Cage the Beast

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Cage the Beast Page 15

by Cheree Alsop

  The Darkest Warlock blinked and the memory shifted. I saw the Demon Knight and the Wiccan Enforcer as though they sat within a deep, flaming green pit. They reached for me, their hands tipped with serrated claws. Behind them, a dark mass loomed. I could feel Chutka the Shambler’s presence more than see it. He was outraged that we had bested his subordinates. The presence vowed vengeance and death for all I loved. He would come for me.

  Warlock’s hands spasmed open and I fell to the floor. Vicken grabbed me and pulled me backwards. We watched breathlessly as the Warlock clawed at his chest in a desperate attempt to release the moonstone. The stone glowed brighter and brighter until I had to shield my eyes. A massive tearing sound filled the air along with a howl of agony. I looked up in time to see the Darkest Warlock’s chest rip open around the stone.

  His eyes locked on me and he said in a voice I knew wasn’t his own, “I’m coming for you. Everything you know and love will be destroyed. The world is mine. You will be the first to feel my wrath.”

  I rose to my feet and clenched my hands into fists. “Go ahead,” I replied. “I’ll be ready.”

  The moonstone exploded with a flash. Everyone ducked away from the brilliance of the blast. When we looked back, the Darkest Warlock was gone.

  Vicken started to say something, but the sound of retching cut him off. I turned to see Uncle Conrad still in wolf form. He retched without throwing anything up for a few seconds, his chest heaving and agony on his face, before he gave one final cough. A black object fell out of his mouth to the floor. He backed away from it.

  “Wh-what is it?” the witch with purple hair asked.

  Vicken and I advanced. “The last piece of Chutka’s heart,” I replied. Cautiously and with the vampire’s help, I scooped it into the ironwood box without touching it. Relief filled me when the box was closed and the effects of the heart piece contained.

  “That was unexpected,” Vicken said.


  At the sound of Dara’s voice, we glanced around in time to see the demons scurry away from the humans and monsters. They skirted wide around Vicken, Conrad, and I, then charged for the doors.

  “Where will they go?” Madam Opal asked in a tight voice.

  I speared her with a glare. “Wherever they can feed on pain and fear. They’ll be back if you don’t change what you do here, and now you’ll always be able to see them.”

  She had the presence of mind to look ashamed and lowered her gaze. “The Society is everywhere.”

  I nodded. “I know. We can’t stop them all.”

  She met my gaze again. “But you stopped one. I realize there are worse monsters out there than we ever imagined. Perhaps we’ll turn our attention to demon hunting.”

  Her words surprised me. “Really?”

  She nodded. “And if I have any influence, I’ll work to discourage the other Society members from such rash actions as we’ve been taking here, though I don’t know if they’ll listen.”

  “Let me know if there’s any way I can help,” I told her.

  “I will,” she replied. She hesitated, then said, “If you have anything you need from me, please ask.”

  I looked at where the Darkest Warlock had been. All that remained was a charred mark on the floor.

  “If you have more moonstones, we could definitely use them,” I replied. “In ironwood boxes, of course.”

  She smiled. “Of course. All that I have is yours.”

  “Thank you,” I told her.

  She nodded and left us in peace.

  Dara touched my arm. “Are you alright?”

  I could feel the sticky places where blood clung to my shirt from the Darkest Warlock’s claws, but when I took a breath, the pain was dull. I nodded. “Nothing’s broken. The rest will heal.”

  Her smiled was filled with relief. “That’s good, because there’s someone here who wants to meet you.”

  She lifted her arms and I found myself looking into Amelia’s baby blue eyes for the first time.

  “Go ahead,” Dara said with a warm smile. “She needs her brother.”

  “What if I do something wrong?” I asked as she set the fragile bundle in my arms. She was so tiny I was afraid to move. I thought she would cry when Dara took a step back and no longer pushed comfort toward her, but Amelia merely looked up at me and made a little mewling sound.

  Vicken leaned over my arm to get a good look at her. “I heard her cry. How can such a loud sound come from such a tiny creature?” At my glance, he grinned. “At least she doesn’t look like you.”

  I chuckled. “There’s that.”

  “We did it,” Conrad said. He came over to join us dressed in his clothes once more. “He’s gone. I can’t believe it.” He rubbed his arms. “I don’t feel him inside of me. It’s incredible!” His eyes were bright when he continued with, “I can’t wait to tell your mother what happened. Silvia will be so happy she might even forgive me!”

  My heart slowed. I looked at Dara and Vicken. Dara nodded in unspoken understanding and set a hand on Vicken’s arm.

  “We’d, uh, better make sure the other monsters are alright.”

  Vicken cleared his throat. “Yeah, I owe that purple-haired witch a thank-you.”

  They hurried away.

  “What did I miss?” Uncle Conrad asked.

  I looked down at Amelia, then back up at my uncle. “Uncle Conrad, I don’t know how to thank you for all that you’ve done. We couldn’t have rescued Amelia without you, and I would’ve died if it wasn’t for your mirrors and that moon room.”

  “Finn, what is it?” he pressed, his gaze searching.

  I knew I couldn’t put it off any longer. I swallowed and said, “Uncle Conrad, my mom died when I was four.”

  Conrad stared at me as though I spoke in a different language. “What?”

  “She died,” I repeated. I took in a shuddering breath. “She’s not here anymore.”

  Conrad shook his head. He looked from me to Amelia. “But-but your sister. You said she’s your sister.”

  “My half-sister,” I replied. “Everything was so crazy. I-I thought you knew. I should have said something, I just—”

  “Didn’t have a chance,” Conrad replied. His tone was strange. He took a step back from me, then another.

  “But I have a younger brother, Drake. He’s your nephew, too. He would love to meet you,” I said quickly, hoping to stave off the look I saw in his eyes.

  Conrad shook his head quickly. “I can’t meet him. Not yet. Not like this.”

  “Wait,” I said. “Where are you going? When will you meet him?”

  “Later,” Conrad said. He turned and walked away.

  “Later when?” I pressed. Anger filled me at his sudden change of heart. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  Conrad’s steps slowed, then stopped. He glanced back at me and said, “You’re a good kid, Finn, and I’ll bet Drake’s a good kid, too.” He shook his head. “But I’m not a good person. I’ve done bad things and hurt a lot of people. I need to fix that before I’m fit to be around anyone.”

  Amelia stirred in my arms. I swayed from side to side and her eyes closed. She gave a little sigh.

  “When?” I asked.

  “When Chutka is dead,” Conrad replied. “I’ll meet you at the Academy and we’ll defeat him together. It’s the least I can do.”

  I nodded because it was the only thing I could do. With a heavy heart, I watched him climb up the escalator and disappear from sight.

  A hand touched my shoulder. “Let’s get Amelia home,” Dara said in a gentle voice.

  Vicken gave me an encouraging smile. “You’ll see him again. He just needs space.”

  I let out the breath I had unconsciously been holding in the hopes that Conrad would change his mind. “Thank you, guys. You’re right.”

  “After Chutka’s gone, there’ll be plenty of time to make up the years lost between you guys,” Dara said.

  “I know there will be,” I replied. “I ju
st hate the thought of him being alone right now. It doesn’t seem fair that he’s lived this long and survived so much just to go back to his place by himself.”

  “At least the demons won’t be there,” Vicken pointed out.

  I nodded. At least there was that.

  “Come on, Amelia,” I said to my sleeping baby sister. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Driving through Cleary felt like returning to life before Haunted High. The sun was just beginning to set and school-aged children played ball in their yards and night games in the streets. I remembered being one of those kids, so carefree and oblivious to the dangers of the world. I hoped that Amelia could grow up the same way.

  We pulled up to the house in the SUV Don Ruvine had given us. The moment I turned off the vehicle, the front door flew open.

  “Finn!” Julianne shouted.

  Dad and Drake rushed out after her. Though she looked better than she had at the vampire mansion, it was easy to tell that her recovery was going to be a long one.

  “Mommy’s here,” Dara whispered to Amelia who slept soundly in her arms. She gave me a warm smile. “You should take her.”

  I gathered the baby up carefully and waited until Vicken opened the door before I climbed out.

  “Thanks,” I told him.

  “Anytime,” he replied.

  I crossed the sidewalk toward the others. Julianne’s hand flew to her mouth when she saw the baby in my arms. Tears streamed down her face as she carefully took the bundle from me.

  “Oh, Finn,” she said with such heartache I couldn’t help answering tears from filling my eyes. “Finn, how did you do it?”

  I looked back at Vicken and Dara. “I had some help.”

  Dad pulled me into a hug without saying a word. Drake joined us, and soon Julianne had her free arm around my shoulders. Together, as a family, we cried for the sake of being together and the happiness of being away from a place of such horror. For a moment, it felt as though we were back the way we had been before Sebastian died and I became a werewolf.

  A minute passed before I remembered that we were in our front yard and there were neighbors who would be watching and who loved to find juicy pieces of gossip to share.

  “Let’s go inside,” I suggested.

  Julianne nodded. “All of us,” she replied. She smiled at Vicken and Dara. “You’re welcome to join us for dinner.”

  “You don’t…I don’t…I mean, I can meet you guys back at the Academy,” Vicken said.

  Julianne’s smile was warm when she said, “Any vampire friend of Finn’s is more than welcome in our house. Please come in.”

  Vicken followed close behind me as Dad led the way inside.

  Amelia stirred in Julianne’s arms and then gave an angry cry.

  “She’s so loud!” Drake protested, covering his ears.

  “She’s hungry,” Julianne replied. “I’m going to go feed her. Please excuse me.”

  “I’ll take care of dinner,” Dad said. “Take your time.”

  Julianne shot him a grateful smile. We watched her walk away cuddling the baby who had been stolen from her and was now back in her arms where she belonged.

  “She’s had a very long day,” Dara said.

  Dad nodded. “They both have.” His voice choked off, then he forced out with his eyes shining in gratitude toward Dara and Vicken, “I don’t know how we can ever thank you enough. Our family owes you so much.”

  “We’re glad we could help,” Dara said.

  “Yeah,” Vicken seconded. “Finn would have done it all on his own if we didn’t insist.” He grinned at me. “He’s very stubborn.”

  “He takes after me,” Dad said with a proud look in his eyes. He studied me with his brow furrowed. “Finn, are you alright?”

  I nodded despite how queasy I felt. The feeling of dried blood on my skin wasn’t my favorite. “I think I just need a shower if you guys don’t mind. Will dinner be long?”

  “I’ll make spaghetti,” Dad said. “Take your time. It can sit as long as you need it to.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” I told him.

  I was about to leave the kitchen, but the thought of Dad the way he had been at the training grounds stopped me. I saw him again in my mind, his eyes feral, his only drive to save Julianne. He had been starved, tortured, and chained like an animal. Yet here he was, offering to make spaghetti for my friends to give me time to collect myself.

  I crossed to him and gave him a hug. I felt his surprise before he hugged me back. When I stepped away, I knew he understood my thoughts because he squeezed my shoulder. Tears that he didn’t let fall showed in his eyes.

  He let out a breath and said, “Go shower. We’ll wait for you.”

  I made sure my friends were comfortable, then walked down the hallway. My parents’ door was open. I peeked in to see Julianne changing Amelia’s diaper and walking Drake through the process.

  “Then you use powder to make sure she doesn’t get a rash,” she said, her voice filled with a mother’s warmth.

  “A rash would be horrible,” Drake replied. “You should use more powder.”

  “That should be enough,” she said. “And then after we dress her, I’ll show you how to swaddle her so she feels safe.” She bent down and nuzzled Amelia on the cheek. “We’ll help you feel so safe and loved, won’t we?”

  Amelia gave a coo in response.

  Warmth filled me and the knowledge that everything was alright with my family loosened the knots in my shoulders. I stopped in my bedroom to grab a clean pair of pants, then made my way to the bathroom. I locked the door and faced the mirror.

  I tried to pull up the hem of my shirt, but it was stuck to the wounds along my ribs. I pulled harder and my breath caught in my throat.

  “Come on,” I whispered. I pulled again and tried to ignore the pain. The shirt pulled free from one of the Darkest Warlock’s claw marks. Blood trickled from the wound. The shock of what we had survived began to set in. I felt as though I was going to fall apart. My insides shook and my muscles tightened as if readying for another fight. I had to take several breaths and will myself to relax so that I didn’t phase and take off from the house without looking back.

  “Calm down,” I whispered. “Just calm down. It’s over. Everyone’s safe.”

  With trembling hands, I sucked in a breath and was about to pull on my shirt again when a knock sounded on the door.

  “Finn, can I come in?” Dara asked gently.

  I leaned my forehead against the door. My wolf side protested against me showing such weakness to anyone. I shook my head slowly. “I-I don’t think that’d be a good idea.”

  Dara was quiet for a moment, then she said, “Please?”

  I couldn’t bring myself to answer.

  At my silence, she said, “Finn, I can feel you. Please open the door.”

  Her words held me. I couldn’t deny the way I was feeling without lying, and she would know. Also, I didn’t have the strength to pretend to be fine anymore. Defeated, I unlocked the door, then sat on the edge of the bathtub and bowed my head to avoid seeing any expressions of sympathy.

  “Oh, Finn,” she said. She closed the door softly behind her, then took a seat next to me.

  I couldn’t bring myself to look at her.

  “I-I don’t know what’s wrong,” I made myself say. “I can barely breathe, and I can’t stop shaking.”

  I held out a hand. I could feel it trembling without needing to look.

  Dara’s hand slipped into mine.

  “Just breathe,” she whispered.

  Her lips brushed my ear in a way that sent a shudder over my skin. I held onto that touch, the warmth of her hand in mine, and the heat that pressed against me from where she sat at my side.

  “You’ve been through so much,” she said. “It’s a wonder you don’t fall apart.”

  “I-I think I am falling apart,” I admitted with a half-sob, half laugh. I looked at her with my head still bowed. “I don’t k
now what’s wrong with me. And I can’t get this stupid shirt off!”

  “You’ve been strong for everyone else. You just took down one of the biggest threats to mythic kind we know of, and that’s after dealing with the Mythic Labs. Finn, you take care of everyone and protect them. Now it’s time to let someone else take care of you.”

  Dara turned on the faucet behind us. I heard her adjust the water until she was satisfied with the temperature, then she pulled the lever to turn it to the shower.

  “Let’s take off your shoes,” she said.

  She leaned down and began to untie the boots I had gotten from Uncle Conrad.

  “You don’t have to—” I began, but she cut me off with a soft kiss.

  “Finn, let me do it.”

  I nodded wordlessly and watched her pull off one shoe and then the other, followed by my socks. After she was done, she held out her hand to help me stand.

  “Come on,” she said quietly.

  In a haze, I allowed her to pull me to my feet. Without bothering to do more than kick off her own shoes, she stepped into the shower. When she held out her hand again, I took silently.

  “We’ll let the water do the hard part,” she said quietly as she positioned me so that I stood directly underneath the stream.

  With my head bowed, the water ran off my shoulders and back. For some reason the warmth made my body start to shake. Tears filled my eyes and flowed down my cheeks to get lost in the water. Images of my dad and Julianne kept flashing through my head. I heard Amelia cry and felt the bullets hit me. The Darkest Warlock would kill everyone behind me if I didn’t stop him. I was one werewolf against a force so powerful I didn’t know what to do. Yet somehow, against all odds, we had beaten him and saved our loved ones.

  I couldn’t get the shaking to stop. Dara wrapped her arms around me and simply held me. She didn’t pull with her skill as an empath. She knew I didn’t want her to carry what I felt. Instead, she stood there with her arms around my waist and her head resting against my chest without a care for the water that soaked her long ashen hair. I was shaking so hard I felt her shaking with me, but I still couldn’t get it to stop. I felt crazy, shaking like I was cold even though the water hitting my back was so warm. But my body wouldn’t listen, not with the images that paraded through my mind like some macabre movie.


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