Real Riders Never Die 2

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Real Riders Never Die 2 Page 17

by A'zayler

  She passed Demoto a small manila envelope and grabbed her keys and bag. He moved to the side so she could leave, but before she did, she stopped in front of him.

  “I’m sorry about this,” she whispered with tears in her eyes.

  “Don’t be. You did what was right. Leave now and call me when you get to where you’re going.”

  She nodded her head in a hurry before hugging him and excusing herself from the room. After she left, and he was sure the door was locked, Demoto took a seat on the edge of the bed. He put the envelope into his backpack and took out his gun. He twisted the silencer on it because he wanted to make this as quick and quiet as he could. He rushed to set up the camera on the TV stand so he could capture the whole thing on camera before going back to his spot near the door.

  He had his backpack on his back and his gun in hand when he heard the shower turn off. Standing tall in front of the only exit, Demoto held his hand behind his back. He had a few things to say before any of this went on. It took another few minutes before he heard the doorknob twisting and the door opening.

  “Nay, I think I left my aftershave at the house…” Adisa’s voice trailed off when he noticed Demoto standing at the door.

  His face frowned only for a second before circling around the room. He looked Demoto up and down once before allowing his eyes to stop on the camera in the center of the room next to the television. His shoulders slumped as he dropped his head. He bit his bottom lip and nodded his head a few times before looking from the floor back up to his baby brother.

  “What’s going on, Moto?”

  Demoto shook his head. “Don’t ask me that.”

  “How did you know? Did Janay tell you?”

  “You should know me well enough to know by now that nothing gets past me. Did you really think I wouldn’t recognize that tie clip? I mean, I know it’s been years, and we haven’t used that shit since we first left, Cameroon but you had to give me more credit than that.”

  Adisa’s body began to shift nervously as he listened to Demoto.

  “That’s the same shit Daddy used to use. Why would you think for one second I wouldn’t see it?” Demoto smirked in disbelief. “Oh, I guess you figured since it was my wedding day that I wouldn’t pay that shit any attention, huh?”

  “It wasn’t like that, Moto. Mommy just wanted to be there. You haven’t spoken to her in years.”

  “For damn good reason!” Demoto’s anger got the best of him and he yelled. He calmed himself down the best he could. “She had Daddy murdered like a dog, Adisa, where is your loyalty?”

  “You don’t know that, Moto.”

  Demoto shook his head. “Daddy used to tell me all the time to make sure I kept my eyes on the ones I loved the most, and I never knew what he meant or why he told me that it seemed like almost every day, but now I do. He was talking about you and your mama’s bitch asses. It’s over with, big bruh.”

  “Demoto, you don’t have to do this man.”

  “Correction, I didn’t have to do this. Now I do. You started this shit, man. Why couldn’t you just stay true? She used you. How do you not see that? She don’t love you, Adisa, she never did. She’s not stupid. She knew I would catch that shit and murder your ass. She set you up and you let her. Now you tell me what kind of mother would do that?”

  Demoto took a step forward and Adisa took one backward. Demoto looked at Adisa and shook his head. “Don’t.”

  “Demoto, I swear she just wanted to see the wedding.”

  “So I guess you talking to her on the phone telling her what daycare Ayo goes to, or emailing Taryn’s class schedule to her was just so she can check on them, huh? Better yet, sending niggas to her job to watch her and shit was her just being an overprotective mother-in-law, huh? Yeah, I know about all that shit. Just like I know you were planning to go visit her this week.”

  Demoto thought about how bad his brother was going out and it actually hurt him. He had thought if he had nobody else he would at least have Adisa, but clearly that wasn’t the case. This nigga was just as flawed as his mother. Once Bradley had called him and told him about the guy at the mall, Demoto looked into it.

  Pulled camera footage and got everything possible he could find on the man. It had him boiling with anger once he traced him back to a contracting company in Florida. When they told him that they’d received an anonymous contract from Cameroon, he knew then. Demoto looked at Adisa as he thought about the moment he’d seen the tie clip with the hidden camera in it. He was standing at the front of the suite waiting for Taryn to come through the doors.

  The photographer had flipped the lights off so that she could see their pictures better. He turned his head at one point to make sure everything was in order and the flashing red light caught his eye. Adisa had been so wrapped up in Janay and the photos that he hadn’t even noticed Demoto staring at him. It had taken everything in him not to bash Adisa’s head in. Had it not been his wedding day, he would have made that happen right then.

  That was the past though. Over and done with. A missed moment that he wouldn’t get back, so he would use the current situation to get that handled. Adisa looked at him nervously, probably trying to think of something to tell him. Little did he know, there was nothing to get him out of this. Demoto had gone through the computer in his office at Double O and checked for anything he could find.

  He hadn’t found anything, but when Jacko gave it a second look, he was able to pull up deleted files and everything that had been hidden in secret drives. Demoto was baffled when he realized his brother had been plotting against him all along. It took him a minute to come to terms with it, but after the tie clip incident at the wedding, he knew it was true. He forced himself to get out of his feelings for a moment and do what he had to do.

  “You have to believe me when I say I didn’t mean any harm.”

  “I know you didn’t. You just got set up by someone that was supposed to love you.” Demoto let his arm fall, revealing his gun. “It’s cool. I know the feeling.”

  Adisa dropped his head.

  “Take a seat on the bed in front of the camera.”

  As bad as he didn’t want to, Adisa knew there was no way out of this. He moved slowly and sat down. He looked into the lenses of the camera without Demoto having to say anything and began talking.

  “I love you, Ma. I’m sure you know what is about to happen so there’s no need to elaborate. I hate that it had to happen like this, but I’m sure you probably don’t.” He sniffed for a second. “Even through it all, seeing how it’s about to end and everything, I would still pick your side.” He looked up at Demoto and frowned. “You are truly our father’s son. He was weak and stupid, just like you. I’m ashamed to even say we’re brothers.” Adisa’s words cut like a knife through Demoto’s heart, but he showed no emotion.

  “When I die, I hope I see our father so I can spit in his face.” He looked Demoto up and down before turning back toward the camera. “This is for you, Mama.” He blew her a kiss and held his head down.

  Demoto stood on the side of him, out of the view of the camera and placed the gun to the side of Adisa’s head. The only thing that would be seen on camera was his gloved hand and the gun. Adisa took a deep breath and began mumbling something to himself. Demoto fought with himself. Pulling the trigger seemed a lot easier to do when he was just thinking about it. Now that he was actually in the position to do it, he was having second thoughts.

  This was his brother. His blood. The only real family he had left. He stood with his hand shaking against the side of his brother’s head, battling with his mind. Adisa looked to the side with a snarl on his face before looking back into the lenses of the camera.

  “I see why you needed me. He’s just as weak as you said.” He laughed and turned his head to look at Demoto. “If it was the other way around, you would already be leaking.”

  Demoto didn’t say anything just held the gun a little tighter in his hand. It was crazy to him how Adisa had been playing the
caring role at first until he realized it was real and he was really about to die. Then he showed his real self. It was hard for Demoto to believe that he had been living with this man, laughing and letting his guard down, thinking he loved him for real. When all along he had been plotting with the enemy.

  Sitting around smiling and joking like he was happy for him. The more Demoto thought about it the angrier he got. He had been around Taryn, he’d even babysat Ayo occasionally. Just thinking of the things that he could have done to his son gave Demoto the push he needed. He cocked his gun and Adisa’s body went back to the jittery movements he’d been displaying earlier.

  “See you in hell, baby brother,”

  Those were the last words Adisa Youngblood would ever speak because the hot bullet from Demoto’s gun had just ended his life. His body fell sideways onto the bed. Demoto looked away as fast as he could and walked to the camera. He stopped the recording, placed all of his things into his backpack, checked the room for anything out of place and left as quietly as he’d come in.

  Chapter Eleven

  Taryn’s hands shook uncontrollably as she and Demoto walked into Red Lobster. She had been on pins and needles all day waiting for the time to come, and now that it was finally there, she couldn’t contain herself. It was annoying her the way her body kept jerking from jitters. She looked over her shoulder at Demoto as they walked up to the hostess desk. Demoto told the girl that they were meeting other patrons and she politely told them to follow her.

  Demoto grabbed Taryn’s hand and pulled her back to where he was. “It’s gon’ be a’ight. I’m right here. Just chill out.”

  “I know. I’m just so nervous.”

  “I don’t know why. These people ain’t nobody. You’ve talked to old people before.”

  Demoto smiled, as did she. His small joke made her feel a little better, but as she approached the table her stomach began to flip all over again. She was so nervous she couldn’t tell whether it was the baby or butterflies. When she saw them, she felt a familiar tightness in her throat. The lady was a soft brown toned color. She had light-colored eyes that looked like a mix between green and brown. Taryn couldn’t see her hair because it was covered with a yellow and black wrap.

  Beside her was a darker skinned man. He was about Taryn’s color with a low haircut. His hair was silky and black like Taryn’s. Though they had darker skin, just like Taryn, you could tell that they weren’t black. The lady must have felt Taryn’s eyes on her because she turned around and they made eye contact. Her hand went to her mouth as her eyes got big and watery. She pointed for a few seconds before she was able to tap the man’s shoulder.

  He turned his head and Taryn could see the shock all over his face. He looked so amazed that it almost made Taryn feel a little uncomfortable. When she was finally at the table, the lady pushed at the man’s shoulder so that he could let her out. When he stood, the lady slid out of the booth and grabbed Taryn. She wasn’t short, but she wasn’t quite as tall as Taryn. She hugged her tightly and cried silently.

  Demoto stood back, watching the exchange. When the lady finally let Taryn go, she stood back and just rubbed her arms.

  “You are so beautiful.” She covered her mouth again.

  “She looks just like Azmera.” The man’s accent was so thick Taryn could hardly understand what he’d said.

  It reminded her of when she’d first met Demoto. It had been so hard for her to understand some of the things he would be saying, but now that they’d been together for so long she was used to it. Occasionally it would make her mad when other people acted like he was too hard to understand.

  “Azmera?” Taryn was a bit confused.

  “Please sit down,” the lady that she knew as Habesha said.

  Taryn slid in first with Demoto following behind her. He took his seat after everyone else had taken theirs. Once they were all seated in the booth, Taryn spoke.

  “This is my husband, Demoto.”

  Habesha’s eyes got big and began to water again. “You’re married?”

  Taryn smiled. “Yes ma’am.”

  She clasped her hands together tightly. “Oh that’s so wonderful.”

  “Thank you.” Demoto said as the waitress came over to take him and Taryn’s drink order.

  The table fell quiet for a moment as they all just looked at each other. Everyone probably thinking something different. Demoto feeling everyone out while Taryn and her family basked in the enjoyment of seeing one another for the first time. Demoto’s eyes followed Habesha’s hands as they slid across the table to reach for Taryn’s. Taryn was so busy looking at her uncle that she didn’t see her aunt reaching for her.

  It wasn’t until Demoto grabbed her hands for her and put them on the table. “Give that lady your hands girl.” He laughed.

  Taryn looked down and apologized once she noticed them. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you.” They held hands as the lady looked at her lovingly.

  “You are so beautiful, just like my sister. So beautiful.”

  “And tall.” The man said. “Terrence-Lee was tall like you.” He motioned toward Demoto with his hands. “Much like you, young man.”

  Demoto nodded and took a sip from his water. He looked over at Taryn who was smiling and listening to her uncle.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t get your name.” Demoto looked at her uncle.

  Taryn was so happy that he’d said that because she too wanted to know but hadn’t wanted to seem rude.

  “Pardon me, I am Iyasu Gerbereal. Habesha’s husband.”

  “So you’re not my mother’s brother?”

  He laughed a little. “Should have been. I was closer to her than her sister here.” He nodded his head toward Habesha. “These two were like night and day.”

  Taryn looked at Habesha and smiled. “Can you tell me about her?”

  Habesha looked confused. “You don’t remember her?”

  “No ma’am. I was two when she died. I’ve been in foster care ever since.”

  Habesha and Iyasu leaned back in their seats as if this was news to them. Demoto watched them closely to get a feel of their reactions. He even leaned forward in an effort to make them feel uncomfortable.

  “I’m glad you mentioned that, Tee.” He looked between Habesha and Iyasu. “Neither of you ever thought to get custody of Taryn-Lee? I mean, why let an innocent little two-year-old go to the system and be taken care of by strangers if she had family?” Demoto’s tone was so accusing that Taryn wanted to shrink beneath the table. She was so embarrassed.

  Taryn hadn’t known he was going to come right out and say that because if she had she would have asked him not to. Now it was too late for that because the elephant in the room had been addressed, and she wasn’t shocked in the least that he had been the one to address it. He wouldn’t have been Demoto Youngblood if he hadn’t.

  To make matters worse, he was sitting there looking at them waiting for an answer. He didn’t even look like he planned to move until one of them gave him an answer. A little caught off guard by his question, Taryn sat quietly too. Since he’d brought it up, she might as well get an answer. She looked between her aunt and uncle to see who would speak first.

  “There was a bit of a controversy when your mother married your father. Our parents weren’t too thrilled with their union, which tied our hands when it came to you.” Habesha used the napkin on the table to dry her eyes. “Azmera had long ago separated herself from us. Meeting your father turned her into a new person. We had just gotten here to America and our family wasn’t too comfortable with new things. So when your mother met your father, it caused an uproar in our household.”

  “You keep calling her Azmera, but my mother’s name was Erin.” Taryn interrupted her.

  “Yes, my sweet girl, it was. However, her birth name was Azmera.” She looked off for a minute. “Your mother was such a free spirit. She didn’t like to be bound by anything, with my father being her biggest handcuff. So once we got here, and she found out the differen
ces in cultures, she used them to her advantage. For a while she kept her name, but your father brought out a different side of her. I would say that he changed her, but I don’t believe that to be true.”

  Taryn and Demoto both squinted as they listened to her. It was a task to understand some things that were being said.

  “I think your father just brought out the true Azmera. She had always been so optimistic and outgoing. She changed her name to Erin after dating your father a few short months. My family hated it, but I loved it. I had always been so jealous of her and her spirit. I wanted to be like her. I admired her so much for the courage she possessed.”

  “Where did she meet my father?”

  “We both got jobs when we got here. Hers was at a local grocery store. Your father came in one day, bought her lunch and they hit it off instantly. She would sneak out to see him, sometimes staying away for days. So it was no surprise when she finally moved out. It bothered my father a lot. My mother not so much because she knew Azmera, and she knew it was only a matter of time before she broke free. She and I kept in contact as much as my father would allow, but after she came home for Christmas one year and she was pregnant with you, things took a turn for the worse. My father hated it.” Habesha started to cry again. Taryn as well.

  Demoto wasn’t too fond of the tears she was shedding, but he sucked it up because this was what she needed. What she had asked for. All he could do was provide comfort. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and leaned his head against hers.

  “It’s okay, baby girl.” He kissed the side of her forehead. “It’s alright. I’m here,” he said into her ear. Followed by something in French. Taryn nor her aunt and uncle understood what he said, but it didn’t matter. It was comforting to Taryn.

  “I see you’re like your mother in more ways than one,” Habesha told her.

  “What do you mean?”


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