Real Riders Never Die 2

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Real Riders Never Die 2 Page 7

by A'zayler

Taryn was quiet for a minute after that. It was clear that the thought of reuniting with her family had her on the edge of her seat. The happiness was evident. She just seemed a lot giddier than she had been before. Demoto tried his best to share in her joy, but he just wasn’t feeling it. When the waitress came back and brought their food, she said their grace.

  Demoto wasn’t big on prayer because that was something he hadn’t done much of since his father passed. He didn’t stop Taryn from doing it though. He just never initiated it. He was raising his head back up and opening his eyes when his red phone began vibrating across the table. Taryn’s eyes went to it before going to him. He picked it up swiftly and put it to his ear without saying anything. He listened intently before confirming and hanging up.

  “Do we have to leave?”

  “Nah, baby girl. Eat your food.” Demoto grabbed a piece of his fish and began eating.

  It took Taryn a minute, but she eventually began eating as well. Anytime he got a call for work she got a little distant. In the three and a half years that they’d been together he would have thought that she would be over that by now, but it still took her nerve for a while.

  “I been thinking, Tee, maybe we should have another baby.”

  Taryn looked up from her plate with a confused look on her face. “What?”

  “Another baby. Daddy needs a little girl.”

  Taryn sucked her teeth. “Boy, eat your food.”

  He laughed. “I’m serious. What you think of that?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.” She stuffed some pasta into her mouth.

  “I also think it’s time for us to move. I’m tired of living in that little bitty ass apartment.”

  “Now that I agree with.”

  “I knew you would.” Demoto stood up. “Where the bathroom at up in here?”

  Taryn pointed behind him. When he turned around, he saw an Asian woman walking into the area that had the restroom sign hanging over it. He excused himself before heading in that direction. All the water and Sprite he had drank was catching up with him. Demoto looked around at all the people as he walked to the bathroom. Since working for Double O he’d learned not to trust anyone.

  He ducked into the restroom and into the stall. He urinated quickly before flushing the toilet. He was about to walk out but the string on his shoe was loose. He leaned down and snatched it through the loops before exiting the stall.

  “Ahh,” The Asian woman yelped when she noticed there was a man in the women’s restroom.

  Demoto moved quickly, locking the big door to the bathroom and kicking all the stalls open. Once he was sure there was no one else in the bathroom he walked up behind her. It threw him for a loop that she wasn’t screaming or running, not that she would make it that far anyway, but it was still alarming.

  She stared at him through the mirror. “Do me a favor, will you?” Her voice was calm but very stern. Her Asian accent was a little hard for him to understand, but he managed. “Tell my husband he could have done this like a man. I would have rather my life be ended with the person it started with.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s such a pussy and tell him I said it.” She nodded her head. “Now carry on.”

  Demoto had no desire to pass any messages. This was a job, nothing more. He wrapped the shoestring around her neck quickly and tightly and pulled with all of his might. He snatched her head back and dragged her into the stall he’d just come out of. Naturally, she stirred, trying to release the hold on her neck, but it wasn’t much of a fight. Being that his instructions had been clear to make it quick, Demoto drew back and slammed her head into the cement wall. He did this two more times before her body went limp.

  He allowed her body to fall before lacing his shoe back up and washing his hands. He checked his watch quickly. He had two minutes left to get back to his seat. Double O informed him over the phone that everything regarding tapes and footage would be handled as long as he finished his job within seven minutes. He’d done it in four. Not worrying about anything being tied back to him, Demoto exited the female bathroom just as quickly and discreetly as he’d come in.

  He pulled his red phone from his pocket and texted the word DONE before sliding it back in. He rounded the corner and Taryn was sitting at the table eating. She had a piece of bread in one hand and a fork filled with pasta in the other. His baby was so cute with her greedy ass. He slid in the booth smoothly and resumed his lunch.

  “You’re worse than Ayo.”

  “I drank too much damn soda.” Demoto reached in his pocket to grab his vibrating phone.

  Clean. Clear. Transferred.

  Demoto nodded to himself before sticking his phone back in its rightful place. He was definitely in the safe zone now. The scene had been wiped clean, he was clear of any eyewitnesses, and his money was in his bank account. Too easy. He reached across the table and grabbed Taryn’s hand. He couldn’t think of one thing that would ever make him bring harm to her. He couldn’t count how many jobs he’d done for married couples. He didn’t know who requested the other’s demise more, the husband or the wife. Much like the job he’d just done.

  “Who would have ever thought we would have lasted this long?” He smiled at Taryn. “The poor little orphan and the lonely African.”

  “I know, right? I think about that all the time. I remember when I first got moved down here to that home. I cried every day.”

  “You have to go through the rain to see the sun, baby girl.”

  Taryn squeezed his hand and nodded her head. “And how were you the lonely African when you had a girlfriend, an older brother, a sister-in-law, friends, and your own house and money? Explain that to me because I’m lost.”

  Demoto’s face freed itself of his smile and dropped a little. He looked down as he rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. “Tee, you know something? You can be in a place full of people and still be alone. I was surrounded by all of that, but until you came, I still felt lonely. A lot of times I think that’s why I’m so attached to you. I don’t want to go back to that place. It was dark and made me feel cold. My heart was nonexistent. I mean, I love my family, don’t get me wrong, but I was battling a lot of other shit before you showed up. My mama bitch ass, my pop’s death, and a whole bunch of other shit.” Demoto looked away momentarily because his feelings were getting the best of him. As they always did when Taryn and his feelings were in the same place at the same time. “I fuck around a lot making jokes and shit about never leaving you, or you never leaving me, but I mean that shit in here Tee.” Demoto pointed at his chest. “I don’t think I could live like that again. Not knowing how bright life can be. It’ll make me crazy. Like I legit think I will lose my mind if we were to stop being together. Like eleventh floor of the hospital crazy. Mental ward, give me medicine three times a day fucking crazy. I seriously don’t think that I’ll ever be able to let you go.”

  Demoto looked across the table at Taryn as she wiped the tears falling from her eyes. He paused for a minute, giving her time to listen to his words. He grabbed both of her hands and held them in his. Instinctively, she tried to pull one of them away in order to wipe her face again, but Demoto held onto them.

  “Don’t think I’m crazy, Tee. I just love you. You fell into my life and literally made everything better. I hated the United States when my father first sent us here. I just did the best I could to make life decent enough since I had to stay. I was going through life just chilling, looking happy and shit, playing sports to keep my mind off of home, but in the back of my mind, the only thing that mattered and still does, was retaliation on my mama.” Demoto kissed the back of Taryn’s hand.

  “When I first saw you, I was like damn she bad as fuck.” Demoto laughed as Taryn smiled. “And she got a fat ass.” Both of them really laughed at that. “I wanted to smash so bad, but when I saw you crying at the park I wanted to know you. I could tell that just like me, you had a story too. You was battling shit the same way I was. Knowing how that shit felt, I just felt like I had to have you. I
had to make your shit go away because that kind of stuff ain’t no joke.”

  “I’m not leaving,” Taryn wiped her face on her shoulder. “You did make it go away.”

  “You and Ayo occupy my thoughts all day every day. It’s like no matter what I do, one of y’all faces pop into my mind.” Demoto smiled as he looked off for a second. “That’s why I’m nervous about you meeting your family. I don’t want them to take you back to that place. Not saying that they will do that or anything, but we’ve come too far. I know you might think I’m crazy when I say this, but I want to be all you need, Tee. I want to be your family. Not in a negative possessive way or no shit like that, it’s just that I know you’re safe with me. I can protect you no matter what. Your whole life will be nothing but the best as long as I’m the one that’s leading you. I got you. But these people, I don’t know. They left you and never looked back, and I just can’t get with that shit.”

  Taryn was quiet as he sat back in his seat and released her hands. He waited so he could hear what she had to say. He didn’t want to pressure her, but she needed to know how he felt. He was her man and her protector; he was entitled to have an opinion on anything going on with her. Especially something that had the potential to hurt her.

  “I won’t meet them if you don’t want me to.” She sniffed.

  Demoto shook his head. “No, baby, I want you to. Though I’m not sure, you deserve to give it a try. I just wanted you to know where I stood with it all.”

  “I understand what you’re saying, bae, I do. That’s why I won’t. I trust you with my life, and if you really don’t think this is it then I trust you.”

  “Just make sure I’m with you when you go and when you talk to them. That’s all I ask.”

  Screaming from across the restaurant startled Taryn. She whipped her head around quickly to see where all the commotion was coming from. There was a lady frantically screaming as the hostess tried to comfort her. People gathered around, trying to see what had caused her uproar. Demoto watched Taryn strain her neck to see around people. When she couldn’t see anything else, she returned her attention to him.

  Demoto sat coolly in his side of the booth. One hand was beneath the table while the other played with the paper from his straw.

  “I wonder what happened.” Taryn looked at him.

  He shrugged. “I don’t.”

  “You don’t care about nothing.”

  “Nothing that ain’t my business. I sure as hell don’t.”

  “Oh my goodness. I can’t believe she’s dead. Who would have done that?” An older woman told the man she was with as they passed Taryn and Demoto’s table.

  Demoto’s eyes went to them before going back to Taryn. She was still watching them. She watched them until she couldn’t see them anymore. When she turned back around she moved in slow motion. Her head turned at a snail’s pace. Once she was facing him again, she just stared at him. He stared right back at her. No emotion in his eyes. Not an ounce of remorse for doing his job. His breathing remained at its normal rate as they watched each other.

  Taryn scrunched her face up and looked at him a little closer. She leaned forward across the table. “Did you really have to pee?” she whispered.


  “Don’t play with me. That’s what that call was about?”

  Demoto took a sip of his water and nodded his head once.

  “Oh Lord.” Taryn palmed her forehead. “Get me out of this damn crime scene.”

  Demoto laughed as he flagged down the server walking past their table. “Can we get the ticket?”

  “The manager said everything is on him today due to the terrible incident that’s occurred.”

  Demoto looked confused. “What happened?”

  The waiter looked to both sides before leaning down and whispering. “Some woman was strangled in the bathroom.”

  Taryn gasped.

  Demoto grabbed the hand she had on the table. “It’s okay, beautiful girl. I’ll protect you.” He winked at her.

  Taryn shot him an evil look but knew better than to cause a scene. She left her hand in his and looked back at the waiter. “They don’t know who did it?”

  “It’s the craziest thing. They checked the tapes and there’s nothing there. The footage of her going into the restroom is there but no one else went in before or after her until the lady found her. I mean, I’m sure someone had to have gone in there within the last ten minutes, but they don’t see anything out of the ordinary. Whoever did it, did a damn good job.”

  “Sounds professional, huh?” Demoto looked at the boy wide eyed.

  “Had to be.” He bit his lip. “I never knew real professional hitmen existed. That shit is crazy. I mean what ordinary person could pull something like that off?” He shook his head again before standing back up. “You two have a good day. Sorry this happened during your date.” He smiled and walked away.

  Taryn sat back in her seat and crossed her arms across her chest. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “And you’re gorgeous. Let’s go.”

  Demoto stood from the table, fixed his pants around his waist and held his hand out for her to grab. She acted like she didn’t want to grab it but she did. As soon as she stood up she let it go again. Demoto walked up behind her and grabbed her waist, playfully kissing the side of her face as they walked out. They walked a little slower due to the fact that he was holding on to her and slowing down her steps.

  Other diners watched them with smiles on their faces as they passed. Taryn couldn’t even hold her laughter in as he kissed all over her face. Biting on her cheeks as well.

  “You know you my baby. I don’t know why you be playing.”

  Taryn playfully elbowed him in the stomach. “I’m not playing with you.”

  “Aww ain’t y’all cute?” a voice behind them said.

  When they turned, around Taryn gasped and moved out of Demoto’s embrace. It was her friend Rain’s older sister, Summer. She was there with her secret lover, Jacorey.

  Taryn grabbed her and hugged her. “Hey boo.”

  “Hey Taryn-Lee. Stop all that damn playing and let that boy kiss on you.”

  “That’s what I keep trying to tell her ass.” Demoto walked up on the women.

  Jacorey leaned over and kissed Summer’s lips in the middle of her sentence and she swung her hand, quickly hitting him in the face. They all laughed.

  “See, she can’t talk. Her ass the same way. It must be a dark skinned thing.” Jacorey smiled at the girls.

  “It has to be. If they was light, we probably wouldn’t have these problems.” Demoto dapped Jacorey up.

  Taryn and Summer both rolled their eyes before Summer grabbed Jacorey’s arm and pulled him toward the parking lot. “We’ll see y’all later, Taryn.”

  “Okay, girl. It was good seeing you.” Taryn turned back around and looped her arm through Demoto’s.

  They walked to the car and got in. Demoto zoomed from the parking lot and onto the highway headed home.

  “I am so shocked at you, Demoto Youngblood.”

  “Why Taryn-Lee Youngblood?”

  Taryn held her hand up in his face. “First of all, my last name is still Alvarez. Thank you. Secondly, we were having lunch, nigga. That couldn’t have waited?”

  “It’s my job, bae… and what you mean your last name still Alvarez? What you had to say that shit for?”

  “Because it is and I don’t care about your job. What if you would have gotten caught?”

  “You’re a Youngblood. Period, my nigga. Ain’t no if ands or buts about that shit. Furthermore, my job is a professional organization. Ain’t no way in the world they would have called me to do some shit if I was going to get caught doing it.” Demoto shifted gears and looked over at her quickly. “I’m number one for a reason, baby girl. I got this shit.”

  “It’s just still so crazy to me, Demoto. How do you do that then come right back to the table confessing your love for me like it was nothing?”

��Because it wasn’t. That’s my job. Do you feel any type of way when you’re at Foot Locker ringing up shoes?”

  Taryn shook her head. “But that’s not the same thing.”

  “Why it ain’t? That’s work. I don’t take it personal. You, on the other hand are you. I take you personal. I take you very fucking personal. So when I see a nigga paying to kill the mother of his children and the woman he’s been married to for over thirty years, I feel the need to express my love for you. I could never do no shit like that. No matter what. You gon’ always have my heart. I don’t care what happens. Another muthafucka will have to kill me before I lay down and let you die. Then the blood be on my hands? Fuck no. I came back to that table letting your ass know what’s good.”

  “Now how in the hell you an assassin with a heart sweet like that?”

  Demoto winked at her. “What can I say? I have a soft spot for your sexy ass.”

  Taryn blushed.

  “Good because I have one for you too.”

  “You better.”

  They rode to their house talking about the specifics of his jobs and how he maintained his sanity. Taryn was floored by it all, but she’d known before agreeing to be with him and starting a family that this was what he was into. It was still overwhelming at times, but she was down for the ride and he knew it.

  Chapter Six

  “Think About It” By Donnell Jones played softly in the background as Kia sat on the sofa flat ironing Taryn’s hair. They had been in the same spot for a little over an hour doing the exact same thing. Demoto had called Taryn early that morning from work telling her that he wanted to take her on a date and to get sexy for him. She had been excited from that moment to this one. With Ayo stretched out across the floor with his head resting on her leg asleep, Taryn re-twisted his hair as well.

  Her little boo had gone almost two months without a fresh twist, but his mommy had him covered now. Being that he was so young and because of Taryn, his hair was extremely soft. Taryn did her best not to twist it too much, too afraid to break it off. Unlike his father, who sported a fresh re-twist every month.


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