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Envy Page 5

by Summer Wynter

  Connor stared at his friend in disbelief. “I’m certainly glad that Valerie didn’t live to see you turn into this.”

  Now Mathis’s face turned two different shades of red before he spoke. “Do not bring up my wife ever again.”

  “No problem. Consider this my two weeks notice. I’ll draw up my list of demands and conditions to my leaving the company and have it on your desk by tomorrow morning.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, yes I can and I don’t care what you think of it. You’ve become someone whom I no longer want to be in business with. But we can discuss all of this later. If you’ll excuse me, I have some personal business to attend to.”

  He turned on his heel and marched out of the office without another word. Once back in his office, he tried calling Rebecca but got no answer. Her phone was turned off. He picked up his briefcase and phone and went down to his car. If she wasn’t answering her phone he would just have to go down there.

  Rebecca was sitting in the middle of her apartment that she could now no longer afford trying to mine her personal resources for a job. Friends were popping up with ideas on Facebook. She was putting in applications between crying and looking into scholarships for the program she had just been accepted to. That was when she heard a knock on the door. She looked through the peephole first. There was Connor with a bouquet of wildflowers and a box that looked like it came from that bakery near his place.

  “What do you want?” she called through the door. She knew it wasn’t his fault. But she was still rather angry with him.

  “I’ve come to deliver you cake,” he shouted through the door.

  “Is that all?”

  “If you want more I am happy to provide. But I figured it would be safe to lead with cake.”

  She sighed and opened the door. “Is that dark chocolate cake with strawberries?”

  “It is indeed. I know it’s the only kind of chocolate cake you like.”

  She opened the box he held out and peered inside. It looked delicious.

  “I also brought you these,” he said holding out the flowers.

  She smiled and took them. “They’re lovely. Come in then.”

  He bowed slightly and stepped into her apartment for the first time. It was a small place, but enough for one person.

  She put some water in a vase in the kitchen sink while he found a knife and began cutting the cake. He put a slice on a plate and handed it to her. Then she pulled down two glasses from the cabinet and poured them both some milk. They settled on the couch in the living room.

  “So…” said Connor trying to find the right words.

  “Yeah,” Rebecca replied. “Well, since you’re here, I’m sure you know how my day has gone. How has your day been?”

  “I’m leaving your father’s company.”

  She stared at him mid bite. “Because of me?”

  “He offered me money and a bigger position if I would leave you alone. I refused. Then he told me about how he had you fired and then manipulated everything around you so that you would come back to him and do what he wants you to do. That was when I realized just how sick and awful of a person he has become over the years. I can’t work for someone like that anymore.”

  “Then… what are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to negotiate a severance package, mine a few resources, pull some from my savings, and buy the building downtown that has needed some sprucing up.”

  “Which building?”

  “The one near a church about a block from a homeless shelter? I know ways to fix up the place so it’s functional without being too expensive. We could have a working mental health facility like you want in the matter of a year.”

  “And I would work for you?”

  “No, my dear, I would work for you.”

  Rebecca blinked. “What do you get out of it?”

  “I get to see the woman I love make her dream come true. You would run the place. I’ll help run the business and with all my contacts, we could get ourselves a nice pile of cash to start up with.”

  Rebecca put down her cake. “And you would be fine with this?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be? I’m in my forties. It was high time I do something noble with my life and my money.”

  “I’m just… you like to be in control.”

  “Ah, well, the business world and the romantic world are two different things for me. In business, I like being the man behind the curtain. I pull all the strings but no one knows I’m there. I take orders from above and make magic happen. In the bedroom, I do enjoy being in control. Taking orders from you in the day time and then giving you orders at night sounds like a pretty fair trade to me, don’t you think?” He held out his hand to her.

  She stared at his hand much the same way she had last week: like something that would either bite her or save her. “That almost sounded like a proposal,” she replied.

  “It is one of sorts… if you want it.”

  She took his hand and he squeezed it reassuringly.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “I want to have sex with you now.”

  He tilted his head. “Right now?”

  “I’ve been stressing out all morning trying to figure it what to do and what I should do. I’ve been holding it down for hours now and right now I want you to hold me down and take control of me. I don’t want to think. I just want you to control every move I make for the next hour.”

  Connor visibly swallowed. “If that is what you want, I will be happy to oblige.”

  “That is what I want right now.”

  He nodded. He threaded his fingers through her hair and then pulled. Not enough to really hurt, but enough that she gasped and let her head drop back with his grip. He nuzzled her neck first and then sunk his teeth into the sweet spot he had found. She arched and moaned. His other arm went around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He continued teasing her neck as his hand went under her shirt and stroked the skin on her back. But when she reached down to stroke his crotch he pulled her hand away.

  “This is about you,” he said looking deep into her eyes. He kissed her hard on the mouth, pushed her down onto the couch, and pushed her hands up above her head. He continued kissing her while his hands pulled her shirt off of her body. His hands roamed her breasts and he turned his attention to her neck again until she put her hands in his hair. Once again, he moved her hands above her head.

  “I see you need a lesson in directions,” he growled in her ear. He took off his belt, looped it around both wrists and tightened it until he was certain she was restrained, but not in pain. She struggled vainly for a few moments, but then looked into his dark green eyes. Had she known being restrained would be such a thrill, she would have tried it long before Connor came into her life. He moved down her body, twisting one nipple with his fingers while suckling on the other giving it several hard licks and bites. The pleasure felt like fire burning through her. His hand went under her sweatpants to find she was also wearing no underwear.

  “God yes, please,” she groaned as his hand inched closer to her womanhood. Then his fingers were working her clit, filling her with a deep aching. Then his fingers were inside her, pressing on the spot that made her feel like her insides were exploding. No man had ever done this before and she wanted to thank whoever taught him. She was arching off the couch and begging him. He pulled off her sweatpants then licked her as his fingers continued to stroke her inside. Soon she was cumming and shouting and still begging.

  “More…” she murmured.

  “Do you think you can handle more?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she replied shaking her head. “But I don’t care. Control me. Take me. Fuck me.”

  Connor stood and stripped naked. He took a moment to stroke his cock in front of her. She leaned up with her mouth open and he allowed her a few good licks. Then he pulled at the belt holding her hands. She yelped slightly at the pain, but she knew what was coming. This was wo
rth it.

  “Mine,” he whispered very close to her ear. He settled between her legs and sank into her all the way to the base. She arched her back and groaned at the sensation of being filled so deeply. He grabbed hold of her hips hard. She whimpered. He would leave bruises. But she didn’t care. He pulled out quickly and then slammed home again.

  “Mine,” he growled. He repeated the process over and over again. Each time he felt deeper. Each time he hit some undiscovered territory until the spot inside of her that made her eyes roll back in her head. He started going faster. She moaned and cried out encouragements.

  “ Yes, yes, yours… oh God yes yours… right there! NOW!”

  He didn’t disappoint. He pulled out suddenly, put her on her knees and made sure her hands were braced together on the arm of the couch. Then he pounded into her as hard and fast as he could. She felt like waves were crashing into her. She felt everything slipping away except the man she loved fucking her so hard she couldn’t breathe. Every thrust felt like an organ until finally every nerve ending sang, every part of her body clenched and released, and she finally let out a long scream. Not far behind her, she heard Connor groan and then cry out at his own release.

  Both were panting and unable to move at first. But slowly, he pulled out of her. He took the belt off of her wrists then helped her into the bedroom where they cuddled together in companionable silence.

  Chapter 5

  One year later…

  Rebecca was dressed in elegant green evening gown. Once again she was at a Valentine’s Day charity event, but this time it was for her own non-profit: Abigail’s House. It had taken time, buckets of cash, a few fights between she and Connor and a few make up sessions as well, but finally they had achieved what they had set out to achieve.

  “Hello darling!” said Mrs. Roberts whom Rebecca recognized from last year. Her husband was close behind.

  “Good evening,” said Rebecca with a smile. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

  “Wouldn’t have missed it for the world my dear,” said Mrs. Roberts with a wave of her hand. “I am so impressed by what you have been able to accomplish here. You and Connor have turned out to be a surprise dream team that no one saw coming.”

  “Not even us,” said Connor as he slipped an arm around her waist.

  She turned and smiled at him.

  “Although all the credit does go to the lovely Rebecca here,” said Connor. “It was entirely her idea, her vision, and her passion. I just help with the nuts and bolts. Just the way I like it.”

  “I wonder, have you ever considered helping others set up non-profits?” said Mr. Roberts.

  “I have, but purely in an advisory position. I don’t have the time or the energy to run more than one. This place and Rebecca keep me quite busy.”

  Rebecca smiled as he placed an apologetic kiss on her cheek. “You’re going to pay for that later.”

  “Am I?” he said piercing her with a smoldering gaze. An entire year together and he could still make her go weak at the knees with that look. The older couple only giggled at their flirting.

  “We have a long night ahead of us,” said Rebecca. “Must keep the flirting to a minimum.”

  Connor nodded then looked across the room. Suddenly he had a strange look on his face.

  “What is it?” she asked. He only pointed. Across the room Mathis Brantley had walked in. He was in his tux and was handing a ticket to the doorman.

  “Did you sell him a ticket?” he asked her.

  “No, I don’t know who did.” Neither Connor nor Rebecca had spoken to her father since Connor laid out the terms of his leaving the company. Rebecca had tagged along for support. The end of the meeting was mostly filled with harsh words and promises to never help the two of them in their endeavor. This was countered with promises to never be a bother or come near him ever again. Needless to say, both sides had endeavored to stay apart ever since. But now Mathis was scanning the room and saw them both standing on the other side. He walked across the room with a purpose. Connor and Rebecca stood still. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, seeing Mathis crossing the room, looked to them for what they should do. Rebecca discreetly signaled to them to stay, at least for the moment. When Mathis reached them, he first turned to the Roberts’.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Roberts,” he said politely. “How are you doing this evening?”

  “Doing very well,” said Mrs. Roberts. “We were just congratulating your daughter and her companion on their success.”

  “Yes, it is surprising is it not?”

  “Surprising?” said Mr. Roberts.

  “One can be so certain about the path that another should take. One can be convinced of this for years. And when they stray from that path, you begin to feel that you have failed and that they are on a path to wrack and ruin. But then you find you were wrong all along. You were actually holding them back from the great things that they could do if you had simply let them go. It is a surprising thing to realize that one is wrong when one is used to being right.”

  Rebecca blinked and looked away to try to hide the tears that were welling up in her eyes. Connor’s arm around her waist squeezed her gently in reassurance. As ever, he was her man behind the curtain in their public life. She cleared her throat and looked back at her father.

  “And it is surprising when you realize that people can change,” she added. “Even those who have seemed intolerably inflexible nearly one’s entire life.”

  Mathis smiled a bemused smile. “Alright, I deserved that one.” The Roberts’ made their discreet exit from the conversation as Mathis turned to face the two of them. “I came to apologize. I was harsh the last time I saw the both of you. For that I am sorry. My only reasons are an old man’s pride and a single father’s concern for his only daughter. But I failed to remember that my daughter is a child no more. And my pride was never going to be wounded by my daughter taking up such a noble pursuit. I am very proud of you.”

  Rebecca smiled and then hugged her father. She pulled away after a minute and discreetly dried her eyes.

  “As for you,” said Mathis now looking at Connor.

  “We’ve been friends too long,” said Connor holding out his hand. “C’mon, one last time. Bury the hatchet.”

  “Only if you beat me at pool.”

  Connor let out an exasperated sigh.

  “What?” said Rebecca looking at the two of them.

  “We’ve had fights in the past,” said Connor. “Some stupid, some not so. But we always settled them over a game of pool.”

  “I know a place around the corner that’s open all night and has pool tables,” said Mathis. “We can go there for a nightcap after the benefit. My treat.”

  Connor looked to Rebecca with a raised eyebrow.

  Rebecca sighed. “Alright, we’ll be there.”

  “Excellent!” said Mathis. “Now, give me the tour of this facility so I can determine just how much more money I’ll be investing in this place.”

  Connor took Rebecca’s hand in his, and showed Mathis through the entire floorplan. They’d come so far in the past year and he hoped that the next would take them even further. The diamond in his pocket for the question at the end of the evening almost assured it.

  Stay tuned to read all in the Sin Series:

  Let they who are without sin cast the first stone

  A coffee girl’s affair with her dad’s CEO best friend in “Envy”

  A college girl’s indecent proposal to get a CEO to pay for tuition in “Greed”

  A dad’s inability to say ‘no’ to his twin’s babysitter in “Lust”

  A girl turns 21 and sleeps with her college professor to ensure her degree in “Pride”

  Get SIGNED UP to get the latest in this tangled, twisted tale.

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  Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/cpQOpn

  I’m just your normal, everyday woman who can’t get enough out of life. When it comes to writing, I enjoy stor
ies about couples who just can’t say no, even when life says that they should.

  Come get passionate with me and see where my dirty little mind can take you.

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summerwynter2017/

  Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/cpQOpn




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