Sold to the Sultan (the Breslyn Auction Club Book 2)

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Sold to the Sultan (the Breslyn Auction Club Book 2) Page 11

by Penny Winestone

  Apparently, Wolfe isn’t too happy either because when Alyssa looks at him, Wolfe is sneering at the Tailor. You’re so lucky looks can’t kill, but you’re not the only one, dude, Alyssa huffs to herself. She notices that Tailor appears just as nervous as she had when Wolfe looked at her, and it’s a bit of relief that she’s not the only one that crumbles under his gaze. It doesn’t take long for Tailor to throw his gaze to the floor and zip his mouth.

  “Look, if you’ve got a problem with takin’ care of business here at home, the damn place that got you guys where you are now, then you should be speakin’ up. I wanna know. Anyone got a problem taking care of business here? Anyone?! No?! Then what the fuck are you waitin’ for?!” Wolfe is angry, like he is about ready to smash something to pieces as he eyes the band members.

  No one responds. The room is filled with an eerie silence, a bunch of the band members are staring at Wolfe and others are giving each other looks. Jewel and Alyssa share a glance; Alyssa raises her brows and widens her eyes. Jewel is sitting on Ash’s lap. There’s a look of concern on Ash’s face. He motions for Jewel to get up and she does. While they’re both standing, he grabs her by the hips and pulls her close for a kiss before bidding her goodbye and walking out of the room.

  Ash is the first one to comply and he’s the one to lead the rest on their business because slowly the rest of the group stands up and begins exiting the room. Some of them are shuffling, others are rubbing their necks, a few are straightening their vests as they raise their head up and try to motivate the rest into an ass-kicking mood by yelling throwing some quick and light punches and acting enthused. Wolfe just shakes his head glaring at each person who makes eye contact with him, before he too, leaves the room.

  Alyssa glances at Vince, who just shrugs at her and half-heartedly grabs his vest from a nearby couch. He throws it on and walks over to a guy standing in the corner. He’s also wearing a Grimms vest. He’s got short brown hair and is wearing non-matching shorts. “You mind grabbing these girls a cab to wherever they want to go?” Vince asks. The guy gives a nod as Vince turns away and leaves the room.

  “I’ll be in the studio area when you’re ready.” He says as he leaves the room.


  Once the rest of the band members leave, and the silence settles in, it’s just Alyssa and Jewel occupying space. They share a glance before Alyssa walks over to join Jewel on the couch. They sit together in silence for a couple moments before Jewel places her hand on Alyssa’s knee. She doesn’t begin talking right away and Alyssa becomes curious, but tries to remain patient. She knows that Jewel is a little strange sometimes.

  Finally, Jewel speaks. “Wolfe didn’t recognize you. That could have gone terribly.” Jewel laughs. “Good thing Ash spoke up, but he knows you’re with me. I talked to him about you a lot, plus he remembered you anyway.”

  “Yeah, ha. I was a little nervous too. We’ve seen some of the stuff they do to people…It’s not pretty.”

  “Hm. Yeah. And about that, it’s going to be difficult dealing with the Grimm side of things. If you want Vince back, that is. Remember what we talked about it in that diner before the concert? How there’s more to these band members than just music? We can’t take the musician without taking the gang member too, and that means accepting whatever they do. You’ll have to know about this part of Vincent’s life. You won’t be able to shut it out, and I mean – it isn’t as bad as you think, it’s just…” Jewel pauses a moment as she thinks about it, “Well, there are so many nights that I worry about Ash.”

  Jewel takes her hand off of Alyssa’s knee and rubs her face, leaving one hand over her mouth before looking away. “There are nights where he doesn’t come home… It’ll be just like tonight – where everyone goes out to take care of business. Those are the worst nights. I never know what has happened to him… Something could happen to him tonight. I won’t know if he’s-” Jewel’s voice begins to shake and she takes a deep breath in.

  “Hey, hey. It’s okay.” Alyssa reassures Jewel as she hugs her. “Not having your man with you at night can be pretty difficult. Especially if you don’t know where he is, or if he’s okay. But Ash seems to be able to handle himself, heck he’s like the second top dog, the rest of the guys have mad respect for him. They probably protect him, you know?”

  Jewel doesn’t respond right away, and tears start to flow down her cheek. She pauses for a moment, allowing time to pull herself together and takes a deep breath in. “I’m so glad you’re here… I really have missed you Alyssa.” She says as she tries to choke back more tears. She tries to gain her composure completely, “It wasn’t the same without you.”

  “I know. I know. It’s okay.” Alyssa hesitates, “Girl, you know I’m always here for you. We’ve been good friends for a while. We’ve always got each other’s backs. No matter what.”

  Jewel sighs before continuing. “Yeah… You’re right…” She takes another deep breath in, “And Ash does tell me everything. So I end up knowing what’s going on afterwards, but I can’t help but worry while he is away. I don’t know what’s going to happen to him. That’s one of the worst feelings… I just hate not knowing. It’s almost as bad as knowing something bad has happened and being unable to help.” Jewel shakes her head and lets out another sigh. “I mean… it’ll be the hardest part of dealing with a relationship with one of these guys… So if you get with Vincent… it’s something you’ll have to be willing to deal with.”

  “Well, what do they do then? I mean, if it’s that worrisome?”

  “The guys have been into some pretty deep stuff.” Jewel pauses a moment to get up and get herself some water from the fridge across the room. It’s there for the band members but she doesn’t care. She grabs one and opens it. She doesn’t drink it right away, but instead takes a moment to calm down and then sips on it before coming to sit back down with Alyssa. “The guys started out with gun smuggling… They were on the docks in Los Angeles doing all kinds of stuff.” Jewel pauses a moment, “Gun. Smuggling. Alyssa. That’s some deep crap.”

  “Damn. Seriously?” That can be tough, dangerous and is far more risk than reward it seems… Shit, is Vincent into that?

  Jewel nods her head hesitantly before continuing, “They were shipping guns in all kinds of things, but soon Wolfe rose through the ranks and when he took control of the gang he set out to change their reputation. He figured the gang could use some legitimate work before everyone got thrown in prison or killed. He says dead gang members don’t make good gang members.”

  “So, he started investing in clubs and real estate, it was safer and more secure than the gun business, but just as lucrative as long as he continues to do it correctly. He may not look it, but he’s got a decent business mind up there. And I don’t really know the full extent of it…But I know the band is a part of it, just one of the real businesses that they threw together. Wolfe pulled me aside one day and let me know how I was going to fit into all of this. If I really get married with Ash then I’ll be a part of the inner circle…”

  “I’m not really sure I want to be part of the inner circle, but I have to. Regardless, and the same would go for you… if you and Vince got serious together. I can’t stress enough how you have to be sure you can handle this in your life before you jump right in… I care about you Alyssa.”

  “Wow.” Alyssa replies. I can’t help but to feel like I need to talk to Vincent about this… eventually. I mean… Maybe I’m just being hopeful but I really do want more from Vince than just sex. And that means he is going to have to take the time to talk to me about this. I really need that freaking cupid…” Alyssa scoffs at herself, and motions for Jewel to continue.

  “Well, I know they aren’t fully legit yet. That’s kind of what this meeting was all about… They got guys that they nickname Jack, and they have to go take care of every once in awhile.” Jewel puts up air quotes around ‘take care of’.

  “What are the Jacks? I mean… why do they have to go take care of t
hem? Is it like the guy who was selling cocaine at the one concert?” Alyssa gets up, and walks over to the fridge to grab herself some of the water, her mouth is starting to dry out. I’m probably not hydrated enough after that workout with Vince. She laughs at herself as she pops a bottle of water open and leans on the fridge to listen to Jewel.

  “Well, not exactly. I talked to Ash about it one day after they had a meeting similar to this one. When they were done he told me that these guys are just Grimm members who are still smuggling and selling guns. Since Vince is trying to move away from it when these guys get too carried away they have to be… well, dealt with. I guess. I’ve never really asked for too much of the details, it’s probably best that I don’t know…”

  Alyssa nods as she drinks down more of the water. “So, Jack… like Jack and the Beanstalk, with his magic seeds?” Alyssa continues to nod, “Clever.”

  “Yeah. Everything is like that. You remember the names are all fairy tale related, don’t you? Of course I fell for Prince Charming, right?”

  Alyssa chuckles, “That’s just up your alley, anyway. Hey. Vince seems off lately. He isn’t as energetic. I mean. I know he’s fiery and explosive on the stage, but I dunno. Maybe I just haven’t been around to know.”

  “Nope, you’re right. He has been pretty different since you left. He’s really been extra chill. Maybe even disinterested. For a guy nicknamed the Huntsman, he sure seems to have lost his love of the hunt.”

  “Huntsman… Hm. I forgot that was his nickname… Well, who knows, maybe I can put the fire back into him.” Alyssa comments as she winks at Jewel.

  Maybe Jewel can help me do that. Forget cupid, I’ll make my own. Jewel’s in with the band now, and that means I should be able to see Vincent more… It’ll just take a little bit more time to rope him in. Alyssa smiles at the thought.


  The girls sit in the room for another half an hour, just discussing general things before Jewel brings up that she doesn’t have a place to stay. She asks Alyssa if it is okay to crash at her place.

  “Ash and I are getting our own place soon but I had to give up my apartment, so if I could stay with you, it’d just be tonight. I’d really appreciate it. What do you say, girly?

  Alyssa laughs, “Of course, you can stay with me tonight. I’m happy to have you. It’ll be great to spend some more time with you after you’ve been gone for so long.”

  Jewel laughs before getting up, “You wanna go ahead and go now?”

  “Sure.” Alyssa gets off the fridge and walks into the studio, the man wearing the Grimms vest is still there and he’s talking with one of the studio guys.

  “You girls ready to go somewhere?” he asks.

  “Mhm.” Jewel responds.

  Together they wait around for the guy to call the cab and they tease each other. Once the cab finally gets there Jewel thanks the Grimms guy and he leads her and Alyssa to the cab.

  Man. Jewel is going to have influence with the Grimms soon. That could be me too. We wouldn’t do much, but we’d get respect and information. Alyssa smiles. That could be fun, especially if the gang finishes transitioning to a legit business, then there would be a lot less to worry about.

  In the cab, the girls continue to tease each other. They just do it at a whisper so the cabbie can’t listen to them as they speak. The cab driver is a nice, pretty woman who on occasion interrupts their conversation because she can’t hear them over the low lull of her radio. Jewel and Alyssa only chuckle but they continue to make conversation until they get to Alyssa’s place.

  “Sorry about the mess. I’ve got things hanging around all over the place… I’ve been trying to see what I want to get for the boutique, and sometimes that involves a little homework. I’m always trying out new combinations to see what I can put together in the store. Anyway, if any of the clothing is in the way just hang it up on the rack against the wall beside the T.V. I’ll take care of it later.” Alyssa explains as she unlocks her door and welcomes Jewel into her place.

  “Yeah, I know. I’ve been here before.”

  “Oh yeah, sorry. It’s just been so long since I’ve had guests over.”

  Alyssa’s place is a quaint, little loft. Her living room is decorated with light pastels, and the kitchen has a darker, more modern tone. The dining room mingles the two with a mixture of dark and light colors. Alyssa closes the door behind them and drops her stuff down beside the door with a relieved sigh.

  “Goodness. It’s been such a long day. I’m so glad to be home.”

  “Agreed. I’ve been travelling most of it, and I’ve got not ‘home’ yet.”

  Alyssa walks back through to the kitchen and pulls a couple beers from the fridge. “I got beer!” She says as she taps the glass together before putting together a plate of cheese and crackers for them to snack on.

  As Alyssa walks back, Jewel has already made herself comfortable on the couch and Alyssa sets the plate down on the light gray coffee table. Immediately, Jewel reaches forward to get some. Alyssa puts the beers down and grabs for the remote to turn on a television show. It’ll be good background noise if nothing else, she thinks as she makes sure to turn it to a channel that won’t have something she’ll be disappointed in missing.

  “Thanks, Alyssa.”

  “Yeah, no problem. There are more beers in the fridge when you finish that one.”

  “Haha, alright. But I don’t want to drink all of yours.”

  “I’ll be okay. You know,” Alyssa begins, “Vincent and I have already had sex again. When you left he came straight to me and that’s how we ended up in that room.”

  “Guess you’re lucky everyone was on the other side of the studio. I know how loud you two are together.” Jewel chuckles as she says the last part.

  “Can’t help it. I don’t have to fake anything with him.”

  “Well, that’s good. It’s the same for Ash. Something about those energetic musicians, huh?”

  “I guess so.” Alyssa says as she pops the top on her beer and takes a swig.

  “I know a bit about Vincent if you’re interested.” Jewel offers as she shoves another snack into her mouth.

  Alyssa grabs a couple of crackers and puts a couple slices of salami between them before adding two layers of cut cheese. She eats it before enquiring about what Jewel knows. “So, what do you know? Don’t just mention it and not say anything!”

  Jewel laughs, “Okay, okay. Don’t bite my head off. Well, I know that he definitely has a thing for you. Like I said earlier, he hasn’t been the same since we went on tour. He wasn’t the same as when he was around you. So, there’s that. But, as far as I know, he hasn’t ever really had a serious girlfriend – so, if you’re thinking about filling that gap, he may be a bit of a newbie.” Jewel pauses so she can drink down some more of her beer.

  Well, I can deal with a newbie. I mean, he’d have a lot to learn, but it can’t be that hard. He must know what to do. Whatever, it doesn’t matter. Go on girl! Alyssa thinks to herself as she puts another cracker sandwich together.

  “So, his life has been preee-tty wild. He started off in a foster care, and I guess to make up for it, he joined some pretty tough gangs. He’s known the gang life all of his life and you know at one point he was even in a rival gang of the Grimms. But your guy has a bit of a heart, or a brain. When the Grimms started moving towards a less criminal lifestyle, he quit to join them.” Jewel pauses to slowly and dramatically put more food in her mouth.

  “Come on! What are you doing?” Alyssa says as she pushes Jewel towards the arm of the couch. Jewel tries to laugh with food in her mouth and then has to put a one moment finger gesture up so that she can finish chewing and talk again.

  “I was being suspenseful and dramatic. You want to know more about this guy and I’ve got all the information. If I pause and eat instead of talking it builds suspense.”

  Alyssa burst into laughter, “No, no it really doesn’t. You pretty much just ended your explanation and then acted like
a dufus.”

  “What if I said I knew why he wanted to join a non-criminal gang? Hmm?”

  “Well, then you might have my attention back.”

  “Good.” Jewel replies as she picks up more food.

  “No!” Alyssa says as she tries to snatch the food away.

  Jewel manages to shove it in her mouth, and gives a muffled, “haha” as she chews. So Alyssa grabs Jewel’s beer and finishes off the rest of it, and then finishes the rest of her own so Jewel can’t take it.

  Jewel glares at her but finishes eating, then her mouth is so dry that she realizes it’s difficult to talk and she has to get up to get another beer Ha. In your face. Your plan backfired, Alyssa thinks to herself confidently.

  “Okay. Okay. I’ll continue.”

  “You’d better.”

  Jewel hesitates just to build her suspense again, but then she speaks teasingly, “Your precious Vince wanted to live a normal life. Well, he wanted a chance at a normal life,” Jewel laughs a little bit, “Well, as normal of a life as a rockstar can get.” She says. It’s obvious she’s thinking about how Ash’s life has affected her own normal life. Jewel sits back down next to Alyssa and puts Alyssa’s beer in front of her as she starts sipping on her own.

  Alyssa just nods, thinking about it in her head. A normal life typically involves having someone that you can love, maybe even raise a family with. The thought helps spread a smile across her face and Jewel instantly starts asking about it. Soon Jewel is pushing her the same way that she once pushed Jewel.

  “Sooo. What caused that smile? Hmm?” Jewel asks. “You can’t just smile and not tell me.” Jewel says imitating Alyssa.

  “Haha. Just the thought of Vince wanting a normal life, duh. I thought it was cute, that’s all. You know, not something you expect out of a guy like him.”

  Jewel glares at Alyssa for a moment, who puts on an innocent look. It takes a moment but Jewel accepts her answer and takes a swig of her own beer. Alyssa grabs hers from beside the couch, open it and takes a sip. As she’s drinking her beer, she glances at the television and there is a scene of a monkey in a superhero costume sipping on apple juice, he throws it in someone’s face and starts to run out of the room. Jewel and Alyssa look at each other with a confused expression. Alyssa laughs and grabs the remote to change the channel.


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