Police, Pooch, and Smooch: A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 25)

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Police, Pooch, and Smooch: A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 25) Page 7

by Flora Ferrari

  I feel his nightstick come around the front of my body, and up against my stomach as he pulls it back, giving him more leverage as my body is pounded from behind by his hips.

  I feel my juices explode onto his cock, the result of this fantasy I’d been thinking about and the build up he gave me.

  He doesn’t stop. He keeps thrusting and I keep cumming.

  He’s already cum, so I’m expecting his second time will take longer, leaving me with more and more time to enjoy this.

  And then the unexpected. I hear the key enter the handcuffs and my wrists freed.

  “Hands against the wall,” he says, as we waddle together the few steps towards the wall, his dick never coming out of me.

  He continues issuing his “fine” as I feel my body pressed up against the smooth logs that make up the wall of the cabin.

  A minute or so passes and suddenly he says, “Hands on my stick!”

  I reach for his cock. “Other one!” he orders.

  I look up at his nightstick, which he’s now holding above my head. I’m confused, but I reach for it, taking it with both hands as he suddenly spins me around to face him.

  “Got it?”

  “I’ve got it,” I say, and just as I finish uttering the words I feel my feet come up off the ground as he holds me in the air like a circus performer. He lowers his arms slightly, dropping me down right on his cock. He’s raising and lifting his arms, and driving with his hips, fucking me like a marionette as my body flings around like a rag doll.

  “I can’t hold any—“

  My hands release and I hear the baton hit the floor just as his hands find my hips, catching me as I was about to fall back, and continuing to move me up and down on his rod.

  “I’m gonna cum,” I scream.

  A deep primal moan fills the room, and I feel him unload in me just as I climax for the second time during our little game. We’ve reached our peaks together for the second time tonight.

  He holds my body close to his, my skin pressed against his uniform.

  I grab his face and we kiss furiously. I feel our bodies moving and see he’s waddling over to the bed, where he falls sideways sending us collapsing onto the mattress.

  “Fine paid. Am I free to go, officer?” I say, in-between frantic breaths.

  “Ma’am. You’re not going anywhere. I’m locking you up and throwing away the key.”



  One month later

  “Mornin’ Sadie,” the desk sergeant says to me.

  “Mornin’, Stacy.”

  “Good morning, detective,” she says to James, who’s right behind me, since he held the door open for me.

  “Morning, Stacy. Anything exciting happen last night?”

  “Naked guy tried to steal a donut from Krispy Kreme, so nothing to out of the ordinary.”

  “Those things are addictive aren’t they?”

  “Betcha can’t eat just one,” she says.

  “Lays potato chips,” James says.

  “Potato chips? I’m talking about donuts.”

  James winks and I’m not sure why. Must be a generational thing. Sometimes I miss his cute pop cultural references, and this sure seems like another one. He’s so surprised when I don’t know, but then I have to remind him I probably wasn’t born when whatever he’s talking about happened.

  And he’s just as cute when some girly song comes on the radio. He thinks Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, and Rhianna all sound the same. For some reason he recognizes Beyonce though. He says it’s because of Jay-Z.

  But just like Beyonce and Jay-Z with their first hit song together, “Bonnie and Clyde,” we’re the perfect pair. But we’re no outlaws, as a matter of fact we’re working together to catch them, or their modern day equivalent.

  I never expected my journalism degree to transfer so well to police work. I was doing investigative work in James’s department now. He’d convinced them I was the perfect fit. “If she can dig up the dirt on a lead story, or a politician, why can’t she do the same with a case we’re working on?” When he put it like that it made a lot of sense. And it gave me a lot of confidence too.

  I loved what I was doing. Every day was like uncovering more clues to solve a mystery. And the best part was I got to do it right next to him. Side-by-side is how we were these days. And also by our side were Smooch and Max.

  After his run in with my dad, James had set the wheels of change in motion. His parents were getting older and their house outside of town was just too big for them. They wanted something closer to the city, or better yet in the city, so they could walk to the grocery store and feel a little more safe versus being all alone out there.

  James had swapped houses, which had been the absolute perfect decision. Max had more room to run, as did Smooch. And when I went out to his house, which was early and often, it gave me a different feeling than just walking next door. It was like we had our own little world out there. And whenever we wanted time for just the two of us, it made it really easy for James’s parents or even mine to watch Smooch and Max since they were now living right next door to one another.

  Max loved playing with his doggie parents too. They were still at my parent’s house, and my mom had really taken to Smooch. Between James mom and mine it was like a competition to see who got to watch him for the day, or night, or even longer.

  And when they weren’t watching him, I sure was. It had only been a month, but we were growing really close. Many nights he fell asleep in my lap, and on the other nights it was in James lap. He was loved by both of us, and I was enjoying my mom responsibilities more than I’d ever expected.

  He’d done such a number on me. He’d made me start dreaming of having kids of my own one day. I know James wanted Smooch to have brothers and sisters to play with, and I dreamed of giving that to him…and to us.

  James had come to my house that day a month ago to pick out a puppy, but in the end I had picked out him. At least that’s the inside joke the two of us shared.

  But just as much as I picked him, he picked me. The way he looks at me with that intensity of his, and how he does everything he possibly can to spend as much quality time as he can with me are just a couple of the many ways he reminds me every day just how much I mean to him.

  He had picked me not only in his personal life, but also in his professional life. “I don’t want to spend one second without you,” he said when he offered me the position at the station. How could I say no to that? And why would I want to?

  And today was set to be my big day. The public was really interested in a case we were working on and the media was pressing for someone at the station to say something. The team selected me to go on air for the press conference. It was another step in my professional growth. First I was writing, and now I was going to be on TV. I guess I was a journalist after all, just a new kind of journalist.

  And as much as everything was so new, it felt so nostalgic and comfortable at the same time.

  I had the newness of all these things that were happening in my life, but the comfort that it was all happening with the guy right next door. But he’s not the guy right next door anymore. At least I don’t think I can call him that when we’re under the same roof a large majority of the time.

  And that’s exactly where I wanted to be with my perfect police officer. Under his roof. Under his watchful eye and protection. And just as important I wanted to take care of him too. One day I hoped that that would be forever.



  “I’m really proud of you, the way you handled that press conference yesterday.”

  “Thank you, but can I take off the blindfold?” she says.

  “And you know, now that we all know you’re even more talented than the talented young woman we already knew you were, you’re going to get more responsibilities.”

  “Well I can’t be responsible for what happens right now, because I don’t know where we are and I don’t know where you�
�re taking me.”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I ask.

  “Yes! I would.”

  “Well then, let’s take off that mask,” I say removing my hand from hers and bringing both of my hands up to her face.

  It took thirty minutes to drive out here. She was blindfolded the entire time. I’m glad she was such a sport about it, because I’m sure it’s not cool under that mask.

  “Oh my gosh. It’s beautiful. Where in the word are we?”

  “We’re just in time for our dinner reservation.”

  “I can see that,” she says.

  In front of us is a small clearing underneath the biggest tree in the state. At least it’s bigger than the one everyone thinks is the biggest, but who am I to go and tell just to ruin my perfect little spot.

  Yesterday I brought a picnic bench out here, and a couple hours ago I came out early and set two plates. Luckily we had some airtight bags at the station, so I wrapped our food in those and stored it out of view on the seat of the bench. The best part is it kept the food warm this whole time. And a separate bag, full of ice, helped keep the wine cold.

  “Where is this place?”

  “It’s a secret place of mine. One of the places where I go when I want to think, to reflect, or to ponder a course of action.”

  “It’s incredible.”


  “How long have you been coming here?”

  “Years,” I say. “Shall we?”

  “Yes, please!”

  I offer Sadie my arm, and escort her the rest of the way to the bench. I help her to take a seat and then move to the other side of the table to carefully remove the food from the bags.

  “Wow, you thought of everything,” she says, as I pull out the appetizers.

  “And once these are done we’ve got mains waiting on us.”

  “In the bag?”

  “It’s in the bag,” I say.

  “Everything with you is “in the bag.” You make everything seem so easy.”

  “It’s easy when it comes naturally, and with you that’s exactly how it is.”


  I light a candle and pour two flutes of champagne.

  “To us,” I say.

  “To us,” she says, and we clink glasses.

  The meal is perfect, and by perfect I mean it’s enjoyed in absolute silence. We spend the time looking in each other’s eyes without saying a single word. Why interrupt the perfection that nature’s already given us? Eating while listening to the pleasing sound of birds off in the distance, and the wind blowing through the leaves high above is better than any orchestra or mariachi band in the world, and am I ever a sucker for mariachi bands at Mexican restaurants.

  We finish our appetizers, dig into our mains, and before long the first bottle of wine has run dry.

  “Help me finish another?” I ask.

  “Partners, right?”

  “Always,” I say.

  We get to work on the second bottle of wine, and before long it’s time for the New York cheesecake and chocolate soufflé.

  “James, thank you. This was incredibly amazing, and now I am absolutely stuffed.”

  “Stuffed, huh?”

  “Beyond stuffed.”

  “Is stuffed kind of the same as swollen?”

  “I don’t get you?”

  “Well, sometimes when you’re stuffed your hands and feet swell a little. At least it works that way with me.”

  “Must be your age,” she jokes.

  “Hey!” she says, when my hand shoots in and I tickle her side.

  “So you’re not swollen?”

  “No, I’m not swollen.”

  “Good, then this should still fit perfectly.”

  I take a knee beside our picnic bench, and I see her eyes open as big around as the trunk of the tree we’re under.

  “Oh my god!”

  “Sadie. It’s not by chance that you used to always sit under that tree as a girl. And it’s not by chance either, that that’s the same thing I did, just a different tree. I’ve come here over the course of my life when I need to think something through…for guidance. But now, I don’t need to think anymore. I don’t need any guidance. I only need you.”

  “Oh James.”

  “I’ve had many moments of clarity in this exact same spot, but I’ve saved the most clear moment for now. I hope this ring,” I say, opening the small black box I had in my hand, “makes my intentions and feelings for you crystal clear. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And not just me…Smooch and Max too. And one day soon, I hope we add even more happy faces to our perfect little group…that is if you’ll join the group that I’ve already started. If you’ll come in and be the matriarch of the family. And if you do I promise to love you, cherish you, and protect you forever and ever and ever. If you’ll have us, we’d love nothing more than to have you. So whadda ya say? Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and make my house a home? Will you marry me, beautiful?”

  She reaches out her hands and closes her eyes tight. She’s trying to stop the tears, but it’s no use. I can’t lie, I may be older and more hardened, but the forest must be a little misty tonight because I feel a little moisture in my own eyes.

  “Yes,” she mouths. I almost can’t here her, but that’s exactly how I want it. I took her breath away, just like I promise to do for the rest of our lives.

  “I love you,” she says.

  I place the ring at the end of her finger and slide it forward. It tightens just a bit at the joint, and then slides right into position.

  “A perfect fit,” she says.

  “The ring, or you?”

  “You!” she says.

  “I love you.”

  I give her a big hug before giving her her first kiss as my fiancée.

  And since the ring fit, that means we still have enough room for at least one more glass of champagne.

  The happiest moment in my life certainly deserves a toast, and a celebration unlike any other. Just like her…she’s unlike any other, and now she’s all mine. Mine and only mine. Forever.



  Eight years later


  “Yep, that’s mommy,” I say as I restrain Scarlett who’s trying to jump out of my lap and run to the TV.

  “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!”

  “Yep. Si. Da.”

  She turns her head back from the TV and looks at me curiously.

  “You mean to tell me you don’t speak American slang, Spanish, or Russian?” I ask her with a facial expression that way over exaggerates my surprise.

  Then I tickle her and she laughs uncontrollably. Her whole world is okay again.

  And my world is more than okay. It’s absolutely perfect in fact.

  Ever since Sadie gave us our third child I’ve been taking so much time off that everyone at the station has been teasing me…telling me that I shouldn’t get paid since I’m never there anymore. I just remind those whippersnappers that that’s one of the joys of getting older. Flex-retirement with a pension.

  I had twenty-five years in so I was able to start drawing my pension, and it was a good one at that. But I wasn’t about to stop working, so I still put in about twenty hours a week.

  But the real star of our family was Sadie. How in the world did she do it? She was raising three beautiful children, working full time, and still made plenty of time for us.

  When her career at the station started to take off the offers came in from everywhere. The TV stations wanted her. The city government wanted her, thinking she’d be a good candidate to start grooming for mayor. And even a publishing firm contacted her, encouraging her to tell her story in a book for working moms. I liked all three ideas, but eventually she decided to stay at the station, and she turned down the book idea.

  She loved the force and she loved our family’s privacy, so it was an easy decision. She said she wanted to do one thing and one thing well. I
reminded her that she may have one place of employment, but she did a whole heck of a lot more than just one thing…and she did them all amazingly well.

  It’s hard to imagine she was having trouble finding a job when we first met, but it was proof that she, like a lot of women in this world, just needed a chance to show what she could do. Granted she definitely wasn’t “most women.” She was the only woman in the world to me, but like many women she faced similar challenges and hurdles she had to overcome. I was glad I was by her side in the beginning to help her and protect her when she got going in the workforce.


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