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Bella Notte

Page 13

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  Love ya,


  I was utterly shocked. What the Hell is he doing getting a girl as soon as I leave! What the Hell!

  I could feel my illogical temper flaring once more. Don't break anything here, Emma. It isn't yours! I needed to calm down. What could I do? I had to answer the email. But I knew right now wasn't a good idea. Could I talk to Dom about this? Would he take advantage of the situation, of my temper? It didn't matter ultimately because I was slamming things and he came up to check on me.

  “Emma.” He knocked gently on the door. “Are you okay?”

  “Come in!” I snarled at the door.

  “Whoa. Breathe for a second. Let's calm you down before we talk. I know what to do, but you have to trust me. It is a side effect of your change beginning.” He took subtle steps toward me.

  I gave him a look of death and he froze mid step.

  “Emma, I know I don't have the best record of trust with you, but I really know what you are going through. Let me show you how to calm down. If you don't calm down you will change, now, and I am not sure anyone wants that. It generally doesn't start well in the first twenty-four hours. Please, let me help you.” His eyes begged but he stayed where he was. Clearly he fears me right now. Good. I was beginning to fear myself.

  “Fine. Work your magic. But if you do anything I don't agree with, or take advantage, I will hurt you. I don't think I could stop myself right now. So take it at your own risk,” I said through clenched teeth. Calm the Hell down, Emma!

  He walked toward me. He took hold of my hands in one strong hand. He put his other hand over my eyes. I felt awkward but no less angry. Then he kissed me. What the devil is he doing? I struggled at first, I fought hard, but he was stronger than I could have imagined. Too strong. My anger began to disappear, and confusion was left in its wake. He pulled away and was breathless.

  I stared at him.

  “I am sorry. I should probably run for the hills right now. But I knew the best way to distract the anger- no anger isn't right, it is rage is to change it. Feed it into something else. A kiss is the best way to give you an outlet, especially if you weren't expecting it … and perhaps there is a slight feeling behind it that isn't disgust.” He rambled it all together as he blushed fiercely.

  “Thank you.” My voice had become very businesslike. Do I like him? Like, like him? I knew I didn't want to know the answer that I already knew.

  He allowed a few seconds to pass before he spoke again, his voice normal. “So, what is it that has upset you? Remember when you get too upset to think of the kiss.” He winked at me.

  I blushed. “Well, Mike, eh, wrote me an email,” I huffed.

  “I don't see how that could be such a terrible thing.” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Ahh! You don't understand. He said that he has a betrothed that he just met. I mean, what the Hell? That isn't something that is common anymore … you were enough of a freaking surprise for me! He was all like, 'I'd understand,' blah blah blah … what, I don't count anymore?

  He could just get rid of me that easily because of some stupid girl that he is supposed to be with?” I sighed heavily. Think of the kiss. I flashed back to the kiss. The passion brought the blood to my cheeks once more. Why do I feel this way?

  “See, my advice works.” He smiled. “I don't understand what is so bad about him having a betrothed. You have one. But you are still with him. Perhaps his feelings are changing, Emma. Don't get angry, but think about it. I mean in a calm and understanding way. Not from the point of his girlfriend- that I might say has had the problem he is facing longer than he has. Do you understand mia bella?”

  “No!” I sobbed out as I felt my chin wobble.

  Dominic gripped me into a tight hug. He held me until he was sure I wasn't going to break down. Very effective. He clearly understands my inner workings. Another point in his favor. I sighed.

  “I am better now. Thank you for everything. I think that perhaps I should think a little by myself before I write him back.” I kissed his cheek.

  “Yes, I agree. If you need me I am downstairs in the kitchen,” he said as he walked toward the door. “Oh, by the way, tomorrow we are going to a club. In the evening that is … I want you to see some of the culture that many don't know about. Just something to think about.” He closed the door and I heard his steps vanish down the hall. Okay, deep breath, Emma. You need to think logically here. No heart in the way. No anger clouding your thoughts. You must be fair. I really hated my internal voice sometimes.

  I sat down at the desk. This was a serious matter and it required a business like atmosphere. I arranged the desk so it no longer held any distractions, and stared at the wall. I thought about all the things I had been doing while I was here, and all my feelings. I thought about Mike and Dominic. I thought about me. And, in the end, I had no answer. I decided to write the email and leave it open. I knew an answer would come.

  Dearest Mike.

  I can't believe they are betrothing you as well. Are you going to fight against it? I'd understand if you decided it would be best to take the offer. I am willing to wait things out until you feel sure in your decision. You didn't sound really sure in your email. I am glad that there is someone you can hang out with while I am here. I hope that she is really awesome. I had some of the things that happen with me explained and it is nice to know I am not totally insane. I still have no answers to this “change” thing that they speak of in hushed voices. I feel paranoid about it. I know that you know something, but I don't care. I will find out when the time is right. I went to the most beautiful place today. I got to see the catacombs and caves that attach to the castle. In the caves there are these crystals that look like they could be part of the rainbow. It was beautiful. I couldn't take any pictures though, sorry. Anyways, I get to go to a club tomorrow. I am excited and scared. Sounds neat though. I didn't ask the name, maybe tomorrow I will. I have to go to sleep now. The day has been long and had lots of things to overcome. Sleep well.


  I pressed send and went to bed. I had dreams of Dominic all night long. I felt unnerved when my normal dream came. That dream had stopped being something that was solid. It changed daily. Tonight- should I say early in the morning- Mike had taken on features

  I hadn't seen before. When I blinked in the dream, I thought he was a wolf. I felt the whisper in my ear, but still couldn't hear it. I wonder what will bring the words to me.

  I woke up in the middle of the day and I was glad for it. My last bit of sleep was darkness. Ah, sweet uncluttered sleep. I got up and took a long bath. I wrapped myself in a robe when I got out. I walked out into my room and Dominic was sitting in the chair once again.

  “Oh, I am so sorry. The door was unlocked,” he mumbled as he turned his head to look at the wall.

  “I'm not naked, Dom. I mean, jeeze, surely you've seen a girl in a robe before. What time is it?” I asked as I sat on the bed.

  “Emma, please. I have a hard time around you. I want to remain gentlemanly. I will leave; let me know when you are dressed.” He stood, but had a difficult time walking sideways.

  “Dominic, you don't have to leave. Please, sit back down and I will get dressed in the bathroom,” I said as I grabbed my pjs.

  When I came back out, he was still looking at the wall. It was fairly amusing. “I'm decent.”

  “Okay.” He looked at me and relief washed across his face.

  “So, whatcha doing in my room?” I said as I sat down.

  “Well, I wanted to check to see if you are okay. It is two in the afternoon, well, two thirty. I also wanted to know if you still wanted to go to the club? I have a gift for you if you do.” He smiled.

  “Wow, its two thirty already? Guess I needed my sleep. Yes, I am still up for the club.” I brushed my hair as I spoke.

  “Good. Then I have two gifts for you. One is because I knew you loved them, and the other is to help you feel comfortable tonight.” He rose and put two boxes on my bed.

/>   The first box was small and light green. It was a simple gift box and had no defining markings- just a box. I shook it, and it made a dragging noise as something slid from side to side.

  “Are you going to open it?” He was becoming very anxious.

  I pulled the lid off and saw that there was a small silver chain inside that had a small crystal attached to it. The crystal was glowing a light green. Oh! It is one of the crystals from the cave. I smiled and launched at him. “Thank you!”

  “I knew you liked them. I didn't know what design to get you, a cross is traditional, but I felt you should have something as natural as the crystals.” He smiled.

  I was excited now and examined the second box. It was wrapped in black, flat paper, and had a white satin ribbon on it- tied into a perfect bow. I shook it as well, but it made only crumbling noises. I sighed. I hate to destroy such a nice wrapping job. I slid the bow off and untaped each side until I could lift the paper off without a tear.

  “Damn, you have patience. Open it!” He was excited once more.

  Inside the paper was another plain white gift box. I took the lid off and found myself faced with black tissue paper covered in stars. That explains the crumble noise. I moved it aside and looked at the contents.

  Inside this beautifully wrapped box were patent leather pants and a patent leather bodice that had red satin sown to make sleeves. It was beautiful. Something that I had always wished was part of my wardrobe, but could never find a reason to buy it where we lived. I didn't understand. This was very Gothic; did that mean we would be going to a Gothic club?

  “Dom, it's lovely. It is something I have always wanted, but I don't understand.” I pursed my mouth in confusion.

  “You needed something to wear tonight to the club. I doubted that you had anything like this, which is common at the club we are going to, so I ordered it. Are you upset?” He looked at me sheepishly.

  “No, I am not upset. I really love it. But where are we going? What kind of club? What's the name?” I felt confused and excited; I had never been to a real club before.

  “We are going to a special club for our kind. But I can't tell you anything else. It's a club that is elitist and known only about by our people. The name is Il club di Vampiri.” He looked at me.

  “Are you telling me that we are vampires? Because that is just stupid. Is that the real name?” I sighed at him.

  “No, that isn't the real name, and no I am not telling you that. But there are people there that look the part. It is called Bella Notte.” He smiled.

  “Beautiful night … what a nice name. When do we leave?” I said as I admired the gift with gentle fingers.

  “We leave in two hours. We have a bit of a drive as it is in Rome, and we have to get across the sea first and then drive there. I suggest that you get ready soon. Oh, I brought this up for you.” He grabbed a plate off the small reading table- it held a sandwich, chips, orange slices, and a soda.

  I thanked him and then shooed him off.

  It took me two hours to perfect my makeup, figure out how to get into the beautiful outfit, get my boots on, and eat. It wasn't in that exact order, but does it matter in the end?

  I looked like a Gothic queen. I loved the way the pants fit me perfectly, and the bodice gave me just enough cleavage- not to look trashy, but sexy. I was an Italian goddess. I walked down to meet Dominic and he stared at me with his mouth open. Great, now I have a pet fish!

  “Didn't your mother ever tell you that it is rude to stare?” I smugly smiled at him.

  “Yes, but she didn't know you then and she sure as heck wouldn't say that right now.” He blinked a few times.

  I noticed that he was dressed all in black. His arms were bare, and showed tribal tattoos that covered them from the top of the shoulder down to his elbow. How did I not ever notice that before? He was wearing a tight black tank top. He had on loose leather pants and large clunky black boots. His belt was a pyramid studded punk belt with a large buckle of a skull with fangs. I was greatly attracted to him. I looked him up and down and he blushed. Very cute.

  When I was around Dominic, in this place of “my” people, I felt like a different person. I was more confident and I felt more in place. I knew I fit here. I fit better than any place I had been before. And I was accepted for whom I was, and whatever I was going to be. It was difficult to think about when this time would end. Would I be able to go back to my normal life?

  I followed Dom outside and found a black Harley waiting for us. It was a beautiful bike. It was a hog. There was nothing sporty about it. It was meant to be a beast. It was black with chrome everything and green flames painted on the sides. Like my baby back home. I fell in love.

  Dominic climbed on and patted the seat behind him. I sighed and wished to drive the monster myself, but I realized I'd probably kill us in the crazy Italian streets and traffic. I sat where I was told and wrapped my arms around his waist. He revved the creature awake, and it roared with all the energy of life. I was thrilled. We drove down to the other dock and got on the ferry. This time Dom talked briefly with the man he was short, balding, stout, very pleasant, and named Luca. I smiled at him as we left. He waved to me. The night air assaulted my face as we drove. It took us an hour and a half. It was only six o'clock, so I didn't know why he wanted to leave so early.

  Rome was exactly as I had pictured it. Everything looked like it had been there a million years and was beginning to crumble, but it held together as strong as the currents that push the oceans around.

  We went passed all the tourist spots, but nothing was very memorable. It was shocking to see these things and not be phased by them- as though I had seen them all before.

  We stopped at a pizza place and ate and talked. I was very excited and he explained to me about other clubs he had been to all over the world. I wanted to know more about this club but he wouldn't tell. He said it would take the surprise out. Time passed quickly as we sat there. It was eight when we left the restaurant and went for gelato. We sat once more and ate the delicious Italian treat. It was ten when we left this place.

  “I think it isn't too early now. Please follow me,” he said as he took my hand and we walked down the street and turned into a dark alley. My fear kicked up a notch. His hand tightened around mine. Calm. The alley wasn't scary and it was completely empty. It was a complete dead end. Maybe he took a wrong turn?

  “Dom, eh, I think that...” That was when I saw the outline of a door appear- I swear it wasn't there before.

  “Ah. Here it is. Right on time. We shall get settled before the crowd shows up.” He smiled and stepped toward the door.

  I stared in fear and amazement. Did a bloody door appear out of nowhere? My mind didn't want to think about it.

  He knocked on it. It was a brick wall and I was afraid he would cut open his knuckles, but they came away unscathed. There was a clinking noise in response- clink, clink, clink.

  He pressed his tattooed wrist to the door. He motioned for me to do the same thing. I slid back the sleeve of my shirt and pressed my crest and bat to this oddly flat wall. Bricks aren't flat. I heard another clink clink clink.

  “Dom, what the devil is that?” I whispered.

  “Some old secret way of protecting what needs to be hidden,” he said, directly into my ear.

  His warm breath made my blood rise and I felt a warmth spread across my face.

  He dropped his arm and I did as well.

  The door opened. A small roundish man stood there, he bowed as we walked into the room.

  “My Sir, I did not think I'd see you. But I see you bring my Lady.” He smiled at me and I found that he had no teeth, but his voice did not sound as though there were no teeth. I smiled back politely.

  “Thank you, Abner. Is the booth ready? She would like to see what it is that has been lost to her. Please explain to the guests that her change has not happened and so she does not know.” He slipped the toothless round man a vial of something and Abner smiled with glee.

/>   “I will do as I am asked, my Sir.” He bowed once more.

  We walked on. My mouth was open and I was highly confused, “What the devil just happened?” I demanded.

  “Please, wait a moment more?” he asked as we walked on. He sat us at a table that was like a private booth. It was raised above the rest and had the ability to be shut off from the view of others completely with an interesting set of sliding doors that were worked with hanging ropes that were right as we got in.

  “Now, let me explain.” He took a deep breath and then a sip of a red liquid in front of him that Abner had just set in front of him. “I told you that this is our kind of club … but I swore that I would not tell you anything you couldn't figure out on your own. Thus, I cannot allow someone to slip up and say something to you. Abner will inform the occupants as they come in that you have not changed, and they will understand. But I told you before that there is a prophecy about you … you and I are like royalty amongst our kind. Unfortunately, that is all I can say right now. Do not fear anyone here. There is nothing to fear at all here. And please, enjoy yourself.” He smiled and took another sip.

  I looked at the glass in front of me and sniffed it. It wasn't alcohol, but I wasn't sure what was in it. It reminded me of my birthday way too much for comfort. I pushed it away.

  “I promise it is safe, and no it isn't the same thing from your birthday, it is more like a punch than anything else.” He gestured for me to take sip.

  I took the glass in my hand, closed my eyes, and put the glass to my lips. It was cold when it hit my tongue. But the flavor was amazing. Something hard to explain- it was watermelon, mango, strawberry, and sugar. I took another sip and sighed at the great taste.


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