The Viking's Touch

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The Viking's Touch Page 17

by Joanna Fulford

  ‘Of course it would.’

  ‘Gold would buy you another protector.’

  ‘I don’t want another protector.’

  Her eyes filled with tears. Appalled, she tried to turn away, but he took her shoulders in a gentle clasp and drew her back, looking into her face. What he read there caused his pulse to quicken. Anwyn swayed towards him. Then his mouth was on hers. He felt her arms slide around his neck, her body pressed against his. And then she was kissing him back. His heart seemed to skip several beats. The kiss grew deeper, more intimate. Desire flared.

  He removed her gown and let it fall. Then, lifting her braid, he drew it through his fingers until he felt the binding, pulled it free and, reaching behind her, slowly unfastened her hair. It flowed over his hands like silken fire. He breathed its fragrance and almost immediately felt himself grow hard. His arms tightened around her and the kiss became searing. She returned it hungrily, all other thought forgotten as desire flung caution to the wind.

  He paused just long enough to carry her to the bed. Never taking his eyes off her, he finished undressing. Then he came to join her. He gathered the hem of her kirtle and drew it upwards, slowly easing it off. For a moment or two he let his gaze dwell on the beauty of the body beneath before resuming where he had left off, his hands caressing, gentle and assured, bringing her with him and fanning the flame of mutual desire. He took his time, not wanting to do anything that would frighten or disgust her; nothing that might equate him in her mind with what had gone before. The experiences of the past must be expunged, leaving only delight and the wish for more.

  His mouth travelled from her lips to her neck and throat and breasts, teasing a nipple erect, feeling the delicious shudder of her response, while his hand travelled lower, sweeping the curves of waist and hip and leg before finding the secret place between her thighs. He stroked gently. Anwyn gasped and he felt the perspiration start along her skin. The scent of her filled his head, spicy and erotic. Resisting the temptation to pursue his own desire, he continued, eliciting a deeper tremor and then another.

  When he entered her there was no resistance, only slick and yielding warmth. He moved slowly, restraining his passion, making her wait. Anwyn writhed. He heard her speak his name, her voice pleading. He stroked her hair and smiled.

  ‘Shh. It’s all right. You’ll get what you want, my sweet.’

  He let the rhythm build gradually, the strokes becoming stronger. He felt her shudder, her body arching against him. Her eyes widened a little, their depths darkened to emerald now, her lips swollen from his kisses. Her flesh seemed almost molten, flushed with fire and sweet as summer honey. His own desire flamed and he let go of restraint then, surrendering to his own climax at last with a cry of savage joy so intense he thought his heart might burst with the power of it. Almost light-headed he collapsed onto his forearms, his breathing fast and ragged, every part of him deliciously alive. He had expected to enjoy this, but nothing had prepared him for the sheer soul-lifting delight of the experience.

  Anwyn lay beside him, heart thudding against her ribs, her body still resonating with the wonder of it. She had been told a man could make the experience pleasurable for a woman, but never in a thousand years would she have guessed at the heights that pleasure might attain. She understood full well how patient he had been and how considerate. To be treated with such tenderness was so far outside her experience that it brought a lump to her throat. He was her husband now in fact as well as name, and she no longer cared whether it was foolish. All that mattered was to live in the moment.

  Wulfgar turned his head and smiled, his hand lightly caressing her cheek. ‘That was magnificent.’

  She returned his smile. ‘Yes, it was.’

  ‘I’ve wanted to do that from the moment I set eyes on you.’

  ‘It’s as well you didn’t, considering the number of spectators.’

  He grinned. ‘Aye, it might have created something of a stir.’

  ‘Ingvar would have had an apoplexy.’

  ‘Ingvar can go and fornicate with Hel for all I care.’

  ‘Mmm. Hel might not be too keen.’

  ‘Then she can give him direct entry to the underworld,’ he replied. ‘Forget him.’

  She lifted one arched brow. ‘Are you jealous?’

  ‘Fiercely jealous. I will not suffer you even to spare him a thought.’

  ‘Then he is dismissed.’

  ‘Good.’ He reached out and drew her against him. ‘I should be forced to drive him out else.’

  She looked up at him from beneath her lashes. ‘How exactly would you do that, my lord?’

  ‘Don’t you know, Anwyn?’

  The implications sent a flush of warmth along her skin. ‘You are quite shameless.’

  He grinned. ‘That’s right.’

  Chapter Sixteen

  Anwyn slept soundly and woke just after dawn. She wasn’t sure what had woken her at first, until she felt the light pressure of a man’s lips on her shoulder. She smiled and stretched lazily, turning to face him. Remembering what had passed between them last night, she smiled.

  ‘Good morrow, wife.’

  The use of that term only served to reinforce the memory. ‘Good morrow, husband.’

  Wulfgar leaned closer, gently nibbling her ear lobe. His tongue probed further, sending a delicious shiver the length of her body.

  ‘Still so lustful, my lord?’

  ‘You have no idea.’ He shifted a little and then his mouth was on hers, taking a leisurely kiss while his hands explored elsewhere, sending tingling warmth to her loins. The exploration continued with gentle, unhurried expertise. Hungry for his touch, Anwyn responded eagerly now, wanting to give pleasure in return. She recalled then what had pleased Torstein, but this time there was no fear or loathing, only mounting desire.

  Her caresses became more intimate. Wulfgar caught his breath, every part of him alive to her lightest touch. He turned to face her, but she pushed him gently back on to the bed. With delicious anticipation he watched her straddle him, felt himself slide into her and then the slow rocking motion of her hips. His hands reached for her, pulling her deeper. The rocking movement became stronger and he bit back a groan, pleasure setting every nerve alight. Lifting his hips, he thrust into her, moving with her, building the fire anew and letting it consume him in a heart-pounding climax.

  Afterwards they rested a while, temporarily sated. Wulfgar watched her drowse, his hand idly stroking her hair. He had always believed her capable of passion, but the extent of her sensuality astonished and delighted him. When he had dreamed of her submission he never imagined it would be like this. He had meant to arouse her, to leave her wanting more. He had not anticipated how much more his own desire would increase. Nor was it only about desire; Anwyn aroused emotions in him that he had not expected to feel again. There had been women over the years, but never any relationship lasting beyond the satisfaction of a physical need. He took what they offered and forgot them. However, no man would forget this woman—unless he was dead.

  Unbidden, his thoughts moved ahead to the intended alliance with Rollo and to the adventure that beckoned. It held out the promise of great wealth. Of course, the corollary to that was enhanced risk. The gods might have favoured him with extraordinary luck, but his luck wouldn’t hold for ever. He was seven and twenty. How many more years would be permitted him before the Nornir severed the thread of his life? How much of that time would be spent with Anwyn? Precious little in all likelihood. He frowned. That was the reality, but it would not be easy to leave her, especially now. He had wanted her from the first and had been determined to win her; he had expected to enjoy their physical coupling. What he had not foreseen was the extent of his emotional involvement. Feelings he had thought long dead had proved to be only dormant and their slow, insidious growth had crept up and taken him unawares. His weren’t the only feelings involved, either. The knowledge only compounded the sensation of guilt.

  He sighed, then, taking care n
ot to disturb his slumbering wife, eased himself out of bed and looked around for his clothes. The bandage on his arm was sufficient reminder that there were matters outstanding to be attended to. Shifting the focus of his thoughts to more certain ground, he dressed quickly.

  By the time Anwyn woke he was long gone. Rather guiltily she realised that she, too, should have been up and about by now. Hurriedly she bathed and dressed, feeling a certain amount of trepidation. What happened last night had wrought a change so deep, created such happiness, that she was certain everyone would look at her and know it. Her cheeks grew warm at the thought. However, when she looked into the small disc of polished metal that served as a mirror, her face was unchanged. Involuntarily she lifted a hand to her lips. She could still feel Wulfgar’s kisses there. Their smooth pinkness gave no hint as to what had occurred although the memory raised a smile.

  In fact none of the servants seemed to find anything unusual in her appearance. Only Jodis noticed the new sparkle in her mistress’s eyes.

  ‘You look happy today, my lady.’

  ‘I am happy. Is it not a glorious morning?’

  The tone reinforced the earlier thought and the maid smiled. ‘Indeed it is.’

  ‘Where is Eyvind?’

  ‘He went out earlier with Ina to practise with his sword.’

  ‘He thinks of nothing else now,’ said Anwyn. ‘Wulfgar encourages him.’

  Jodis nodded. ‘They are on the way to becoming firm friends.’

  Recalling the scene in the exercise yard, Anwyn could only agree. ‘He shows more patience with the child than Torstein ever did.’

  ‘It’s a pity Lord Wulfgar won’t be around long enough to help Eyvind complete his training.’

  The words, though artlessly spoken, sent a little shiver of foreboding through Anwyn. All at once his words returned: I won’t stay for ever…nor will I swear my undying love. The knowledge took the edge off her earlier happiness. Nevertheless, it was the plain truth and he had not tried to deceive her.

  ‘Are you all right, my lady?’

  Anwyn forced a smile. ‘Yes, of course.’

  She turned her attention to a pile of mending but, although her hands were busy about their task, her mind was at leisure to reflect. What she had shared with Wulfgar had been wonderful beyond belief, but it wasn’t going to last. Neither of them had expected this marriage to be more than a business arrangement. The fact that it had become rather more than that did not change things. This brief interlude might be all they would ever have. The knowledge brought a sense of impending emptiness and loss for it was difficult now to imagine a future without him. The days spent with him had made her feel more alive than all the rest of her years put together. His going would hurt more than any pain she had ever known. Yet if it were all to do again she knew she would rather have this than nothing at all.

  Wulfgar’s first encounter that morning was with Hermund and Thrand. They had conducted a thorough search now, but there was no indication that the would-be assassins had brought more accomplices.

  ‘The story about them coming over the wall is true, my lord. We found the rope and grappling hook,’ said Thrand.

  ‘And none of the guards heard anything?’

  ‘No. I questioned them.’

  ‘The traitors chose their moment well—unless they had inside help.’

  Hermund nodded. ‘That occurred to me, too, but, if they did, it came from among the Drakensburgh men, not our crew.’

  ‘We haven’t any proof yet,’ replied Wulfgar, ‘and I won’t create bad feeling on mere speculation. Say nothing at present. Nevertheless, I want a stronger presence on the gate and wall. No one gets in without being searched and their business verified.’

  ‘I’ll deal with it, my lord.’ Thrand turned to go, then checked as he remembered something else. ‘What do you want us to do with Thorkil’s body?’

  ‘Send his head back to Ingvar and bury the rest.’


  Thrand left them then to expedite Wulfgar’s commands.

  Hermund smiled grimly. ‘I’d like to be a fly on the wall when Ingvar realises his plan has failed, but he won’t be slow to hatch another.’

  ‘Which is why we must forestall him.’


  ‘I need information about what he’s planning and when.’

  ‘Time for another chat with Sigurd, then.’

  ‘Just so,’ said Wulfgar.

  A night among Torstein’s hounds had clearly been a sleepless and unpleasant experience to judge from Sigurd’s battered and bedraggled appearance. Nor had his captors handled him gently. In spite of this the prisoner retained a degree of desperate defiance.

  ‘I’m a dead man whether I tell you or not.’

  ‘True,’ said Hermund, ‘but, like I said, there are many different ways to die.’

  A muscle jumped in Sigurd’s cheek, but he said nothing. Wulfgar surveyed him in silence a moment and then shrugged.

  ‘Please yourself. Take him back to the kennels.’ As the escort moved to obey, he turned to Hermund. ‘Only don’t feed the hounds today, or tomorrow.’

  Sigurd’s eyes widened and he darted a glance from one to the other. ‘No, please…’

  ‘You have something to tell me?’ asked Wulfgar.

  The prisoner nodded. ‘Ingvar plans to lure you out of Drakensburgh with a ruse.’

  ‘What ruse?’

  ‘He means to divide his force. A small group will fire one of the hamlets and slay the inhabitants. While you and your men deal with that the rest of Ingvar’s force will close in. When you are dead he will take Drakensburgh.’

  ‘I see.’ Wulfgar’s gaze was cold. ‘And when was he planning to carry on this scheme?’

  ‘At the dark of the moon.’

  Hermund frowned. ‘That’s just a few days away.’

  ‘What hamlet?’ demanded Wulfgar.

  ‘The one nearest the border with Beranhold,’ replied Sigurd.

  ‘If you’re lying…’ Hermund’s hand crept to the hilt of his dagger.

  ‘It’s the truth, I swear it.’

  ‘It had better be, Toadspawn.’

  Wulfgar nodded. ‘We’ll keep him alive until we’ve tested the truth of his words. If he speaks false, the hounds can have him. If true, he may have a quick death.’

  ‘What do you want to do with him in the meantime?’ asked Hermund.

  ‘Chain him to yonder stake where we can see him.’ He nodded to the great post sunk into the ground some yards distant. When it was accomplished he took Hermund aside. ‘The time is short, but I mean to be ready for Ingvar.’

  ‘You have a plan, my lord?’

  ‘Not yet, but I will have.’

  When he left Hermund, Wulfgar went to watch the practices, turning over various scenarios in his mind. The possibility, however small, of a traitor among the Drakensburgh force was an added complication. However, he couldn’t afford to ignore it. Thus far he’d had no cause for complaint. The Drakensburgh retainers had given no trouble. Indeed, there were some good men among them. The new recruits were shaping up well, too. Given time their combined number would be a formidable force to protect the estate. The problem was he no longer had time. His new recruits were about to be tested.

  In the interim there were other people who needed to know what was afoot. Ina must be told as soon as might be, and then there was Anwyn. He would have liked to spare her the anxiety, but he had made a bargain with her and it must be met.

  A servant came to the bower a short time later with a message requesting Anwyn’s presence in the hall.

  ‘Did Lord Wulfgar say what it was about?’ she asked.

  ‘No, my lady, only that he wished to speak with you.’

  She laid aside the shirt she had been mending. ‘I will come directly.’

  When she arrived it was to find him already there. He had his back to her, but, on hearing her step, turned to greet her with a smile that made her heart leap. She returned it, waiting. />
  ‘Forgive the interruption, Anwyn,’ he said then, ‘but this is important.’

  ‘Has something happened?

  Without preamble he summarised what he had learned from Sigurd. Her face revealed anxiety, but she held her composure.

  ‘What will you do, my lord?’

  ‘Play Ingvar at his own game.’

  ‘I had hoped to avoid bloodshed, but it cannot be avoided, can it?’

  ‘No,’ he replied.

  ‘Well, you did warn me.’

  ‘So I did, though in some part of me I also hoped it might not come to this.’ He grimaced. ‘A forlorn hope when the enemy is a man of Ingvar’s stamp. It will not end until one of us is dead.’ Then, seeing her face, he added, ‘And I do not intend to die.’

  She managed a tremulous smile. ‘I pray you will not.’

  Wulfgar drew her closer. ‘My motivation for living is greater than his.’

  Anwyn looked up at him, her expression earnest. ‘Be extra vigilant, Wulfgar. We have borne witness to the extent of his treachery.’

  ‘He is ruled by jealousy and anger. They will cloud his judgement eventually.’

  ‘I hope you are right.’

  ‘I know I’m right.’ He bent and kissed her softly. ‘I have what he wants most.’

  ‘He would never have succeeded here,’ she replied.

  ‘And yet still I cannot pity the man.’

  ‘Neither should you. He tried to have you killed and I can never forgive him for it.’

  He heard the quiet anger in her voice and withal the note of sincerity. It smote him hard. When first this bargain was made, he had not anticipated that she would come to feel so deeply for him, or that he would find an echoing response in himself. It both exhilarated and disturbed. He had no wish to hurt her, and she had always known that one day he would leave. Even so, this growing attraction was an added complication. Yet if he could change things, would he? Would he have missed what they now shared? It took but a moment to find the answer.


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