The Healing Wars: Book III: Darkfall

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The Healing Wars: Book III: Darkfall Page 6

by Janice Hardy

  “One of the Luminary’s new ‘administrators.’ Glorified thug is more like it.”

  “Is anyone else with you?”

  “No. Just soldiers and Betaal. When I questioned her, she said she had an Undying and wondered if she really needed two Healers.” He gulped. “I stopped asking questions.”

  Thumps sounded on the stairs. “He’s coming back,” Danello said. The Undying appeared. A woman followed him, also in Healer’s green, but not a uniform I’d seen before. Two additional soldiers walked behind her.

  Soek’s expression changed to grave concern like any good Healer’s. He took the battlefield brick of pynvium and placed his hands back on my head. No tingle this time with nothing to heal, but he made a show of it anyway. He pretended to push the pain into the pynvium and handed the brick back to the Undying.

  I fluttered open my eyes and sat up, swaying a bit.

  “There you go—all better now.” Soek stood and stepped away from me.

  “Wait,” the woman in green said. I held my breath. “She didn’t pay.”

  I looked at Danello. I didn’t know how much he had, but if heals were double now, it couldn’t possibly be enough to cover what Soek had pretended to heal. It probably wouldn’t even have covered healing the actual cut.

  “It was an emergency,” Soek said. “She would have died otherwise.”

  “Then you should have let her die.”

  “Keeper Betaal—”

  “You know the law, Soek, and I’m tired of you bending it. This stops right now.” She folded her arms and scowled at me. “Taking a heal you can’t pay for is stealing—and punishable same as any other theft.”


  Danello fumbled through his pockets. “I have some money, not a lot, but you can have it all.” The gratitude in his voice was utterly faked.

  Keeper Betaal glared at him. “A pittance won’t buy your way out of this. Arrest them,” she told the two soldiers.

  The Undying was still holding the battlefield brick, and odds were it held lots of pain. Could I reach it before the Undying stopped me?

  Flashing that pynvium would alert the Duke I was here. So would shifting. He was on his way anyway, so it might not matter, but if more assassins were looking for me, they’d find out exactly where I was. I had no idea if Quenji had a boat yet, so we might not be able to escape even if I did flash it.

  “Keeper Betaal, please,” Soek said. “She was dying.”

  “So? She would have died if we weren’t here. And now you’ve wasted pynvium on a freeloader, so someone who could afford it won’t be able to get the help they deserve.” She sneered. “You probably just cost someone else their life.”

  The soldiers grabbed Danello and me. They checked us both for weapons, took our knives, then hauled us out of the traveler’s house and toward a small brick building sitting by itself not far from the docks. Bars lined the windows. It was probably the only jail in the marsh farms. The farmers tended to take care of criminals in their own way.

  Lanelle was sitting outside the coffeehouse. She rose when we approached, but I shook my head. She stopped, watching us with worried eyes.

  The soldiers took us into the guardhouse. One guard sat at a worn table, eating lunch. Shaggy hair a bit too long, worn uniform. Perhaps a local, one of the farmers’ sons. He glanced up, then looked again and jumped to his feet.

  “Afternoon, sir.”

  The soldier holding Danello’s arm frowned. “Prisoners.”

  “Yes, sir.” The guard hurried over to a rack by the door and pulled a key ring off a peg. A reward poster hung on the wall next to it. My reward poster, the same one Vyand had nailed up in Geveg to flush me out. It wasn’t the best drawing, but it was accurate enough. Heart pounding, I angled my face away and let my much shorter and blacker hair fall across my cheek.

  What if they recognized me? What if they’d been told to look for me?

  The soldier glanced around the room, his lip curling in distaste. “Where’s the other guard? Betaal told you to maintain two at all times.”

  “And I keep telling her we only have two.” He unlocked the cell and stood to one side. “She wants to send some of you soldiers over to help us out, I’ll be happy to take a day off.”

  The soldier grunted and pushed Danello forward. He stumbled into the cell, a typical ten-foot-square box with two cots. The soldier on my arm let me go, and I walked inside. If they saw that poster and looked at me closely…

  “What did they do?” the guard asked, his gaze on my bloodstained shirt.


  A puzzled frown. “What’d they steal?”


  “You arrested them for—”

  The soldier stepped close to the guard. “That’s the same as stealing pynvium.”

  The guard gulped. “Yes, it is.”

  “Stay with him,” the soldier told the other.

  “Yes, sir.”

  I sat on one of the cots, my back to the soldier and guard. Danello sat next to me. The guards had no reason to look at that reward poster. It was at least four months old. As long as I didn’t do anything foolish, we could bide our time and wait for a rescue.

  By now Lanelle had told Aylin and Quenji what had happened. The cell lock would be easy for Quenji to pick, but getting him inside and the guards outside wouldn’t be. All three were probably studying the jail right now, looking for weaknesses, ways to get inside, tricks to play on the guards. Well, maybe two. Lanelle was probably trying to get them both to run.

  I took Danello’s hand. This time it was up to Aylin to come up with the plan.

  Unless Lanelle didn’t tell her.

  I jerked, every muscle tense. What if Lanelle had run? What if she hadn’t even tried to find Aylin or Quenji? They might not even know we’d been arrested.

  My guts twisted. Were our lives really in Lanelle’s hands?

  Saea have mercy on us all.

  Rumbling of dozens of wheels broke the silence. The light had left the windows hours ago, and an orange sunset lit the trees I could see. The soldier rose and looked outside.

  “What’s going on?” asked the guard.

  “Horses. Go see what’s going on.”


  “Or stay here and deal with whoever attacks if that happens to be a distraction.”

  The guard rolled his eyes. “I’ll be right back.” He slipped outside.

  The soldier stood by the door, hand on his sword. Mere feet from the reward poster.

  “Doesn’t sound like the Duke’s men,” whispered Danello. Didn’t to me, either.


  “On horseback?”

  Voices rose and fell, not arguing, but more than simple conversation. Maybe the guard was telling them they had to leave.

  The door opened a few minutes later and the guard returned. He looked nervous.

  “Well?” the soldier asked. His hand still hadn’t left his sword.

  “Undying,” he said, voice quivering. My heart stopped for a beat.

  The soldier glared at him, his blue eyes narrowed. “You mean the Wardens?”

  So the Undying had an official name. I was surprised I’d never heard it before.

  The guard nodded. “Wardens, yes, that’s what I meant. Six of them, plus a dozen soldiers.”

  Saints, no. If Lanelle hadn’t run, she sure as spit would now.

  “What did they want?”

  “They didn’t tell me, they just demanded to see my commander. I sent them to the traveler’s house.”

  I looked at Danello. Hoped I didn’t look that scared.

  “What do we do?” the guard said.

  The soldier frowned and glanced over at us. “We follow orders and guard the prisoners.”

  Sunset turned to dusk. I couldn’t see what was going on outside, but the noises came and went. After a while, the door opened and another soldier came in, sergeant bars on her collar. The guard leaped to his feet; the other soldier rose casually.
  “We have trouble,” she said. “Looks like the Shifter might be in the area.”

  Shiverfeet raced down my back.

  “Coming after the Healer?”

  “Wouldn’t be the first Healer she’s killed.”

  Danello squeezed my hand. They thought I was here to kill Healers? What in Saea’s name had the Duke said about me?

  “She didn’t kill them, she saved them,” the guard said. Both soldiers turned their gazes on him. He stepped back. “Well, that’s what I’ve heard.”

  The woman snorted. “Tell that to the dead.”

  The guard said nothing. I wanted to say something to defend myself, foolish as it was.

  “The Wardens told Betaal that the Shifter was seen at a farm a few days’ ride from here,” the woman said, “but the place is abandoned now. They’re convinced she came this way.”

  They must have arrived at the farm right after we’d left. Someone must have told them I was there, one of the aristocrats who’d seen me. A spy in Little ’Crat City with some message birds maybe. They couldn’t have gotten there so fast otherwise.

  “I’ll keep my eyes open. What am I looking for?”

  “A girl, short black hair, sixteen or so.” She paused, then reached over and yanked the reward poster off the wall. “Like this, actually. Memorize this face, but do not approach her on your own.”

  “She’s really that dangerous?”

  “Ask Gemid. She almost killed his whole squad.”

  “Of Undy—I mean, Wardens? I thought they were invulnerable.”

  “No one’s impervious to everything.” She glared at him and slapped the poster against his chest. “You see this girl, you find us. Clear?”


  She raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, Sergeant.”

  The guard sank onto his stool the moment the door thunked shut. “I like my sergeant better,” he muttered.

  Danello looked over, but his it’s-all-going-to-be-okay smile didn’t make me feel any better. The guards had looked at the poster. As soon as they looked at me again, they’d recognize me.

  I had no pain to use unless we hurt ourselves. Even if we did, they might see me before they came close enough for me to shift it. And if one of them got away and told the others…

  Hurry, Aylin, hurry.

  Dusk turned to dark. Nervous murmurs and the occasional scream drifted in through the window. The Undying were probably questioning everyone in the town. Folks had seen me in the coffeehouse and when we’d gone to see Soek. If they told the Undying about a dark-haired girl who’d been arrested…

  “I can probably handle the soldier if I catch him by surprise,” Danello whispered. “Can you take out the guard?”

  “Maybe. Definitely if he stabs me.”

  “Are you allowed to play cards?” the guard asked the soldier. “Or will your sergeant disapprove?”

  “You got coin?”


  “Deal then.”

  On the third hand of cards, the door flew open. The soldier was on his feet in seconds, his sword out. Aylin jumped and squealed, her surprise faked. The guard nearly fell out of his chair.

  “I saw her!” Aylin cried, flapping a hand out the door. She was dressed as nice as a merchant. Where had she gotten the clothes? “The Shifter, she’s out by the blacksmith’s, doing something to the forge, I think”

  The soldier looked her over—her black hair, her fancy dress. I doubted she’d have his attention if she looked like she normally did. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, she looks like that poster they’re showing everyone.”

  “Did you see anyone with her?”

  “Maybe a man and another girl. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  “No, stay here.” The soldier turned to the guard. “You, too.”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice.”

  The soldier raced out. Aylin glanced out the door, concern wrinkling her brow for a moment, then it was gone. She heaved a sigh and dropped both hands onto the back of one of the chairs.

  “You really saw the Shifter?” the guard asked.

  She nodded fast. “I did! Nearly scared me to death. It was the flames that made me look over there. Blue, can you believe it?” She gripped the chair back.

  The guard made a face. “Blue?”

  “Blue as the sky. Look—” She tipped her head toward the window next to her. “You can see them from here.”

  The guard went to the window. Aylin lifted the chair and smashed it down over his head. He groaned and slumped to the floor.

  “Hurry, we don’t have much time,” Aylin said, stepping over the unconscious guard. “It won’t take that soldier long to figure out there’s no one by the blacksmith’s.”

  “Do they even have a blacksmith?” I said.

  “I have no idea, but I figured farmers have horses, and horses need shoes, right?” She pulled out some lock picks and knelt by the cell door.

  “When did you learn to pick locks?”

  “Quenji taught me.”

  The lock snicked open.

  “You’re both geniuses.” I slipped to the guard’s side and placed a hand on his arm.

  Aylin pushed her hair back. “I didn’t hurt him much, did I?”

  “He’s fine. He’ll have a headache and some bruising, but it’ll heal on its own. Where are the others? Is Lanelle still here?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Barely. They’re at the docks. Quenji got us a boat.”

  “What about Soek?”

  “He’s in a building full of soldiers. I don’t think we can help him.”

  “We can’t just leave him here.”

  Danello put a hand on my arm. “Nya, she’s right. We have to warn Geveg. We can’t lose any more time. If we stop the Duke, we save everyone.” He picked up the guard’s sword and cracked open the door. “No soldiers, but there’s a lot of people out there. They look pretty angry.”

  “The Undying hurt someone,” Aylin said, “an older woman. People are complaining.”

  The familiar dread came back. Undying didn’t care for those who complained.

  “Keep Nya between us,” said Danello, slipping out. “Less chance of her being spotted that way.”

  We stayed close to the buildings and out of the yellow circles of the streetlamps. The marsh folks were gathered in front of the traveler’s house, yelling and shaking their fists.

  A woman cried out, and the crowd parted not far ahead. Soldiers emerged, their eyes scanning faces as they passed. Behind the soldiers, an Undying. Danello and Aylin closed tighter around me.

  “Everyone line up over there,” the Undying said, pointing against the side of the market building.

  “We don’t have to listen to you,” one man shouted.

  The Undying drew his sword and marched toward him. The man held his ground, but apprehension flickered across his face.

  “You’ll move, now,” the Undying said.

  “I’ll move when someone who isn’t eating from the Duke’s table asks me.”

  The Undying backhanded him, sending him flying into the crowd. People screamed, some shouted, others charged the Undying. He braced himself but toppled under the surge of bodies.

  The soldiers drew swords and charged into the mob, blades slicing randomly as they cut through. More screams, and the Undying rose out of the pile, his sword dark with blood. He thrust it at the closest person, a woman who’d been trying to help another. A man with her plunged a knife into the Undying’s hand, but the Undying yanked it out and stabbed him with it. A moment later the Undying’s wound was gone, healed and pushed into his armor. More Undying stalked into the crowd. One was huge, towering over the heads of everyone. Another was small, cutting through the crowd with quick sword swings.

  “They’re going to kill them,” I said, slowing.

  Danello tugged me along. “Nya, we have to get you out of here.”

  “But these people!” Like when I was little. People running, soldiers
chasing, blood spilling. All because one man said no to someone in blue.

  “We can’t do anything about it—come on.” Danello yanked my arm and I stumbled a few steps, but I couldn’t look away.

  I could do something about this. I let go of Danello’s hand.

  “Nya, what are you doing? Aylin!” he shouted.

  If they were here looking for me, then the Duke already knew where I was. It wouldn’t matter if I shifted or flashed. I could stop the Undying, help these people, and free Soek.

  Let’s see how much pain is in your armor.

  I stepped forward into the mob and slipped behind one of the smaller Undying. I slapped my hands onto the armor and pictured dandelions blowing in the breeze.


  The flash echoed as the Undying screamed, high-pitched, feminine, and familiar. She turned as she fell, as everyone around us fell. Our eyes met.




  I dropped to the ground beside her. She lay on the street unconscious, blood splattering the pynvium armor she wore.

  An Undying.

  Tali was an Undying.

  Jeatar’s words flooded my mind. “You’ve seen the Undying. You know what they do. Few want to suffer all that pain or inflict it on others. But the commanders make them. They twist minds and bend wills and create the weapons the Duke wants. How long do you think Tali can last in there?”

  Not long enough.

  “How could they do this to you?” I whispered. I ached to pull the flash from her, wake her up, find out why—but she’d been killing like the others. If I woke her, I might have to hurt her again.

  Anger churned my stomach, heated my skin. It was their fault. They’d done this to her. Twisted her, made her into a killer. I rose, fists clenched. I opened them. I’d need my hands.

  “What did you do to her?” I yelled, heading for the next soldier.

  The huge Undying turned and lifted his sword. I kept walking toward him.

  He lunged the last few steps and plunged the sword through my belly. I gasped, my skin on fire around the wound, and fell into him. He stared at me, a smug grin on his face. I reached up and cupped both his cheeks with my hands.

  “Not smart,” I said.


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