The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z

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The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z Page 10

by Andie M. Long

  ‘Your dad let you do that? The sick bastard. Did he see it?’

  ‘I don’t know. He wasn’t there at the filming and other people did the editing. My father’s never done his own dirty work, always had people to do it for him. Anyway, it was a waste of time. Isabel and I couldn’t face each other after and she just went and did more anyway. She got way too involved in the drug scene and overdosed one night. It was after that went down, that your Stepfather became involved in the business. I don’t know what went on that night but it was the catalyst for it all.’

  I sit back on the sofa reeling from what he’s told me.

  ‘So where’s the film?’

  ‘I don’t know. He never released that one. Just told me that if I ever stepped out of line, he had that film. I’d be a laughing stock if that got out Stella.’

  I nod, ‘I get that.’

  His eyes glisten with unshed tears, ‘Your stepfather holds me responsible for Isabel’s drug problem. She was so ashamed of the films, she tried to block it out with drugs and then it started a viscous cycle as she needed to do more films to score more drugs. It was an innocent remark in conversation Stella. I was showing off. “My Dad makes porn films.”’ His eyes bore into mine. ‘You have to help me bring him down. I need to do it every bit as much as you want revenge on Mitch.’

  I move along the sofa, lay across his lap and snuggle into his chest. ‘We can do this Gabe, together, we can, I know we can.’

  ‘I hope so. The day you came into my life I saw a chance to be free.’

  I still. ‘Is that all I am to you Gabe? A chance for freedom?’

  ‘Don’t think that’s a small thing with me Stella, but don’t ask for any more right now.’

  I undo my robe. ‘What about this? Can I ask for this?’

  He rolls me under him and there is no more talking.

  Chapter 4

  Waking the next morning I find myself tucked under the duvet cover. Gabe isn’t there. A realisation occurs, that he’s not leaving me, but rather he’s running away.

  We’re so similar it hurts.

  At the office I wait until ten and then I make a phone call I’ve been thinking about for some time. I arrange a meeting for after work. I could have done with it being at lunchtime but thirty minutes is hardly enough time to actually eat. Instead at lunch time I ring The Priory to speak to Ronnie.

  ‘Hey friend.’

  ‘Hey Stel.’

  ‘You sound a little down, are you okay?’

  ‘I’m just feeling really rough right now. Listen, I know I said visit me, but don’t for the next week okay, til I let you know I feel better. I don’t want you to see me like this.’

  I clasp the phone closer to my ear,‘You sure? I give great hugs.’

  ‘I feel like I have the flu. I just want to sleep all the time.’

  ‘It won’t be for long Ronnie. You’ll start to feel better soon.’

  ‘I know.’

  I speak softly,‘So what am I supposed to do without my bestie in the meantime?’

  I think I hear a sniffle, but then a strong voice comes down the line.‘Just carry on fucking your way through the alphabet so you have plenty to tell me when you do see me.’

  I laugh. ‘You behaving around Harry Taylor?’

  ‘Stella, I can hardly raise my mouth off the bed for a drink never mind to stick a cock in it.’

  ‘Ronnie. Are there people nearby?’

  ‘Only the Receptionist and I’m sure she’s heard much worse in here. Yep, she’s just nodded her head at me. Anyway Harry’s a sex addict. He can’t have any whilst he’s in here. How bloody bad is that. Walking fucking orgasm and he can’t have sex and I can’t bloody move. Torture, this place, torture.’

  ‘What are the other residents like?’

  ‘Oh they’re alright. Can you believe some women are in here because they are addicted to shopping. Who wants to stop shopping? I’ll tell you what that’s all about. Their bloody husbands want to reign the spending in. They stick the wife in here and then they save money whilst at the same time they’re free to shag the nanny.’

  She coughs and sounds like she’s going to hurl.

  ‘Oh Ronnie, get better soon.’

  ‘I’ll be fine. Listen what’s happening your end?’

  I tell her about my stepfather warning me off and about Gabe opening up about his past.

  ‘Crikey, there’s more debauchery out there than there is in here.’

  ‘Tell me about it. I’ve made an arrangement to meet with a Private Investigator.’

  ‘Great stuff. Remember cash only, you don’t want it traceable.’

  Ronnie sounds very knowledgeable about this and I make a mental note to ask her about it some other time. God only knows what she’s been up to in the past.

  ‘You’re not going to let your stepfather tell you when you can see your own mother or not are you?’

  ‘He said he wouldn’t let me near her, unless he was there.’

  ‘So go there, get her on her own and tell her what’s going on.’

  ‘Do you know, you’re right. I’m going to go there tomorrow night. I’m just going to turn up and that way Stepbastard will be wrongfooted, or with any luck, not even in.’

  She yawns.

  ‘Gosh I’m sorry for keeping you chatting on Ronnie. Go get better. I miss you heaps, it’s not the same here without you.’

  ‘Course it’s not, I’m fucking awesome, and what are you? Say it Stella.’

  ‘I’m fucking lovely.’

  ‘Don’t you forget it. Now fuck off I need to be sick.’

  Gabe’s been in meetings all morning. He comes in to see me when he gets in. I give him a massive smile. He looks at me as if I need committing.

  ‘Er, you all right Stella?’

  ‘I’m great thanks. Why?’

  He looks at his feet. ‘I was kind of expecting a “you left me” snark.’


  ‘Er, okay then. You up for meeting later?’

  ‘Sorry, can’t, plans.’

  He tenses. ‘What sort of plans?’

  ‘Plans you aren’t anything to do with plans. Now have you brought me some work?’

  ‘There’s something going on with you? What are you up to?’

  ‘There’s nothing going on. I’ve just phoned Ronnie and I was pleased to hear from her that’s all.’

  He shakes his head and his shoulders relax. ‘Oh, how’s she doing?’

  ‘She feels like hell. Good news is her and Harry are not getting it on.’

  ‘Thank God for that.’

  He carries on standing near me, shuffling from foot to foot.

  ‘Spit it out Gabriel.’

  ‘It’s just, what I said to you last night. I think the emotions ruled me a bit, with the all “since you came into my life” bit.’

  I sigh. ‘Gabe, you’re shagging me through the alphabet, no strings, yada yada yada. I get it. You don’t have to keep reminding me. Now go away, my boss has given me a lot of work to get on with and I need to leave on time.’

  He looks like he wants to say more, but he closes his mouth and returns to his own office.

  New Stella isn’t going there, to the place she can be hurt again, do not worry Mr Gregory.

  I’m looking out for myself from now on.

  I meet Peter from the Private Investigators firm in the Tattersall’s Tavern in Knightsbridge. It’s an easy place to meet being right next to Harrods. The interior is old and dark, so I felt it suited as a place to meet a PI, a bit cloak and dagger. He’s sitting at a table but he stands up to shake my hand. Peter is a tall, reedy man with a good head of short dark hair and attractive brown eyes. He runs his hand through his hair. Under his eyes is dark. I’d put him mid-thirties. I know it’s him because he told me he was wearing a green striped jumper.

  ‘Been kept up snooping?’

  ‘Nah, new baby.’ He says, ‘You must be Miss Gregory?’

  ‘Please, call me Stella.’

/>   He already has a drink, so I order myself a vodka and then take a seat.

  He has a pen in his hand and some documents in front of him. ‘So, you want to hire me?’

  ‘Yes. I wanted to meet with you though because what I want is a bit more complicated than a simple trace.’

  ‘Sounds interesting.’

  I tell him about my stepfather and Gabe’s father and how I want my stepfather followed to see if I can turn up any dirt. I also explain that I want to know if Gabe’s father is still running the pornography business.

  ‘I read you did honey traps. That’s why I chose you. I wondered if you had someone who could try and get them talking about things, get me something on tape.’

  ‘I’m sure we can. These people sound like powerful men. Are you sure about this?’

  ‘They are. Too powerful. I’m damn sure. You just let me know how much you want for investigating.’

  He raises his eyebrow.

  ‘I want your fees upfront. Don’t think I’m a naive rich bitch, because I can tell you now, I have absolutely nothing to lose at this moment in time.’

  He smiles. ‘Are you sure you even need me? You sound like you could deal with this yourself. I think your balls are bigger than mine.’

  I laugh. ‘I can’t afford to be seen snooping. Payment in cash okay? Write your bill out to Mrs Smith.’

  ‘I’ve written a lot of bills out to Mrs Smith.’

  ‘Thought you might have, so mine won’t stand out will it?’

  I pass him a phone number. ‘I’ve bought a separate pre-paid mobile phone. That’s the only way I want you to contact me. Lose the number, don’t try and find me, I’ll call you.’

  ‘When do you want me to start?’

  ‘Sort out your fees and call me. The sooner the better.’

  We shake hands. I gulp down my drink, and get up to leave.

  ‘Oh, I’ve thought of something else, I need you to do. Usual trace work.’

  ‘Oh yes?’

  ‘I want you to find someone for me. I have no idea where they live.’

  He gets out his notebook. ‘I just need a name and date of birth to start. Okay and this is?’

  ‘She was called Isabel Daniel’s last I heard. I need to speak to her.’

  I catch the tube home feeling really positive. I’m looking into Mitch and Arnie’s affairs. I want to find Isabel and see if she’ll give me her version of events and maybe she can provide me with information on who was around at the time of the porno shoot. I’m also keeping Gabe at arm’s length, even though there’s nothing more I’d like to do right now than to stroke that stubbly chin. Maybe grab the back of his hair and snog the arse off him. Let him fuck me against the wall.

  Jeez, I think I’m going to need to do a lot of lengths in the pool tonight.

  Gabe is beyond foul the next morning. Lorraine fixes me with a look.

  ‘What’s wrong with him?’

  ‘I’ve no idea, but nothing seems to suit Mr Gregory this morning. He was in a mood when he came in, then his father came to see him and he went volcanic.’

  ‘I’d better go see if I can do something.’

  ‘Well I recommend avoidance myself. I shall busy myself with doing work for the rest of the floor. Shout me if you need me.’

  ‘I will.’

  I put my handbag down, boot up the computer and then go through to Gabe’s office.

  He’s standing at the window. He turns and looks down at me. If Gods of Thunder were real, Gabe would be the embodiment of one. His cheek tightens as he looks at me and he’s wringing his hands if he’s trying to keep himself from throttling me.

  ‘I don’t recall asking you to come through,’ he snarls out.

  ‘Good morning Stella. Here is some work I’d like for you to do today please.’

  ‘Don’t get smart mouthed with me, save it for someone who gives a shit.’

  I walk up to him and get right in his head space.

  ‘You do give a shit. I think that’s the problem isn’t it?’

  He strides past me, pushing me away.

  ‘Get over yourself Miss Mulroney. I’m your boss, go to the office and get some work done.’

  ‘Yes, Sir.’ I salute him and storm to my office.

  Fucking arsehole.

  I work my way steadily through every piece of work on my desk because I want to leave everything clear. I have to stay later than usual, but I want it all done. Then I type my resignation, which I want effective immediately. I’m past needing to work here now. I can put my energies into dealing with Mitch.

  I order a massive bouquet of flowers to be delivered to Lorraine tomorrow along with a note of apology letting her know I’ll be in touch soon to explain. I don’t have any personal belongings to take with me, so once I leave here, there are no loose ends.

  I just have one thing left to do.

  I pick up my note and calmly walk into Gabe’s office. He’s sat staring at his computer looking like he wants to set it on fire.

  ‘What do you want? I thought you’d have left by now.’

  ‘That’s what I’ve come to tell you. I’m leaving.’

  ‘Well just go home, you don’t need to ask permission.’

  ‘No, fuckhead, I mean I AM LEAVING.’ I throw my notice at him. ‘Take your foul temper and stick it up your backside. I have no more need of you and no more need of playing silly games with the alphabet. Have a nice life. Or not, I find I don’t really care.’

  Then I leave, letting the door bang.

  I stand out in the foyer and grip onto one of the stationary cages that’s been left in Reception. I’m shaking. I can’t think about this right now.

  No more Gabe.

  Stella he’s more trouble than he’s worth.

  He turns me inside out and upside down. No-one is allowed to have that sort of power over me.

  Leave now.

  I take my hand away from the cage and walk towards the lift. I press the button and just as the lift door opens, so does his office door.

  I turn around.

  ‘Stella,’ his eyes look like broken mirrors, silver and splintered, ‘Don’t leave me.’ The words come out in a gasp, as if it’s the last oxygen in his body he’s using to utter them.

  I have a decision to make. I turn and walk into the lift.

  Chapter 5

  I press the stop button and stand across the lift doorway facing him.

  ‘You want me now do you? Have you lost the bug from up your ass? Come and get me then. Beg, crawl, whatever you like. Because you don’t get to talk to me like you have today and get away with it.’

  He stares at me.

  ‘I’ll leave this stop button on for one minute, then I’m out of here.’ I fold my arms across my chest. ‘Sixty,’ I chant, ‘Fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven.’

  ‘STOP,’ he shouts and he takes a step towards me. He draws in a deep breath and then slowly walks all the way up to me.

  He squeezes his eyes shut as if in pain,‘I’ve been a dick, again. I know. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.’

  ‘I don’t know Gabe.’ I look around the lift.

  ‘I was wrong, I accept that. Please step out of the lift.’

  ‘Make me.’

  He grabs my wrists, pulls me out of the lift and up close and personal. He smashes his mouth into mine, his tongue forcing its way between my teeth. He moves my wrists behind my back, as he kisses me. We move and he presses me up against the stationary cage which starts to wobble on its castors. Then I hear a click and I feel a hard plastic against my wrist.

  ‘H is for handcuffs,’ he states triumphantly.

  I shake my arm but my wrist is fastened to the outside of the cage. I pull at it, but it hurts.

  ‘Let me go.’I shriek.

  ‘Nope, not yet anyway.’ His smile is cocky.

  ‘This is fucking diabolical behaviour. Let me go.’

  ‘I said no.’ He starts to push the cage into his office, I have to walk alongside it to stop
my wrist from being broken.

  ‘You’re not funny.’

  ‘I’m not trying to be funny. I’m horny as fuck and when you start being all bossy it just gives me the horn even more. You stand up to me, I stand out for you.’ He points to his trousers.

  I’m in a temper and yet I want to fuck his brains out.

  ‘Release me.’


  I relax my posture and look at him from under my eyelashes. ‘I’ll do anything you want.’

  He laughs and flicks me under the chin. ‘That look on your face tells me the minute I let you go I’m getting stabbed with something before you leave. Now play nicely and I’ll think about it.’

  I sigh,‘What does a girl have to do to get out of here?’

  ‘I think first she has to take her clothes off.’

  I hit my head back against the cage.‘Do I have a choice in this?’

  ‘No, but you can pretend you do if it makes you feel better.’

  I yawn. ‘You’d better get it over with then.’

  ‘You’ll regret that yawn.’


  I stand and let him take off my skirt, top, bra and then pants. My bra and top hang down on my attached arm.

  ‘Didn’t think of that did you?’ I chide.

  He gets a little bullet vibrator out of his pocket.

  ‘Shut up Stella, he says.

  He kisses me, sucking on my bottom lip. I don’t respond. He turns the bullet on and using his fingers parts my pussy lips, then applies the buzzing plastic to my clit, holding it against me, the vibration so intense it’s hard to let it stay there. He starts to move it around and then pushes it inside me.’

  I groan.

  He looks at me and smiles. Carries on pushing it in and out, in and out.

  ‘Still going to act like it’s doing nothing for you? Give it up.’

  I start to fuck it. It’s small though and I’m finding it hard to get what I need from it.

  ‘Put it back on my clit Gabe.’

  He pulls the vibrator out. ‘Only if you get in the cage.’


  ‘Let me handcuff you inside the cage.’

  I stand, my breath coming heavy and my body ready to come too.


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