Men on Fire [Men for Hire: Firemen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Men on Fire [Men for Hire: Firemen 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Jane Jamison

  Wiley tossed Brody a shrug, giving him the go ahead to tell Elbert the truth. “We thought we’d show him to Michelle first. After all, she’s the one who got us involved with Hope House.”

  “No problem.” Elbert took on a stern look, one Brody remembered getting from his own principal when he was in school. “Just make sure you clean up any messes he makes.”

  “Don’t worry. Wiley’s on shit patrol.”

  “What? How’d that happen?”

  Brody covered the pup back up. “Is she in her office?”

  “She is. Go on inside. I’ll wait until you say to send the boys outside to meet our newest resident.”

  Brody nodded his thanks, then waited until Wiley knocked on her office door.

  “Yes? Come on inside. The door’s always unlocked.”

  Wiley’s grin was bigger than usual as he swung the door open and entered her office. Brody took a moment to drink in her beauty. He couldn’t have explained it, but she grew more stunning every time he saw her. Her big eyes widened, then she shifted in her seat. He liked to think she was squirming and feeling the same tug of need he always got whenever he saw her. Hell, whenever he thought about her.

  She stood, keeping her hands—hands that trembled—on the edge of the desk. “I thought you’d finished the dog pen. Is there more work the kids need to do?”

  “Yeah. They’ve got one more addition that needs to get done.” If she didn’t stop peeking her tongue between her lips, he’d forget all about the dog and rip her clothes off. Instead, he drew the blanket off the dog.

  Her eyes got even bigger, like a little girl meeting Santa for the first time. “Oh! He’s so cute!” She rushed around the desk and took the dog from him. Holding him up so she could look into his face, she squealed and put the tip of her nose against his. The puppy gave her a sloppy kiss, flicking his tongue over the end of her nose.

  “He’s amazing. How old is he?”

  Wiley petted the dog, but Brody knew it was useless. All her attention was for the dog. For now at least.

  That didn’t mean Wiley still didn’t try to get some of the focus on him. “He’s ten months old and weaned from his mother. We brought along a couple of bags of puppy food for him.”

  “With that and the toys and chew bones we have, he should be set, For a while at least. He’s also had all his shots that he needs so far. When he gets older, we’ll take him into the vet for the other vaccinations and to get him neutered.”

  She hugged the puppy to her and fondled his floppy ears. Brody was surprised to find that he was jealous of the little animal.

  “So the boys haven’t seen him yet?” She made a funny face. “What am I saying? Of course they haven’t. If they had, I wouldn’t be holding him right now.”

  “That’s what we figured, so we brought him to you first.”

  She smiled up at him. “That was very thoughtful of you. I wish I could have a pet, but my apartment complex doesn’t allow them.” She laughed as the pup nuzzled her neck. “I guess I’ll have to get my fill of puppy cuteness from you.”

  “You think you’re ready to present him to the boys?”

  “Me? Oh, no. That’s not right. You’re giving them the dog. And you’re the ones who helped them build the pen and his house so you’re the ones who get all the credit. You’re real heroes to those boys.”

  “Just remember how you feel right now. When he starts howling and wanting his mamma later tonight, you might think differently about us.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll figure it out. Won’t we, you sweet little thing.” She handed him back to Brody, then gave the pup a quick ruffle of his fur. “Go on and take him out to his new home. I’ll let Elbert know and we’ll get the boys outside.”

  Brody tossed the blanket over his shoulder. “We already ran into him. He’s waiting on you to say when to do the great reveal.”

  “Great. We’ll all meet at the pen.”



  Suddenly, he felt stupid wanting to ask if she liked them, if she’d give them another chance. He felt like a teenager trying to win the heart of his first crush and fearing rejection. “Nothing.”

  The puppy let out a yelp, squirming in his arms. If he hadn’t had a firm hold on him, the pup would’ve jumped down.

  “We’d better get him outside before someone hears him.” She passed by him then, setting off alarm bells of desire. His cock twitched to life, demanding that he get her to stop and press her body against his. But she was already headed down the hallway to Elbert’s office.

  “Let’s go, bro. We don’t want to miss it when they come piling out of the buildings to see this guy. I’ll grab the bag of toys and bones out of the Jeep.”

  Brody strolled outside to the pen, opened it up, then turned the puppy loose. He took off, sniffing the ground and wagging his tail. Wiley came striding up, holding a large burlap bag. He held the bag over the top of the pen and dumped the contents onto the ground.

  “We should put down a cement floor. That’ll keep him from digging out.”

  Wiley chuckled. “Not to mention giving us a reason to keep coming here and seeing her.”

  “It’s time we did more than that.” Brody pivoted around to see a crowd of boisterous boys bursting out of the back exits of the three buildings that comprised Hope House. “Don’t look now, but I think we’re about to get overrun.”

  “Then let’s get out of the way while we can.”

  Several staff members followed the boys to the dog’s pen, urging them to take care and not frighten the animal. With the puppy in good hands, Brody worked his way through the throng, searching for her.

  “What’d you mean before? About doing more?”

  “Wiley, don’t you think it’s time we tell her what we want from her?”

  “Straight out? No holding back?”

  “Why the hell not? She’s already had a taste of it.”

  “I figured we were waiting until after we found out who the arsonist is. Although maybe if we make it clear that we’re on her side, she’ll tell us what she’s hiding and who she thinks it is.”

  “She might, but that’s not why we’re going to tell her. I’m tired of waiting for our woman. Now that we’ve found her, I don’t want to waste any more time.”

  “What about taking it slow? Giving her time to get to know us better?”

  His brother was right, but the turmoil inside him wasn’t going to let him wait. “We should. I know that. But if I don’t touch her again soon, I’m going to blow sky high.”

  “I get that. She’s got me twisted every which way but loose.”

  “Then we go on? Full steam ahead?”

  “Hey, if you’re game, I am.” Wiley jerked his head to the side, pointing out where Michelle stood, alone but with a happy smile. “What if she doesn’t want it that way? What if she turns us down?”

  “She won’t.” Brody picked up his pace, his eagerness to start their lives together egging him on. He pushed the tinge of doubt away. “When the hell did you become such a pessimist anyway?”

  Chapter Six

  Michelle did her best to appear nonchalant as the two handsome firefighters strode toward her. At least on the outside. She was anything but that on the inside. If she could’ve bundled the electricity singing its way through her she could’ve supplied the power for the entire Hope House.

  They’d always been amazing, sexy-as-hell men, but since they’d started working with the youths at the home, she’d found out that they were so much more. They were strong, independent men, the kind of men that a woman could count on to be by her side during the worst of times. But it was more than their physical prowess or their masculinity that made her think of them a thousand times during the day and even more at night. It was the way they’d taught the boys how to use the tools and had shown them the ins and outs of making something tangible from an idea on paper. They’d given the boys more than leaders to follow and role models to imitate. They’d tau
ght the boys that men could be strong and virile, yet have a compassionate side, a caring side that could be tender and understanding.

  They were, as people said, the complete package. It had been hell to stay away from them and she wasn’t sure she could hold out much longer. But what then?

  “Michelle, come with us.”

  Brody took her arm with no explanation and giving her no time to quibble. Not even time for her to refuse. Were they going to accuse her of setting fires again? Or had they figured out what she was really doing? If they had, she’d have to get away as fast as possible, even though getting away was the last thing she wanted to do.

  Wiley snaked his arm around her waist and helped his brother lead her into the shadows between the buildings. She wondered if any of the other staff members had seen them take her there and knew she should insist they get back out in plain sight. But a part of her, that dangerous side of her that had enjoyed how they’d laid her on top of her car, rejoiced. That side of her insisted it had been far too long since she’d last experienced their touches. That side of her told her to keep the hell quiet. Besides, the possibility of getting found out was too intoxicating not to give it a go.

  Fortunately, they kept going deeper between the buildings until they came to an area that had been blocked off to hide pipes. That area was off-limits and the boys never went there.

  “What’s going on? If you’ve come to hassle me about the fires or the gas can, then you’re out of luck. You should go back to the boys. Either that, or get out of here right—”

  Without warning, Wiley pulled her to him and crushed his mouth to hers. She struggled, not really trying at first, with her hands flattened against his oh-so-hard chest. Then her arms betrayed her and slid up to lock her fingers behind his neck.

  Wiley devoured her mouth and tunneled his fingers through her hair, messing it up. The kiss was so primal, so wild that she was sure he’d have her on the ground with her legs spread in the next moment. Knowing Brody was watching made it even hotter. She whimpered as Wiley tugged on her lower lip, then plunged his hand down the front of her blouse to fondle her breast. His thumb rubbed on her nipple, then smoothed its way over to the other nipple. She moaned, urging him to take her blouse and bra from her and replace his hand with his mouth.

  She wanted to scream when Brody yanked them apart. “She needs to understand us first.”

  He pushed her against the wall, then leaned closer as Wiley did the same on the other side of her. “He’s wrong. We can do both. But I’m okay leaving your mouth free. For now.”

  “What do you want?” Please don’t accuse me. Not now.

  Wiley arched an eyebrow. “I’d think that would be more than obvious by now.”

  Oh, shit.

  “We want you.”

  She blinked and tried to get the words to make sense. “I’m sorry?”

  “We want you and we intend to have you.” Brody’s eyes changed from cool to heated as he slipped his gaze from her mouth to her breasts. “That little thing we did on top of your car was nothing compared to what we have planned for you. Still, we need to get the rules straight before we come over tonight.”

  “You’re coming over? To my house?”

  “We are. And you’re going to have a meal ready for us, do you understand?”

  She’d never taken commands from any man before and would’ve balked if they’d tried. But with Brody and Wiley, it was different. It felt right. “Yes.”

  “Good.” Wiley nuzzled her ear and drew in a long, slow breath. “Put some perfume on. I want to smell it in spots all over your body.”

  “Until then, I want to smell something even sweeter. Take off your panties.”

  “Here? Are you crazy? What if someone sees us?” Like the first time, they drove her crazy just being near her. It was a wild kind of crazy, an excitement she longed for. If hungering for them was crazy, then she wanted nothing more than to plunge over the edge into insanity. Excitement peaked her nipples, the blood coursing through them to make them hard and ready for their touch.

  “Do it. Now.”

  Brody wasn’t going to budge. Her pussy clenched as her juices leaked out, wetting the material between her legs.

  “Why are you taking so long, baby? Didn’t you hear my brother’s command?” Wiley’s hand lifted her skirt. “If you don’t do it, I will. And you won’t be able to put them on again if I take them off.”

  Her breathing sped up, her throat tightening. Casting her gaze behind them to make sure no one could see them, she slid a hand up under her skirt and took hold of one side of her lace panties. She paused, unsure for a moment, until her desire sent her a fresh wave of daring. Hooking her thumb under them, she pushed them down, then added her other hand to lower them to thigh level.

  “Keep going, baby,” whispered Wiley.

  She did, her panted breaths only inches from Wiley’s hard, masculine mouth. With a quick tug, she brought them to her ankles, then stepped out of them.

  “Pick them up.”

  Bending over quickly, she snatched them up.

  “Give them to me.”

  She handed them to Brody. Heat from both embarrassment and the rush of titillation filled her cheeks when he brought the panties up to his nose and sniffed.

  She swallowed, hard, as a rush of juices wet her inner thighs. His act was so animalistic, so masculine, so freaking hot.

  “Damn, but this is so much better than any perfume.”

  Wiley snagged them away, then put them to his nose and took a long sniff. “You’re right about that.”

  Brody shoved her panties into his jeans pocket, then pressed his shoulder against hers as his hand found its way under her skirt. His palm caressed her leg, eking slowly upward until he stopped just inches away from her pussy.

  “Please.” Her ability to think was leaving her as her body’s libido started taking over.

  “We came to talk. But take it easy. We won’t leave you unsatisfied. If you’re a good girl and listen to us.”

  Wiley’s hand came to her other leg. “That’s right, baby. Pay attention.”

  She doubted she could do that. Not with both their hands so close to her hot center.

  “You like this, don’t you? You like playing it close to the fire, chancing that someone will come along and find us like this.” Brody flicked his tongue over her earlobe. “That’s right, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” She’d whispered, but it came out harsh and strained. She fought against the urge to take one of their hands and shove it between her legs.

  Brody inched his hand closer. She held her breath, silently willing him to keep going.

  Yet it was Wiley who placed his hand over her mound. Her body shuddered with yearning.

  “Please.” Was that the only word she could speak? Yet didn’t the aching need in that one word say it all?

  Wiley pushed against her with his palm, rubbing over her labia and clit. She cried out loud enough that Brody had to clamp his hand over her mouth to muffle the sound.

  “Shh. You wouldn’t want Elbert and the others to hear you.” His dark eyes pinned her. “Or would you?”

  Wiley thrust a finger into her sheath, stunning her with the abrupt invasion, thrilling her with it, too. He pumped into her, finger-fucking her in and out of her cunt. Cream flowed out of her and her pussy walls cocooned around his fingers, wanting to hold him inside her forever. She cried out again, the sound once more muffled by his hand.

  “You’ve got to keep quiet, baby.”

  She shot him an incredulous look. How could she when he was pleasuring her? She was on the edge of a climax, of screaming his name, and damn the consequences.

  Brody tugged her shirt aside, jerked her bra underneath her breasts, then bent his head and took a nipple into his mouth. His tongue whipped over her nipple, time and again, torturing it until she wanted to beg him to bite it.

  Wiley thrust his digits into her again, bringing her ever closer to her climax. Then, with a wicked laugh,
he yanked the other side of her blouse out of the way and bit her nipple, sending a flash of pain racing through her.

  Wiley twisted his fingers inside her, skimmed near her sweet spot. He paused, searching her eyes, then slammed his fingers farther inside and went straight for the tender bundle of nerves.

  She cried out, louder than before, but she couldn’t help it. The climax racked through her, taking her in an unrelenting storm of pulsing sensations. Her body bucked and she reached out, taking hold of their shirts, trying to find anything to keep her grounded. Her legs buckled, the violent release ridding her of her strength.

  “Easy,” murmured Brody.

  They held her up, their bodies pressed close to her, her shudders bumping into their unyielding frames.

  Yet she still had one last cry in her when Wiley took his fingers out of her. She groaned, reached up, and grabbed a chunk of hair on each of their heads, demanding that they bring their mouths back to her nipples. They took her wrists to tug her hands off them, surprising her and filling her with dismay.

  Brody shook his head and made clucking sounds. “Uh-uh-uh. You don’t force us to do anything.”

  “We need to tell her.” Wiley put one finger then another in his mouth and sucked off the glistening juices. “Mmm, she’s so sweet. Maybe we should take more time. I need to feel my cock inside her.”

  “Not here. Leave it for later.” Brody yanked her bra and blouse back into place. “Pull yourself together.”

  “Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it, you’re right.” Taking her chin, Wiley brought her gaze to his. “I can’t wait to eat you out, baby. Remember that for later.”

  “What did you want to tell me?” She was amazed she could think, much less speak. Her body still sizzled from their touches, still ached to feel more than fingers inside her. With shaky hands, she brushed her hands over her hair and put it back into place as best she could without a brush or a mirror. She’d “pull it together,” but barely. A glimpse at the bulges in their jeans said they’d have some pulling it together of their own to do.

  “It’ll wait until the time and place are right.”

  “Would you give me back my panties?”


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