Letters To Luca

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Letters To Luca Page 6

by M. R. Joseph

  “If I tell you, will it shut you up?” She nodded.

  “Yes, ma’am.” She sat beside me and criss-crosses her legs and tucks them underneath.

  “Ok, ready, spill.”

  “I went to my p.o. box at the post office to get my mail. I was walking down the Coastal Highway going through it, not paying attention and a door on the street hit me and knocked me out.”

  Grace shook her head confused.

  “You mean someone hit you with it, or you ran into it?”

  “Actually, someone hit me with it.”

  “Where did this happen?”


  “Lucky’s? You mean as in where James works Lucky’s?”

  “That’s the one and I met him by the way, major eye candy Gracie Lou. Good pickings. He looks totally different than he did in high school.”

  “Leighton, that’s crazy, but thanks. I’m crazy about him. I’ll even put him in the Dave Grohl category. Hope something more comes out of it. Did James hit you with the door?”

  I suddenly got all hot and bothered. The image of Luca’s face above mine made my blood course through my veins at a rapid rate.

  “No. Luca Ferro did.” Her jaw dropped and no other words seemed to exit her mouth so I continued.

  “He carried me in and put me on one of the tables, his brother, sister, and James were there, and they got me ice and put it on my head.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Not exactly.” I hung my head over the back of the sofa and then brought it back up to look at her with an embarrassed scowl on my face.

  “Continue before I beat the crap out of you.”

  “Well, I, um, I… kissed him. I kissed Luca.” Grace smiled but I had a feeling she wasn’t quite sure of what kind of kiss I was referring to.

  “Aw, that was nice of you, kissing his cheek as a thank you. He’s a super nice guy Leighton. You should go for that now that dickface is out of the picture.”

  “Grace, I didn’t kiss him on the cheek, I like kissed him, kissed him. With lips and tongue, and his hair between my fingers. I mean I kissed the ever loving shit out of the man.” Grace popped up off the sofa and started to jump up and down.

  “Holy shit, Leighton, you kissed Luca Ferro. You. Kissed. Luca. Ferro. How was it, tell me, I can talk to James about hooking you guys up. Get to the good stuff, quickly, I’m dying.”

  This girl needs to calm down. Even though the thoughts of the kiss were making me almost hyperventilate, I need to be more calm than Grace is. I didn’t want to lead on that it had affected me as much as it did. I am through with love. Grace needs to be aware of this.

  “Grace, you are not hooking me up with anyone. I didn’t mean to kiss him. I saw his face above me when I was on the table and I thought it was a dream. I’m not interested. I’m through with love. I’d rather just use men for sex, no strings attached.”

  “Well that’s some dream then. Leighton, that sounds like fun, but what about the companionship. Someone to share your life with, and I don’t mean to be blunt and you will probably get pissed at me for saying this, but the kind of relationship you just described was sort of like what you had with Michael, except the fact that he promised you him full time.”

  The thought of Michael turned my stomach. I couldn’t be mad at Grace for saying that. It was the truth. We have great sex. That was it. It was addictive, but he never told me he loved me, or that I was beautiful, or smart, or funny. Our days ended in bed and not for sleeping. I thought I felt more, but I know now I was wrong.

  “Grace, I’m not mad because it’s the truth. It’s just that the burn is still there, you understand?”

  She hugged me and put her hand on my bandage.

  “Yes, I get it, now you listen here. We are going out tonight. M.J. got Ryan to stay with the kids, McKenna has off from the hospital until Monday and she’s driving in from John’s Hopkins, and Candy, she’s home from traveling as of now and well, she’s always ready for a night out.”

  I rolled my eyes and groaned.

  “Seriously, Grace. Tonight? I’m a wreck. It’s been a long day. I just want to sleep.”

  Grace went back to the kitchen to stir whatever she had on the stove cooking. She didn’t argue with me, which is strange.

  “You aren’t going to give me grief about this?” She shook her head no.

  “Nope, I’ll just go to Lucky’s with the girls tonight and ask Luca how his game of tonsil hockey was with you.”

  “Grace Kimberly Marris, I will kill you if you say one word to him about today. I will defriend you for life.”

  “Oh, you mean business. You brought out the middle name. Nice play. It won’t work, I’m not afraid of you. If you go tonight, I promise I won’t’ say a word. It’s rare that we are all together, Leighton. Please?” I knew she wasn’t going to let this go, and I wouldn’t put it past her to say something to Luca about the kiss. I had to go. I would probably not see him anyway. He was working and I know from my conversation with my friends, that Lucky’s was always busy in the summer.

  “Fine. You are such a brat when you don’t get your way. Can I at least take a nap before we go.”

  “Sure. Go in my room and snooze. I’ll wake you up in an hour.”

  I walked into Grace’s room, went to pick something out to wear for the night. I opted for a white, denim skirt, and a backless, black halter top. I climbed into Grace’s bed and let sleep come to me.

  An hour later, Grace woke me up. I hopped in the shower. I took careful notice of my far head as I washed my hair. When I got out, I decided to air dry my hair so it would be wavy. Part of Lucky’s bar area was outside on the Promenade, so I knew the ocean breeze would mess it up regardless of how much time I put into it. I applied just a touch of makeup. It wasn’t my usual heavy application, but I wasn’t meeting clients, or smoozing with the mayor, or wearing smoky eyes and lingerie for Michael. I wanted to be me, the inside me for once. Not made up, not someone’s whore, but just Leighton.

  When Grace and I finish getting ready, we nursed a beer and waited for the rest of the girls to get there. A knock at the door signaled their arrival. Grace flies to the door and in walked, M.J., McKenna, and Candy. I run up to them and we group hugged.

  “Leighty you look incredible. What’s the bruise on your head?” McKenna asks me.

  “I’ll fill you in later, but I’m fine. So, how’s your cardiology residency going, Dr. Vernon?”

  “I’m tired, I’m cranky, I need to get drunk ,and possibly laid by someone that is not in the medical profession.” I laugh at her bluntness.

  “All my questions were just answered. I missed you Doctor.” Mckenna laughs.

  “I missed you too, Leighty bug.”

  MJ strolls over to me in her usual way.

  “Molls, I missed you even thought I talk to you constantly. I missed this face.” I squeeze her cheeks.

  “I missed you too, Leightybug. What the hell is wrong with your head?” Grace interrupts.

  “Long story, but it will be discussed over drinks. We are all together and this hasn’t happened in a long time. I’m so happy.”

  “Ok, ok. Enough with the mushy stuff. I want to get drunk, find a boy or two to kiss, and dance. Can we please get on with it.” Candy yells with one foot out the door. I grab my purse and go towards the door.

  “Good to see you too, Candace.”

  She air kisses both my cheeks. “Oh, Leighton, good to see you too, doll. Your eye makeup looks pretty, not smoky enough but we are just going to Lucky’s, so you’re good.”

  “Can we please get out of here? I’m ready for some fun.” Grace yells to us all.

  We hail a cab from outside Grace’s building and made our way to Lucky’s. My stomach was in knots and I wanted to turn and go back to the apartment as soon as my ass sat in the cab. The rest of the girls were giggling and talking about their jobs. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else but the face that lingered above me just a few short hours ago. His smile
, his smell, his eyes, his voice. All the things I dreamed of. I wrote about all the things I loved about him. I thought back to our senior year.

  The team had lost a very big game and from the looks of it from the bleachers, Luca was taking it pretty hard. I wished I could go up to him and wrap my arms around him and tell him everything was going to be ok, but I couldn’t. The only way I could was with my words. I ran from the bleachers and went into the school to find the nearest bathroom. I locked the door to one of the stalls and quickly composed a letter to him. I didn’t have much time but I knew I needed to comfort him somehow, some way, and this was it. After I was done I placed it into one of my signature envelopes and ran to the second floor where Luca’s locker was. It was way past after school hours and I knew I needed to slip it in so he would get it for tomorrow. It broke my heart that he wouldn’t receive it till then, but tomorrow was the best I could do.

  I hurried and found the locker. Number one twelve. I placed it in the slats of the locker and quickly made my way down the hall towards the stairs. Suddenly, as I made my way there, I heard footsteps. The janitors usually waited till the grounds were clear of students and faculty before beginning any of their clean up routines. I exited to the stairs but turned and peered through the thin glass window of the door. My heartbeat was erratic for fear of someone seeing me slip the letter into Luca’s locker. When I peaked, I saw it was Luca, heading for his locker. I waited and felt like I was about to pass out right there in the stairwell. He opened his locker and found the letter almost instantaneously. I watched him take it out of the envelope and unfold it. I watched his sadness turn into a smile as he read my words to him. Luca brought the letter up to his nose and he momentarily closed his eyes. He placed it back in the envelope and as if my heart wasn’t beating enough at just the sight of him, I watched Luca bring the envelope towards his heart, and hold it there. He shook his head and then brought the envelope up to his lips and kissed it. He kissed it. I thought about the words I used to make him respond in such a way.

  We pull up to Lucky’s and I’m so lost in the day dream of my past, I don’t realize it. We all climb out of the car and step up to the front door. I feel like If I don’t start breathing normally, I may fall right here in front of Lucky’s again, for the second time today, and that couldn’t happen. I need to get a grip and have a good time with my friends. This night was a rarity, so I am going to go in there as the strong, confidant Leighton Parks I had grown to be. I wasn’t going to fall victim to the charms of Luca Ferro. I’m not going to give in. I am the last to walk in and when I do, I come face to face, yet again with the eyes of the one whose heart held mine. Yep, this girl right here in in trouble. I am majorly fucked. I met the eyes of Luca Ferro. So for now, just call me ‘The Victim’.

  My throat instantly went dry, and I try to swallow to lubricate it, but it didn’t work. The eyes of the girl who invaded my thoughts all day appeared to me as soon as I turned from the hostess stand. I would not have guessed she would be here tonight after what happened today. She stands there, giving me a tight lipped smile. Her hair is different than earlier today. It hangs on her bare shoulders in cascading, dark waves. She has way less makeup on and I can actually see the wholeness of her eyes. It wasn’t covered by dark eye shadow, they are bright and sparkling, even in this dim light, I can see them. I want to speak to her, but the words won’t form. I feel like an idiot. I can’t take my eyes off of hers. Grace pops to her side and puts an arm around her shoulder, breaking our gazes.

  “Luca, I’m guessing you remember Leighton from earlier?” I shake my head gently in a nod. The rest of her friends are standing here and I recognize some of them from coming in the bar.

  “Um, yes. Leighton, how are you feeling? I’m surprised to see you out tonight.”

  She touches her forehead and the recollection of what happened today seems to spark in her eyes. She smiles that incredible smile again and all I can think about is how her lips connected with mine today. How soft they were, and how I really want to feel them again.

  “I’m fine. Luca. Thank you again for everything you did today. I rarely see my friends and this was a night we could all get together since I’ve been home, so I rested a little and here I am.”

  I smile back at her and watch her brush her hair off her shoulder to reveal more of her skin. I suddenly feel my dick twitch in my pants and I know this is not good. I’m standing here in front of her friends. I need a diversion or I need to run into my office.

  “Grace. I’m so glad your here.” James says from behind me. Oh, thank God, best friend to the rescue. James goes up to Grace and sweeps her up in a big hug. He kisses her neck and he gently puts her down. She keeps her arms around his neck, and he grabs her face and gives her a quick kiss. Damn, I’d love to do the same to Leighton. James is no longer helping the situation in my pants. Now all I’m thinking about is kissing Leighton again.

  “Girls, this is Luca Ferro, he owns Lucky’s, and this handsome face here, is James.” I extended my hand to each of the girls. I know MJ because her and her husband have given me my tattoos, and the others look familiar, but I don’t know their names.

  “MJ, how are you? How is Ryan?”

  “He’s good Luca, how’s the ink? You coming in for anymore soon?”

  “As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure I have some idea in my head of what I would want next. I’ll call you. And I’m sorry ladies, I apologize but I don’t remember your names.”

  The little one with the short, dark hair and glasses extends her hand to me.

  “I’m McKenna Vernon. Nice to see you. I’m from here but I live in Baltimore. I’m a cardiology resident at John’s Hopkins so I don’t get back much.”

  “Wow. That’s very impressive. Congratulations. I’m glad you could make it back to spend time with your friends.” I am impressed. She looks like a smart girl. I still haven’t had a chance to grab my yearbook to see what they all looked like in high school, but I will tomorrow.

  “And this is Candy Cross.” Grace says pointing to the girl in the short, black skirt, and fuck me red heels. I extended my hand and she is way too busy looking around.

  “Nice to meet you, Candy.”

  She never takes my hand, she keeps eyeing the place and says, “Yes, nice to meet you too, now where’s the nearest bar.”

  I’m wondering if the girl has a problem. I point over to the bar James is usually at and she retreats to it.

  “Oh boy, I have a feeling she’s in rare form tonight.” Grace says to the group of us standing there.

  “Ladies, tonight, the drinks are on me.”

  “Luca, it’s not..” Leighton tries to speak but I hold up my hand to stop her.

  “Leighton, please. It’s the least I can do after today. You girls go have fun. James, whatever they want, okay?”

  “You got it boss.” James takes Grace by the hand and begins to lead her towards the bar he’s tending to. Grace grabs Leighton’s hand and starts to pull her with them.

  “Wait, what happened today?” Her friend McKenna asks. Leighton looks at me and dazzles me with a smile.

  “Long story, I’ll tell you over a drink.” She ducks her head and goes with her friends. When her back is finally revealed to me, I see more skin exposed than I expected. The whole back of her shirt is open and it dips all the way down to the curve of the top of her ass. Her long, dark waves cover very little and I wonder what it would be like to touch that part of her skin. I can’t help but to linger on it. My eyes burn into her and I feel like a fool. She’s walking away, but then as she is being led from me, she looks over her shoulder to find me looking. Now, I really feel like a fool, and a perv, and well, something inside me tells me, I don’t really care. She smiles and heads for the bar.

  The night goes by quickly. It’s busy in here but I always keep an eye on what she is doing. I watch her dance and drink, and just have a good time with her friends. She seems carefree but not out of control. Our eyes only meet once when she is on t
he dance floor. Her body sways to the music and I like the way she moves. I like the way her hips swing side to side with the beat of the music. I like how the strands of her hair crash around her shoulders. She raises her drink to me, and I give her a slight nod and a tight lipped smile. She mouths the words ‘thank you’, and I feel beads of sweat form on my upper brow. She doesn’t have to thank me. I almost killed her, for Christ’s sake. James is busy at the bar, but I see him every once in a while grab Grace’s hand where she is perched up on a stool. He winks at her, then goes back to business. I’m happy for James. I think he really cares about her. James is a good looking guy and can have the pick of the litter in here, and he has, a lot, but I feel like maybe this girl can tame him. I’ve never seen him so attentive to a chick before. Good for him, good for both of them. I want that, I need that, and the way I’m feeling right now, about a certain green-eyed, raven-haired beauty, I have to hope that it could happen for me too. The next thing I see, is unexpected. A group of guys who I have never seen before, approaches the girls on the dance floor. They started the bump and grind dance with them along to the music. One douche in a navy blue golf shirt comes up behind Leighton on the dance floor. His front is to her back and his hips begin to grind into her ass. I think she’s drunk because she willingly partakes in the movement. Suddenly, I feel rage, like I want to go up to this guy and pull him away from her. I’m not liking what I see and I silently will her to shove him away.

  Look at me, Leighton, look at me. Don’t do this. He only wants in your pants. I know guys like this. Turn and look at me, please. And she does just that. She looks uncomfortable and I hate that she looks that way. She says something to the guy, exits off the dance floor, and makes her way to where Grace is sitting. I see her say something to Grace, and she grabs her purse and heads to the ladies room. She doesn’t look happy, and I’m concerned. I wait a minute then go over and wait outside like a damn stalker, but I don’t care. I stand against the opposite wall of the door. When it opens and she walks out, she looks a little drunk, surprised, and terribly beautiful.


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