The Perfect Clone

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The Perfect Clone Page 10

by M. L. Stephens

  Coming to a solid door, he paused. Taking another deep breath, Igor pushed forward. There it was—his laboratory—the place where dreams would be created. In his mind, the heavens opened up and cast its light upon him as an angelic choir sang in joy. Not that he was a believer, but—shit. This was incredible. Frozen in place, he slowly cast a glance around the room. He’d hit the freaking lottery. Feeling suddenly overwhelmed, he backed out of the room. As the door shut, Igor turned to the person behind him. He couldn’t recall her name at the moment. “I think I need some water.”

  Being the prepared person she was, Cara produced bottled water. “I thought you might.” Cara always got a kick out of this part, it happened every time, regardless of the type of work space she took the new recruits to tour. The details put into each space, was designed to appeal to the individual jobs and always brought the recruits to a new realization; that’s how she could tell if they really loved what they did.

  Twisting the lid on the bottle, he noticed the clammy sheen on his hands and was thankful that it wasn’t obvious to his guide. Taking a small sip, Dr. Hamstein allowed the water to slide down his throat, coating the dryness inside. Once he felt the wetness ease his throat, he gulped the remaining water down. Cara reached out to retrieve the empty bottle and kindly handed him another which he accepted.

  “It’s a lot to take in, but you’ll get used to it.” Cara cleared her own throat and smiled. The higher their social ranking in the general population, the harder their egos fell inside the community. He’d just reached the point that she liked to call—ego transition; when it became obvious that they weren’t as big and wonderful as they’d thought they were. There was someone else much bigger.

  “If you wouldn’t mind taking a seat in your office, I need to retrieve a message from my phone.” Cara followed the shell shocked doctor back down the hall and watched as he fell into the plush leather chair behind his desk. The water bottle she’d given him was sat mindlessly down in front of him. She found this method of psychology to work best when she reached this part of the tour. If you made an excuse to leave, they had the time to collect their thoughts in private, without feeling embarrassed.

  “If you’ll excuse me, this shouldn’t take long.” Quietly pulling the door closed, Cara walked back to the waiting room. She used the time to check in upstairs. After attending to the few minor issues at hand, she hit the end button.

  Reminding herself of the ward she’d left behind, Cara made the way back to Dr. Hamstein’s office, and lightly rapped on the door.

  Clearing his throat, he responded. “Come in.”

  Good she thought. His voice seemed much clearer than when she’d left him. She never really knew how much time was needed because each recruit recovered at different speeds. “I’d like to apologize for the delay, but if you’re ready we can continue.”

  Igor straightened his back and shoulders as he stood. “That’d be nice.”

  Leading him back in the direction of the receptionist area, Cara held open the door as he followed her inside. Wanting to bring him back down to Earth before finishing the tour and leaving him alone, she said, “You’ll obviously want to look over this area so that you can formulate your expectations for your staff member. It’s pretty standard when it comes to the supplies and equipment, but if anything needs changed before you select from the available candidates, let us know. You’ll only have a small amount of time before the actual hands on work begins. As I’m sure you’ve noticed we have a tendency to move at a rapid pace around here.”

  An appreciative smile crossed his lips. “Yes, I have noticed.”

  “Good. Follow me. I have two more areas to show you.” In her matter of fact way, the guard opened the door and led him out.

  Going back down the hall, she took the turn that led them away from the lab. Another solid door stood to his right. Cara barely paused in her gait as she hit the door with her knuckles. “This is the break room. It has the typical stuff: microwave, refrigerator, table, coffee pot, sink, and all the essentials we find necessary to keep us maintained throughout the work day. You will have to provide your own meals though.” Finding amusement in her last statement, Cara chuckled.

  Igor couldn’t help but smile at her off handed humor. So his tour guide did have a soul. Imagine that, he never would have guessed.

  Approaching another steel door, Cara paused momentarily as it unlocked. She kept expecting him to ask about the iris scan needed to get into the different sectors, but apparently his mind was busy processing other things. There wasn’t any need to divulge the facts if they weren’t asked.

  As head of security, she had Echo clearance, which meant that she had complete access to any room that locked, with the exception of Mr. Avery’s office and his personal quarters. There obviously wasn’t a need for that. Mr. Avery could certainly handle himself in any given situation. She had designed it so that the only way to enter Mr. Avery’s quarters, were with the combination of both his iris scan and his thumb print.

  If an unfortunate situation presented itself elsewhere in the facility, there’s no damned way she’d allow herself, or the other officers to be locked out. It was imperative that her team have full access to all areas in order to contain any problems that might arise within those rooms—another thing she and the boss agreed on.

  Entering directly into a surgical scrubbing area, Cara allowed the doctor time to look around. Locating the surgical supply closet, he again reminded himself to inventory everything. Although he was sure he’d find it to be in order and then some.

  The doctor found a surgical cap and put it on. He then walked over to the scrubbing sinks and turned the handle, and stared as the stream of water rushed out of the faucet. Pressing the soap dispenser he filled his hands and washed.

  Cara watched as Dr. Hamstein picked up the scrubbing tool and went through all the motions she imagined were related to the term ‘scrubbing up’. She found his actions a bit odd, but it was not for her to judge. She did note the time on her cell phone so that she could advise Mr. Avery to review the security tape and arrive at his own judgment. There wasn’t room for illogical mistakes or mental breakdowns.

  If the pressure was too much for the man, so be it. She’d do her job. It wasn’t every day that a person, in her line of work could find such a decent employer. Working for Mr. Avery had been extremely rewarding.

  Igor immersed his hands under the running water. He felt Cara’s eyes boring into his back but could care less. He found immense pleasure in scrubbing his hands before entering into any exam room or surgical room. During the process he would visualize that he could rid himself of every unclean thought, every wrong he’d ever done, and every pain he’d ever caused. He owed it to each patient to enter surgery with pureness of heart and a clean start to their new lives as parents. He could not, would not, allow his wrongs to soil their futures. Even though he’d walked away from his past, he saw no reason for the ritual to stop. It was his ritual.

  Using his elbow to push the faucet into the off position, he reached for the paper towel dispenser and dried away any remaining impurities. Now he was ready to inspect the operating room.

  As he pushed the door inward with his backside, he regained his sturdiness. This was his domain.

  Looking directly at the woman in front of him and with a firm voice, Igor made his first request since arriving, “Please remain here while I look around. Feel free to watch through the windows.”

  Turning to face the room, the doctor allowed the door to swing shut. Out of habit, he held his forearms in an upright position as he methodically moved around the room. Noticing what he was doing with his arms, he lowered them and clamped his hands together behind his back. Even his body appeared ready to get back into the action. Not taking a lot of time to look things over, he walked back out. This was another area he’d prefer to look at without an audience.

  “That was painless.” Cara intended the pun and Igor smiled. “Is everything to your liking?”

  It went beyond like. Dr. Hamstein was in love with his new clinic. “Very much so, thank you.”

  Glancing up at the clock above the sink basin, Cara guided them back to the small waiting room. “The tour of your area is complete. If you jotted down any notes, I’ll need those so that I can put in the requisitions.” Cara paused, giving the man time to reply.

  “My initial review has found everything to be more than adequate.” That was an understatement to say the least.

  She’d never had anyone give her requests. Mr. Avery and his staff were too thorough.

  Giving a short bob of her head, Cara continued, “Mr. Avery will be pleased to hear the news; however, if you discover anything that might have been overlooked, please feel free to contact Mr. Kincade. He will be more than willing to find a resolution.”

  “You’ll find all the necessary paperwork from our selected staff applicants, along with the medical charts on incoming clients, located in the right hand drawer of your desk.”

  “Please understand that under such circumstances, you will be limited to one employee who will be a registered nurse. She will pull double duty as both your nurse and your receptionist. If the situation becomes strenuous on the two of you, I’m sure something can be worked out. I’m sure you understand; the more people that have Delta clearance, the greater the risk of security breaches.”

  “There are several janitors on staff that will see to your cleaning needs, but you will need to schedule their services, as they are kept rather busy. If I’m going too fast—feel free to stop me.”

  Eager to explore alone, Igor shook his head no.

  “Good. You currently have three clients. As I said before, their medical charts are located in your office, I’d advise you to carefully review them. The rest of the evening is yours to do with as you wish.”

  “Mr. Kincade has requested to meet with you, in your office, tomorrow morning at eight o’clock sharp. Do not be late. He and Mr. Avery both agree that you could use the time between now and then to become better acquainted with your work area. It should also give you ample time to review the qualified staff applications. Mr. Kincade will fill you in on any additional details about those three, as well as answer any questions that might arise on that front during your meeting.”

  “One final thing, I’m sure you noticed the contact list next to your office phone. For matters of security, either Luke or I will be your first choice. If you get hungry before you decide to leave today, we’ve taken the initial liberty of stocking snacks in the break room.”

  Taking a second to make sure she hadn’t missed anything, she bobbed her head again. “Good luck Dr. Hamstein, and welcome to our community.”

  “That’s the second time in two days someone has said that very same thing.” Igor’s attempt at dry humor didn’t get past Cara, causing a smile to appear on her otherwise serious face.

  Pivoting around to exit through the glass door, she replied over her shoulder, “I’m willing to bet you’ll hear it a lot more until you graduate from recruit to permanent. Good day, Dr. Hamstein.”

  Chapter 13

  By the time they’d reached the bedroom, Richard had talked himself out of doing what he desperately wanted to.

  It wasn’t fair for him to take advantage of Laura’s vulnerability.

  He’d wanted this for too long to risk messing things up now. He wanted it to be right for the both of them. If he took advantage of her, he’d never forgive himself. Not only that, he’d never be certain that she felt the same.

  Hell, she’d just suffered the loss of her father, and revealed secrets that she’d kept hidden from her closest friend. Shit—he’d just fired her even—and this was all he could think about, making love to her?

  Deciding that she deserved better treatment, Richard laid Laura gently on the bed. Straightening up, he looked down at her swollen mouth and inwardly cussed himself for being so careless.

  With unspent passion in his voice and the taste of their kiss still on his lips, he fought the age old battle; the battle that men had fought for thousands of years, the battle against which brain should be in charge. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  Her voice dripped thick with honey as she responded, “Oh yes, you should have.”

  Laura positioned herself so that she was standing on her knees at the edge of the bed. Lifting her arms she wrapped them around his neck, determined not to let him leave. She’d fantasized about this moment for as long as she could remember.

  Stretching her face upward, she ran the tip of her tongue delicately up the side of his neck until reaching his ear.

  The low groan that rippled out of his chest, slowly vibrated down her body, landing in that delicate spot between her thighs. Pulling back, their gazes locked as she lifted her shirt and carelessly tossed it to the floor. The sight of her white breasts pressing against the pink lace bra was enough to convince him which brain had the right of way.

  Damn. She was stunning!

  Ripping the shirt from his own body and chucking it aside he lowered his mouth to hers. The slow discovery of their kiss quickly turned into heated passion. Richard’s strong fingers locked in the waves of her long hair.

  The feel of her small hands against his bare chest sent electricity coursing through his heated veins.

  Richard slowly moved his mouth down her neck, sucking at her skin as he worked his way down to her collarbone.

  When he reached her bra straps, he used his teeth to slide them over her shoulders while he unlatched the hooks at the back. The sight of her perfectly proportioned breasts caused another low growl to emanate from his throat. He took one of the luscious mounds into his mouth.

  Richard kicked off his shoes while Laura’s fingers made fast work of his pants button. Stepping back, he allowed them to fall from his hip. Laura watched with wide eyed fascination as the evidence of his desire for her was fully revealed.

  Wrapping an arm around her slim waist, Richard pulled her tight against his body, causing her eyes to shift their focus back to his. Searching the mirrored depths of each other’s souls, they discovered a raw hunger neither of them had ever experienced until now.

  Dizzy desire flowed through her body as he smothered her mouth with another powerful kiss. The possessive way his mouth claimed hers, left her hungry for more. Never had a man taken full control of her senses like this. Breaking the kiss, Richard hoisted her off her knees and onto her back.

  Years of imagining were nothing compared to the reality.

  “I want you Richard.”

  “How much of me Laura, how much do you want?”

  “I want all of you.”

  Positioning himself to the side, he buried his head in the curve of her neck. A low moan escaped into her ear as he tugged at her lobe. “Be sure Laura. Once you say yes to me, there’s no turning back.”

  “Then I say yes,” she whispered.

  Mounting himself above the sensuous woman, Richard drove himself deep inside. Their bodies fused together, becoming one as they moved in rhythm to a universal song.

  He took her to the heights of ecstasy, enjoying the way his name sounded on her lips. Richard had one last thought before allowing himself to join her in climax: there would never be more exquisite beauty or sound in the entire world, than that of this amazing woman lying beneath him, experiencing an orgasm while crying out his name.

  Collapsing next to her with the sheen of sweat covering his skin, Richard pulled Laura into his arms.

  After their hearts slowed and their breathing returned to normal, he asked, “How do you feel?” Richard worried that she’d make excuses for what had happened between them. He wasn’t about to let her go now. She was his.

  Giggling like a school girl, she answered honestly, “Like I’ve been a virgin my entire life up until now.”

  Masculine laughter filled the room. “Funny, I feel the same way.”

  Lifting up on one elbow, Laura nibbled at his neck. “Well in that case, I say we’d better get
busy if we want to keep up with the Joneses.”

  “Screw the Joneses,” Richard teased. “They’ll want to keep up with us.” Laura couldn’t agree more as Richard lowered his mouth to hers.


  Taking a seat in another clinical waiting room, Sarah thought about the night she’d just had.

  She had paced back and forth in her hotel room like a caged animal trying to determine its next move. The unknown details of Phase 2 had played havoc on the nerves. How could she prepare for something if she didn’t know what to prepare for?

  She plopped down on the bed at the exact time room service announced its arrival. Bouncing back up, Sarah opened the door, allowing the young man to place a tray on the table. The small break in time proved to be the catalyst needed to pull her from the apprehensive state she’d allowed herself to be in. Enough was enough. No need to drive herself crazy with worry.

  She wondered what her brother would have done. Josh would have teased her for being so nervous. She could imagine what he’d say, “Just be you. Be true and everything else will work out.”

  “You’re right, Josh. It’s just that I really want this.” They’d never select her if they knew she talked to her dead brother. There weren’t any ocular images of him in the room and she’d never experienced any, just his voice in her head. Still, they’d never accept a lady who conversed with the deceased.

  “Consider Phase 2 a stepping stone rather than an interview. It’s a natural progression to the next phase. We all have a purpose Sarah. You’ve chosen to make this one yours.”

  He was right, as usual. Josh’s words had given her the strength she needed. Sarah had an edge up on the competition—she had Josh.


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