Foolish Riot (Riot MC Book 5)

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Foolish Riot (Riot MC Book 5) Page 19

by Karen Renee

  “Since when do we use women for dirty work? Especially without a vote?” Patch, the club secretary, asked.

  “Not the point right now. That plan was officially out when Heathen put Kim in the hospital and tried to pin it on Roll.”

  “So what’s the plan now?” Patch asked.

  “I want all those fuckers to pay for what they did to Trix,” Volt said.

  A round of grunts and grumbles of agreement filled the crowded room.

  “You plan to do that, how?” Har asked.

  “Three prospects have been tailing the latest Devil Lancer prospects. Step one, gonna round them up and carve their arms with ‘R‘s instead of ‘H’s.”

  This was a decent start, but Roll would rather have their balls. He noticed Cal grinning as he cracked his knuckles.

  Volt continued. “Step two, the Lancers have been dealing meth around Jacksonville University and UNF. Vamp found their cook houses. You wanna take it from here, brother?”

  Vamp’s pierced eyebrow arched reflexively. “Well, we got three of ‘em. Not certain it’s all of them, but none are very secure. I’d like to torch ‘em all, but Rage gave me another idea.”

  The glimmer in Rage’s eyes was maniacal. “Yeah. Torch one, they chalk it up to cooking hazards. All of them, they’re gonna declare war. So, the other two we wipe out the product, off all the occupants, but leave the calling card of the Southside Slayers gang-bangers.”

  Vamp spoke up. “The Slayers have been fightin’ the Lancers in earnest for the last three years. The enemy of our enemy might be our friend, but I’d rather watch the two enemies fight each other.”

  Sounds of assent filled the room, but Volt cleared his throat. “It’s all well and good, but there are still risks.”

  Har shot a look at a man standing behind Roll, and then looked to Volt. “You want the first cookhouse to look like a real ‘accident,’ my brother Roman’s got a way with the pyrotechnics.”

  Volt lifted his chin slowly. “Heard something about that. Good for us he’s here right now, or are you brothers leaving soon?”

  A devious smile spread across Har’s face. “Ain’t nothin’ this juicy happenin’ back home. We’re gonna see this shit through, Volt.”



  I had no idea what was going on, but ten minutes before church convened, Har took Brute outside, and both of them came back inside without a second glance at me. While Roll and all the other brothers attended church, I was in Roll’s room texting Janie, Andrea, and Rainey. It wasn’t a group text, though. Those damn things drove me crazy, and it always seemed rude to me. I had let each of them know I was officially Roll’s property. Andrea and Janie texted back their excitement in their way, but before I could continue the text threads with them, Rainey called me.

  “Hi, Rainey.”

  “It is about damn time that man got his shit together! I am so excited for you!” She squealed in my ear so loud I had to pull the phone away from my face.

  “Yeah. It’s been a long time coming, but I’m really happy.”

  “Yeah,” she agreed, in a much calmer tone. “But normally these guys make a big production out of this stuff; why no pomp and circumstance for you?”

  “You know I wouldn’t have wanted that—”

  “Because what we want stops those guys from doin’ whatever the hell they want to anyway? Um, no. Seriously, why’d he keep this to just you and him?”

  “Well, I guess you could say I forced his hand? I don’t know, it just played out that way, ‘cause of some shit I was sayin’ to him this morning.”

  She made a sound like a hum of understanding. “I could see that.”

  “Oh, could you?”

  She chuckled. “What? You drive a bright red car with a damn sticker across the front that says you’re the Venom Vixen, I mean, come on!”

  “Okay, all right. I do have a way of letting my shit hang out when something’s bothering me, and this morning there were some things bothering me, so yeah.”

  “So, you guys gonna get married?”

  I was glad she wasn’t with me because that question made my jaw drop open. “Uh, no. I don’t think so.”

  “Trixie,” she stated in a disbelieving tone.

  “Rainey, I’m serious. I don’t think we’ll be goin’ the official route and all of that.”

  I could hear the smile in her voice. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that, hon. But, I’m definitely headed over there when I get outta here. This is damn sure cause for celebration.”

  “It is, but I won’t be drinking wine, no matter how much you needle me.”

  She giggled. “I wouldn’t dream of needling you about it today. I’ll let Mallory do it instead. See ya soon.”

  The damn woman hung up before I could respond. That’s just what I needed, Mallory giving me shit about what I drank, but that made me realize I needed to let Mallory and Abby know about my big news, too.

  Rainey’s question about me marrying Roll repeated in my mind. No, I was not under any delusion that I’d be marrying Roll. At least, not until he got his ass to a specialist for a second opinion about his sterility.


  I knew church was done because multiple people could be heard walking the hall to the rooms in the loft area upstairs. It was almost startling because the brothers who had rooms upstairs hardly ever used them, and the unassigned rooms were only used by guests. After a while, I was surprised my man hadn’t come back yet. Before I could go see where he was, Roll came into the room and closed the door, so I muted the soap opera I was watching.

  He glanced at the flat screen. “Really? You watch that shit?”

  I nearly rolled my eyes. “Not really, but there ain’t much on at one in the damn afternoon. Besides, normally, I’m sleeping at this time of day because of my work schedule.”

  He took off his cut, boots, and jeans and climbed into the bed with me. “Speakin’ of that, you need to let them know you won’t be workin’ nights any more.”

  I ran my tongue over my teeth to keep from speaking. When I had my inner bitch under control, sort of, I spoke. “I know I told you I’m lookin’ to move into management. It’s gonna take some sacrifice on my part if I can get one of those positions.”

  Roll slid his arms around me and hauled me to his side. Propping his torso up on an arm, he shook his head at me.

  “Not lost on me you want to advance. It also wasn’t lost on me that you, and Abby, and a few of my brothers, are under the distinct impression I need to see a doctor. Church let out twenty minutes ago, but I went outside and called to make an appointment. If my situation is not what my old doctor told me it was nearly eleven years ago, then knocking you up is our number one priority.”

  Hearing what ‘our number one priority’ would be gave me a thrill and I didn’t think before I spoke. “I just knew you wouldn’t want to get married.”

  His left eye squinted at me as his head reared back. “What the fuck are you talkin’ about? We lost too damn much time already, Trix. I want a child with you, even if that means we adopt, but make no mistake. We’re getting married.”

  “We are?” I whispered.

  This did not compute in my mind. Roll never struck me as a man who would care if the government decreed we were legally bound, I mean he was in a one-percenter MC. Riot wasn’t as hard-core outlaw as it used to be, but none of them liked authority outside of the club.

  He blinked and shook his head at me. “Yes. We are. Not like Mal and Cal, though. No fancy parties or shit, but if you want a church and a reverend to marry us, we’ll figure it out. But, I’m not a man who believes ‘first comes marriage.’ You with me on that?”

  I grinned. “Yeah. I’m with you on that. All of that.”

  He nodded once. “Good. So, you insist on workin’ a graveyard shift, it’s gonna fuck with me fuckin’ you.”

  Again, I had to fight rolling my eyes at this man. “There’s this concept called ‘nooners,’ Roll.”

  He had the gall to roll his eyes at me! “I’m well aware, Trix. But you just said, you’re normally sleepin’ this time of day.”

  “Then we’ll have morning sex.”

  “That is not the point, woman. Workin’ overnights is not somethin’ I want my woman to be doing.”

  "Ah. So, this is you being bossy."

  He looked past me for a beat. When I got his eyes back, they were hard.

  "No. This is me being protective. This is me being—"

  I pushed on his shoulders, but he wouldn't budge. "Sounds like bossiness to me.”

  "Christ, woman. I love you, and I don't me a selfish bastard, but I want to sleep next to your ass every night. Not consider myself lucky to catch a half-assed nap with you for a couple hours, if that, and probably fuck with your sleep when I have to get up."

  Well, that melted my heart in the best way. "Maybe you should've led with that," I said with a smile.

  "Since we're on the subject, Mary Beth finally gets here, you ain't working."

  I focused on the point rather than the name he declared our daughter would have. “Yeah, I am. How else are we gonna have health insurance? Cause little boys are prone to break bones and stuff."

  He silently snorted. "Found out about this shit because of my brother. He's got two girls. Pretty sure we're in for a girl. Whatever, you're covered by me."

  My eyebrows furrowed. "What does that mean?"

  “Means, I got plenty of cake.”

  “You're rich?”

  “You might say that.”

  “And you live at the compound instead of, oh I don't know....your own house?"

  “I sold my last place. Lots of things woke my shit up lately. Next place will be what we both want.”

  My breath caught as everything he was telling me sunk in.

  “So, let me get this straight. You’re telling me that if the doctor says things can be reversed, I’m gonna be pregnant, move into an actual house with you, get married, and not work any more?”

  Roll’s lips curved in a ghost of a smile. “You seen Jackie lately? Kids are work, babe.”

  I dipped my chin. “Yes, but that’s not what I meant and you know it. I won’t be working for the man, as they say.”

  He shrugged. “Can if you want to, after Mary Beth and Jasmine are in school, but no, you won’t have to any more.”

  I rolled my eyes. “If I have daughters, they are not going to be named Mary Beth and Jasmine.”

  His lips pulled skeptically to the side for a second. “Gonna be hard to be the favorite daughter-in-law if you won’t name your daughter after my mother.”

  My eyes narrowed. “I’ll win your mother over, don’t you worry.”

  He rolled away from me and settled under the covers. “Turn that TV off, Trix. Need a nap.”

  “You need a nap? What the hell for? You’ve never been a napper.”

  “Got some shit on for tonight. Time to snooze, babe.” He pecked my lips. “Not gonna share what’s goin’ down. It’ll keep you safe that way. Like havin’ you curled up with me when I sleep, so let’s get comfy.”


  He could see Trixie was gearing up to argue with him, so he reached past her to the nightstand grabbing the remote just long enough to tag the power button.

  “There. Now all you gotta do is curl up with me. Bonus, we’ll get your body clock back to normal.” When her eyes flared, he continued. “I know you don’t like me not tellin’ you what’s goin’ on, but the situation’s about to get real. I’m not a man who’s gonna share all the time when it comes to club business. You seemed to know that before, but just because you’re my Ol’ Lady now, that aspect doesn’t change.”

  “But, Roll,” she started, and he put a finger over her lips.

  “Not this, babe. Other shit, I might tell you. This, though, not even a little bit.”

  “Fine,” she said with a sigh.

  She was right. He wasn’t much of a nap-taker, but once she curled up in front of him, he slung an arm over her hip and dozed off in minutes.

  When Roll woke up he felt antsy. It had been a long time since he was wound so tight, and this was not the time for it.

  Trixie was laying on her side facing him, and her leg was hooked over his knee. Her pussy was one sure-fire way to take his mind off things. His hand glided down her hip and around to her panties. He hadn’t realized she had taken off her shorts or he wouldn’t have dozed off. When his hand dipped to her core, she let out a hum of approval. She sounded like she was purring.

  Her hand came to his torso and ventured lower. He stopped her with his free hand. “Like your intentions, baby, but I want to eat you, then I’m gonna finish inside you.”


  He sighed. “Not yet. Had the blood drawn the other day. Should hear back soon.”

  She opened her legs and wasted no time shoving her panties down. Her bare mons was a sight to see. He trailed his tongue from her belly button down to her clit. While he tongued her pussy he reached up and flicked one of her pierced tits under her shirt. He loved how responsive she was to that, with her hips bucking. She moaned and threaded her fingers into his hair. He tongue-fucked her and her hold on his head tightened.

  “Good God, yes,” she cried.

  He sucked hard on her clit as he used two fingers inside her.

  She moaned again. “I love your mouth on me, Roll. It’s…I’m gonna…”

  He felt her pussy clench and spasm around his fingers, but he kept at her so she would be fully sated. His cock was throbbing, and he felt pre-cum, so he sat up and yanked off his boxers. Freeing his hard-on was always a relief, but this was more intense than usual.

  He nabbed a condom off the night stand, but Trixie snatched it from him. “I’m gonna get my hands on your monster dick one way or the other, Roll. Don’t think you can deny me,” she said, rolling the condom over him expertly.

  “Fuck, I love you.”

  “I love you too, but I’d love you even more you get down to it.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Patience, my Vixen. Patience.”


  Roll wasn’t half as restless by the time he joined Cal and the three prospects at the bar.

  “You tell them the plan?” he asked.

  Cal lifted his chin. “Good thing Ron here has his shit together. Offered his truck for gettin’ the assholes to the dump site.”

  “Excellent. And don’t forget, I’m doin’ the carving.”

  A sinister smile lit Cal’s eyes. “You get Razor’s switchblade? He said he was gonna loan it to you.”

  Roll shook his head. “Nah. Razor keeps his blade in pristine condition. You think I’m gonna go easy on these fuckers, you’re crazy. Heathen isn’t known for cleaning his blades. It’s time for those assholes to get a taste of their own shit.”

  “Remind me not to fuck with you, big guy,” said a prospect named Ted.

  Roll rode in Cal’s Mustang, and they followed the prospects who were in Ron’s truck. Cal’s car was a sweet ride, but Roll much preferred Trixie’s Camaro. They were headed to a small house situated equidistant from JU and UNF. It was a half-hour drive, and Roll wished Cal would drive faster, but it wouldn’t do to get pulled over. He hoped Roman, Vamp, and Rage were making short work of the cook-house they were going to torch.

  When they pulled into the secluded drive of the home, three bikes were parked outside. Roll got out of the car, and closed his door as quietly as he could. Cal and the others did the same. Ted looked their way and waved a tool at them.

  “Brought my tire knife, Sarge. Wanna do the honors?” he asked, motioning to the bikes.

  Cal looked to Roll. “Are we feelin’ that vicious?”

  “Fuck, yeah, we are. Thinkin’ Ted’s shootin’ for his road name already.”

  The front door of the house opened just as Ted stabbed the back tire of a Triumph. A man in a cut with a prospect patch charged out of the house. “What the fuck, asshole?”

shrugged at the Devil Lancer prospect. “Shoulda bought a Harley, motherfucker.”

  Before the Devil Lancer could raise a fist, Ted hit him with a right upper cut. The commotion drew out the other two prospects. One of them stayed near the door with a phone to his ear. Roll moved to him, and yanked the phone out of his hand.

  “Yo! What is your problem?”

  Roll threw the phone to the ground and stomped on it. “My problem is that your president used my Ol' Lady to send me a message. I don’t use women like that. Gotta make sure the rest of your fuckin’ club understands: that shit does not fly.”

  The man’s eyes went wide, and he tried to go back into the house. Roll grabbed him by the lapels of his cut and slammed the man’s head into the door jamb. Then he did it again for good measure. They didn’t have all night for this, so Roll hit the prospect with a three-punch combination, finishing it with a roundhouse that sent the man to his side.

  He pulled the blade from his back pocket, and started carving a capital letter ‘R’ into the man’s forearm. The moment the blade sunk into the flesh, the man started screaming. That was gonna raise suspicion from the neighbors. Cal must have been thinking the same thing, because he rushed the other prospect inside while Ted followed suit with the first one. Ron moved to the head of the man Roll was carving, so Roll grabbed the man’s ankles and the two of them got the bastard inside. The third prospect stood outside the door to keep watch.

  Inside the house, Roll’s eyes watered. He could not believe the stench.

  “Jesus Christ. Gonna have to do this much quicker than I would’ve liked.”

  “These other two won’t be screamers. I’m gonna knock both of their asses out,” Cal said between grunts.

  Roll would believe that when he saw it. Hearing the fucker’s screams he couldn’t imagine how Trixie endured Heathen’s blade. With that thought in mind, he plunged the blade a little deeper for the next part of the ‘R’.

  An hour later, they had the three prospects hog-tied and in the back of Ron’s truck. Cal and Roll headed back to the compound. It was on the prospects to drop off the Devil Lancers outside their compound. Roll was glad that was done, but with his adrenaline subsiding, an uneasy feeling filled him. When they merged onto I-295, he saw a number of pick-up trucks hauling bikes headed in the opposite direction which reminded him Bike Week would be starting soon.


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