Ascension_Age Of Expansion_A Kurtherian Gambit Series

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Ascension_Age Of Expansion_A Kurtherian Gambit Series Page 22

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  It used to be that caffeine was my drug of choice – but it looks like that’s off the menu for some time to come.

  So I’ve switched to you! ;)

  Thank you for being here, for reading, for reviewing, and for always brightening my day with your words of support on the fb page. You rock my world, and without you, there really would be no reason to write these stories.

  (Also – thank you for the sacrificial chickens and Pepsi vats when the manuscripts are released to the ‘Zon.)

  Thank you.

  E x

  Ok, so you’ve asked about a few things on the fb page, and I figured I’d answer them here to wrap up this series. (There will be more shenanigans in the author notes of the series that we move on to for sure! This isn’t the end!).

  I must also let you know that I’m on a word count limit now, though.

  Whaaa?! I hear you cry.

  I know. I’m shocked too.

  MA let me know this afternoon that the Zon only allows up to 10% of the text in the back matter. I’m sure I’ve gone over this on occasion, but it’s just reinforced my thoughts about moving some of this stuff over to the Patreon posts, where I can rant to my heart’s content, in a more private setting too.

  (I don’t think the fb page is really geared to long posts and interruption scrolling).

  Anyway – more on that soon too.

  Dental Update, Keto and Confessions of a Lapsed Vegetarian

  I haven’t been back to the dentist for a few months. Thanks for those who were asking though! I still have some more crowns to do, but I was so hammered from the dental drugs and pain over the last several months that I’m putting it off until I’ve recovered.

  Since discovering that I’ve been suffering with adrenal fatigue I figured the last thing my adrenals need is being pumped full of dental drugs (which weren’t even numbing me properly!), with all their epinephrine loaded in.

  ESPECIALLY not when I’m under order to refrain from caffeine even!

  Turns out that even a cup of tea is stopping me sleeping until the next morning when normal people are getting up. Go figure. I never used to be this sensitive to it.

  The dental practice did call me the other day though. It seems they’re having an anniversary party for the practice. Great way to get people back into the practice and book their next appointment, eh?

  Anyway, in the last few weeks, the tooth that they weren’t able to get numb has been playing up a bit. Thing is it allegedly has no nerve in the root anymore, so apparently it shouldn’t be hurting.

  Well… what can you say to that?

  (I’m sooo tempted to email my xrays to Dr. Mojito and ask his opinion.)

  Re the Keto…

  I’m back on the wagon, but gently.

  Keto kinda requires a 50g carb limit per day. I’m averaging about 70g, and trying not to overdo it because apparently full on hard core keto will stress the adrenals too.

  I’m also ‘carbing up’ in the evenings in an attempt to help me sleep before 4am. It’s not really working, but 4 am sleeptime is better than 7am which has been the case on occasion.

  I could bore you with more detail, but I’m conscious of my word limit, so onto the confession.

  The confession…

  Just before I left LA one of the doctors told me about some of the problems with my vegetarian diet.

  Specifically the lack of cholesterol.

  Apparently we need it for our brains to function properly. She recommended starting to have lamb once a week and go from there. I must say a bunch of the symptoms have evaporated since doing this, so now I’m not a full-on vegetarian anymore.

  I’m still not going to ever order a pizza with pepperoni on it (EDIT MA: SO CLOSE!), but I’m not entirely meat-free anymore.

  And yes, as someone pointed out on a fb thread, doing keto as a vegetarian is HARD. You can basically eat avocados. And whipping cream. And butter. (And don’t get me started on the phytonutrients it’s so easy to miss out on.)

  So… I’ve come to a new balance of moderation: semi-keto, semi-veggie, and when I get the ok from the Chinese medical doc, semi-caffeinated. We’re looking at about two or three months for the latter unfortunately.

  In the meantime, there’s always dandelion ‘coffee’.


  Anyway, I hope this had provided some closure on all those open loops(!) and I’d also like to take this opportunity to say a HUGE thank you for all of your support through the health dramas. I’ve thoroughly appreciated your caring, your suggestions and recommendations… and it’s also been fun to laugh with you about the craziness that I’ve come through. Truly… thank you! <3

  Author Shenanigans

  So we were just wrapping up a random author call between myself and Yoda.

  I had suggested MA do some marketing shit, of some sort. (I don’t even remember what it was now….)

  Michael: I'll try

  Ellie: Do or do not do…

  MA: I’ll try. I promise.

  Ellie (rolls eyes, realizing he clearly isn’t getting the reference. Tries again.)

  Ellie: Do or do not do. There is no try.

  MA: Ooooohhhh. (Blushes.)

  Someone had clearly forgotten his nickname. Do me a favour and remind him, eh? Like in the reviews and other embarrassing places… ;P

  (EDIT MA: I REMEMBER! No need to remind me folks! )

  Thou Shalt Not…

  Ok, so I can tell you this little anecdote now, since it won’t be a spoiler to the book you’ve just finished reading.

  A few weeks ago while I was working on the plot for Molly 11, I talked to MA about it.

  He was finding it difficult to understand what I was planning to do. (Or he just wasn’t listening!)

  Anyway, somewhere we got our wires crossed and he thought that I was going to construct some cliffhanger for Molly 11.

  Like kill her off in the second to last book.

  Right at the end.


  Ellie: Noooo, lemme explain again. It’s not a cliff hanger, I promise!

  (MA listens patiently again while I ramble through my beats.)

  MA: have you not seen my video? Thou shalt not end on a cliff hanger!

  Ellie: It’s ok - it’s not. I promise! Yes, I saw it… Let me explain.

  (Ellie explains *again* what she was actually planning to do._

  MA: Oh. Right. Ok. Yeah… that’s not a cliff hanger.

  Ellie: Yeah. (Blink, blink)

  Third time lucky…

  (EDIT MA: It isn’t my ears… but your explanation padawan…)

  Coffeeshops and Writing Dates

  A few weeks ago (you may have seen the pictures on fb), Amy, Alyssa (two of my Austin writing buddies) and I were hanging out together in a local café. OMG it’s so good to have like-minded people around… and even though we’re not as productive in terms of word count, it’s like therapy and nourishment just to hang and chinwag.

  We also get some work done too.

  Well, anyway, there we are working and chatting, and the barista started coming over and talking to us every now and again. The girls explained that we’re writers, and talked about the stuff they’re working on, and he was fascinated.

  Anyway, throughout the afternoon he’d keep coming over, or end up doing his tasks, like putting labels on cups, using the area behind the bar where we were installed.

  Amy and Alyssa were deep in conversation and he looks up. Amy catches his eye, and stops talking as if waiting for him to interrupt.

  Barista: Oh, carry on. I’m just listening. It’s fascinating. Keep going.

  (Amy and Alyssa giggle and go back to their conversation…)

  Amy: what were we talking about?

  Alyssa: library books.

  Amy: oh yeah.

  Ellie, collapses in a heap of giggles at the hard core, riveting conversation they had enraptured him with.

  Next time at the Coffeeshop

  Amy and I returned to t
he coffeeshop the following week after we’d met out fascinated barista.

  Turns out he’s English. I thought he was a Kiwi.

  (I’m bad with recognizing English accents when I’m out of the country. I remember a time I was living in Budapest. I’d been there for about a month and hadn’t spoken to any English folks for a while. I ended up doing a presentation at Ericsson or some such company and one of the guys came up to me in the canteen afterwards. I mistook him for English. He was most insulted. He was Australian. Oops.)

  Anyway, our guy in the coffee shop is called Michael Sven Something-or-other. I’ve taken to calling him Sven… because he looks more Scandinavian. And Michael is just a confusing name when you know so many of them.

  So there we were chatting to Sven, and working, and he asked more about our authoring. I told him I’d probably end up putting him into a book at some point. It’s just what happens when you’re churning out stories and need names and characters.

  He was kinda chuffed.

  Anyway, he went on to tell us about someone else who made him famous, through Craigslist. When he said Craigslist, firstly I realized he really was English. We pronounce it differently. And then secondly, I had no idea if he was talking about that online thingy like GumTree.)

  Amy explained to me afterwards that it was, and he was talking about a “missed connections” section. Apparently some woman he had served coffee to had posted about him as a missed connection and a number of people had come in and mentioned it to him, saying: “Oh you must be the guy she talked about!”

  How cool is that?

  Well, you’ll probably want to know if this story has a happy ending. And it does. Though not for the Craigslist poster. He explained he was married. End of story.


  Amy and I were wandering back to my place to raid my wine stocks. Well, after a long afternoon writing, you need something to take the edge off.

  We walked past my barber. You may have seen on fb I have a section of my long hair shaved, so I need to have it redone every few weeks.

  Anyway, I just wanted to pop in while we were passing and see if they could fit me in for an “edge out” the next day. Amy dutifully followed me in. (As females with long hair we got a lot of stares. I’m used to it, but I think it was a first for Amz.)

  Anyway, the sweet guy on the reception desk asked what time I could come in. Amy looked on in bemusement.

  Ellie: Morning? But not too early..

  Receptionist: Ten?

  Ellie: Ughhh. That’s a bit too early. What about after noon?

  Receptionist: Noon? Or two? Or one?

  Ellie, (checking calendar): Acupuncture at 2pm. What about 1?

  Amy (laughs her ass off): I love it! (Does her Ellie voice, complete with English accent.) ‘Have you got anything in the “morning”’.

  She adds rabbit ears around the word morning, much to the amusement of everyone eavesdropping.

  I shouldn’t have told her about the conversation I’d had with the acupuncturist when we were discussing when I should take my tinctures. I had to confess that since I often didn’t get up until noon or one, the “morning” dose technically wasn’t happening in the morning.

  Now he does rabbit ears around the word “morning” every time it comes up.

  What’s next?

  Tabitha and Nicky: Ranger Deuces

  I know this is long-awaited and pretty converted amongst the original Bethany-Anne fans. I’m feeling very fortunate that MA wants me on this project. It’s going to be fun – half the word count to get out! Woot!

  No, seriously, it’s a pair of super fun characters, much beloved by the TKG family… so it’s an honor to get to write in this series. We’ve started working on it in earnest now.

  And things are coming along. (I’m about 10k words into my side. No idea where Yoda has got to. He tends to leave things till the last minutes! ;P)

  MA is working on the Tabitha’s side.

  I’m on Nickie. And the pair are separated by time. About 150 years I think. It’s going to take all our story-telling genius to get the more in-depth themes to synch up, and have story devices to weave the two adventures together each episode. I’m enjoying the challenge already.

  Oh, but fuck… we realized the other day that I’d messed up spelling Nickie with a ‘y’ instead of ‘ie’ in the whole Molly book. (*facepalm*). I believe Zen Steve is going to fix that on the next update. But I was sooooo sure I had it right.

  I checked it.

  Would you believe me if I told you I think I may have had an unedited, non-final draft of the short story originally?


  Speaking of Molly, we’re also writing it so that book 1 and 2 intersect with Molly 10: Tabitha 01 finishes where Molly 10 picks up from Nicky's, sorry Nickie’s pov.

  You don't need to have read Molly for Tabitha to make sense, but it's a bit of an Easter egg for those who have.

  Tabitha Book 2 will start again when Nicky comes back from lifting all the Leathe weapons after working with Molly.

  #insideinformation :-)

  Oh yes, and for those who don’t speak the King’s English, you’ll want to look up what the word “bollock” means in English, because MA had the genius idea of naming one of the ships in the story: Boh'Locks 881

  The Missing Giles Stories

  You may have noticed that in Molly 11, Molly and co refer to an adventure that happened in the Giles series.

  Good catch if you have!

  No, you haven’t missed a Giles installment. It’s just I haven’t got around to writing it yet. But I will. As soon as I can. You can expect that in the end we’ll have another two or three books in the Giles series, which will coincide with everything that’s happened on the Molly side of the story.

  Interstellar Spy for Hire

  Ok so this is in a completely new universe, and MA is going to tell you more about it because I’m already up to my word limit.

  The Bentley Chronicles

  This one is all me. On my own. No MA. Like a little chick, cast into the storm on its own. (EDIT MA: Seriously? All of the talks we have had is tossed into the storm? Wow…)

  After a few false starts this project is underway again. The difficulty with releasing it though is that I’m going to have to have three almost done before we launch, in order to trigger the Zon algorithms to make it a successful launch.

  I know things have been quiet in the slack channel for our team of enthusiastic beta readers but we should see something coming your way in the next few months. We’ll keep you posted over there.

  And as usual, if you want to stay up to date with future series and new releases please feel free to get onto Oz’s radar with your email address:

  And as always you can connect with me directly on my facebook page:

  It’s been an absolute blast, and I truly feel honored to have had you on this journey with Molly through all these adventures. Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading, and for all of your support.

  I couldn’t have done it without you.

  And if you’ve enjoyed this series, I really hope that you’ll give the new ones a try as we release them.

  This isn’t goodbye. It’s… “see you on the next book!”

  Ellie x

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Written June 28, 2018

  WOOHOO! We are THERE baby! (Or is it here? I guess ‘here’ is the right term.) Thank you for reading through twelve amazing stories of Molly and her crew.

  Through this whole series, we focused on the question of ascending, and whether there are options to ascend as life goes on. Now, I don’t want to go too metaphysical, but pretty much any religion has this as a concept.

  Plus, lots of “I’m not saying it is Aliens…but…Aliens!” conspiracy theories as well.

  In the middle of all these questions this series has a lot of other stuff like friendships, coming of age
stories, working with those you aren’t fond of and many other new thoughts Ellie wove into these books.

  Like Nietzsche.

  And realm walking.

  Are they real, or just figments of our imagination? That is a large question that I can’t answer (although I’m pretty good with saying that the cat is a figment of our imagination. I’m really hoping that realm walking is proven true because that would just be kick-ass if it were. Imagine being able to sleep at home, and find yourself on the moon?)

  A long time ago, I dated a Wiccan… (you know, the religion of witches?) While I chickened out on joining them for a Samhain evening (Yeah, that would be something for a good Southern-Baptist guy to go to) the girl did talk about the equivalent of realm walking.

  For the life of me, I do NOT remember if I ever tested her on this. (I want to say it was never proven true or false) but as I mentioned above I sure wanted it to be true. Any time I see those specials on cable television about the government testing the capabilities of far-seers I end up watching them.


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