The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z

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The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z Page 1

by Andie M. Long


  Title Page



  A to E

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  F to K

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  L to R

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  S to X, Y, Z.

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  Coming Soon





  The Complete Alpha Series

  A to X, Y, Z.


  Andie M. Long


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Copyright (c) 2014 by Andrea Long

  All rights reserved.

  Cover photo from Shutterstock. Cover design by Annmarie Bradley.



  For everyone who has supported me through my journey to published author

  A to E



  A TO E

  Chapter 1

  Getting sexually accosted in Starbucks wasn’t on my to-do list.

  My stiletto heels were sharp, like the angles of my razor cut bob and one tapped on the floor as I stood in line, impatient to get my hands on a Latte. The intense aromas in the shop made me crave my morning drink even more. I’d not had time for one before I’d left my apartment this morning, anxious to be punctual for my appointment. I stared ahead at the menu board, careful to avoid catching anyone else’s eye. My lips with their natural pout, enhanced by rose gloss, smacked together as I anticipated my interview at Gregory & Sons, a firm of Solicitors in Westminster in just shy of an hours time. Every time I thought of it, butterflies tingled in my stomach.

  Lost in the menu, I jump as a warm body brushes past my own, so close I can identify him as male. I turn around, a flash of fire in my cheeks, eyes narrowing.

  ‘I must apologise, I completely misjudged how to get past.’

  I take in the businessman in front of me, holding his drink with a firm hand. His laptop bag hangs over a broad shoulder. Dark brown hair curls around the nape of his neck, like he’s so damn sexy even his hair wants to cop a feel, and his icy grey eyes indicate the casualness of his apology, echoed in his mocking tone.

  I tuck my long fringe behind my ear and turn back to face the front. I’m better off just ignoring the creep, hot or not.

  ‘Seriously, it was an accident. I’m not a pervert, honest.’

  I remain facing the front but shrug my shoulders.

  ‘Well actually,’ he whispers and I shiver as his cool breath tickles my ear, ‘I can be a little perverted, with the right woman.’

  I give up and turn towards him, ‘Look, I’m just waiting in line for a coffee, creep, so can you cease the schmooze and bog off? My only interest this morning is in caffeine.’

  He sighs, giving me puppy dog eyes and clutches his free hand to his heart. I watch as he begins to speak, noticing he has a larger top than bottom lip. It looks plump and lush and if he wasn’t a psycho I’d be tempted to bite it. I move my gaze to his hand. Now I’m wondering how well defined his pecs are under that shirt. I think I’d better request an ice cold mocha.

  ‘I’m jealous of caffeine. I can’t help it if your beauty knocked me sideways on this gorgeous Wednesday morning. Please forgive me. I shall go and weep into my flat white.’

  I sigh, ‘go away,’ and I turn back to the counter, where the queue has moved up and I hadn’t noticed.

  I order my drink. I feel the loss of his presence and so turn around to see where he’s gone. He’s taken a seat in the corner and is opening his laptop. He sees me, winks and goes back to his screen.

  Damn. Why did he have to catch me looking at him?

  Typically there are no free seats by the time I’m served, so I wander over to where he’s sitting.

  ‘Can I sit here without you leering at me? Can you reign yourself in?’

  He laughs. ‘I’ll do my best.’ Then he goes back to his screen.

  I sip my drink. He’s gone from full on flirting to ignoring me. Weirdo. I get out my mobile and check it for messages. My eyes keep leaving the mobile and checking him out. Sexy, hot weirdo. His shirt is open and I see a small smattering of dark chest hair. I feel my nipples harden under my blouse. Christ behave Stella, I tell myself. It’s been so long since I’ve been flirted with that I’m disappointed a pervert hasn’t carried on.

  I see the time on my mobile and realise it’s time for my interview. I take a last drink of my coffee. My hand trembles slightly as I replace the cup on the saucer. I take a deep breath.

  Sexy hot weirdo looks up, ‘You okay?’

  I flick my hair, ‘Fine thanks. Have a nice day.’

  ‘You too. I hope to bump into you again soon.’ He holds out his hand to shake mine.

  I look at him and smile. ‘I’m not shaking your hand, heaven knows where it’s been. See ya.’

  I turn on my heels and walk out of the coffee shop.

  A deep breath is required before I enter the glass fronted facade of Gregory & Sons. The doorman bows his head as I pass him. The click of my heels echoes as I cross the marble floor. I’m directed to the second floor by a Receptionist, who points out where the lifts are situated in a bored tone.

  The lift is about the same size as the lounge I grew up in. Such a long time ago, before Mitch Daniel’s came into my mother’s life and I was made to attend Boarding School, whilst my mother travelled the world on his violent arm. I note my fixed grimace in the lift mirror and make myself relax. This is why you’re doing this, I remind myself. Breathe, you need the job.

  I report to the Second floor Reception. ‘Good morning. I’m Stella Mulroney. I have an interview at ten with Mr Gregory?’

  ‘Sorry, Mr Gregory is running late,’ says Receptionist Two, a skinny redhead who looks flustered.

  ‘Oh that’s okay, I expected he may be. I’m surprised actually that he’s sitting in on the interview himself. I thought he’d have someone from Human Resources do it for him.’

  Two’s face crinkles in confusion and she looks as if she’s about to say something, but her telephone rings. ‘If you just want to take a seat over there, I’m sure he won’t be long,’ she rushes, pointing to the bank of seats in the corner of the room.
br />   I move to stand over in the corner instead. Leaning near the magazine rack, I select a copy of Tatler and begin leafing through it. I don’t want to be seated when Mr Gregory arrives, but to look confident, assured. I spot a business magazine with his face on the cover, pick it up and place it amongst the pages of Tatler. I want to read it but I don’t want to be caught with it.

  Arnie Gregory has run Gregory & Sons for years. He’s one of the most acknowledged litigators in the Country and provides a tightly close lipped and sealed service to the most successful business personnel and celebrities. It’s taken me a while to gain an interview. I’m so immersed in the article that I only realise a suit has passed me when I hear the office door slam. Oh my God, what have I done? I was too busy reading to be able to wish Mr Gregory a good morning. I’m mortified. I might as well leave and go home now.

  I’m left waiting another twenty minutes and my interview time was now forty-five minutes ago. If I’d been kept waiting like this by anyone else I’d have haughtily stomped off by now; there were some perks of being a Daniels stepdaughter and not having to wait for people was one of them. There was always somebody else more than willing to queue up for me.

  ‘Mr Gregory will see you now,’ says Two and moves to stand next to the office door. I shake my hair, forgetting it’s not past my shoulders any more, following a new ‘take me more serious’ hair cut and join her. She opens the door. ‘Miss Mulroney to see you Sir.’ I walk in, a large smile fixed upon my face.

  ‘Miss Mulroney, it’s a pleasure to meet you,’ says a full top lipped mouth, whilst those grey eyes watch me astutely.

  My heart sinks to my feet. ‘There must be some mistake. I’m, I’m, er,’ I cough. ‘I’m here for the PA job with Mr Gregory?’

  He walks over to me, hand extended. ‘Gabriel Gregory. I think perhaps you thought the post was for my father?’

  I nod. I’m not able to extend to the function of speaking.

  ‘No, I’m sorry, he, pardon me for saying, doesn’t employ anyone not recommended by at least ten people. In fact he likes to steal the best Assistants from his so-called friends. Doesn’t usually go down well, but hey that’s the Gregory mentality, when we want something we get it.’

  I finally come to my senses and move to shake his hand.

  ‘You’re safe, I’ve washed them.’

  I blush but shake. He holds onto my hand for just a second too long.

  ‘Please,’ he indicates, ‘take a seat. I’ve kept you waiting long enough. My apologies, I had an urgent matter to attend to.’

  We go through the motions of an interview. He asks about previous experience and my mind thinks of something else entirely. I try and answer everything just as I would have done were his father sitting there. He buzzes through to Two and asks her to bring coffee and biscuits. I look around his office, at its grey walls and black gloss units. Everything is away, there are no files to be seen. Just a phone on his desk and a leather bound notebook and pen.

  I realise I haven’t been listening to him for a minute or so.

  ‘Do you usually ignore your potential boss in interviews Miss Mulroney?’

  I feel my cheeks burn. ‘I am so sorry. Shall I just leave now?’ I begin to stand up.

  ‘No, I don’t recall indicating that this interview is over, although if I had you wouldn’t have heard me.’

  ‘Again, I apologise. I really do want this job Mr Gregory.’

  ‘Gabe, please. I’m looking for a relaxed working relationship, where I can rely on my PA to be my back up. That’s one of the most important qualities that I need from you if you work for me. The ability to call me Gabe, and feel confident enough to run my diary and boss me around when needs be, but to know when I need to be referred to as Mr Gregory.’

  ‘I’m sure I can do that.’

  ‘Oh I’m sure you’d have no problems in bossing me around at all Miss Mulroney.’

  Why do I feel like he’s talking about something other than the post? Part of me wants to walk out and tell him I’ve had enough of his accidental touching and innuendo, but the fix of those grey eyes on mine, the tilt of his mouth and the gentle brush of stubble on his chin, keeps me in my seat. Plus I need to work in this building and this is my way in.

  ‘So do you have any questions for me?’

  I cross my right leg over my left. He watches as I do so, the hint of a smile playing on his lips. It’s my signature move for when I want something, as it shows off my long legs to their best advantage, but he doesn’t know that.

  ‘Yes, could you tell me how many other people are being interviewed for the post?’

  ‘Of course. I just shortlisted you.’

  I uncross my legs and sit up in my seat.

  ‘Okay, first you accidentally brush past me in the coffee shop and now I find out you’re only interviewing me. What’s going on?’

  ‘A-ha. There it is. The fire I’m used to seeing on Miss Mulroney’s face. Not the subservient person I’ve been interviewing this morning. I wondered where she was.’

  ‘Again, what is going on?’ I emphasise his name, ‘Mr Gregory.’

  ‘Oh such a quick learner, you already know when to indicate my superiority.’

  I get up and walk towards the door. I turn and snap, ‘I really thought I was being interviewed for a post today. Not just playing a game for some spoilt boy’s amusement.’

  I have to step back as Two brings in the coffee and biscuits. ‘Will that be all?’ she addresses him.

  ‘Thank you Lorraine. If you could just close the door behind you when you leave. I just need a final word with Miss Mulroney.’

  I cross my arms over my chest.

  ‘You can drop the defensive posture. Come back and take a seat. There is a genuine job working for me. Give me the time to explain, please?’

  I walk back over and drop back into the seat, placing my arm on the rest, my hand against my forehead and levelling a look of hostility at my potential new boss.

  ‘Okay, so now you’re back to needing training on how to act with your boss.’

  ‘You’re not my boss.’

  ‘Oh I think I am Stella.’ He picks up the coffee pot and pours us both a drink. ‘You see I know that you’ve been trying to get a post here for the last two years and what I want to discover, is why someone who lives in a half a million apartment overlooking the Wharf, wants a job as a PA in my father’s firm.’

  I narrow my eyes at him. It appears the game’s up.

  ‘I’m sure it’s nothing at all to do with the fact that we look after your stepfather’s interests.’

  I pick up my coffee and take a sip.

  ‘Okay, you win.’ I figure I have nothing to lose. ‘I hate my stepfather. I loathe the air he breathes and I want to destroy him.’

  ‘I thought so. Excellent.’ He spins around in his chair in triumph, a giddy gesture that shows a young playful side that I haven’t been privy to before.

  ‘Well, if you come work for me, I may just be able to assist you with that.’

  I bite my lip, ‘and why would you want to do that?’

  He looks out of his window, his eyes glacial,‘Well, lets just say I have my own daddy issues and I love a game. So come work for me and let’s play.’

  ‘You’ll seriously help me bring down my stepfather?’

  ‘I’ll try. I can’t have you releasing the details this firm has though. I need to keep it afloat for when my father steps down, which I’m hoping will be very soon and then it will be mine. I will help you though. There are ways.’

  He walks over to me, leans over and lifts off the finger that I hadn’t realised had travelled over the centre of my lip and places my hand on my lap. I feel open and exposed.

  ‘So how about it, Miss Mulroney?’

  I smile at him. This time it’s genuine and I see it reflected in his own. ‘I’d love to accept the position, Mr Gregory.’

  ‘Gabe’, he repeats. ‘I’m sure you’ll enjoy working alongside me. I’ll see you Monday
morning at nine.’

  Again I get the feeling of double meanings, but I take a long firm look at what I guess is a hot bod underneath that suit and decide that I don’t mind one little bit.

  I get up and re-shake his hand, standing just a little too close so I’m invading his personal space.

  ‘Nine it is. I look forward to being able to assist you any way I can.’

  I watch his pupils dilate and his eyes flash with a hint of silver. I open the door and leave the room.

  Chapter 2

  I say Good Morning to the Concierge staff of my apartment block, as I walk past them and head to the communal pool. I swim most mornings, so now I’m going to be working I’ll need to set the alarm pretty early. I head to the changing rooms, my gym bag swinging from my shoulder. I slip into my costume, loving how it accentuates my toned stomach and slim waist. At twenty-three I’m fortunate to have a fast metabolism, but I mustn’t get complacent, hence the daily swim. If I turn out to follow my mother, who I very much resemble, then that apple shaped tummy will be on it’s way. There’s just one other person in the changing room, a woman doing the changing room dance, attempting to work her clothes off whilst holding a towel. From the corner of my eye I see the towel drop despite her best efforts and stifle a giggle. My confidence comes from the years of boarding and of being Mitch’s stepdaughter, the feelings of inadequacy and rejection locked tightly away.

  I dive into the pool and swim eighty lengths straight off. This is my routine. I won’t swim any less except when I’m ill, which is rare. Usually I lose myself to the function of swimming, gaining fitness and de-stressing, taking in the feel of my arms as they pull taut through the water, but this morning all I can think about is my interview and Gabe Gregory.

  My day so didn’t turn out the way I expected. From thinking I probably had little chance of getting the post, I now have the job and also a partner in crime. I turn onto my back and perform a leisurely crawl through the water. I’m quite looking forward to Monday when I start, seeing what Gabe has in mind.


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