Bella Notte

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Bella Notte Page 6

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  Her final addition to the do was to add in the hair pin Grandpa gave me. I looked stunning and exactly like my dream- I knew tonight would be interesting. I had a total of what felt like two-seconds to take in my hair style before she attacked my face with powder for every inch of my skin. I know I'm going to end up looking like a clown or a stripper- I so don't need all this crap on my face!

  When she finished, she swirled my chair back toward the mirror and I was shocked.

  “So, what do you think, honey?” she asked as though she really wanted to know.

  “I love it!” I flashed my best smile.

  My face was transformed. My eyes were outlined slightly in black but were surrounded in golden shimmer. The effect seemed to brighten my already brilliant eyes. My entire skin glowed slightly and my lips were tinted the same shade as my nails; blood red. The woman bowed her head and excused herself.

  I was startled when a young maid came and told me that she was instructed to help me dress. Oh my God! This is so annoying! Why do they feel that I can't do anything myself? I felt greatly annoyed with my mother and grandmother. However, I didn't want the girl to get in trouble, so I agreed.

  “Only with the dress, I don't want you to get in trouble. Otherwise I'd decline.” The words came out flatly.

  “Understood, Miss Emma. And may I wish you the best birthday.” She smiled shyly. I guess she is used to knowing her place.

  “Thank you, but please just call me Emma. I'm not royalty and you're not my indebted servant. Deal? What's your name by the way?” I smiled at the girl as friendly as I could, managed with as tense as I was.

  “That's a deal, Miss- oh, sorry, Emma. My name is Mary.” The girl smiled a little bolder.

  “Mary, how wonderful. That's my middle name. Say, were you guys brought over for this event or something? I keep catching a slight hint of an accent.” I looked at Mary who must have been maybe fifteen. She’s quite pretty.

  “Why, yes, we were brought over from England for this affair.” I could see her struggle with losing the formalities.

  “Well, you all have done wonderful. The house is beautiful and all the guests here are happy.” I knew time was almost up and I shouldn't be late.

  Mary grabbed the beautiful gown, unzipped it and held it for me to step into. The satin was warm against my skin but soon it seemed to regulate itself to my temperature. I put on each piece of emerald jewelry that Grandpa had given me. The effect was magnificent. The rich green against my light skin that seemed to be covered in gold. The sight was marvelous. I so don't recognize myself.

  I slipped on my strappy gold heels and grew three inches- making myself a 'sexy' five foot six inches. I checked my reflection one more time and noticed how young and little Mary looked compared to me right now.

  “You look lovely, Miss. But it is time for dinner.” She sounded concerned.

  “Yes, thank you, Mary. I'll head down now.” I smiled and went out my bedroom door.

  The walk down the stairs was very lonely and quiet. I was terribly frightened as well since I'd be walking into the room where everyone would be. I knew that everyone would look up from their tables- the tables that were temporarily set up in the middle of the room and would be removed immediately after dinner, to make room for the dancing.

  I took a deep breath and walked the rest of the way down the stairs with my head held high. Everyone at all the tables watched me descend the stairs and walk to my parents' table. The table had the least amount of people at it- my mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, Dominic, and his parents. I stood at my seat in between Dominic and Grandpa and the whole room rose to join me. It is absolutely frightening when you are the complete center of attention.

  “Happy Birthday, Emma!” My father said proudly and the room repeated the words. Wow, this feels cult-like!

  “Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Please sit down.” I smiled at the room and then took my seat. God, I hate having to talk to people.

  I exhaled deeply as conversations began to rise in the room.

  The meal was pleasant- filled with all my favorite dishes. I made small talk with Dominic and his parents. I remained as calm and collected as possible. The time seemed to fly by and I was grateful that eating took up most of the time and I only had to contribute minimal to the discussions at hand.

  At the end of the meal my father stood up once more- I looked at Grandpa for any idea of what to expect. But he was looking at Dad and smiling. Then Dad began to talk.

  “Tonight we are all gathered here to celebrate my daughter's eighteenth birthday and the new changes that are to come in the future. We are all grateful to have all of you here. I would also like to announce the betrothal of my daughter and Dominic DeDominico. Now, I am sure my daughter is quite excited to find out this long held tradition and she is certainly honored to see our two great families joined.” He beamed as the room filled with applause. I am going to murder him.

  I desperately tried to keep my smile from cracking and not jumping across the table and beating my father to death. My grandfather gently took my hand and rubbed the back with his thumb. Suddenly, I also felt another hand reach down and gently squeeze my upper thigh. Oh the pig, I'm going to kill him too!

  I took my other hand off the table and pried his slimy paw off my thigh. I made sure to dig my nails in enough for him to know he'd better not try it again. I grabbed hold of my champagne glass and downed the entire thing. Tonight was going to be long. Hopefully I won't remember it tomorrow. Why didn't Dad talk to me first? This is so embarrassing.

  Dinner was over and everyone got up from their tables to allow the staff to remove them. The musicians were already step up with their equipment along the back wall.

  While the tables were being moved, it seemed that everyone took the opportunity to congratulate the two families – especially Dominic and me. Dominic, of course, glowed and glutted through the endeavor. I merely tried my best not to pout or throw up. God, why is this happening to me? Whatever it is that I did, I'm sorry and I take it back. The room was finally cleared.

  The conductor spoke in a strong voice. “Now, the first dance goes to the new couple.”

  Kill me now.

  I quickly finished the glass of champagne I was holding as Dominic walked up to me and bowed slightly. I responded with the appropriate curtsy. He took my hand and we were off in a waltz. The crowd moved as we danced through it. Everything was surreal. I know I must be in some sick version of the twilight zone. This is like out of the middle ages. What the Hell is going on? I smiled as best I could as we spun around the room.

  “I told you that your family held many traditions,” he whispered into my ear.

  My grip tightened around him. “Traditions are best discussed amongst people, not publicly announced.” I said through my smile, but I knew my eyes had turned fierce.

  “It is too late now, my Little Emma Bird.” His words seemed to echo in my ears.

  “I need to sit down, Dominic. My head is spinning.” I grabbed his arm for support as the waltz ended and everyone moved on to the floor to being their dancing.“Come; let us get you some nice night air. Perhaps one so small should not intake so much alcohol so quickly. The effect does not seem to be well with you.” The concern was, apparently, masked in humor- but I let him lead me outside through a stream of “congratulations” and “perfect couple.”

  The night air wasn't cold enough to cool my warm body, but it was fresh and helped calm the swimming feeling of my head. Next time, no alcohol to try and fix the evening.

  I stared out over the lawn and tried not to think of my father's announcement- it was hard with Dominic holding my hand. I slipped my hand out of his and walked over to the stone bench and prayed it would be cold. I sat down, but felt no relief. Dominic sat as well. I could tell he was about to start talking, I couldn't imagine anything he could say that might make this evening any better.

  “How about I get you another drink, Principessa? It will make you feel better.” He
smiled and rose. I didn't object as the silence of the night was pleasant.

  I took a long deep breath, but my mind continued to be fuzzy. I shouldn't feel this way. I've had champagne before. What's wrong with me?

  I heard the tapping of footsteps approaching. I opened my eyes to see Dominic return carrying two goblets. I couldn't see through them so I was nervous of their contents.

  “Here, drink this. I promise you'll feel better,” he said as he handed me the cup.

  “I don't need any more alcohol, Dominic,” I said as I looked into the cool metal container. “What is this stuff anyways?”

  “It's an old remedy for what is happening to you. I can help make everything better, but you have to take a sip first, mia bella.” His voice seemed honest enough and I so desperately wanted to feel better.

  I took a sip of the deep red liquid and my mind felt confused and fuzzier. Something was not right.

  “Did you drug meeee?” The words slurred coming out as I tried to focus on his face.

  “I didn't drug you. I'm trying to help you change. They've not explained anything to you- they are foolish.” His temper was rising and I could see his facial features change with it.

  “What change? And don't call my family foolish!” My temper was rising to meet his.

  “Emma Bird, you're changing into one of us. I could help it happen faster- just one little bite and your body would know what to do. Do you want me to help?” His words seemed to float at me through some sort of fog as he leaned closer to me.

  “What are you talking about?” My words sounded far away and everything felt wrong.

  “Let me help.” His lips were on my neck- they were cold. He pulled back far enough for me to see his mouth- he had fangs!

  He's going to bite me- oh crap! How do I stop this? Grandpa!

  Grandpa will save me!

  “Grandpa!” The word was faint- barely over a whisper, and the world seemed to be turning black, and quiet.

  “He won't hear you- nor will that dog of a boyfriend you have. You will be mine.” His words were cruel.

  You don't even know Mike! I had to defend him, even if I couldn't defend myself.

  “What on Earth do you think you are doing, Dominic?” It was Grandpa- I knew I was saved. The world turned completely black and absolutely silent.

  Chapter Three

  When the darkness faded back into light, it was the next morning. My head ached and my mouth tasted like old blood. My mind was completely blank and I couldn't remember anything from the night before. Oh no, what did I do last night?

  I had the sickening feeling that something happened last night. The feeling was like an ominous cloud, waiting to break open and pour down on me.

  The bad vibes never left me all day. I couldn't remember the night before and I was afraid to ask if I had done something. I managed to avoid my family and most of the guests, but, when I did come across someone's path, they seemed a bit nervous around me- like I'd suddenly bite them, or something. I tried to call Mike, but he still had family over and he couldn't talk long. I so needed someone to tell me everything would be fine. I knew something had happened last night and everything was forever changed as a result.

  It was nightfall when Grandpa finally caught up to me. I was terribly nervous and I didn't want to look him in the eyes. Man, I'm such a chicken.

  “Emma, I noticed that you've been avoiding everyone today and I have a feeling that you don't remember last night- an unfortunate after effect of what Dominic tried to do.” His wise eyes burned fierce.

  “No, Grandpa, I don't remember. Should I be ashamed of myself? What happened? What did he do?” I wanted to cry.

  “My darling little Emma, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You were absolutely well-behaved. You danced beautifully with Dominic, you didn't murder your father for the announcement of your betrothal, and you did the right thing by calling for me when Dominic got out of line outside.” He looked away as though he was ashamed for not stopping all the badness of the night before.

  Slowly all the happenings from the night before started to flood back to me. I didn't know whether to be sick or pissed.

  “Grandpa, what did he give me?”

  “Well, sweetheart, I can't tell you exactly what he gave you but it was meant to help you change. Think of it as an accelerant … catalyst.” He seemed very upset.

  “Okay, I get that there are some things you can't tell me- but why? What would it hurt if I knew more about this change?” I could feel my temper rising and I couldn't even justify it to myself.

  “Emma, the reason we've not talked to you about what's going to happen is because of two reasons. The first is that we're worried how you'll handle the information. The second is because it's a family secret and we couldn't risk you telling anyone.” I knew he was trying to be kind but I could tell something was bothering him.

  I felt angry for being lied to about what was happening with my own body and not being trusted. “Grandpa, I'm extremely upset. I don't understand why I'm not being trusted enough to know what's going on inside me- or whatever this change is.” I knew my eyes were flashing dangerously as my temper grew.

  “I'm sorry, Emma, it isn't my place. You'll have to take it up with your parents. If they agree then I'll tell you- until then my hands are tied.” With that Grandpa walked off.

  That's when I felt like something inside me broke. I stormed up to my room and screamed into my pillows. My temper was raging when I heard the light rap at my door and I knew it was my mother. What does she want?

  “Come in, Mom,” I said trying to control the fire burning inside me.

  “You're much like your grandfather- do you know that? Speaking of him, he said you wanted to ask about something?” She was smiling but clearly examining my room with obvious disappointment. Why does she even bother? Ugh!

  “Yes, I would like to know why exactly I cannot be trusted with the information of what this “change” is?” I made sure to use finger quotations when I said the word “change.”

  “Oh. Well, you've not progressed enough for it to be safe to tell you. I know you don't understand my darling, but once you find out more, then you will,” she said and reached out for my hand.

  “What the Hell do you mean, I've not progressed enough? Shouldn't I get to know what the devil is going to happen to me? How would you even know if I've changed if you never even notice me?” The little control I had mustered was dissolving. What's wrong with me?

  “I'll leave you then, Emma.” Something flashed across her face- it seemed as though she was afraid of me. She got up and left.

  Great now she's scared of me. I sighed. I lied down and let the darkness take me. The whole night was plagued by images of my party, of Dominic, of his fangs. I woke up in a deep sweat- he had fangs! Something inside me clicked but I didn't know what it was, the sleepiness was pulling me back under. He had fangs! I knew it- but what does it mean?

  I woke as I do most early mornings- crying. God I hate that dream. I decided to try and let it go. I needed sleep, the world felt like a trap door waiting to fall out from under me. The dream didn't change- it never did. But I was ... and that scared me.

  I felt the strange sensation that I was forgetting something important, something I had dreamt- but it was gone. Oh well. I covered my head with my comforter and forced myself back into sleep.

  By the time my brain got my eye lids open it was sunny. I grabbed my cell to check the time. Damn, two o'clock, and still no word from Mike. Fine screw them all! Today I was staying in my room and not bothering with the world. I'll stay in my pjs and watch some classics like Dracula.

  I cuddled deeper into my blanket and wished the day away. It passed quick enough without incident or word from the outside world. Normally I'd worry- but today I had my own pity party going. I went to sleep early. You should eat something- otherwise you'll have nightmares. I didn't care.

  Monday brought hope to my smelly self. Mike will be at school and will fix everythi
ng. I showered, got dressed, and actually ate a full breakfast, instead of a quick bite.

  When I got to school I found Mike but he was lost in some world of thoughts. I waved my hand in front of his face and held out the journal.

  “Your turn.” I smiled and winked at him.

  He blinked at the journal and then looked from it to me. Something is clearly wrong.

  “What's up buttercup?” I sat down next to him on the cold, gray concrete of the curb.

  “Uh, nothing. I had a really long weekend. How'd Friday go? I'm sorry I was m.i.a. all weekend.” He seemed to be letting something go for now.

  “Oh, you know, the usual- my father announced my betrothal to my childhood best friend's brother, got tipsy as a result, got drugged by said guy, and then I blacked out. You know the usual.” I tried to keep my voice neutral as I said these things.

  “What?” His voice carried anger with it and his mouth dropped open slightly.

  “I tried to call you, but you were busy.” I could see the hurt in his eyes. I shouldn't have said that. “I'm sorry Mike.”

  “No, you're right, I wasn't available and now I so wish that I had been. You're betrothed? Do you want me to knock this guy out and hide the body?”

  I couldn't tell if he was kidding or not- something inside seemed to warn me that he wasn't.

  “Yeah, apparently no one felt the need to tell me that I am going to be married to some almost complete stranger. But screw that. So I read the journal.” I wanted to change the subject; I batted my lashes at him.

  “You did? Did you find it interesting?” I could see the struggle for him to let go of the stuff I told him.

  I grabbed him close to me and kissed him hard. “Yes, I read the journal,” I whispered as the bell rang and I headed to class.


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