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Control Page 18

by James D. Horton

  We land on the fire escape with a thud, flames dancing up the wall behind me. I step forward to leap off the side to the street when a screech echoes over the sounds of the roaring flames. Suddenly the street is coming towards us fast, I scramble as I realize that the entire fire escape is falling from the building. I have one chance only so I take it, leaping from the semi-firm surface that is sliding out from under my feet. I gain air but I’m angled towards the street, Lily and I hit with a hard thud and I try to roll with it taking the brunt as I embrace her and try to protect her. I keep rolling after we hit trying to make sure we are clear of any falling debris but as I do so she breaks free getting to her feet before I can.

  “We have to keep trying!” she screams.

  I leap to my feet staring at her. She’s insane, there is no other explanation.

  “We can’t,” I growl.

  Luna approaches with her hands out towards Lily and I see what to do. I walk over to Lily and embrace her, wrapping my arms around her and pressing her face into my duster to hide her eyes from the fire and destruction. She stiffens in my arms ready to fight but then she relaxes and I feel her body wracked by sobs. Luna nods sympathetically putting a hand on my back as I try to comfort Lily.

  *** Lily ***

  I give in at last, I can’t go back in, I can’t save them. Giving in is giving up hope but what choice is there? No one stood up for these people before and in each of them I see myself, lost and without hope with no one to protect them, no one to care if they lived or died, they are nothing but meat for the grinder that this City has become under the rule of monsters. I want to make a difference but we have saved only a handful. Hundreds are still trapped, Genosoa has won. I let the grief overwhelm me; there is nothing else I can do with it. My stomach knots, my chest hurts and I let the tears flow as Wolf holds me against his chest. I don’t care that Luna is there, I just let it all wash away as I give up hope.

  Then I hear a sound which plays at my memory. I can’t place it, it is coming from above like a huge whumping sound. It gets louder and louder as I look up and stare in awe. Pure relief floods me as I watch; our effort has not been in vain!

  Several helicopters come to hover over the building with what appears to be massive buckets underneath them and then as one the bottoms of the buckets open and water pours out, hundreds of thousands of gallons of cooling, saving water. The fire hisses and sputters as the helicopters move off and another wave takes their place repeating the same event. I see the fire retreating and I hear in the distance the sound of approaching sirens at last. Finally, the humans have reacted and help has arrived. I smile knowing that somehow we have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.



  THE WATER IS FALLING DOWN LIKE the tears of angels bringing blessings and the sirens are closing in. I look down at the few we have managed to save ourselves, I can feel the life in them still and I know they will survive. The work we did was not pointless; the floor we emptied was engulfed before the helicopters arrived. These few would be dead if not for us.

  Looking up at the sky I have to wonder, who and why? This is not a city resource; they have U.S. Forest Service markings on them, that’s at a Federal level which brings its own implications but for now with the sirens closing in on us I look to Wolf and Luna.

  “We should move,” I suggest.

  They agree and the three of us blur through a couple of city streets before taking to the rooftops again. It seems only a blink before we are walking through the gate to Athene’s house. As we walk I reach out with my new control of my ability, the City is alive and I feel it as if it is all a part of my awareness, just something I know is there, like my own heart beat when I was alive, not a thing you pay attention to but you are always aware of it being there, and you certainly notice when it’s gone. I walk a step behind Luna and Wolf, looking at them I can see there is too much history there for me to begin to comprehend and I know my relationship is not going to be what I want. That’s okay though I have something new to do now. With awareness of all these people has come a closeness, they feel like part of me and I can’t help but love them and I know they need me. This is a spiritual level of fulfillment, I have a purpose now and more than anything I feel at peace with myself for the first time in my life. I feel okay to be me and things are going to change.

  Once we are all inside I take a spot where I can face both Luna and Wolf. Athene is off somewhere and I want to take this time to lay some things out in the open. I can’t have secrets here, these two are the foundation for my new life and they are my family. Looking at them warmth spreads through me, Wolf studiously doesn’t look at Luna but she seems relaxed and then it occurs to me to ask.

  “What did you both see?”

  Luna’s face darkens and I see the pain there. Wolf leans back on the couch, props his feet up on the coffee table and pulls his hat down over his eyes. “Wasn’t real,” he mutters from beneath the brim.

  I arch an eyebrow at him then turn to Luna not really expecting him to talk about it but I had hoped she might. Luna shakes her head sadly, her eyes on Wolf.

  “It was very personal,” she whispers.

  “Okay,” I try to figure out how to bridge to the conversation I think needs to happen now. I don’t see how to get there; it’s just not an easy thing to toss out casually. I look at Wolf, laid back, feet propped up and decide to take his approach, grab the bull by the horns so to speak.

  “Look, I don’t think it’s a secret that I have . . . feelings for Wolf.”

  Luna’s eyes widen, her head snaps towards to me and I feel a moment of fear. I don’t want a confrontation with her or for her to be upset at me but she has to know. A smile spreads across her face. Oh great, she’s going to give me a pity party, or tell me how cute that is.

  “The more I get to know you Lily,” Luna starts and I brace myself for the next words. “The more I am proud to call you Sister.”

  Now it’s my turn to feel a spin around. I shake my head confused and in my confusion I say the most logical thing I can think of. “Huh?” Brilliant, excellent conversation skills displayed, check.

  Luna starts to laugh and Wolf for his part just grunts from under his hat. Thanks Wolf, I need your support and I get a grunt. Man is only good for a fight, anything else you can write him off.

  “Our lives can be very complicated,” Luna explains and as she speaks she reaches across the table taking both of my hands in hers. “You face it head on and with honesty. I admire that about you, it is a rare trait in this world.” She looks over at Wolf who grunts again, obviously paying more attention than he is trying to let on.

  “Okay, but I’m telling you that I had a thing for your man, we had a,” I pause trying to find words. “Well a fling I guess.” Lame, so lame. I am really bad at being the other woman.

  “Among my sisters, we often shared a man,” Luna is still smiling.

  “Wha . . uhm but . . .” I stutter out random syllables, my mind is spinning around the words she says but they are refusing to add up to something that makes sense.

  “Lily, do you know who I was? Where I was raised and where I ruled?”

  I frown. “Well I’ve heard, but I mean, really? That was like, I don’t know thousands of years ago or something.” History is not my strong suit and I never actually finished school anyway if they did cover this information, Vampires of the World 101 or something maybe.

  Luna nods and smiles. “I was a Queen of the Amazons. We didn’t let men live in our society, we retreated from their world to make a life where women would be equals and treated as such. When we did bring a man among us it was mostly for breeding and we would often share that man with one another.”

  She pats my hand as I stare at her unblinking, trying to wrap my mind around everything she has said.

  “So you don’t hate me?”

  “No Lily, I don’t. Wolf and I have a very complicated relationship, I begrudge him no taking of pleasure and you are my
Sister, created by Athene, our Progenitor, so you are Sister by blood as well as by word. This, if you would accept such, is a sacred bond the likes of which this world has been sorely missing. Accept it and I would begrudge you nothing.”

  “I don’t know,” Luna looks hurt at my words before I can finish them, the smile starts to fade from her face. “What to say.” I finish my thought but it is not what she wanted to hear. “I would be honored to learn more from you, to be your Sister in truth as well as in blood.”

  Her smile lights the room.

  The conversation turns to other issues. “Do either of you know how those helicopters came to be there? The City doesn’t have resources like that,” I say.

  Luna looks to Wolf who remains silent under his hat, then shakes her head. “I do not know how such would come to pass, it seems most unusual.”

  “Look I’m going to need both of you, things have to be different now. The City can’t go on the path it’s been on, we have to make it change and I mean to do it. Tonight has changed me, I can feel the City, every member of it; they are hurting and lost. They need someone to help them. This is about protecting our own. Can I count on you both?”

  Luna’s eyes cast down just for an instant creating a sinking feeling in my guts. Wolf grunts which I take as a yes.

  “I cannot stay,’ Luna replies.

  “Why not? I need you.” One glance at Wolf and I know it has everything to do with him. She may not care if I slept with him but the complications in their relationship weigh heavy on her heart still. I frown, wondering how I can fix this but I come up blank.

  “I understand,” I acknowledge her without waiting for a reply. I don’t really understand but she isn’t going to talk to me about it in front of Wolf.

  “I will come at your call,” she asserts. “We are Sisters, you will not stand alone in your times of need.”

  She shifts her position, placing her right hand straight out in front of me. I look at it somewhat confused but recognizing that some kind of ceremony is involved here whether I’m familiar with it or not. I stick my own hand out in a mimicking position. She grasps my wrist firmly, so I do the same to hers, and then she shakes firmly. “It is bound.”

  “Sisters,” I say in response drawing the word out and savoring it. Somewhere I know Will is smiling down on me, granting me his blessing to have a new family.


  Miranda / Katherine / Lily

  *** Miranda ****

  “DID THAT FAVOR YOU PULLED IN DO THE TRICK NATE?” I ask him. He sits at his writing desk, the laptop computer he hides most of the time open in front of him. He may hate technology but he is really good with it.

  “Hmm? Oh, yes dear, they came through nicely. Katherine had the locals all blocked out and tied up but I was able to get the US Forest Service to lend a hand.”

  I smile at him, my dear man. “Well, you’re brilliant,” I tell him.

  He shuffles in his chair, I know how much it warms him when I acknowledge his abilities, he never tires of it nor do I. My heart swells as I watch him work, digging through the Internet and finding secrets. He tells me that in this day and age, no one goes unnoticed and no one has a secret that isn’t available if you know where to look. The files he has on people all around the world are impressive.

  “Only because you are the light in my world,” he responds.

  I feel the love in his words as I settle back into my chair, taking up my tea and my e-reader, settling in to read a book I pull my feet up in the chair with me, then lose myself in the story.

  *** Katherine ***

  “You failed.” Genosoa murmurs.

  His quiet is worse than any other man I know yelling. He speaks in dead tones with no emotion, just statements of fact.

  “I failed? My influence and pull is in the City, I had nothing to do with Smokey the Bear flying a damn helicopter into the middle of your plans.” I watch him, trying to judge his reaction to my words, to find some break in that unreadable mask. While I maintain an air of confidence, something I’ve long practiced, I know that if he figures out I leaked his plan to Lynx and crew that I’ll wish I would hurry up and die. He continues to stare.

  “Well enough,” he responds. “I won’t forget you have unexpected limitations.”

  “I did not oversell any bill of goods,” I retort. “You asked me to keep the fire department away, I did that perfectly well.”

  “They were there.”

  “Only after there were helicopters raining on your parade, literally.”

  “Fine.” He motions a hand his attention going to a stack of papers on his desk letting me know I’ve been dismissed. I turn my back as I leave, a bold move if subtle, but I’m sure it won’t be missed by him. Let him make of it what he will.

  *** Lily ***

  The three of us talk until the early morning hours. Well Luna and I talk, Wolf occasionally grunts. I don’t know that anything is actually resolved or decided, but we all start to know each other in a different way than we had before.

  When we retire for the night as I walk down the hallway towards my room I hear Athene talking. I thought she was out of the house so I head towards her voice to tell her goodnight. Her door is open but hearing her I stop just outside it, not announcing my presence.

  “Ah yes,” Athene says. “It is all coming together, just as I saw it. Hmm?”

  I move carefully to see who she is talking to, not wanting to disturb her and her guest. Athene stands before a massive, empty bird cage. She is motioning in through the open door holding out her hand as if she is presenting something to the nothingness that I see. It looks like she is feeding something but I don’t see a thing.

  “Lynx is coming into her power now and she is the catalyst as I foresaw. The change will start now.” Athene chuckles softly. “Oh yes, it won’t be easy, there is never a guarantee of success but what reward is without risk?”

  Do I go in or do I let it go? I consider it a moment then decide to go to bed. Athene is Athene.

  I sleep the day away and as night rises I am up and dressed, though I discard my street rat wardrobe and go for Athene’s choice of clothes. I prepare myself before heading to the radio station, I haven’t been to work in a while so I’m not really sure I even have a job anymore but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.

  I call a taxi and take it to the KMC Radio Station. I need to appear more normal than either using Athene’s driver or appearing out of nowhere would be. Once there I step out of the car into the empty parking lot and it seems a moment’s reflection is required. I stand on the spot where a gang tried to rape me. Wolf rescued me that night which is what started me on the path that led me here. I look up at the sky, the stars are shining brightly above and the moon waxes towards full. I am not the person I was then, I’m stronger, but more than that I know who I am and what I have to do. I walk in the door hearing it squeak shut behind me and walk down the sticky carpet, noting the peeling paint on the walls. I embrace it, this place may be run down but here is where I started. I look into the sound booth at Ricky and the look of shock and slight fear on his face gives me a moment’s amusement. The last time I walked out Ricky and I had a confrontation, I guess I was having a bad day. It ended with him on the ground after I kicked him in the balls and yelled at him.

  “Hey Ricky.”

  “Hey Lily,” he says and there is only the slightest hitch in his voice.

  I smile at him, which he returns tentatively. “Okay if I go on the air tonight?”

  His head bobs up and down immediately. “Of course, I been just playing reruns, covering for you. I, uh, well I wasn’t sure if you were coming back but I wanted to, well, you know . . .”

  “Hey thanks Ricky!” I put on cheerfulness for him and I see him relax. Ricky is a piece of shit of humanity but he is nothing compared to what I’ve seen and what I’ve dealt with. At the end of the day he is just a fat, lost man trying to get what he can out of the world and survive. He’s really just p
rey in a city full of predators. Tonight I start to change that situation.

  I sit down at the switchboard; pull the microphone over and down towards me and adjust my seat up. I look the equipment over as I slide on the well-worn headphones, then I lean into the microphone and give Ricky a thumbs up showing I’m ready. The on-air light goes on, here we go.

  “Welcome to Overnight with Lily,” I say into the microphone.

  “If you’re out there, if you’re alone, if you’re lost, I’m here for you. This is my City, this is our home. If you need help, call me. You don’t have to be alone anymore, there is someone here who cares.”

  Ricky’s eyes go wide on the other side of the glass separating him and the soundboard from the broadcasting room. I smile at him reassuringly. The gauntlet is thrown.


  Thank you for reading!

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed Control (Predator & Prey, #3). If there is any feedback you want to give, good or bad please send it to [email protected]. I am happy to hear from you always! You can also visit me on the web at

  Finally, I’d like to ask you a favor. If you’re so inclined, I’d love a review of Control (Predator & Prey, #3). Even if you didn’t like it, I’d love to hear your thoughts and why so I can improve the future stories to come!

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