Marsala and Magnolias

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Marsala and Magnolias Page 9

by SJ McCoy

  Chapter Nine

  Antonio opened his eyes and smiled. Early morning sun was streaming in through the windows—a reminder that he’d brought Mary Ellen up here to his bed before it was dark, and they hadn’t left it since. Dinner still sat in pans on the stove. He’d gone down about eleven o’clock to fetch wine and cheese and crackers. They'd eaten them in bed, talking and laughing and spilling crumbs and making love again. He prided himself on his performance in bed and on his ability to make sure a woman enjoyed it. It was different with Mary Ellen. It wasn’t about performance, it was about sharing. It was about taking her because he had to because something about her made him need to touch her, to taste her, to be inside her.

  She stirred beside him and smiled in her sleep. Her long blonde hair fanned out on the pillow around her head. He couldn’t help it; he dropped a kiss on her forehead, making her open her eyes and smile, then she closed them again and drifted back off. He couldn’t blame her. It was still early, and they’d worn each other out last night. He wasn’t as young as he used to be, twice in a night was his max these days—until her. He snuggled in beside her, wrapping his arm around her waist and wondering if he might be able to get back to sleep for a while.

  He couldn’t, and a few minutes later she opened her eyes. “I think you wore me out.”

  He chuckled. “I think you wore me out.”

  “You were the one who kept proving to me how good we are together.”

  “Only because you kept goading me into it by saying you doubted.”

  She smiled. “Oh, yeah, I did, didn’t I? Just for the record … there’s no doubt at all. We’re amazing together.”

  His chest buzzed with happiness hearing her say that. “We are, but I still think we can improve.” Her eyes widened, but he shook his head. “All I’m saying is that if we practice hard and often if we’re dedicated to it, we can get even better.”

  She chuckled. “Ah, okay. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to need a shower, some clean clothes, and some food before I sign up for any more practice.”

  “Yeah. I think we both need to get our strength back first.” He knew he was right about that when his cock barely stirred at the thought of getting her in the shower. There was only so much a man could do. “Do you want to take a shower while I make us some breakfast?”

  She frowned.

  He hoped that didn’t mean she wanted to leave instead. He cupped her cheek. “Say you’ll spend the day with me?”

  Her expression softened. “I’d love to, but remember that part about clean clothes? I don’t really want to take a shower and then get back into my dress.” She leaned over and looked at where the dress lay crumpled on the floor.

  He grinned. “So how about while I make us breakfast, you take a shower, then you can wear one of my T-shirts while we take you home to get changed.”


  He planted a kiss on her lips. “You know where the bathroom is. I’ll find you something you can wear. Then, how do eggs and bacon sound?”

  “Great, thanks.”

  A little while later he was serving up breakfast when she came into the kitchen, almost making him drop the frying pan he was holding. He’d given her one of his muscle shirts and a pair of boxers to wear. If he was honest, he’d been hoping the shirt would show off her breasts, but he hadn’t been prepared for the full effect. She looked fantastic. The armholes were cut low enough that he could see her bra and the vee cut in the front only served to emphasize her ample cleavage. The shirt was way too big on her, but he caught a peek of her panties underneath, and that was enough to revive him even before he’d eaten.

  She smiled. “It does look good, doesn’t it?”

  He nodded and set the pan down. “Forgive me while I reel my tongue back in?”

  “Ha. Is this your standard shirt to give the girl in the morning?”

  His smile faded. He hated that she continued to think of him that way. “No. You’re the first woman I’ve ever loaned my clothes to.”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “It’s true. My standard is to hustle them out of here just as fast as I can. If you don’t believe me, just ask Grant about the eight o’clock phone call.”

  “The eight o’clock phone call?”

  “Yeah. It’s what guys do. We have plans with our buddies that mean we’re really sorry, but we have to leave by eight o’clock the morning after. The buddy gives us a call to rescue us if we’re not out by eight.”

  To his relief, she laughed. “That’s terrible.”

  He shrugged. “It’s the way it is, but it’s not the way things are with you. I need you to know this is different. You and me.”

  She smiled and came toward him. “I’d like to believe that.”

  He planted a kiss on her forehead. “Then believe it. It’s true.” He smiled. “If you’d like, I can start proving it to you all over again.”

  She laughed. “I thought we were going to eat first?”

  ~ ~ ~

  Mary Ellen turned to look at him when he pulled up outside her building. “I told you I should have put the dress back on.” She’d known it was crazy to come out in just his shirt and her panties. She couldn’t run from his car to the elevator and hope no one saw her. But he’d been so persuasive, so appreciative of the way she looked—and she had to admit, she did feel kind of sexy like this. But it was different waltzing around his big house. What would happen if anyone saw her? She tried to ignore his sexy grin. “What will the neighbors think?”

  He laughed. “What do you care?”

  “I care that I’ll have to face them again and they’ll think I’m crazy.”

  He shook his head. “They won’t think you’re crazy. They’ll know what you’ve been up to, and I’ll be with you. Are you ashamed to be seen with me?”

  She stared at him. She hadn’t thought about that. What would the neighbors think? Would they think she’d fallen prey to the notorious Antonio Di Giovanni? She was pretty sure everyone in this town knew who he was. “I’m not ashamed to be seen with you. I just don’t like the idea of them thinking I just joined the long list of your conquests.”

  His face darkened.

  “What? Don’t look like that, I was only joking with you. We both know it’s true.”

  He shook his head. “I guess we do. It backfired on me though. I thought it was a good way to let you know that I want people to know we’re together. That I don’t care who sees what we’re up to.”

  “Oh!” Wow. She hadn’t thought of it that way around at all. It was true. Word of who he went out with got around, but you never heard any tales of him with a woman the next morning—and from what he’d said earlier, there was a good reason for that. He was trying to do something nice for her. In his own weird way, he was trying to tell the world they were together. She smiled. “In that case, I shall wear your T-shirt and my panties with pride.” She got out of the car feeling strangely confident. Whatever people might think didn’t matter much. What mattered was that Antonio was trying to make a point to her. She wasn’t about to throw it back in his face.

  She let them into the foyer and waited for the elevator to come down. She looked up at him and grinned. “Who knows, I might start a new trend.”

  He chuckled. “I doubt it somehow, no one else could pull off the look like you do.”

  The elevator arrived, and when the doors opened, Mrs. Jensen from the seventh floor stepped out and did a double take as she looked first at Mary Ellen, then Antonio. She recovered quickly and smiled at them both. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” said Mary Ellen.

  Antonio nodded and smiled politely as she passed. After a few steps, the older lady turned around and smiled back at them. “It’s a great day for it,” she said.

  The elevator doors slid shut, and Mary Ellen burst out laughing. “She’s a hoot!”

  Antonio laughed with her. “And she’ll no doubt have a hoot telling her ta
le at the bridge club.”

  “She plays bridge?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, with Aunt Madeleine.”

  “Oh, my God!”

  He laughed. “Don’t worry about it. Aunt Madeleine and Uncle Cole will know we’re seeing each other long before Mrs. Jensen gets chance to tell them.”

  “They will? How?”

  He shrugged. “News seems to travel fast around here. Why, do you have a problem with them knowing?”

  She shook her head. She didn’t have any problem with it all. “I don’t, but I thought you might.”

  The elevator reached her floor, and they stepped out. “Why would I have a problem? I want the whole world to know.”

  She smiled to herself as she unlocked her front door. Was this really the same Antonio? It was hard to believe he was so different—and apparently so into her.

  ~ ~ ~

  Mondays were always crazy at the Di Giovanni winery. He wasn’t sure why it was that way, but it always seemed to work out that problems cropped up, big orders came in, and surprises landed on his lap on a Monday. Today was no different. It was crazy, but he was handling it better than usual. Usually, he went into a frenzy trying to sort everything out as quickly and efficiently as possible. Today he plodded his way through one issue at a time. It felt like nothing could touch him, nothing could irritate him—he was too busy thinking about Mary Ellen. He kept smiling for no reason and chuckling about little things she’d said or done over the course of Saturday night and their day together yesterday.

  “Are you okay?” His assistant Daniel had popped his head around the office door.

  “I’m great, why?”

  Daniel came inside looking puzzled. “Because normally by this time on a Monday you’re pulling your hair out and so is everyone else. Things are normally whipped up to a frenzy by now.”

  “And you don’t like the new calmer me?”

  Daniel scowled at him. “Like? Of course, I like it. How many times a day do I tell you to calm down, to have patience? I like it, but I don’t trust it. That's why I’m asking if you’re okay. Is this the calm before a storm?”

  Antonio laughed. “Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. I’m sorry. You’re not up to speed. What you don’t know is that I am a changed man.”

  Daniel eyed him suspiciously. “Really? And what changed you?”

  “A woman. A wonderful, beautiful woman.”

  Daniel laughed out loud.

  “I’m serious.”

  “Yeah, right. Unless you’re talking about your mom—or wait, no, has your grandma come to visit?”

  Antonio laughed. “It may seem hard to believe, but I’m serious. I met someone. She’s gotten to me.”

  Daniel looked incredulous. “Forgive me, but won’t she be gone within a week—tops?”

  Antonio shook his head. “Nope. She’s not a tourist or a passing fling …”

  “Or an actress or a model?”

  Antonio shook his head again. “Nope. She is one of our own. A Napa girl, a wine girl, she’s already part of my world, and if I get my way she’s going to become a much bigger part of it.”

  “Who are you talking about and what are you saying?

  “I’m saying she’s special, and I have high hopes for us.”


  “Mary Ellen.”

  Daniel took a step back. “Mary Ellen? You mean Mary Ellen Greene from Hamilton-Groves?”

  Antonio nodded happily.

  “Holy shit! Never in a million years would I have put the two of you together.”

  Antonio frowned. “And why not?”

  Daniel laughed. “Sorry, boss, but she’s … well, she’s Mary Ellen. She’s awesome, she’s fun, she’s a great girl, but everyone knows you don’t mess with her. And you? Well, let’s face it, you mess with everyone.”

  “Mess with?”

  “You don’t take things seriously. You’re all about having fun. She's fun but damn, you just don’t mess with her. She’s like Wonder Woman or something. She organizes life into submission. I don’t see you submitting.”

  Antonio had to stop himself from picturing her in a Wonder Woman outfit—and steer his thoughts well away from submission. He shook his head to clear it. “She’s good at what she does, whatever she does.” He smiled, thinking it better not to state the obvious—that she was currently doing him. “We’re a good match.”

  “In that case, I’m happy for you both. And I’m glad she’s a calming influence on you.”

  “She’s good for me. I already know it. In fact, I think I should send her some flowers to thank her for making my day better.” He picked up his phone, then looked at Daniel. “Did you need anything else?”

  Daniel shook his head in disbelief. “No. I’ll take care of it myself. I’ll leave you to ordering your flowers.”

  “Great. Thanks.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Mary Ellen looked up at the sound of a knock on her office door. “Come in,” she called.

  The door opened, and Zoe from the reception desk stood there holding a huge bunch of flowers. “These came for you,” she said with a big grin.

  “Oh!” Mary Ellen felt her cheeks flush. In all the years she’d worked here, she’d never had flowers delivered to her before.

  “There’s a card.” Zoe was still grinning.

  “Thanks.” Mary Ellen didn’t know what else to say as she looked at the beautiful blooms. They could only be from one person, but she wouldn’t have had him down as the flower sending type.

  “Are you going to read the card?”

  Mary Ellen smiled through pursed lips. “Not yet. I know who they’re from. Don’t be so nosey, anyway.”

  Zoe gave her a guilty smile. “I can’t help it! We all know who they’re from. I’m just dying to know what it says.”

  Mary Ellen stared at her. We all know—what was that supposed to mean? What did they know and who knew?

  Zoe shrugged. “There were sparks flying between you and the delicious Antonio on Friday night, then Natasha told everyone about him following you into the bathroom. And those?” she eyed the flowers. “They aren’t exactly a regular bunch of flowers, are they? They must have set him back a few hundred.”

  Mary Ellen looked at the flowers again. She didn’t know much about them, but even she could tell they were expensive.

  “Everyone’s totally jealous,” continued Zoe. “Who wouldn’t want to go out with Antonio? Though I didn’t think you’d ever fall for his charms.”

  Mary Ellen drew in a sigh. She liked Zoe, but she didn’t want to say anything because she didn’t want her personal business to become the subject of office gossip any more than it already was.

  Cameron appeared in the doorway and saved her. “Hey, Mary Ellen. Do you have a minute?”

  “Sure. Come on in.”

  “Sorry.” Zoe smiled at him. “I’ll get out of the way. I was just delivering these.”

  Cameron nodded and waited until she’d gone before he grinned at Mary Ellen. “Before you say anything, my cousin doesn’t send flowers in the same way I used to.”

  Mary Ellen gave him a hard stare. “Who says they’re from your cousin?”

  Cameron laughed. “I do. The whole office probably does by now. Are you denying it?”

  Mary Ellen made a face. “I don’t know. I haven’t opened the card yet.”

  “Go on, then.” He plucked the little envelope out and handed it to her.

  “What if I want to read it in private?”

  Cam smirked. “If you insist, I’ll leave, but I’ll be back in two minutes, so you might as well just do it.”

  She opened the envelope.

  Mary Ellen

  This weekend was amazing. Will you spend next weekend with me too?

  Want to make plans over dinner this evening?

  With love,


  She couldn’t help smiling as she tucked the card back inside the envelope

  Cameron had pulled up the chair on the other side of her desk. “Well?”

  “Well, what?”

  He gave her a sheepish grin. “Sorry. It’s none of my business, is it?”

  “No, it damned well isn’t, you horrible man.”

  Cam laughed. “You know you don’t mean that.”

  She shrugged. “No, I don’t. I’m just a little bit embarrassed.”


  “Because this is all so weird. I mean, he’s your cousin, for one thing. And besides, he’s Antonio. Part of me feels like I’m being foolish, and everyone knows it.”

  “Foolish how?”

  “Come on, Cam. He’s notorious for going home with a different girl every night. I’ve just become the latest in a long line of them, and everyone knows about it.”

  “This isn’t just about spending a night with him though, is it?”

  She shook her head, wondering how much she should tell him—about what Antonio had said or about how she felt.

  He was looking at her intently.


  “I know it isn’t any of my business, but it kind of is, too. I care about you. I know Antonio better than anyone. I can tell you now that he doesn’t see you as his latest conquest.”

  She nodded.

  “But I think you already knew that, didn’t you?”

  She nodded again. “Cam, he’s been up front that he wants this to be a real relationship, not just a quick fling. He’s been so sweet. Actually, he’s surprised the hell out of me. He’s not the person I thought he was, but part of me is still waiting for him to turn around and say thanks and goodbye.”

  “I can understand that.” He held up a hand. “I don’t think it’ll happen, but given his track record and your wariness of getting involved with anyone, I can see why you’d be cautious.”

  Mary Ellen nodded and looked at the flowers. They must have cost a fortune, but then that wouldn’t matter much to Antonio.

  “You like him, don’t you?”

  “That’s hardly a secret is it?”

  Cam chuckled. “Not that you like his appearance, no. You’ve gone gaga over his looks for years, but now you’re starting to see he’s a good guy, too.”


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