Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh

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Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh Page 89

by John Lahr

  Excerpts from The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, © 1945, renewed 1973 the University of the South. Reprinted with permission of Georges Borchardt, Inc. for the University of the South. All rights reserved.

  Excerpts from Memoirs by Tennessee Williams and John Waters, © 1975, renewed 2003 by the University of the South. Reprinted with permission of Georges Borchardt, Inc. for the University of the South. All rights reserved.

  Excerpts from Moise and the World of Reason by Tennessee Williams, © 1975 by the University of the South. Reprinted with permission of Georges Borchardt, Inc. for the University of the South. All rights reserved.

  Excerpts from unpublished material by Tennessee Williams, © 2013 by the University of the South. Reprinted with permission of Georges Borchardt, Inc. for the University of the South. All rights reserved.


  Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

  Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

  Academy Awards, 232, 248, 249


  Brando’s revolutionary style of, 135–36

  Kazan’s influence on, 129–30

  Actors Studio, 130, 211, 240, 254, 263, 657n

  Adams, Jim, 474

  Adler, Stella, 236

  Albee, Edward, 441

  Albus, Joanna, 137

  alcohol, see drinking

  All About Eve (film), 5

  Allen, Fred, 220

  All My Sons (Miller), 129, 131

  Alma Winemiller (char.), 73–74, 79, 81, 82, 95, 97, 98, 99, 101, 103, 120, 122, 385

  Alsop, Joseph, 167

  Altman, Richard, 529

  Alvaro (char.), see Mangiacavallo, Alvaro (char.)

  Amanda (char.), see Wingfield, Amanda (char.)

  American Academy of Arts and Letters:

  Gold Medal for Drama awarded to TW by, 492

  TW’s election to, 258, 567

  American Blues (Williams), 619n

  American in Paris, An (film), 249

  American Pastoral (Roth), 64

  Anderson, Maxwell, 135

  Anderson, Robert, 262, 263

  Ann-Margret, 596–97

  “Answered Prayers” (Capote), 535

  antiwar movement, 521

  TW and, 524, 525, 526–28


  conformity and, 221

  Miller on McCarthyism and, 665n

  redemption through, see redemption, TW’s quest for

  TW’s self-cannibalization in service of, 288–89, 329–30, 371, 376, 377–78, 395, 415, 438, 447, 485–86, 564, 571, 601–2

  Arteaga, Bob, 500

  Arthur, Jean, 275

  Ashley, Elizabeth, 243, 588–89

  Atkinson, Brooks, 213, 214, 216, 273, 301, 311, 328–29, 343, 369, 397

  on Camino Real, 273, 277

  retirement of, 417

  on Rose Tattoo, 215, 223

  Times Book Review article of, 436

  Times essay on tragedy by, 392

  TW’s letters to, 33–34, 153, 162, 163, 172–73, 215, 218, 223–25, 277–78, 311–12, 345, 378, 392, 416–17

  Attica riots, 525

  Auden, W. H., 174

  Austen Riggs Center, 348, 350

  Awake and Sing (Odets), 342

  Ayers, Lemuel, 272, 275, 314

  B (Campbell), 322

  Baby Doll (film), 245–46, 248, 253, 278, 281, 318, 329, 379

  Kazan and, 245–46, 317–20, 408

  promotion of, 319–20, 321

  reviews of, 320–21

  Bachardy, Don, 324

  Baddeley, Hermione, 238–39, 397

  in Milk Train, 443–44, 445, 454–55, 468, 662n

  Baden, Michael, on TW’s cause of death, 587–88

  Baker, Carroll, 318, 318

  Bang the Drum Slowly (film), 557

  Bankhead, Tallulah, 22, 317, 469, 700n–701n

  in Milk Train revival, 467–72

  in Streetcar, 317, 322–24, 323

  Bar Bizarre (D. Williams), 590

  Barnes, Bill, 215, 544, 557, 599

  as TW’s agent, 518–19, 545, 550, 553, 568

  TW’s letters to, 520, 529, 534, 540, 549, 687n–88n

  Barnes, Clive, 530

  Barnes Hospital, TW committed to, 497, 499–507

  Barrault, Jean-Louis, 152

  Barrymore, Diana, 398

  death of, 397, 401, 687n

  on Kazan, 399–400

  TW and, 395–96, 398–401, 687n

  Barter Theatre (Abingdon), 456, 461

  Barton, Lee (pseud.), 532–33

  Bastos, Milton L., 588

  Battle of Angels (Williams), 16–20, 41, 46, 94, 126, 281, 285, 329, 330–31, 335, 623n

  Boston reviews of, 26

  Hopkins and, 22–25, 24, 27

  out-of-town closing of, 27–28, 553

  public reaction to, 25, 26–27

  quest for redemption in, 19–20, 96–97

  Theatre Guild production of, 20, 22–27

  TW on, 16, 23

  see also Fugitive Kind, The (film); Orpheus Descending (Williams)

  Baxley, Barbara, 271, 275

  Beaumont, Hugh “Binkie,” 159, 160

  Beautiful and the Dammed, The (Fitzgerald), 561–62

  Beckett, Samuel, 441, 442, 476, 479

  Beebe, Lucius, 21

  Bel Geddes, Barbara, 296, 308

  Bell, Book and Candle (van Druten), 212–14

  Bella McCorkle (char.), 573, 575–78

  Bennett, Michael, 549

  Bentley, Eric, 273

  Berghof, Herbert, 211

  Bergman, Ingrid, 174

  Berneis, Peter, 186–87

  Bernstein, Leonard, 348

  Bethel Methodist Home, 363

  Bettis, Valerie, 275

  Big Daddy Pollitt (char.), 285, 287, 292, 293–95, 305–7, 308

  Bigelow, Paul, 111, 224, 235, 639n, 672n

  and Baby Doll script, 246

  on Merlo’s relationship with TW, 169

  on Pancho’s relationship with TW, 110, 112

  TW’s letters to, 22, 72, 85, 105, 193, 202, 263, 323, 367

  “Big Time Operators, The” (Williams), 171–72

  Blackie (char.), 443, 447

  Blair, Betsy, 60

  Blanche Dubois (char.), see Dubois, Blanche (char.)

  Bloom, Claire, 550, 551, 552, 553

  Bloomgarden, Kermit, 128

  Blumenstock, Mort, 187

  bohemianism, TW on, 223–25

  Bolt, Robert, 440

  Bolton, Whitney, 371

  Boom! (film), 448, 482, 485, 700n

  Booth, Shirley, 276

  Boss Finley (char.), 378–79, 394

  Boston Globe, 26, 551

  Bowden, Charles, 362, 363, 473, 520, 539

  as Night of the Iguana producer, 422–23, 424–25, 428, 431, 433, 435, 692n

  as Slapstick Tragedy producer, 474–75, 480, 495

  Bowles, Paul, 170, 275

  TW’s letters to, 351, 369, 460, 474, 502, 507

  Brando, Marlon, 149, 150, 315

  in audition for TW, 136–38

  in Fugitive Kind, 339–41, 339, 340, 677n

  Kazan on, 135, 136

  on Magnani, 339, 340–41

  Magnani on, 678n

  Orpheus Descending and, 337, 339

  revolutionary acting style of, 135–36

  Streetcar and, 135–38, 141–43, 145, 146, 228, 249

  TW on, 304–5

  Bray, William Robert, 227, 721n

  Breen, Joseph Ignatius, 225, 227, 230

  Breen office:

  Glass Menagerie and, 225–26

  Streetcar and, 226–29, 230

  Brick (char., “Three Players of a Summer Game”), 236–37

  see also Pollitt, Brick (char.)

  Brimberg, Shirley (Shirley Clarke), 92–93

  Britnev, Alexander, 158

  Britnev, Vladimir
, 158

  Britneva, Maria, see St. Just, Maria

  Britneva, Mary, 158

  Brody, Eugene, 346–47

  Brooks, Louise, 394

  Brooks, Stella, 123, 124

  Brooks Atkinson Theatre (New York), 472

  Brown, Andreas, 502

  and publication of Tom, xv, 599–600

  TW’s letters to, 453–54

  Brown, Blair, 557

  Brown, Pamela, 133

  Brownlow, Margaret, 43

  Brustein, Robert, 477, 547, 567, 598, 714n

  Buchanan, John (char.), 79, 94, 97, 103, 122

  Bucknall, Charles Herbert, 159

  Bungakuza Theatre Company, 493

  Burton, Richard, 440, 466

  Bus Stop (Inge), 342, 406

  Caffe Cino, 477

  Caldwell, Zoe, 475, 480, 481, 481, 702n

  Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis, 589, 591

  Camino Real (Williams), 124–25, 245, 255–62, 270, 279, 281, 387, 509

  closing of, 277

  Kazan and, 253, 254, 256, 257, 259–74

  Kazan’s Times essay on, 272

  New Haven tryout of, 272

  as paean to nonconformity, 264–65

  praise for, 274, 275–76, 277

  rehearsals for, 267–72

  reviews of, 273–75

  rewriting of, 263–67, 269

  Thacher and, 261–62, 263, 265

  TW on, 256, 667n

  as TW’s emotional autobiography, 254, 255, 263, 269

  Campbell, Sandy, 112–13, 322

  Capote, Truman, 154, 163, 174, 441, 572–73

  on St. Just, 161–62

  on TW’s physical decline, 535

  Caretaker, The (Pinter), 441–42

  Carroll, Charles, 593

  Carroll, Robert, 536

  TW on, 541–42

  TW’s bequest to, 544

  TW’s relationship with, 535–42, 544, 568

  “Carrousel Tune” (Williams), 257

  Carter, Jimmy, 567

  Cassandra “Sandra” Whiteside (char.), 19, 25

  Cassidy, Claudia, 12–13, 408, 409, 432–33

  “Catastrophe of Success, The” (Williams), 68

  Catharine Holly (char.), 356, 357, 359, 367, 369, 398, 420

  Cathedral of St. John the Divine (New York), antiwar fund-raiser at, 526, 527–28

  Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (film), 326, 372

  Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Williams), 94, 162, 236, 284, 285, 287–89, 292–94, 303, 309, 329, 398

  as battle between self-destruction and creativity, 285

  Broadway opening of, 310–11

  financial success of, 312

  Kazan and, 291–92, 294–96, 302–8, 312, 673n

  Pulitzer Prize awarded to, 312

  reviews of, 311

  rewriting of, 294–97, 300, 302–10

  tryouts of, 308

  two endings of, 308–10, 311–12, 313, 408–9

  TW on, 287–88

  Cavett, Dick, 160, 554

  Chance Wayne (char.), see Wayne, Chance (char.)

  Channing, Carol, 217

  Chapman, John, 273

  Charlie McCorkle (char.), 575–77

  “Chart of Anatomy” (Williams), see Summer and Smoke (Williams)

  Chatterton, Thomas, 586

  Chekhov, Anton, 1, 25, 34, 65

  Chicago Tribune, 12–13, 408, 432–33

  China, People’s Republic of, 219

  Christian Science Monitor, 551–52

  Christ on a Cross (Williams), 571, 572

  Christopher Flanders (char.), 444–49, 468–69

  Circle in the Square (New York), 385, 650n

  Clarke, Shirley (Shirley Brimberg), 92–93

  Clarksdale, Miss., Williams family in, 36

  Clarksdale Register, 27

  Clift, Montgomery, 151–52

  Closing Time (Williams), 451

  Clothes for a Summer Hotel: A Ghost Play (Williams), 464, 560–64, 593

  closing of, 567

  reviews of, 560, 563, 564, 566–67, 568, 571

  Clurman, Harold, 136, 199, 211, 236, 439, 476, 482, 492, 521, 571

  Orpheus Descending and, 342

  Coconut Grove Playhouse (Miami), 317, 322–23, 386

  Cocteau, Jean, 152

  Cold War, 219

  Come Back, Little Sheba (Inge), 210, 211

  Commonweal, 455

  Common Wealth Award of Distinguished Service in Dramatic Arts, 579

  Communism, 222

  HUAC and, 248, 249

  Kazan and, 243, 248–49, 251–53

  U.S. obsession with, 219–20, 248–49

  Confessional (Williams), see Small Craft Warnings (Williams)

  conformity, in 1950s, 220–21, 225, 255

  Congdon, Tom, 545–46

  Conjure Man (char.), 20, 622n

  Cooch Behar, Maharaja of, 238, 239

  Cornelius (char., You Touched Me!), 75, 77

  Cornelius McCorkle (char., A House Not Meant to Stand), 573–75, 577

  Cornell, Katharine, 68, 110, 114

  Corsaro, Frank, 432

  Night of the Iguana and, 411–13, 415, 416, 422–24, 426–28, 435, 436, 437, 438

  “Cortege” (Williams), 35, 48, 282–83

  Cort Theatre (New York), 564

  Costly Performances: Tennessee Williams: The Last Stage (Smith), 593

  counterculture, 521

  TW’s encounters with, 522–28

  Country Girl, The (Odets), 210

  Coward, Noël, 476, 477

  Crane, Hart, 65, 66

  Crawford, Cheryl, 128, 260, 290, 296, 365, 465, 657n

  as Camino Real producer, 260, 265

  as Period of Adjustment producer, 406

  as Rose Tattoo producer, 198, 200, 201–2, 203, 217

  as Sweet Bird of Youth producer, 385, 386, 399

  TW’s break with, 422

  TW’s letters to, 201–2, 203, 210, 217, 222, 223, 248, 289, 342, 385, 422

  Crawford, Joan, 22

  Creature (monkey), 457, 465–66

  “Cried the Fox” (Williams), 583

  Cronyn, Hume, 133, 588

  Crowther, Bosley, 341

  Cukor, George, 184–85

  Curtis, Simon, 597

  Daily Express (London), 549

  Dakin, Rosina, 35, 50

  death of, 72

  emotional reserve of, 41

  Dakin, Walter, 35, 43, 50, 67, 78, 118, 292

  death of, 314

  Edwina and, 188–89

  Edwina’s home shared by, 72, 188

  in Key West, 116–17, 188–89, 283–84, 414

  Merlo and, 188–89, 190, 414

  possible homosexuality of, 41–42

  rich vocabulary of, 49–51

  TW’s relationship with, 116–18

  Dalí, Salvador, 166

  Dalrymple, Jean, 322

  Dance of Death (Strindberg), 495, 705n

  Darling, Candy, 522–53

  Daughters of the American Revolution, 38

  David Frost Show, TW’s coming-out on, 521, 545

  Davis, Bette:

  in Night of the Iguana, 425–29, 430, 433–36, 437–38

  TW’s letters to, 434, 435–36, 437

  “Death Is High” (Williams), 636n

  Death of a Salesman (Miller), 65, 173, 194, 395

  de Havilland, Olivia, 221

  de Kooning, Willem, 275

  Dellinger, David, 525

  De Niro, Robert, 557

  “Desire and the Black Masseur” (Williams), 73

  dissent, suppression of, 254, 255, 258

  Donne, John, 26

  Doriden, 496, 501, 505

  Doubleday, 545–46

  Douglas, Mitch:

  on St. Just, 593

  as TW’s agent, 568–71

  TW’s correspondence with, 568, 569–71

  Dowling, Eddie:

  Glass Menagerie and, 2–5, 7, 8–9, 12–16, 32, 60–61, 126, 434, 643

  on Laurette Taylor,
4, 32

  TW’s relationship with, 4, 12

  Dowling, Ray, 14–15


  Miller on McCarthyism and, 665n

  1960s revolution in, 475–77

  postwar shift in, 64–65

  TW as creator of new style of, 65–67

  as TW’s chosen genre, 34, 621–22n

  see also acting


  by CC Williams, 43, 46, 49, 72, 78, 344, 354

  by Merlo, 328, 404–5

  by Pancho, 71

  by Taylor, 3–4, 7–8, 15, 621n

  by TW, 43, 46, 49, 72, 78, 344, 354

  drugs, see prescription drugs

  Dubois, Blanche (char.), 118–22, 398, 399

  Kazan on, 146

  TW on, 95, 121

  as TW’s alter ego, 121, 122, 143

  Dunnock, Mildred, 445

  Dunphy, Jack, 174

  Eastman, John, as co-trustee of Rose Williams Trust, 592, 595, 596, 601

  Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (A. Freud), 634n

  Elavil, 474

  Elkins, Hillard, 547, 550–51

  Emmie (char.), 75, 77

  “Enemy: Time, The” (Williams), see Sweet Bird of Youth (Williams)

  English Theatre (Vienna), 553–55

  “Epitaph for Tennessee Williams” (Mamet), 715

  Esmeralda (char.), 264–65, 269, 271

  Esquire, 477, 535


  TW’s trips to, 151–57, 198–203, 280–82, 373–74, 420, 459–60, 649n

  see also Rome

  Evans, Edith, 159–60

  Evans, Oliver, 95–96, 100, 221, 235, 283, 519, 651n

  on Merlo, 169

  TW’s letters to, 70–71, 153–54, 201, 221, 246, 351, 360, 377, 429, 494, 509–10, 540, 711n

  Evening with Nichols and May, An, 441, 695n

  Evergreen Review, 522, 526

  Everlasting Ticket, The (Williams), 573

  Eyre, Richard, 158, 597

  Eyre de Lanux, Elizabeth, 176–77

  “Faint as Leaf Shadow” (Williams), 175

  Farmington State Hospital, 54, 58, 359, 360–61, 362, 681n–82n, 716n

  Farther Off from Heaven (Inge), 406

  Faulk, Maxine (char.), 414, 425, 439–40

  Faulkner, Henry, 544

  Federal Theatre Project, 262

  Feldman, Charles, 185, 187

  Festival of Two Worlds (Spoleto), 412, 416, 442

  Field, Henry, 474

  “Final Day of Your Life, The” (Williams), 462

  Finley, Boss (char.), 378–79, 394

  Fitelson, Bill, 128

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott:

  as character in Clothes for a Summer Hotel, 560, 561, 562–64, 564

  TW’s identification with, 561

  Zelda’s life appropriated in fiction of, 561

  Fitzgerald, Zelda, 561–62

  as character in Clothes for a Summer Hotel, 560, 561, 562–64, 564

  Five O’Clock Angel (St. Just), xiii, 301, 514, 588, 592, 594

  Flanagan, Hallie, 262

  Flanders, Christopher (char.), 444–49, 468–69


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