Days of Innocence (The Firsts Book 13)

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Days of Innocence (The Firsts Book 13) Page 20

by C. L. Quinn

  “You’re an ass.”

  “I’ve been called worse. And with greater accuracy.”

  “Go, then. Get up and go. That one day that you mentioned, though, on that day I’ll come for you and we’ll see if you turn me down.”

  “Lady, if that day comes, and you truly still want me after you have lived a life, I will fall at your feet.”

  “Good. Get out of here. And be aware that I mean every word.”

  Moving closer, Rodney kissed Shani on the lips, chaste as he had before, and stood. “If you ever have a problem, if you ever need me, you have but to call, and I will come to you. Be happy. Don’t miss me.”


  The final glance he gave before he walked out the door held pain and longing, and every one of his feelings tore through Shani. Did he not remember that she was empath? She sat alone, and admitted…all she could do was miss him.

  Gathered around the conference room, Kalia sat next to Luka, Pilar on her lap and Su’ad beside her. She purred in contentment, worthy of any cat. With all the worry and pain, finally, her children were home and safe, the threat neutralized. She slipped a hand out to rub Luka’s thigh.

  “Thank you, my mate. You vampires come through every time.”

  “We always will. I wouldn’t let anything happen to our kids.” Luka kissed Pilar on the top of her head and she giggled. Although he was not biologically connected to these children, they were his as much as Kalia’s. He’d raised them as his own from their first cries.

  Tamesine stood in the center of the group facing Jackson, Sally, Taylor, Jessie, and Dean. “What shall we do with you?”

  “Let us go home? We’ve been cooperative and hopefully shown you that we never meant to be involved with that crazy scheme of my uncle’s.” Jackson was at once nervous and excited to be in the company of these supernatural beings. He prayed that they would allow them the chance to get to know them, at least to know what they were and where they came from.

  He knew they wouldn’t.

  Sally lifted a hand as if they were in class. “Tam, I know you don’t mean us any harm, but are you going to wipe our memories?”

  “I’m afraid there is no other choice, dear. The knowledge is too dangerous in the wrong hands. It’s safer for you, too. You will never know that we existed, and you’ll go on with your lives just as you should have.”

  Taylor stood, nervous, his hands in his pocket. “Then you’d better dig deeper.”

  “What do you mean?” Tamesine asked.

  “I mean, if you’re going to take our memories of you so that we don’t remember you exist, then you also need to wipe our memories of a desire to come looking for you?”

  Tamesine glanced toward Koen and Park. “You were looking for us?”

  “Not you, specifically, but the Totems, yeah. We came down here to search for evidence that people from this area could change into animals.”

  Koen stood. This changed the situation. “I thought you’d come down here to party on your spring break.”

  “No. We didn’t tell you after all the shit went down because we didn’t want you to think we were like Hollinger. Honestly, we weren’t with him. We didn’t even know he knew about the shapeshifters. Uh, Totems. But Jackson had been reading about the lore from this area for years, about cat people and shapeshifters, so we came down here on a lark to see if we could find a modicum of truth. So if you want to remain secret, you need to wipe any knowledge of this region from our minds, or we’ll just try it again without realizing we’d already been here.”

  “Huh. Well, thank you, young man, for your honesty. And, of course, you’re right, you would likely just do the same thing again, so we’ll purge those ideas.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  Shani, seated beside Talib and Ife, interrupted. Talib stood and picked her up to carry her toward the center of the room next to Tamesine. Rodney’s hands fisted when jealousy shot through him as he watched another man holding Shani. He had to remind himself that Talib and Shani had been raised together, and although they were not siblings, she likely thought of him that way. It didn’t help.

  “Talib, Ife, and I have been receiving messages from the universe, or wherever this stuff comes from. This battle we fight in the future, the one to protect this world and her residents, it isn’t going to be just first blood vampires in the fight. The ten children we rescued this week, they are all destined to be part of it. And this will shock you most of all, but these five humans, they are destined to be with us.”

  Shani looked from Tamesine to the five humans in question.

  “With you? How? What do you mean, battle in the future?” Sally asked.

  “You’ve much to learn. But Tamesine, they are meant to be here, as they are now, and with all of us, because this fight includes supernatuals and humans too. These fifteen will join us when the day comes. And five more in the future. We did not know until now, but we were always meant to be 31 strong.”

  “They’re human. If they’re involved, then this battle will happen soon?” Bas asked.

  Ife joined Talib and Shani. “We don’t know. It will all happen as it should, when it should, and how it should.”

  “We have to trust that the living planet and the universe will make sure that we are ready when the time arrives.” Talib turned to the five humans, now standing, confused and worried.

  “I don’t get it. What battle?” Jackson spoke for all five as he turned to face Tamesine.

  “It appears there is a lot more happening here than any of us understand. Jackson, would you and your friends accompany us back to our home in France to see if we can unravel this mystery and get everyone up to speed? It’s beautiful there and if you ever wanted a perfect spring break, this is it.”

  “I’m in,” Sally called out with no hesitation. Spend more time with these incredible people? Hell, yes!

  Jessie shrugged. “Sure, why not? Taylor?”

  “I’m there. Um, you guys got beer, right?”

  Jackson sighed. “Well, you know I’m in. Dean, make it one hundred percent.”

  “No, I need to get back. I’m trying to build my business.”

  “I’ll help. In that case, you know I’ll make short work of it, so you can give us a few days.”

  Dean’s eyes landed on Sally’s face, lit with excitement. Damn, that woman made him smile. If going to France with this wild assortment of people kept him with her, he’d be an idiot to pass it up. He was no idiot. “Why not?”

  Battle for the earth? A team of vampires, shapeshifters, and ordinary people. What the hell could it mean?

  Tamesine nodded. “Okay, then. Koen, can we fit five more on the jet?”

  “It’ll be tight, but yeah, we can do it.”

  “Sir, the plane is ready.” Xavier’s pilot had been waiting patiently for a break in the conversation from where he hovered near the doorway.

  “Thank you.” Xavier popped up. “Now lads and lasses, don’t completely empty me liquor cabinet. But ya must have some to help ya enjoy the flight.” He turned to Shani. “I hope ya get well soon, darlin’.”

  She thanked Xavier, but her eyes went to Rodney.

  “I certainly will.”

  Eras picked up his pack, Talib’s, and Shani’s.

  “Well, firsties, it was interesting seeing the world with you for the first time. Let’s do it again soon.”

  His eyes went to Cairine and he started toward her, but one glance to her father sitting nearby stopped him. Instead, he nodded to her, waved, but kept his eyes on hers. “Next time, my friends.”

  After a few more hugs and goodbyes, Xavier waved his pilot out, and Eras followed Brigitte, Ife, and Talib, still carrying Shani, as they left the Totem village.

  Rodney felt Shani’s absence immediately. He had no right to, but he knew he would for a long time. All he hoped for now was a miracle to help her heal, and a perfect life ahead. He would be satisfied with that. When he noticed Park’s eyes on him, he tried to smile, but it
didn’t quite make it.

  “I’ll, uh, get everything ready for departure tonight. Are we dropping Crezia in Boston?”

  “I think so. Thank you, Rodney.” Then, quieter, she asked, “Are you all right?”

  “I’m always all right.”

  “You’re the man my father has always trusted to care for my children. You need to be. Rodney, you’re family, so if you ever need to talk, please don’t hesitate. And besides…” Park tugged on his wrist and pulled him into the hallway. “You’re the first one to know this past my mate and Tam, but I’m having another baby. I hope you’ll stay and help us watch over this next generation.”

  Try as he would, Rodney couldn’t quite give Park the excitement he should have. “It’s wonderful news. You two do good work, I should know. Yes, of course.”

  As Rodney left to make sure the plane was prepared, Park thought how painful love could be. She’d felt Shani’s love for him too. Love often didn’t come easily.

  She turned toward her daughter, and noticed something off about her too. The boy Eras…no, that wasn’t right. Man. Eras was no longer a boy any more than her daughter was just a girl. Park had to admit that she’d recognized sexual tension between her daughter and Ahmose’s son.

  “Yep, things are changing,” she said out loud, a hand on her belly, and walked back into the conference room to join her family.



  After a weeklong visit, the human part of the earth’s army was going home to California. If the vampires thought that they were surprised with this revelation, it was nothing compared to the five shocked humans they sent home, with full disclosure, to try to live normal lives. It wouldn’t be easy, but all the first blood children promised to stay in touch and make sure that they remained aware of the importance of their roles in the coming years.

  Chione had vid-phoned them from Africa.

  “I can confirm everything that the children told you in South America. These special young people, human though they be, have a place beside them in the coming battle. I have no more specific information either.”

  She and her mate Donovan were still poised to lead the guardians of the earth when the time arrived.

  “How’s Shani?” Park had asked.

  Chione’s expression changed. “Okay. Not better, not healing yet, although we’ve tried everything we can think of. It appears that her human body is just too damaged. We are all certain that once her vampire DNA kicks in, she’ll be fine, but that isn’t helping her mood. I don’t know how to help her. She’s despondent and argumentative. And even injured like this, that’s not Shani. The girl has an indomitable spirit and undefeatable optimism. All of that is gone now.”

  “Chione, it is more than just the injury. She’s in love.”

  “Love? Oh, no. I certainly don’t want to hit her father with that. Ahmose is already livid that she’s hurt. He certainly won’t be able to deal with his baby girl in love. Who is it?”

  “My father’s guardian for the children.”


  “It’s true.”

  “He’s a magnificent man, but he’s human. Let’s just keep this to ourselves. I’ve enough to deal with helping Shani through this, I cannot imagine coaching Ahmose through his daughter’s first crush. I assume he refused her youthful advances.”

  “You would assume wrong. He’s just as morose. He’s in love with her too, but he told her that she was meant for someone greater than he. It didn’t sit well with Shani.”

  “Oh, blessed be, it wouldn’t. Love rarely runs smooth, you know that. Okay, dear, take care of those new warriors, and I’ll take care of mine.”

  Cairine sighed as she lay on the warm sands, alone, the beach finally quiet after so many visitors. Fia and Bryson were up the hill with Caed and Mac, the vampires at rest for the day, and the gentle surf was all hers.

  She loved this beautiful beach and her scarlet sunrises. Pushing up on her arms, she looked at the sky.

  “The perfect shade of blue,” she commented out loud.

  Laying back again, she closed her eyes, her hands on her chest. She could feel something inside her, something new, something that terrified her.

  Her body was changing. Soon, she would be vampire and these warm sunlit days would be lost to her forever. She loved her family, and knew that the vampire world was full of joy and power, but this loss…the sun, the light, the day. The heat on her skin that nothing else in this world could replace. Oh, God…

  It was apparent now that there were no moments left to waste. That’s why before Jackson left, she’d asked him if she could stay in the house in the Rocky mountains for a while. He’d enthusiastically said yes to her request. Tonight, she would tell her parents that she was leaving. Nothing in her life would be harder than saying goodbye. But with so few days left in her human life, she had a list of places she wanted to see, things she wanted to do, and time truly was running out.

  Cairine slid a hand down her chest, to her belly, to the place just below. She would spend centuries making love as a vampire, but she wanted, at least once, to make love as a human woman. While she fully accepted her vampire heritage, she treasured this human life too, and the idea of touching someone without any vampire magic intrigued her. It would have been interesting to try it with Eras, she admitted it now. But he was home in Africa, and she was headed to the U.S.

  There would be time enough someday to see if Eras had any feelings for her.

  Hours later, first meal prepared and presented, Cairine joined the combined households as they dined.

  Cairine filled her plate and took a seat next to her parents. “Mother, Father, I need to tell you something.”

  Park barely looked up from her plate, her fork nearly to her lips. “You’re leaving.”

  Shocked, Cairine lowered her own fork. “Um, yes. How…uh, why do you know that?”

  With a sigh, Park turned finally to face Cairine.

  “I know you better than you will ever understand. I have felt your restlessness for the past few months, and now, after your adventure, you want more. I can’t blame you, I would too. Neither your father or I will ask you to stay.”

  Overhearing the conversation, Koen interrupted.

  “I will! I forbid you to leave!”

  Pushing up, Cairine walked up to her grandfather and kissed him on the cheek. “No you won’t. You’re proud of me.”

  “I’m heartbroken is what I am. Just because your mother is giving me another grandchild doesn’t make this easy.”

  “I won’t be gone long. Honestly, I don’t think I have too long. When the time comes, I’ll be home for my conversion.”

  Bas got into it then. “You must. It’s too dangerous to let it happen without protection. Perhaps I should send Rodney with you.”

  “Rodney will be busy with the baby soon. No, I need to do this on my own.”

  Bas stopped eating. “Mac is leaving too. He’s been talking about racing in Dubai for the past year and he told me two nights ago that he, Bryson, and Caed are going next month.”

  Eillia sat at the next table, her eyes wet, but she was smiling. “Caed is still doing so well. He plans to hook up with Crezia in America sometime this summer. You guys are adults now, I do understand that, but it’s just so hard to let you go.”

  “Word, sister,” Park commented. “Cari, of course we’re happy for you. Why don’t you take Fia with you?”

  Across the room, filling a plate almost as full as a vampire’s, Fia choked on a cheese stick.

  Tamesine watched her for a few seconds before she nodded. “You too? God, this house will be so empty.”

  “It was the journey that did it for all of us. We just realize what we’re missing. I’m going to Boston, and Crezia is going to show me and Brigitte around.”


  “Yes, she’s coming from Africa.”

  “This is just getting crazy.”

  “No, mom, it’s getting right. Leav
ing home to find yourself is a rite of passage.”

  “I cannot disagree.”

  Cairine watched the conversation as it changed from one topic to another, the family dinner table the most loving place she’d ever known.

  Yes, she wanted to explore herself, her humanity, the world…but she knew that she would always come home. Love and safety waited here, in spite of all the places she wanted to go, things she needed to do, people she couldn’t wait to meet, this was and always would be, home.


  “Don’t forget your credit card. Father says it has an unlimited balance, but he told me to remind you that if you overspend, he’ll find you. So if you want some freedom from parental persuasion, don’t do that. Oh, brother, I’m going to miss you so much.”

  Shani hugged Eras, loathe to let go. Everything was changing. He was heading to Dubai to join the boys from France for whatever crazy debauchery young men might be able to get themselves into. She envied him.

  Looking down at her useless legs, she punched her upper thigh. Feeling sorry for herself had become a habit she planned to break soon.

  “Don’t forget us,” she whispered into his ear.

  “Like I could.” He kissed her on the cheeks, and pressed his forehead into hers like they often did when they were kids. “I love you, sis. When you are well again, I’m going to take you around this wide world.”

  “Something to look forward to. Now, get out of here. Time waits for no man.”

  “You know it, kid. Brigitte will be back soon. You and Ife have a nice time.”

  Shani nodded. She and Ife were the only ones left now. Talib had returned to the Totem village shortly after they’d come back from the rescue. He had told his mother that he felt closer to the earth there and that he felt his next lessons would come within the bosom of the earth, his ear to the ground, living with some of the mother’s most blessed children.


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