The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z

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The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z Page 6

by Andie M. Long

  He raises an eyebrow, ‘Really, that keen?’

  ‘That’s my start time Mr Gregory.’

  ‘Damn you mean I could have been ordering you around forty-five minutes ago?’ He holds the door open for me to pass. ‘I’d better make sure I make up for lost time then.’

  We head to a street just off The Strand and I follow him up some steps leading to a large black door of one of the houses, where he extracts a key and lets us inside. I walk through and find myself on a landing on a staircase. I’m surprised as I realise the vastness of the building. It brings to mind Doctor Who’s Tardis and the ‘It’s bigger on the inside,’ phrase. Gabe indicates I walk downstairs and moves towards the wall to let me pass before closing and locking the door behind him.

  The room I enter is nothing special. It has a reception area, with a brown lino floor and leads through to a bar area, with banquette seating and a dance floor. There is a small stage set for a DJ. I don’t know what I was expecting but I’m disappointed, it’s so plain.

  I turn to Gabe, ‘This is The Rodeo?’

  ‘Part of it yes. A very small part. Would you like to see the rest?’

  I nod.

  We walk down some stairs at the end of the bar area and he leads me through to what looks like a spa. This is more like it. Bright white tiles on the walls with blue mosaic trim and a blue pool effect floor, make the room inviting and that’s before I see the massive jacuzzi. He looks at me for my reaction.

  ‘Very nice,’ I state enthused. ‘Why didn’t you tell me to bring a cossie?’

  He laughs. It vibrates deep in his throat. ‘Our clientele don’t require costumes Stella.’

  ‘Oh.’ I say, wanting to slap myself for my naivete.

  ‘Come on, there’s more to see.’

  We pass back up through the bar area where this time I notice a silver pole in the corner of the room. I look at a large television screen on the wall; I now guess this isn’t for watching the football like I previously thought.

  We return to the stairs that we originally came in via, and walk to the upper floor. Gabe guides me out onto a plushly red carpeted landing, with animal print chaise longues in the centre. I take a seat on one. I’m surrounded by four rooms with clear windows. Each room has a large specially built bed in each, that could accommodate several people. My throat goes dry as I look from room to room.

  ‘What are you thinking?’

  ‘I’m thinking what the hell happens here?’

  ‘Anything and everything.’

  He opens the door to the first room and I stand and follow him in.

  ‘Each of the rooms has a theme. This one is sensory overload. The drawers contain feathers, whips and an assortment of scented oils. As you can see the rooms all have baskets of condoms and waste bins. Our cleaners are paid well because you would not believe the state some people leave the rooms in.’


  ‘Indeed. However the cleaners have been in and right now this building is spotless...’ He leaves his words hanging.

  ‘I’m not going anywhere near those beds. Gross.’ I say. ‘Do people really want to come here and do stuff in front of others?’

  ‘Some people get off on precisely that.’


  ‘Well we’re a long way off V.’

  My forehead crinkles.


  ‘Hmmm, I’m not sure about that one and I can think of another V that could require your attention.’

  ‘Oh it already has my attention.’

  ‘I’m not doing anything here Gabe, this does nothing for me.’

  ‘Wait and see. I’ve another room to show you yet.’

  He grabs my hand and leads me back down the stairs, but instead of going into the reception area, we carry on down another set of stairs into a darkened room. He flicks on some dim lighting. I can see the walls are painted crimson red. The floors are a deep black rich pile. There are paintings depicting several sexual acts hanging on the walls, as well as several hooks.

  My mouth goes dry.

  ‘Welcome to the Dungeon.’

  Oh my God, the letter D. I don’t know whether to stay or run.

  He must see this because he pulls me close. ‘Just look around. I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to. I get that some of this stuff looks intimidating, but some of can be used for casual play, just to heighten things a little.’

  I feel my eyes fill with tears,‘I don’t know if I’m cut out for this game Gabe. This is overwhelming. If I can’t cope here now, how will I manage to visit when there are people around?’

  ‘Look. I think you and I both know that we’re going to have to catch our father’s in some of their more insalubrious pastimes. Yes that means coming here, but the beauty of this place is that you don’t have to be yourself. People dress up here, act out roles. You can make yourself look completely unrecognisable and not everyone gets in on the act, some just like to watch. No-one is judged for what they do here, within certain limits, of course.’

  I sigh in relief. ‘Okay.’

  I look around at the equipment, trying to get past the idea of being tortured with it. ‘So if I wanted a taster of what goes off in this room, what would you recommend?’

  Gabe’s mouth twists up at the corner,‘Do you want me to tell you or show you?’

  I take a deep breath,‘Surprise me.’

  Gabe asks me to strip off down to my bra and panties. I leave on my sandals; I hate walking on other people’s floors in bare feet. He backs me towards the wall and my back touches a pole mounted on the wall.

  ‘Okay, now first we need a safe word.’

  ‘What? What’s a safe word?’

  ‘It’s a word you say to me to let me know if you’ve had enough and want to stop.’

  ‘I’ll shout fucking get off me, how about that?’

  ‘Clever, but no. One word that makes me immediately stop. It needs to stand out.’

  ‘Okay, erm. Stiletto.’


  ‘Yeah, my favourite kind of shoes. They’re my happy place so if I’ve had enough I’ll shout stiletto.’

  ‘Fair enough.’

  ‘And if you hurt me in any way I’ll stab you with the heel of one.’

  ‘That won’t be necessary, however do keep them around, we may use them sometime.’

  ‘Ew, my poor shoes.’

  ‘Oh my God, not like that Stella, Christ you’re putting me off now.’

  I pout and look at him.

  ‘Stop the doe eyes, your innocent act is starting to become very unauthentic after you’re standing in front of me with no clothes on.’

  ‘I’m wearing -’

  He drags off my bra and pants.



  ‘That’s right absolutely nothing.’

  He picks up two cuffs and asks me to put my foot through one and then does the same to my other foot. He raises the cuffs until they hang around the top of my thighs and then Gabe fastens the chain attached to them to a bar fastened to the pole, pulling on it so that my legs are set wide, but comfortably apart, my thighs held against the wall. Then he places a cuff around each wrist, fastening the attached chains to another bar above my head.


  I nod.

  ‘Good, because I’ve had enough of waiting.’

  He takes my breast in his mouth, sucking my nipple until it stands in a hard point and then he moves and laves the other, making me gasp in pleasure. I watch as he walks over to a nearby drawer and extracts some oil. He pumps the oil into his hands, rubs them together and then massages it into my breasts. It has something in it, a bit like when I’ve used a body lotion containing ginger or one of those thermal face masks. It gently heats my skin as he massages it in. He continues, massaging all over my body, his hands running over the sides of my buttocks. He trails his fingers between my thighs, pausing for a moment to add some more oil to his fingers and then rubs it
into my clit. It tingles and the feeling of warmth spreads. My legs weaken, but the cuffs hold me in place. He carries on his ministrations, rubbing thick and fast, entering me with two fingers and pistoning them into me like a cock. I explode over them and feel myself flood onto his fingers.

  Gabe removes his clothes and presses his body against me, ‘God that was so hot.’

  ‘Fuck me, please. I need you in me, now.’

  ‘In good time, Stella.’

  He goes back to the drawer and extracts a leather strap with a tassle on the end. As I look at it I figure if he’s going to hit me with it then it’s tame enough for me to cope with. He kneels between my feet and softly smacks the tassled end across my clit.


  The sound escapes me loudly. I could not have imagined what this would feel like. Feather light tickles cross a spot already sensitive from my previous orgasm. He continues to flick it across my sensitive flesh. I try and stretch towards it but I’m tied too near the wall and don’t have much wriggle room.

  ‘Gabe please.’

  ‘Sssh, just go with it Stella. Concentrate.’

  I relax into every flick, closing my eyes so that it’s all about how it feels. Closing my eyes means I begin to smell the oil on my skin more. It does have some kind of spice to it. However more flicks and I forget the smell, totally concentrating on the sensations.

  ‘Oh my, oh Gabe, please now, NOW.’

  He smacks the tassles harder across my mound and moves it faster and then I’m lost, feeling the pulsing of completion between my thighs. Just as I relax, I sense Gabe near me and he thrusts inside me.

  ‘Gabe?’I panic.

  ‘Its already on.’


  He grinds against me, slamming me into the pole. I can feel the rough brick of the wall scratching into my elbows, abrading me, but I don’t care. He slides against me because of the oil and my centre welcomes him in, so wet because of his previous actions.

  This is a proper fucking. Heavy and hard. He pants against my ear, before he climaxes. He rests his head on the crook of my shoulder.

  ‘Fuck Stella, you have no idea what you do to me. How you create these feelings inside me for you that I just can’t have. I just can’t.’

  If my hands were free I would fold them around him and stroke them up and down his back. Instead I say just one word that releases us both.


  He is quiet as he unfastens me. My arms feel so heavy, I rub them to get some feeling back . I step out of the cuffs placed around my thighs and go to pick up my clothes. The oil he rubbed into my skin has soaked in, but I still feel I need to wash. I remember the spa area. ‘I’m going to hit the shower area okay?’

  ‘I’ll wait at the bar.’

  I take my time washing myself clean, thinking about the complexities of Gabriel Gregory. I have to remember that this is just sex; hot enjoyable sex with no constraints, except the ones he places my limbs in. I just wish I could keep the independent sexy woman feeling I have when we flirt and get down to business and leave behind the guilt complex that comes after, the feeling that I’m doing myself a disservice and I deserve better.

  I think about the club. I must find out what my Stepfather’s part in this place is. I need to get in here. I wonder how you get a membership?

  I towel off and dress, dumping my towel in a bin placed for that purpose in the changing room and head back out to Gabe. He is perched on a stool at the bar area where he has laid out small bowls of assorted crisps and nuts and poured out two cokes.

  I grab a swig of mine.

  ‘Thirsty eh?’

  ‘Yeah, someone got me all hot and bothered, it dehydrated me.’

  ‘More like the river of come that poured from between your legs did it.’

  ‘You wish.’

  ‘I felt it. I know exactly how much you wanted me back there. I might make you beg harder for it next time if you’re going to give me lip.’

  ‘You sound very sure there’ll be a next time. What if that was my finale? You placed me in an X shape. Y would I bother playing any more of your games. I stifle a fake yawn zzzzzzzzzz.’

  He grabs my hand and holds it against what I find is his very hard length.

  ‘You’ll be back, to see to my e-rection.’

  ‘Meh,’ I can take that or leave it. I hold my fingers an inch apart.

  He slaps my behind.

  ‘I think we should arrive at the office separately,’ he bites on a nut.

  It’s an instant reminder of our business like arrangement. ‘Of course. I’ll make my way there now.’

  ‘I need to clean this place back up so no-one knows we were here.’

  ‘I’m just your dirty little secret, aren’t I?’

  I see a trace of guilt and then it’s gone.

  ‘I’ve told you -’

  ‘You can’t give me more. I know. I don’t recall asking for any more. I’ll see you later.’ I walk out of the reception and head up the stairs.

  I hear a heavy huff of frustration behind me.

  The rest of the afternoon Gabe is cool with me and withdrawn. He’s extremely business-like, acts like any other boss, chatting to me about work he needs me to complete and signing letters I’ve typed.

  At five I get my stuff together to leave, walk over to his door and say ‘Good night.’

  ‘Good night.’

  He doesn’t even raise his head to look at me. I go home, have a lovely swim and then enjoy a night alone in my apartment, though every time someone walks past my door, I jump, hoping it’s him.

  Friday is the same. It’s the end of my first working week. What an experience it has been. I’ve actually enjoyed the work I’ve been doing for the past few days, but it would have been even better without the silent treatment.

  I decide I can’t leave it like this over the weekend. I don’t know whether to go out with Ronnie, or wait in on the off chance I might score some steamy sex. I push open Gabe’s door.

  ‘What’s going on? You’re treating me like an employee.’

  ‘You are an employee.’

  ‘I’ve been a lot more than that this week and you know it.’

  ‘That’s just it though. I’m scared you’re going to want more from me. I saw what you were like at The Rodeo.’

  ‘Look Gabriel,’ I snap, ‘I’m not looking for a wedding ring, but at the same time I’d like to not be treated like a call girl. I’m enjoying our arrangement, all I ask is that you just give me a little respect and treat me like the grown woman I am, okay?’

  He looks up at me. ‘I can do that.’

  ‘Good. Now for being such a pain in the ass over the last two days you can take me out to dinner.’


  ‘No chance. You can wait, I’m going to see my friends. Pick me up tomorrow at eight and I’ll decide where you’re taking me. It’ll be expensive.’

  He laughs,‘Okay.’

  ‘And there may be no sex. We’ll have to see if you earn it. See I figure it’s my turn to choose and that’s what the E is for, earn. You can work on getting into my good books and earning some rewards.’

  Then I let the interconnecting door swing back closed without a second glance at him. Next I turn my mobile phone off leaving it to voicemail. ‘Stella is unavailable right now. Please leave a message.’

  Time to toughen up.

  Chapter 9

  Lazy Saturdays. The best part of living alone. I pad out of bed just to make a coffee and as the day’s a little slow in warming up I slip on my robe before I head back under the duvet. I grab my book from the bedside table and spend the morning reading. The book I’m currently reading is a little racy and I can’t help my thoughts wandering to imagining Gabe doing those things to me as I take in the words on the page. I sigh. I need to gain ownership of my plan again.

  There’s a knock on the door and I reluctantly drag myself out of bed to answer it. I open to find Ronnie standing there, looking majorly
hungover, with her gym bag at her feet. She looks me up and down taking in the unbrushed hair and pyjamas.

  ‘I was going to see if I could lose the headache in the steam room, but I think I’ll join you in whatever you’re doing.’

  ‘Come in. I’ll get you a drink, you sure look like you could use one.’

  ‘Heavy Friday night, good though.’ She gets in at the other side of me and picks up my book off the bed, ‘Well, I hope I didn’t disturb your alone time you dirty tart.’

  ‘I was just reading, you disturbed nothing other than a few fleeting thoughts in that direction.’

  ‘You sound fed up.’

  ‘I don’t know what I’m doing there Ronnie. I just seem to be wasting time shagging Gabe and not screwing over my Stepfather. I’m getting back to my original plan.’

  ‘Yep but don’t look over the bonus babe, you seem a lot less, well, ballbusty since he’s been giving you a good seeing too.’


  ‘Yeah, you know, a bit “I am so confident of myself I eat peni for breakfast”.’

  I sit back against the pillows. ‘Is that really how I come across?’

  ‘Little bit.’

  ‘Is peni a word?’

  ‘Fuck knows.’

  ‘I tried to ring you last night to see if you were free. What were you doing to have such a hangover this morning? Your liver must be ready to pack in.’

  ‘I know, I need to calm the drinking down a bit but I’ve been having such a good time. I met this guy Rob a couple of weeks ago and we met up last night. He’s so much fun and has a huge cock. I did him in the toilets, we got thrown out of the club.’

  I shake my head at her.

  ‘Anyway I’m seeing him again tonight, we’re going to Saints.’

  ‘Aw, I’ve always fancied going there.’

  ‘Come along, Rob won’t mind.’ She raises an eyebrow.

  I throw her a look of disgust. ‘Gabe’s taking me out tonight for a meal. I’ve told him he’s got to earn any sexy favours tonight and he might not get any.’

  Ronnie mumbles ‘Ballbuster,’ under her breath.

  ‘I heard that. Anyway what about a double date?’

  She raises her hands in the air,‘Yay. I’ll ring Rob and get him to alter the booking. He has connections, can get the best tables.’


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