Letters To Luca

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Letters To Luca Page 14

by M. R. Joseph

  “Tomorrow, let’s talk and get to know each other better. Coffee say, around 8?”

  I smile at him softly. “Till tomorrow.” With that he walks out the door and heads home. I’m still standing here in my kitchen. I can’t move. My legs aren’t working, but I know I have to get in bed, knowing that he is just a few feet away from me, separated by a wall, brings me comfort and suddenly I have never wanted to get to sleep as fast as I can in order for tomorrow to come even sooner.

  So basically I’m about to have coffee with the most beautiful, smart, funny, wounded girl, who has given me blue balls for the second time in less than a week. You want to know what? I don’t really care because she’s just that fucking special that I can deal with an aching dick. Last night was insanity. That prick ex-boyfriend of hers shows up and is practically trying to rape her right on her front porch. It sickens me to know what would of happened if I hadn’t shown up when I did. I should talk to her today about getting a restraining order or pressing charges against the douche.

  Leighton seems pretty strong but none the less, it could have gotten a lot worse. The most important thing is she wants me. She told me so, and they were the sweetest words I have ever heard. It’s almost eight a.m. and our little meeting is about to take place. I brush the shit out of my teeth and use some mouth wash to get rid of my morning breath, just in case. I throw on a t-shirt and shorts for now. I missed my morning run at six. I’m just too damn tired today. I couldn’t fall asleep last night knowing she was so close, and I couldn’t be with her. I wished I was there, holding her, touching her, burying myself inside her, watching her face as I make her come. That’s something that is just going to have to wait. This girl has had her fair share of jerks, and I just don’t want to rush the intimacy part of all this, although my body is telling me otherwise. I grab my mug and fill it with my dark, Italian Roast coffee. I hear her door slide open and my stomach is doing that crazy, quivering thing again. Here we go. This may be the first day of the rest of my life, who knows but here we go.

  I step out and see Leighton sitting at her little cafe table on her porch. She’s dressed in a beautiful sundress. Her raven-colored hair is down in cascading waves, caressing her shoulders and just a bit of the sides are pulled back, displaying more of her beautiful face. Her beauty makes me gasp, and I’m afraid I may have just done so a little too loudly. Fuck it.

  “Good morning, beautiful. Sleep well?” She blushes and her cheeks appear a little pinker than when I first saw her.

  “Kind of. I had a hard time falling asleep, but I’m ok. You?”

  “Oh, yes, I slept great. I… No, I’m lying. I slept awful. Tossed and turned all night.” We both laugh and I make my way towards her. I grab her hand from the table and bring it to my lips to kiss it. I release it and wish I could just take the time to kiss the rest of her.

  “You’re funny. Luca, I just want to apologize for you having to come to my rescue, again, last night. I’d never known Michael to be crazy, and this was just down right out of character for him, or not. I guess I never really knew him. I’m just so embarrassed. I’m calling my boss today to tell her what he did. There might be a lawsuit in Michael’s near future.”

  I sit down next to her and sip my coffee. She shouldn’t feel like that. We all make mistakes. I know this first hand because I briefly dated Val, and she still hasn’t got it through her head that I’m not interested. At least once a day I get a phone message or an email from her. Some I answer, some I put at the bottom of the pile.

  “You don’t have to feel that way, Leighton. We all make mistakes. You had no idea he was married, let alone expecting a baby. He pulled the wool over your eyes apparently.”

  “I guess you’re right. I was just blind to it all.”

  We sit there in silence for a few moments and I’m not really sure what to say next. I ponder a safe topic that won’t open any new wounds.

  “So with your job, they are letting you work from home or you left all together?” I’m curious as to how she can afford to live here, drive that kind of car without really going to an office.

  “Well, I’m on a very extended leave of absence right now. I just knew I couldn’t go back there now, that was until last night when I found out Michael was fired. His wife’s father is golf buds with the president of the company, she found out about us, and got him fired.”

  “Wow. Does that mean you are in jeopardy of losing your job too?”

  She sighs and takes a long sip of her coffee. She curls her legs up to her chest as she’s sitting and I see that she has the most adorable feet. Little toes, painted in a bright pink. Just another thing to add to the repertoire of all the things I like about this girl.

  “I’m waiting to speak with my boss, who happens to be a very good friend of mine. And to answer your question, I am doing a lot of work from home. I am a saver and have put my money in a lot of good investments, so I can have a secure future. I dabble in editing on the side for some people too.”

  She’s a smart girl, she knows what she wants, and I hope something that she wants is me. I got an inkling of that last night.

  “Did you always want to be an editor? Is that what you majored in when you went to college?”

  “Um, yeah. I guess.” Her answer is very vague and I don’t want to pry. If she wants to tell me more, I’d be willing to listen. She steers the conversation back to me.

  “Do you miss playing ball?”

  “Yes and no. I think that it was all supposed to happen this way. I could be in the majors, traveling around, seeing interesting things, and meeting interesting people, all the while doing what I love most, playing ball. But then I think about how close I am with my family. I wouldn’t see them very often and that scared me a bit. I know what I’m doing now is important to me and my family. I just think this was the path that was chosen for me.”

  She stretches her hand across the small cafe table and puts it on top of mine.

  “I don’t want to sound disrespectful to what you went through, but I’m very glad that the path led you here.”

  Her words bite at me, but in a good way. My heart begins to race just from her grazing the top of my hand. I just want to grab her, and take her in my arms, forget the world today. Forget work, and bills, and customers. Forget everything just to hold her. Then her phone rings.

  “That must be Katherine. I’ll be right back.”

  She pulls her hand away and goes into the house to answer her cell. A minute later she comes back out on the porch with her hand covering the receiver of her phone.

  “Luca, I’m so sorry, but this is my boss, Katherine. I need to talk to her about what happened last night. I’m sorry. Can we pick up where we left off in our conversation later?”

  Damn phones. I’m disappointed I don’t get to talk to her longer, but I know how important this call must be.

  “Of course, but tonight is my late night. Tomorrow I have to take my dad to the doctors then I have to go to the restaurant for a bit. I’ll text you tonight if you’re awake, ok?”

  She nods and her eyes gleem when she smiles at me. I go towards her and give her the lightest, most fragile kiss on the cheek and walk away. I hate that our time was cut short but what can I do.

  I hop in the shower and head into work. Today’s a busy day. We do early bird specials on Wednesdays so the restaurant opens at three. I head to my office to take care of some invoices and I hear a knock on the door.

  “Come in.” It’s James.

  “Hey man, it’s almost three and that shipment of liquor just came in. They were late with it so I need help getting it stocked at the main bar. Mind helping me?”

  “Not at all.” I reply. We head to the main bar and I unlock the door to the restaurant. We have to be quick about stocking the four or so boxes we just received. We talk as we sort through the liquor order.

  “So Grace called her friends to invite them to the party. She said Leighton invited her college roommate, and I saw Wes and invited him to
o. There’s about ten more people I invited too. Ok?”

  “Sounds great. Um, did Grace by any chance say if Leighton said anything about me?” James rolls his eyes at me and put down the bottles.

  “Yep. She says she’s in total love with you and wants to have tiny, baseball playing, Italian babies with you. Satisfied?”

  “Ha, ha. Very funny. I don’t need you to find info out for me anyway. I think I already know the answers.”

  James smirks at me and makes a tsk noise out of his mouth.

  “Oh, really? And how may I ask do you know that? Did you bone her?”

  “No, I didn’t bone her. Let’s just say, I’m getting to know her better and I think it’s going quite well.”

  “Well, sounds like you don’t need my help or Grace’s help with that. Is she looking forward to the party? I am that much I know.”

  “Me too. I just want the party to be nice for Leighton. Make her feel comfortable about living here and for her to see all of her friends.”

  Now I hear the piercing sound of a voice that I wish I didn’t.

  “Did I hear the word party, boys?” It’s Val. She must have come in through the restaurant doors. What the hell is she doing here?

  “Val, where did you come from?” I turn and say to her after getting a nose full of her pungent perfume.

  “Oh, silly Luca, I walked in the front door of course. I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. Have you been avoiding me?”

  “Like the plague.” James chimes in and gives her a fake smile. She returns one to him, but continues on undeterred.

  “So I overheard that you guys are having a party. At the Quad, right? Well, I’d love to come. Just tell me what time.”

  Typical Val. She has no shame, she could care less what she says, and she’s obnoxiously blunt. Why I ever dated her, and slept with her for that matter, escapes me. I should have kept my dick in my pants.

  “Val, it’s kind of a private party. Invite only.” James tells her.

  “Oh, come now James. Don’t be silly. We are all old friends. I’d love to hang out with all of you.”

  I inwardly groan. Her ability to force herself into a situation, makes it awkward not for herself, but for others. I feel bad in a way. I’m not sure why.

  “Sure, Val. It’s fine. Just come by the quad after nine.”

  “That sounds great. Well, the real reason I’m here is because I wanted to drop off the final payment for the reunion. Looks like it going to be a great turn out Luca.”

  I really could have cared less but it is what Val lives for. Planning, being in charge of things, being the center of attention. Things I hate to be. It will be good revenue for Lucky’s, but that’s about it.

  “Great Val, well we have to really get these bottles stocked and accounted for, so I’ll see you Friday, ok?” She hands me the check for the reunion, and turns for the door with a quick wave.

  “Great to see you, Luca. Bye, James.” And she leaves.

  “Dude, she is one crazy nut job of a woman. What would ever possess you to hook up with her? Were you desperate?”

  “Nah, maybe just a little lonely.”

  The dinner rush comes in like a whirlwind. I work the floor, help the staff in the kitchen, help James and the other bartender with a small mishap with a patron, and by the time I look at the clock again it is almost midnight. All I want to do is go home and see Leighton. I know she’s most likely asleep, but I would at least like to say goodnight to her.

  I haven’t checked my phone all night for any messages, and I’m anxious to see if she called. I lock up the restaurant, make sure the kitchen is secure, and turn off all the lights. I stop in my office to grab my keys and phone. I have a voice message so I type in my pass code and listen. It’s Leighton and I feel a rush of excitement by her just saying my name.

  “Luca, its Leighton. I didn’t want you to think I skipped town, but I kinda did. I talked to my boss and told her what happened last night. She wants me to come back to Philadelphia to speak with her and the CEO of the company. I’m going to just spend the night at my friend Kenzie’s and I’ll be back tomorrow. I, um hope you had a good day, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Bye.”

  I’m stunned that she would even think to call me. Happy she did so, but stunned none the less. I’m disappointed that I won’t be seeing her, but tomorrow’s another day. I can’t wait to taste her lips again, and feel her warm body in my arms. It’s going to be hard to sleep tonight knowing she’s not beyond the wall next to me.

  Driving back to Philadelphia seems strange even though I’ve only been in Ocean City for two weeks. Katherine wants all the details over lunch as well as the CEO of the magazine. I’m pretty sure I’ll have to file a police report as well. I park my car in one of the garages and head to the offices of The Ben. I’m walking down the halls to Katherine’s office and my former work friends greet me with friendly hellos and some whispers. No doubt finding out about the affair I had with Michael. When I get to Katherine’s office and open the door, Mr. Arthur Beaumont, the CEO of the magazine is sitting with Katherine. They both rise to greet me. Mr. Beaumont extends his hand and shakes mine.

  “Please, Ms. Parks, sit down. It’s good to see you. I first want to say how sorry I am for what happened to you the other night with Mr. McLaughlin. I trust that you realize it is entirely up to you if you want to press charges.”

  “Mr. Beaumont, to be honest with you, I think he’s been punished enough. No need involving the police. I would rather put the whole thing behind me.”

  “Well, that’s very honorable of you, Ms. Parks. I understand most of the details from what Katherine has told me, and this may be a sensitive subject, but we need to discuss the affair with Mr. McLaughlin. She tells me you had no idea that he was not divorcing his wife, nor did you know of her being pregnant. Is this correct?”

  I feel a little uneasy about the conversation, but I know I need to tell him.

  “No, sir. I was not aware. Mr. McLaughlin told me he was separated from his wife, we were seeing each other for almost a year before I found out and about her pregnancy.”

  “Well, Miss Parks, you do know that we have a no fraternization policy here at The Ben. I’m very sorry, but we are going to have to let you go based on our policy. Everyone in the company seems to know what went on, combined with Mr. McLaughlin’s actions the other day and unfortunately, Miss Parks, it doesn’t look good for the company.”

  “With all due respect, Mr. Beaumont, the enforcement of the no fraternizing policy is lackluster at best. Considering my work performance and drive, I would hope we could overlook this situation just this once.”

  “You know I can’t do that Leighton. That would mean it’s ok for anyone else in the company to do the same, so the policy would be worth nothing, but if you will allow me to continue, based on your performance here, I am willing to give you a generous severance package. Would you be willing to accept that along with a recommendation for further employment?”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you. Again, I am sorry for my indiscretion. I have loved working for the magazine and I am sorry to be leaving. Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity.” I shook his hand and he left. It was clear that there was no sense in arguing the point. I broke the rule. At least I can leave without any blemishes on my resume. It’s just Katherine and I in her office now and she sits back in her desk pulling out a spreadsheet report.

  “Well now that’s over, let me show you your real future, my dear.” Katherine unfolds the spreadsheet and it’s a log of my book sales. I join her on her side of the desk as she shows me my profit margin and sales records.

  “See this? This is a record of your annual sales, each book is broken down for you to see. With the release of the fifth installment in the series, your sales projections are going to soar. Leighton, or Brianna Maxwell rather, welcome to the big time. You are officially going to be a bestselling author.”

  I cannot believe my eyes as I look at all the figures and projections.
This is really happening. This is real. I have the sudden urge to call Luca to tell him the wonderful news, but that is short lived. I can never tell him. He would know my identity as soon as he reads the first chapter of any of the books.

  “You know, Leighton, you aren’t going to be able to keep this a secret forever. The publishers and the fans are going to start to demand a face with the name. It’s not going to be hidden forever. It’s inevitable.”

  When Katherine tells me that, it solidifies the fact that maybe this thing between Luca and I can never be. As much as I want it, as much as I want him, if he ever found out, it would be such an unforgivable betrayal.

  “Well, I guess I’m just going to have to deal for now. I received an email the other day from the transportation department of the publishing company and my arrangements have been set for the interviews for September in New York. Maybe by then I’ll give them a glimpse of who Brianna Maxwell is. I’m still keeping it under wraps until then.”

  “Ok, sweetie. Give me a hug and be on your way. You no longer work here.” She gives me a wink and a hug and I walk out of the offices of The Ben for the last time.

  I feel a little guilty for what I have done, I broke a policy and it wound up not being worth the piece of paper it was written on. Now I need to deal with my feelings for Luca. It’s not even like I can keep my distance from him right now. Tomorrow night is the party and my friends are coming. I’m going back to Kenzie’s place and then she’s going to follow me back to Ocean City. When I get to her place, she’s already leaning against her car, waiting for me.

  “Jesus Christ, it took you long enough to get fired. Can we go, please?” I laugh at her. She’s so blunt and I love it.

  We set out on our way for our three-hour car ride. When we finally get to my place, I’m secretly praying that Luca is working, and also praying I get to see his gorgeous face and introduce him to Kenzie. I pull behind the quad and his car is not there. I feel a bit of relief mixed with sadness. I’m a hopeless case. I really am.


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