The Other Room (Door Peninsula Passions Book 2)

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The Other Room (Door Peninsula Passions Book 2) Page 18

by Katherine Hastings

  “Hey, man. You back out in Sister Bay tonight?”

  “Yeah, the Mullet Hunters are having their reunion show here tonight, so we thought we’d make the trek. Remember how much fun we used to have when they’d play?” He leaned back in his stool and played his air guitar.

  “Oh, I remember.” I laughed. “I’m hungover just thinking about it.”

  “Good times! Tony is in the parking lot trying to convince his girlfriend to come out and be our DD so he and I can both get lit.”

  Snorting, I shook my head. “I wish him luck with that.”

  “Yeah. Not likely, but he’s trying anyway. You out alone? Ready to par-tay? Get your Mullet Hunter jam on?” Rubbing his hands together, he gave me that mischievous smile he’d been sporting since we were kids.

  “Nah. Not tonight.”

  “Why not? Come on, man! It’s the reunion show! They never play anymore so everyone who’s anyone is coming. It’s gonna be awesome. And summer will be over before we know it. Let’s do some dancing, drink some beers, find some hot girls... it’ll be epic!”

  I already had a hot girl. An amazing girl. The perfect girl.

  A girl I didn’t know if I should tell him about yet. Knowing how easily Jo spooked, I wanted her to be in charge of telling people about us. On her schedule.

  “I’m good, man. But you guys should rip it up for sure.”

  “Oh, come on! What else do you have planned tonight? Nothing. That’s what. So you’re partying with us. It’s a done deal.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Not tonight, Aaron. I’ve got... plans.”

  His orange eyebrows rose. “Oh yeah? Like, plans with a girl?”

  “Plans I’m not talking about.”

  “Masturbating doesn’t count as plans.”

  Almost spitting out my drink, I choked down my laugh. “That’s not the plan!”

  “So, it’s a girl.” His smile grew. “Who is she? Do I know her?” He looked down at the drink in front of him and his face lit up. “Is she here?

  While Aaron searched the growing crowd, I just shook my head. “Who she is isn’t important. But yes, it’s a girl. And it’s really, really new and I don’t want to jinx it and tell you yet. So, just order a drink and get out of here before she shows up.”

  “A secret girl.” He waggled his eyebrows. “I love a good mystery. Is she hot?”


  “Do I know her?”

  “Not answering.”

  “I do know her!”

  “Aaron, just please grab a drink and go. Don’t fuck this up for me, man.”

  He blew out a defeated sigh then stuck his finger in my face. “Fine. But I want details later.”

  “Deal. Just go!” I gave him a playful shove, and he hopped off the stool.

  Bob, the other bartender slinging drinks tonight, hurried past us but called over his shoulder, “Aaron, you need a beer?”

  “Yeah, Bob! Thanks!”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I worried Jo would arrive and see Aaron here and think I wasn’t serious about tonight being a date. This wasn’t a night to hang out with friends together. Tonight it was about us. Just us. A couple’s night.

  “Here you go. I’ll start you a tab.” Bob slid the beer into Aaron’s waiting hands while he blew by.

  “There. You’ve got a beer. Now get out of here.”

  “Who is it?” he asked one more time.

  “Go!” I shoved him again.

  He chuckled, but as he started away, he stopped and froze. “No fucking way, Matt.”

  “What?” I followed my friend’s stare with my own.

  “Dude. That is fucked up. Seriously? You’re dating Nikki?”

  “What?” I choked, searching the crowd harder. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Aaron spun to look at me, disappointment and condemnation stiffening his face. “Dude. Just because Jake is engaged now doesn’t mean it’s okay to go for Nikki. Bros before hos, and she is a bona fide ho. Does Jake know?”

  “Does Jake know what? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Um, I’m not stupid, Matt. Your secret date? The one you won’t tell me about. Yeah. Cat’s out of the bag. And for the record, I think it’s totally shitty and not even a little cool. Dude, you just got people to forgive you for screwing her in the first place. Have you lost your fucking mind?”

  What the hell was he talking about?

  “Not cool,” he said, shaking his head as he started away.

  “Aaron,” I called after him. “I don’t even know what–”

  The crowd parted and I saw her.

  Holy shit. Nikki.

  She stumbled up the walkway with a flock of blonde floozies trailing behind her. It looked just like high school again. Nikki at the lead and her adoring protégés following behind like a row of lost ducklings.

  A knot wound its way around my stomach, and I struggled to keep my mouth shut.

  Aaron’s harsh words slammed into me. Nikki. He assumed Nikki was my secret date.

  And nothing could be farther from the truth.

  As I watched her stumbling through the crowd, I realized she was already drunk. Her glassy eyes teased every man she passed, and I struggled to see how I was ever attracted to her. How I had chosen to spend so many years focusing on Nikki, even when she was with Jake.

  And then I saw her flip her hair and giggle at a man who smiled at her, and I finally knew. I finally understood why it had to be Nikki all those years.

  She was the opposite of Jo.

  The polar opposite of the woman I really loved.

  Putting all my energy into fixating on Nikki had helped me channel my love for Jo away. Far, far away. Convincing myself I was into a girl like Nikki helped me convince myself I wasn’t into a girl like Jo.

  How had I been so stupid?

  The thought of having feelings for a girl like Nikki, even false and forced feelings, made me want to puke. The fact I’d taken those feelings so far, I’d betrayed my best friend twisted my stomach into a knot so tight I worried I would never get it loose.

  All the pain I’d put everyone through, myself included, had been my way of convincing myself I wasn’t in love with Jo... when I knew damn well, I had been. And always would be.

  Nikki’s blue eyes skated across the crowd and headed straight for me.


  I spun around in my stool, pressing my elbows onto the bar and lowering my head, hoping she didn’t see me. Praying she didn’t see me.

  “DJ, can I get my tab?” I whispered as he passed by.

  “You got it.”

  Hurry, I wanted to scream. If Jo came here and saw Nikki, it would ruin our night. Hell, it may even ruin our relationship. One look at Nikki and I knew Jo’s rage would resurface, and the fragile new bond we’d created last night could easily break. Her anger would incinerate it and it was a risk I wasn’t willing to take.

  I pulled out my phone, clicked Jo’s name and shot her a quick text.

  Me: Change of plans. I’ll meet you at The Boathouse.

  DJ dropped off my tab and I handed him my credit card.

  “Matt?” Nikki said, and I closed my eyes. Like a child, I pretended if I couldn’t see her, she couldn’t see me.

  It didn’t work.

  “Oh my God!” she squealed and tossed her arms around my shoulders. “It is you!”

  No. Hell no.

  I leapt up off my stool and slid out of her grip. “Not happening, Nikki. Goodbye.”

  “Oh, come on, Matt! Not you, too.” She pouted as I stepped farther away. “I thought if anyone wouldn’t be pissed at me, it would be you. I mean, it was you that got me into this mess.”

  “Nikki, you need to get the hell away from me. I’ve got nothing to say to you. Goodbye.”

  I turned away, leaning on the bar and silently begging for DJ to hurry and return with my card.

  “Come on, Matt. Don’t be ridiculous. You can’t even talk to me now?” She dragged a fing
er down my back.

  Fuck no. I’ll get my card later.

  I shook off her hand and spun away, hurrying through the thick crowd.

  “Matt!” she called after me, but I sped up when I made it through the throng of people. Racing through the parking lot, I hauled ass to my truck and away from Nikki.

  I got to my truck and yanked the door open, but her hand appeared and slammed it shut.

  Spinning around, I raked my hands through my hair. “Nikki. Get the hell away from me. Seriously. Go.”

  I reached for my door again, but she slid around me and leaned up against it.

  “I don’t want to put hands on you, but if you don’t fucking move, I’m going to pick you up and move you myself.”

  “Matt. Seriously. Stop it.” She stuck out her lower lip, and I saw her teeter.

  “How drunk are you?” I asked, hoping she’d teeter again and stumble out of my way.

  Gesturing with her fingers, she giggled. “A little buzzed.”

  “Well, take your way-more-than-buzzed ass the hell away from me, Nikki. We have nothing to talk about. Now go. Please.”

  “I’m sorry, Matt.”

  Nikki sorry? Well that had to be a first.

  “I am. I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble. But I really did care about you, Matt. I always have.” Reaching out, she tried to wrap an arm around my neck, but I sidestepped her. She lurched toward me and away from my door. I used the moment to leap forward, whipping open my door and sealing myself inside.

  “Matt! Come on! This is crazy! Just talk to me!” She pressed her hands against my window.

  I fumbled to get the keys in the ignition.

  “You’re not leaving until you talk to me,” she demanded, then marched to the back of my truck.

  I looked in my rearview mirror and groaned. Nikki stood behind my bumper, arms crossed and wearing that look of determination I knew well enough to know she wasn’t moving.

  “Fuck!” I slapped the steering wheel, then sat back and exhaled a breath.

  I glanced at my phone. No response from Jo. Hoping she was still at work or had at least gotten my text, I opened the door and jumped out. The sooner I dealt with Nikki the sooner I could get the hell out of here.

  “What?” I shouted, slamming the door after I landed on the ground. “What do you want?”

  “To talk,” she whined.

  “Okay, then. Talk. But make it fucking quick.”

  “Why are you so mad at me?”

  “I’m not mad at you, Nikki. I don’t care enough about you to be mad at you. I just don’t want you anywhere near me. You fucked up my life enough already.”

  “Hey, you were part of that decision, too!”

  Exhaling a groan, I scrubbed a hand down my face. “You’re right. I was part of that decision. And it was a bad one. And the good decision right now is to get you as far away from me as possible. I don’t want you in my life, Nikki. So please, just let me go.”

  “I still have feelings for you, Matt.” She reached forward, but I stepped out of her reach.

  “No, you don’t. You don’t have feelings for anyone other than yourself. You only want me because you can’t have me. And you can’t. Not ever again.”

  “Matt, I have always wanted you. You know that. And now we can finally be together. Jake is engaged now so he can’t even be pissed.”

  Her motivations slapped me in the forehead. She heard Jake got engaged, and she wanted to use me to get back at him. Typical Nikki.

  Not happening.

  “We will never be together. Are you listening, Nikki? Never. Now, we’re done talking and I am out of here. I’m getting back in my truck, putting it in reverse and driving out of here. If you’re still behind it when I do, then that’s your problem.”

  I turned to leave, but she grabbed ahold of my flannel. “Matt, stop!”

  Desperate to be as far away from her as possible, I yanked myself out of her grip. The force of my movement sent her tumbling forward, and she screamed as she tripped and headed toward the ground. Even though I hated her, I would never be the kind of man who would let anyone, even Nikki, fall.

  I scooped down and caught her in my arms, steadying her as she stumbled back to her feet. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I waited for her to find her balance.

  “You’re my hero,” she whispered, pressing her face into my neck.

  “You’re okay. Just quit drinking for the night and go home.”

  Nikki snuggled in even deeper while my stomach churned. “Matt, take me home.”

  “Your friends can do that. Now you need to–”

  My voice stalled out when I saw her standing in the parking lot.


  I glanced down at Nikki, still pressed against my chest with her lips brushing my neck.

  “Jo, this isn’t what it looks like!” I called just before she spun and bolted back toward Stabbur.

  I tried to shake Nikki off, but she wobbled again, and I had to hold her up.

  “Jo!” I shouted just before she disappeared around the corner.




  Matt shouted my name, but I didn’t turn back.

  I couldn’t. Tears brimmed my eyes and to hell if I would let him... and Nikki, see me cry.

  I knew it. I fucking knew it.

  Nikki hadn’t been home more than two minutes and already she’d wormed her way back into his arms.

  Wasn’t in love with her my ass. Of course, he was. Everyone was in love with Nikki, though only God knew why.

  Sure she had perfect tits, legs up to her neck, and that shiny red hair that never seemed out of place. But how could he not see past that? How could he be so blind to her selfish, ugly insides?

  I pushed through the crowd at Stabbur, racing back toward my Jeep parked out front the road. It seemed like the bodies had quadrupled since I had arrived only a few minutes ago and had started looking for Matt. When I’d gotten here, I’d expected to find him holding a stool... not holding Nikki.

  Ugh! I ripped out an internal scream as the image of her wrapped in his arms invaded my mind again. Her lips on his neck. His arms around her waist.

  Nausea churned in my stomach and I was grateful I hadn’t eaten dinner yet because after that sight, it would have come back up.

  So stupid. How in the hell had I allowed myself to forget what he’d done just last year? He’d thrown away his friendship with Jake for one night in her arms, and now he was doing the same damn thing to me.

  But it wasn’t friendship he was throwing away this time. It was so much more.

  Or at least that’s what I had thought it was.

  Apparently, I was wrong. Dead wrong.

  “Jo!” Aaron called, but I ignored him as I tried to push through the last few bodies standing between me and freedom. “Jo!” he called again, and I felt him grab my arm.

  “Not now, Aaron!” I struggled free and started to hurry away.

  Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

  He jogged to keep up. “Jo, seriously! Stop. You need to talk to Matt. He’s your roommate so maybe you can talk some sense into him.”

  Talk to Matt? Not happening.

  Aaron’s concerned tone broke through the haze of betrayal. “Did you know he was dating Nikki again?”

  I stuttered to a stop, spinning to stare at him. “What?”

  How the hell long had this been going on?

  “Yeah, fucking Matt is dating Nikki again. And it’s just the shittiest thing ever. Seriously. You need to talk some sense into him. Jake will kill him if he finds out, and rightfully so. I’m pissed off myself.”

  The tears stung as I blinked them back.

  “Just talk to him, Jo. Tell him that it doesn’t matter how dumbstruck in love with her he is, that shit needs to stop. Now. He’ll listen to you.”

  My mouth opened but words refused to form on my tongue. Dating her? If Aaron knew about Nikki, then this wasn’t some random ho
ok up I’d walked in on. Was it? But how? Why? My mind raced trying to make sense of the scene I’d just witnessed with my own eyes.

  Had it been going on when he’d kissed me last night? Told me he loved me? Took me to bed? Had every second that I’d spent wrapped in his arms been a lie?

  “I have to go,” I whispered, spinning away.

  Lick my wounds.

  Cry a river of tears.

  Harden my heart and regroup.

  My strides sped up until I was racing down the street in Sister Bay. All I wanted now was to go home. I wanted to throw myself on the bed and yank the covers over my head and cry. Something I hadn’t done in years.

  But as I got in my car, I realized home was the last place I’d want to be. Home was where Matt lived. The bed I wanted to curl up in was the same one where we’d spent all night making love. No. Not love. Not anymore. Nothing about home felt safe anymore, and I hated him even more for taking that away from me. He’d taken away the safety of my own home when I’d let him move into the other room. A room I intended to toss his lying ass out of faster than he could blink.

  I reached my Jeep and jumped inside, firing it up and slamming it into gear. The tires squealed as I skidded out onto the street, darting between cars puttering along as their drivers stared up at the goats on the roof of Al Johnson’s Swedish Restaurant.

  “Move!” I screamed at them, desperate to get the hell out of here and away from Matt. And Nikki.

  Ugh! The image of her in his arms slammed into my mind again.

  When the traffic finally gave way, I tore down the street to my cabin. Gravel ground under my tires as I slammed to a stop in my driveway, and I left the Jeep running while I ran inside to grab a few things I needed so I could crash at my sister’s house.

  The sight of the finished railing on the porch slowed me to a crawl. Matt had put so much time into our little cabin... my little cabin, and now I saw visions of him everywhere I looked. I could picture him sitting on the roof, shirt off, smiling down at me while he showed me his handiwork. I envisioned him securing the last of the wood for the railing, his proud grin deepening his dimples while he stood back to admire it. As I made my way up the steps and into my living room, the sadness drove deeper into my gut when I saw the finished driftwood coffee table in front of the new couch.


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