then she caught a glimpse of green from the corner of her eye and turned to see lights stretched out across the room. Blue and purple and yellow flickered around the edges of the green, which soared and twisted slowly across the ceiling of her lounge.

  "Oh my god," Alyssa whispered, leaning back against the fireplace to watch.

  An aurora borealis in her living room. Now that was something no one else could say they'd experienced—not that anyone would believe her if she tried to claim she had. No, this was something just for her. "Thanks, Magnus," she said, though if this was his parting gift he wasn't there to hear her.

  She let the vision wash over her, eradicate every struggle and pain she'd felt in these last weeks and she knew, not so very deep down, actually quite close to the surface, that everything was going to be okay.

  In The Earth’s Embrace

  Chapter One

  Alyssa counted her newly acquired cash as she walked up the path to her house. God it felt good to actually have some money coming in. The past few weeks had been a bit tight, what with having to clean up the mess Angie had left behind and making a few important updates. Like getting the internet on at the house; that had been enough drama of its own. Kotahi Bay wasn't backward, exactly, but it was certainly quirky.

  She swung the door open and tossed her bag down on top of the pile of junk mail. Well, it wasn't junk, per say. They were all from the 'Preservation' Society, starting with a sweet reminder that she was now a resident of the Bay and needed to start attending meetings, and then moving to demands. Alyssa had stopped opening them after the third one. They came every day.

  Mrs Nolan was not one to quit, obviously. But Alyssa wasn't fond of taking instructions unless she could see a very good reason why; the events of Christmas more than proved that point.

  Alyssa headed for the kitchen and flicked the jug on, stashing her money in the cookie jar. Sure, it was clichéd, but the Bay was safe enough that she didn't even have to lock the door let alone worry someone would steal from her. As far as she could see, crime levels were crazy low in this town, and she couldn't be happier about it.

  She made her coffee and was heading into the lounge when there was a knock on the door. Her brow furrowed. No-one knocked on her door, not after Angie. She lived an almost hermit-like existence, aside from the internet and conversation with Sam from the curio shop, who selling some of her stuff on consignment.

  "Oi! I know you're home. Where else would you be?"

  "Oh my god. Kelly?" Alyssa added her coffee cup to the pile of junk and swung the door open, throwing her arms around her friend.

  "Jeepers, looks like you've been starved of human contact." Kelly squeezed her back. "Thought I'd come and see you, finally. I had no problem spotting the road, no idea how I missed it last time."

  "I can't believe you're here! How long are you staying for?" Alyssa pulled back, assessing her friend. She had no bags with her, and Alyssa's heart sank a little.

  "As long as you need me." Kelly flourished her hands in the air. "I've got a week off work, so..."

  "Yay!" Alyssa hugged her again and then did a little happy dance before composing herself. "Not that I missed you or anything."

  "God no. I mean, you absconded to the middle of nowhere to get away from me!" Kelly swatted her on the arm. "Come on, help me get my crap out of the car. I brought a little something for you."

  "Is it alcoholic?"

  "No, well, yes, there is something alcoholic, but that wasn't what I was talking about."

  Alyssa clapped and pushed passed Kelly, heading for the driveway.

  "I see you haven't let small town life change you," Kelly called after her.

  Alyssa turned with a grin. "As if it could." She waited for her friend to catch up and then gave her another hug. "I'm so pleased you're here. Thank you for coming."

  "Don't thank me just yet." Kelly swung the car door open and reached inside, pulling out a bundle of grey and white fur. "This little sucker has been mewling at my doorstep every night for a week and he was beginning to piss me off. I thought if I pass it along to you I might finally be able to get a good night’s sleep. And you know, avoid having the SPCA on my case for drowning an innocent kitten."

  Alyssa's eyes darted between the kitten and Kelly, who despite her toxic words was looking kind of cosy with the critter.

  "Sure... He just showed up on your doorstep." Alyssa reached out for the little guy and rubbed her face in his fur. Oh, he smelt like home. Her other home. Which meant Kelly was a liar, but also that she was an awesome friend. "Thank you for rescuing him from certain death. I'm sure I can find a spot for him here."

  "A spot? Don't tell me you've gone all crazy cat lady just yet. I told you, you have to be at least thirty to claim that title!" Kelly grabbed her bag and they headed back toward the house.

  "We'll be there in no time, and I was thinking that seeing as I can't have kids, I could start early on the cats. No?"

  Kelly let out an over the top sigh. "Fine! As long as this guy gets pride of place, I guess I'll let you."

  "Thanks, Mum!" Alyssa skipped ahead, narrowly avoiding the swat Kelly directed at her butt. "Come on, I'll show you around the place."

  "You mean your house, or the town? Because I think I caught all the main attractions on the way through..."

  "I know, I know. It's not very big. But the beach is awesome, and it's quiet, and the rent is free."

  "Yeah, I can see the appeal. God I haven't even told you about the new flatmate have I?"

  Alyssa shut the door behind them so the kitten couldn't escape. She put him down and watched him assess the hallway, glancing around before taking a few steps on the wooden floor and slipping over onto his butt. "Oh yeah, we're going to be great together." She picked him back up again and let him bury himself in her hair. "Does he have a name?"
  "No, I told you he was a stray," Kelly declared indignantly. "But if he did have a name before he was a stray, it might have been something like Socks."

  "Socks? Socks?!"

  Kelly blushed and reached out to stroke the kitten’s ears. "Yeah, you know, because of his little white paws."

  Alyssa swallowed a laugh and tried not to smile. "Socks it is then. Come on Kelly and Socks, let's settle you in."

  She took them on the quick tour of the house without going into any of the recent history, like 'this is the place where the ghost put his hand through Angela's head, and here is where the paramedic came and lugged her away from'. She hadn't been able to tell Kelly about everything that had happened here. It had been really hard not to—it wasn't like there was anyone else to talk to—but as far as she could see, she'd left all the ghost/witch stuff behind now.

  "Where's the bathroom?" Kelly asked, interrupting Alyssa's train of thought.

  "Just down there, first door on the right. Cuppa?"

  "Of course!"

  Alyssa held Socks until they got to the kitchen, and then shut the back door and dug around in the cupboard for the remains of Buttons biscuits. She hadn't had the heart to throw them out, so now she softened them with a little water and set the bowl on the floor. He gave it a little sniff and then scampered off in the other direction.

  "A fusspot then. Well, we'll get you some proper kitten food soon. For now, you'll just have to make do." He seemed to listen because he came back and head butted her leg before sampling the food.

  She shook her head as she refilled the jug, only then remembering her discarded coffee by the front door. She ran down to get it, noticing another letter had been slipped under the door. "Bloody hell," she muttered.

  "What's that?" Kelly asked, making Alyssa jump and drop the letter. She reached for it, but Kelly got there first and danced away with it. "Love letters under the door? Is there a guy you haven't told me about?"

  "No, seriously, no guy. It's just junk." Alyssa shrugged off the question, hoping that Kelly would leave it. But her friend knew her better than that.

  "Something’s going on here. I can tell. So, either you spill or I just read this letter here." Kelly grasped one corner and tugged it teasingly.

  Alyssa pulled on her earlobe, trying to decide how to play this. "It's nothing, seriously. Go ahead." She took a shallow breath and grabbed her cup before heading to the kitchen, where Socks had curled up and fallen asleep on the mat, his little belly bulging. Kelly followed her, tapping the edge of the letter against her chin.

  "You're up to something."

  "Nope, like I said. You can open it." She poured boiling water into mugs, wracking her brain to try and recall how the last letters were written. It wouldn't make any sense to Kelly, surely. Wouldn't give Alyssa's secrets away.

  As much as she loved Kelly, she didn't know how the other woman would react if she knew what had gone down in that first week she'd been in the Bay. It would go one of two ways, either she'd commit Alyssa to the mental health ward, or, she'd demand they pull out the Ouija board, or concoct a potion—probably a love potion. Neither of those was ideal. Alyssa had done a good job denying her witchiness since Angela, and while even she was curious, it was better not to delve into that. Who knew where it would end.

  Mrs Nolan's endless letters were helpful in that regard, as it hardened her resolve.

  Kelly ripped the top off and slipped out the letter, letting the envelope float to the floor. "Here we go, 'Miss Stewart' no 'dear'? Jeepers, I get the feeling she doesn't really like you."

  "No, she doesn't." Alyssa grimaced.

  "Anyway where was I? 'Due to the fact that you have continued to ignore the requests of the Preservation Society, steps have been taken to ensure that no further damage is done. Trust me, you would be wise to do as asked, or suffer the consequences.' Consequences? Far out, what are you refusing to do now?"

  Alyssa rolled her eyes. "She just wants me to do something that I don't want to do. I have no idea what consequences she's talking about. Honest."

  "And you're not curious?"


  "Oh, oh, I get it. You are curious, you're just refusing on principle. This chick has no idea just how stubborn you can be, does she?"

  "Can I have the letter back now?" Alyssa held her hand out, but her fingers shook a little, giving away that she was nervous. Kelly handed it over, her brow furrowing.

  "Seriously, Lysie, what's going on?"

  "Here's your coffee." Alyssa shoved the letter behind the toaster and passed over the cup. "Better drink it before it gets cold. Let's go sit on the back porch."

  "Only if you promise to tell me what the hell is going on. Is it about the house? Did you make some changes you weren't allowed to? I mean, I know it's old but it's not that old right?"

  Alyssa didn't say anything, just headed for the door, making sure to shut Socks in. The clouds had burned off and the sun was in full force now. Another beautiful day in the Bay.

  "Okay, look. Don't freak out on me or anything. I didn't tell you because I didn't think it was worth worrying about, it's nothing really."

  "If it's nothing then why are you taking so long to spit it out?" Kelly gave her a nudge with her elbow, making Alyssa smile.

  She was still trying to work out what to say, without giving it all away. "Well, apparently, everyone here in the Bay thought of Gran as a... Well, a witch. And now that she's dead, Mrs Nolan thinks that I should take over."

  "As a witch? But you're not a witch, you're just..."

  "Just what, Kelly?" Alyssa glared at her. She might not want to be a witch, but she wasn't 'just' anything.

  "A normal person. Right? I mean, witches aren't real. What did your Gran do? Make charms and stuff?"

  "Yup, I gather that's what she did." Alyssa bit her lip, restraining herself from quipping about keeping ghosts locked up. "Anyway, I've declined, and obviously, she's not overly happy about it. I don't know why she thinks it has to be me."

  "Have you asked?"

  Alyssa glanced away, trying to think of a way to change the topic.

  "You haven't! Have you?"

  "Well, no..."

  Kelly threw her head back and laughed. "That makes sense. I think we should go and see her."

  "What? No way. I'm not going anywhere near that woman."

  "Well maybe I will." Kelly winked.

  Alyssa shook her head. "No, you will not. You're here to see me, not get involved in this nonsense. So, let's get down to business. We need some supplies!" She tipped the dregs of her coffee into the garden and did the same with Kelly's. "Socks needs food, and so do we. Time for that tour of the town you mentioned."

  Chapter Two

  Alyssa and Kelly were sitting in the lounge, bellies full after dinner and glasses full so that they could get started on the evening. Socks played with a cat toy, one of the ones with a bell inside because that's really the only good kind. The collar she'd got him had fallen straight off so they'd had to put it to the absolute smallest setting to stay on. He seemed to have settled in well though.

  "So how's business?" Kelly asked.

  Alyssa shrugged, things had only been up and running for a few weeks. "Not a whole lot to say. Samantha is selling some stuff on behalf for me at the curio store, and online sales are ticking over. It was a good idea not to get an actual store. Thanks for that."

  "No worries, thought I'd save you some drama. You didn't seem keen to leave the Bay just yet anyway."

  "I know you don't understand, but there's something about it. Something good. I feel at home here. And besides, as long as I live in Gran's house, Mum is never going to come knocking."

  Kelly snorted with laughter. "Not on your door anyway," she said pointedly. "She's been over twice since you left, asking how things are going. She's worried, you know."

  And Alyssa knew why. The Bay did things to a person, especially a person with witchiness in her blood. Some days she was sure that she’d give in to Mr
s Nolan's demands, give in to the pull she felt toward exploring all that. But Angela's face haunted her. Not her normal face, but the one possessed by something darker, something more twisted than human nature.

  She never wanted to become like that, and if the example of Magnus being locked up for hundreds of years by the women of her line was anything to go by, there was every chance that she’d go bad.

  "I don't think she's got anything to worry about. I'm an adult, with a house and a business to run, right? Things have never been better." She forced a grin. It was mostly true. Mostly.

  Alyssa got up and flicked on the TV, putting a DVD into the machine. It was their old favourite. Amelie. They liked to watch it with the subtitles off, not that either of them spoke French.

  "I haven't seen this since you left," Kelly said.

  "Anything else you've been avoiding because of me?" Alyssa quirked an eyebrow, genuinely curious. "Want to tell me about this new flatmate?"

  "Hmm." Kelly shook her head and took a sip of wine, eyes focused on the TV.

  "Oh no you don't." Alyssa hit pause on the remote. "Spill."

  "I met someone. And, well, he kind of moved in."

  "Oh my god Kelly! How could you not tell me?"

  "It was quick and I didn't know what you'd say."

  "And he's living with you already? My god, woman. You barely let my bed get cold before you moved him in!"

  "Oh shut up. It's lonely without you, and he's really great. You'd like him."

  "I'm sure I would. You've got good taste in people."

  "Can we get back to the movie now?" Kelly knocked back the rest of her wine and refilled it.

  "Nope, I need to see a photo."

  "Whatever, I don't even have a photo."

  "Whatever, yourself!"

  "No, I'm serious chick. He doesn't like photos." Kelly shrugged as she refilled Alyssa's glass. She reached for the remote and un-paused the movie, settling back amongst the cushions and refusing to look at Alyssa.

  With a sigh, Alyssa did the same. Kelly could be flighty at times, but there was no point getting into it with her right now. She had a whole week to tease the truth from her friend, and if she pushed it now, Kelly might decide to leave. Alyssa didn't want that.


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