Kai's Butterfly [Paranormal Wars: Juarez 7] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Kai's Butterfly [Paranormal Wars: Juarez 7] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 13

by Shea Balik

  Kai’s gaze landed on Bodhi. His heart both soared and stopped at the same time. He was happy to see his mate still alive, but it was obvious Bodhi was planning to tackle Roberto.

  “Evan’s been hit. We’re being surrounded.” Just as Blade spoke, a roar quite literally shook the windows, rattling them in their frames. At first he thought Gibson had died and it was Talon, but the sound had come from outside the house.

  Kai had no idea what was going on, but he wasn’t about to leave Blade and Forest out there without backup. Using hand signals, he ordered Wyatt, Carver, and Rune outside.

  Screams so terrified they made the hair on Kai’s arms stand up filtered in from the backyard. Kai ignored the sound, concentrating on the man who posed the biggest threat, Roberto Barrios.

  “Let me go, or I’ll kill them both.” As threats went, it was an empty one, and the look of desperation in Roberto’s eyes said he knew it. Killing the kids would only ensure his own death. No. The man needed at least one of the kids alive.

  Since Roberto seemed to know about Cynthia, he would sacrifice Wally. If Kai didn’t do something fast, Wally would die, but acting rashly would get the sweet kid killed, too, so Kai had to be careful.

  “Put your gun down,” Roberto shouted at him.

  Kai shook his head. “That’s not going to happen, and you know it, Roberto.”

  Kai’s heart skipped several beats as he watched Bodhi slowly move to one of Roberto’s dead soldiers. Roberto either forgot Bodhi was there or had dismissed him as a threat. Either way, it allowed Bodhi to squat down and pick up a gun.

  If Roberto noticed, it would all be over, and Bodhi would most likely end up dead—again. Not about to let that happen, Kai did his best to keep Roberto’s attention on him.

  “I said, drop the gun, or I will put a bullet in his head.” Roberto shook Wally to make his point.

  How the man thought he was going to shoot anyone when he was holding on to one of the kids in each hand, Kai didn’t know, but he decided not to test it. Holding up his hands, Kai said, “Okay. You made your point.”

  Slowly he lowered his body to put his gun on the ground, his eyes meeting Bodhi’s, who had managed to slide right behind Roberto. Roberto was only a couple of inches taller than Bodhi, so his mate was easily able to reach Roberto’s head.

  He hated that his mate would have to take a life, even one as evil as Roberto’s. Bodhi had such a sweet and caring soul, this would affect him more than Roberto deserved, but it couldn’t be helped.

  Kai gave his mate a small nod, and Bodhi pulled the trigger.

  * * * *

  Roberto dropped right where he’d stood. Bodhi didn’t watch. He tried not to think about it. Instead he concentrated on getting the kids out of there, away from all the bloodshed.

  He carried Wally. Kai carried Cynthia, who had herself wrapped around the man like a monkey, refusing to let go, even when they reached the media room, where the other children were being kept safe by Bodhi’s parents.

  “Oh thank Gods,” his mom said as she rushed over to them as soon as they walked in. Wally didn’t even hesitate to go to her. Cynthia, on the other hand, wasn’t leaving Kai’s arms.

  His mate patted her back and forced her to release her tight hold. “Hey, half-pint, it’s okay. I told you I’d keep you safe, didn’t I?”

  Teary violet eyes stared so trustingly into Kai’s gaze as she nodded at the man. “I knew you would.”

  “I think you also know I have to go check on the others.”

  Reluctantly she nodded. “I can’t see what happens. Promise you’ll come back.” Her small voice broke something deep within Bodhi’s soul. No child should have to see what she did. It wasn’t right.

  Growing up, Bodhi never understood he was seeing the future, so the visions hadn’t really bothered him. It helped that his parents chalked it up to his creative mind. But Cynthia had always known what she could do. Having to see someone die, and knowing there was nothing she could do to stop it, had to affect her.

  Bodhi just hoped it didn’t make her too afraid to live. Now that they knew what she was going through, he and his parents would do whatever it took to help her deal with it all.

  Of course, there was also Kai. “I would never leave you and Bodhi, or the other kids for that matter. We’re a family, and I plan to keep it that way for a long time to come.”

  Just like that, Cynthia smiled. “You should go help Evan. His kitty saved him, but he’s going to need his friends if he’s going to find his way back to his mate.”

  Kai blinked. It was a little weird to hear such grown-up words come from someone her age. Kai gave her a nod before setting her down.

  Then his mate turned to him and gave Bodhi a hard, but too brief, kiss. “You stay safe, got it?”

  “Got it.” He hated watching his mate go back out there to possible danger. Sure, Roberto was dead, but there had still been fighting in the back. Until all of Roberto’s men were killed or captured, there was a chance of Kai getting hurt.

  He still didn’t want to see the future, but right now he wouldn’t mind a hint of the outcome. Then there was Gibson. The Alpha Mate hadn’t looked good. Basil’s worried expression as Gibson was being carried out of the kitchen confirmed the Alpha Mate wasn’t in good shape.

  At least they had Basil. The man was a great doctor, a certifiable genius. The man was only twenty-one, and he already was a doctor, a vet, and had two other doctorates in chemistry and physics. If anyone could save Gibson, it was Basil.

  He should go check on his friend and just be with the other mates. He looked over to find the kids already engrossed in some animated movie his parents had put on. Gods love Anemone and his insatiable love of all movies. With a little help from Rune, they had easy access to different genres of movies, even one just for the kids.

  He let his parents know where he was going and headed to the suite of rooms they had converted into a medical area. It wasn’t a far walk, one he almost wished was longer since he wasn’t sure he wanted to know Gibson’s status.

  Before he knew it, he was standing just outside the small exam room. He looked through the door to find Anemone leaning against Aidan, silently crying. Please don’t let him be dead. He wasn’t sure why he was praying. It wasn’t like the Gods were going to listen to him.

  “Is there any news?”

  Aidan looked up at him with a smile. “Yeah, he’s going to be okay. Anemone is just crying happy tears.”

  Bodhi sank against the nearest wall in relief. Now he just hoped the same would be true for Kai.

  Chapter 23

  “Are you almost done, little butterfly?”

  Bodhi smiled when he heard his mate’s voice calling him from down below. It had taken only another day to finish the first mural for the Amphitheatre. He still had the rest of the columns to do, but he’d decided to take a break and do the mural for the farmer who had helped him and Kai get across the river.

  “Almost,” he called down. He loved the mural he’d created for Harmel and his wife, Anabelle.

  Anabelle had often come and sit, watching him work, just staring at the flowers he was creating. The big smile on Harmel’s face said his wife was more than appreciative, which was all Bodhi wanted, for people to enjoy his creations.

  “Gibson is going to skin me alive if I’m not there on time,” Kai reminded him.

  Bodhi chuckled. Kai wasn’t exaggerating. Since being shot, Gibson had to take things easier, mainly because Talon wouldn’t let his mate do anything considered strenuous. Much to Gibson’s chagrin, that included just about everything. He could still cook, but mostly in a supervisory role.

  According to Talon, his mate wasn’t allowed to whisk, beat, mix, pour, or carry anything over a pound. He also had to limit his dancing, which was what had the chef most on edge. Gibson loved to sing at the top of his lungs while shaking his ass all over the kitchen.

  Unfortunately Talon wouldn’t budge on his demands that Gibson take it easy, which meant the r
est of them had to suffer Gibson’s wrath. Unless they wanted to eat cereal, they put up with the Alpha Mate’s wild mood swings.

  Ten minutes later he finished. Bodhi zipped down the rope, Kai catching him before his feet ever touched the ground. Lips were on his, making Bodhi forget all about Gibson and his irrational behavior.

  Lust hit him hard, his blood immediately flowing south. Good thing Kai was holding him, or he was pretty sure he would have fallen over. That was what he loved about Kai’s kisses. They were so intense, like the man’s entire attention was focused on Bodhi. It was a heady experience.

  “Oh. Damn. Sorry. We can come back,” Harmel said from nearby.

  Bodhi couldn’t hold back the groan of dismay when Kai broke the kiss. He didn’t care if Harmel and Anabelle were standing right there, just so long as the kiss didn’t stop.

  He sighed when Kai set his feet on the ground. Damn it. Oh well, he might as well get finished with Harmel and Anabelle so they could get out of there.

  “So what do you think?” He already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it again.

  Anabelle had been gushing the entire week it had taken him to paint it. Harmel was ecstatic his wife loved it. “It’s perfect,” Anabelle said, clapping her hands together. “I can’t believe how real it looks.”

  Bodhi looked at his work again. He had to admit, the tulips he’d painted on the side of the barn were amazing. It had the right depth to make it look like a field of flowers. “Thank you.” He stepped forward to shake their hands. “And thanks again for helping us get across the river.”

  Harmel blushed, waving Bodhi off. “It was nothing.”

  With Kai’s help, he had everything cleaned up and packed into the Hummer with enough time to get home so he could shower and go to the Amphitheatre, hopefully. If not, they’d be eating cereal the next day.

  The whole way home, Kai held his hand. The warmth of his mate’s hand sank into his bones. It had been a month since they first met, and Bodhi still couldn’t get enough of just being with his mate. If they could, Bodhi would love nothing more than to be glued at the hip with Kai.

  Unfortunately things like life tended to get in the way. Bodhi had his murals to do, and Kai, well, Kai had enforcer things to do. Talon and the inner circle were still looking for the rest of the nuclear weapons, along with the five other people Federo mentioned.

  It was something that scared Bodhi more than he let on. Sooner or later they were going to find some of those weapons, and Kai would be sent to recover them, killing anyone who got in his way. The problem? The enemy wasn’t exactly going to surrender without a fight.

  The thought of his mate dying caused Bodhi’s heart to stop in his chest. But it was like the Gods said: life was meant to be lived, not spent hiding in fear. He just wished the Gods would help them, not that the team was talking to them to find out if they’d help.

  Kai parked in front of the door of the manor. The moment they walked inside, Bodhi was tempted to walk back out.

  “Get the hell out. You have no right to be here,” Evan yelled. His arm was out away from his body, pointing to the front door, as he glared at the one man who’d broken his heart.

  Slash stood his ground, refusing to budge. “Not until you listen to me.”

  Not wanting to hear their private conversation, or yelling match, Bodhi dragged Kai to their bedroom, shutting the door and the sound of the couple’s shouting. Bodhi was still tempted to kick Slash in the nuts for hurting Evan, but he refrained since it had been Slash who’d saved Evan that day in the backyard.

  Men had surrounded Evan, Blade, and Forest. A lucky shot had taken Evan down, and Slash had come leaping out of the forest that bordered the backyard. Roaring in outrage that his mate had been hurt, the beast had ripped through the man unlucky enough to have shot Evan. It had stunned the enemy long enough for Blade and Forest to take several more of them out.

  Then Wyatt, Carver, and Rune showed up to help drive the enemy back. The whole time Slash had stood over Evan’s body, protecting his mate from the bullets still flying. Slash’s lion had been shot four times, but they hadn’t done much damage.

  In his lion form, Slash was massive, weighing in at five hundred pounds. The bullets had barely fazed the beast, even if he had only three legs. Evan, on the other hand, had been hit in the shoulder, shattering his collarbone. Shifting into his element had helped it heal, mostly, but he did have some residual pain that made it hard for him to hold a sniper rifle.

  “Do you think they’re going to make it?” Kai asked, clearly worried about his friend.

  If Evan and Slash were going to have a happily ever after, they would have to find a way to be in the same room without shouting at each other. Bodhi wasn’t sure that was ever going to happen, not when Evan refused to forgive his mate for abandoning him. It might make Evan happier in the end to just forgive Slash, but Bodhi couldn’t blame the guy for still holding a grudge.

  He just thanked the Gods Kai was his mate. He smiled up at the one person who meant the world to him. “I don’t know, but I don’t want to talk about Evan and Slash.” Pulling his shirt over his head, Bodhi kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his pants.

  Finally he reached out to put his hand over Kai’s already bulging groin. “I’d much rather talk about getting your thick cock deep inside my ass.”

  Kai groaned and pulled Bodhi into a steamy kiss that was all tongue and teeth. Only when breathing became a must did they pull apart. “We’re going to be late.” Kai slid a finger into the opening of Bodhi’s pants, zeroing on his Bodhi’s pucker.

  Bodhi winked up at Kai and stepped away from his mate. Putting a little extra sway in his hips, Bodhi walked to the bathroom. He dropped his pants and shook his naked ass just before reaching the door.

  Looking over his shoulder at his mate, Bodhi shrugged. “I always did like cereal.”




  Shea Balik has always had a vivid imagination with stories running around in her head. Often her stories are taken from observations of other people with her own spin. Traveling is one of her favorite ways of fulfilling her passion of people watching. You never know, one day you may spark her imagination for her next book.

  Whether at home or traveling she is usually in front of her computer writing or curled up with a good book.

  For all titles by Shea Balik, please visit


  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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