Home > Other > DOUBLE TROUBLE: TROUBLE IN VEGAS series > Page 12

by Patrice Wilton

  He took the card from her hand. “Here. It’s easy enough.” He slid it in and looked at her. “Put in the amount you want to charge. You don’t have to use it all on one machine. It will give you a credit slip that you can take with you and use elsewhere or cash in.”

  “Oh. That’s good.” She seemed to be waiting for him to leave. “Are you feeling better?” she asked. “It was weird wasn’t it? Both of us feeling like that at the same time.”

  “Yeah. Weird, is right.” Part of his insurance plan required yearly physicals so he knew he was in terrific shape. “I’m okay now. How about you?”

  She turned to face him but wouldn’t meet his eyes. Her hands gripped a small purse that might fit a key and a credit card, maybe a lipstick if she was lucky. She brought it up to her chest as if warding off the devil. He’d been called many things, but that wasn’t one of them.

  “Still not a hundred percent, but better than I was.” She lifted her head and their gaze connected. Her cheeks flamed and her hazel eyes burned bright, as though she carried a mid-grade fever. She licked her lips which shouldn’t have looked sexy seeing that she wasn’t well. But it was and his body reacted like any man’s. Un-boss like.

  “I must have a little temperature,” she murmured.

  Without preamble, he reached out to feel her forehead and her eyes widened at his touch. Her mouth trembled. He stood a few inches from her and he could almost taste her lips. They would be hot and sweet, like strawberries dipped in chocolate. He remembered her chest pressed against his, and the lust that had swept over him. She was a very desirable woman. Careful, boy. His pants were a little tight right now, and his dick didn’t care about being her boss, it just damn well wanted to get inside of her.

  He stepped back. “You are hot.”

  She laughed nervously and teased him. “I hope you don’t say that to all the girls.”

  He liked that teasing grin and the way her eyes danced over him. He wished he was like every other guy in Vegas out for a good time, because he had a mighty strong feeling that she could deliver.

  He didn’t want her giving it away to just anyone—or anyone but him. That thought shocked him. He had barely taken notice of her before tonight, and now he wanted to know her sleeping habits. Did she have a steady lover? Was she looking for one?

  “What?” she asked, her expression wary. “You’re looking at me funny.”

  “You’re very beautiful. I didn’t notice before.” God! Why had he said a dumb thing like that? Sexual harassment in the workplace. Except it wasn’t the workplace. It was Vegas. Sin City. And he was only telling her the truth.

  She didn’t say anything right away. When she did, he wished she hadn’t.

  “You shouldn’t say that to me. Not that I think you’re coming on to me or anything. It’s just…this place.” She chewed her bottom lip and he wanted to nibble on it too.

  “What do you mean this place? Vegas?” He should turn around and march upstairs as fast as his legs could carry him, but he lingered. He couldn’t stop looking at her. He’d never noticed the light smattering of freckles on her cheeks or the crease between her well-shaped brows when she frowned. He wanted to run his finger over the groove, smooth it out and tell her everything would be fine. But if he couldn’t get a grip on himself, it just might not be.

  “No. I don’t think it’s Vegas. I think it’s here in Mandalay Bay. Maybe it’s coming from their air vents like Legionnaire’s disease.” Her face flushed again. “That could be it.”

  “You should probably get to bed. You’re not making any sense and you don’t look well.” He took her by the elbow. “You can play the slots tomorrow. I think a good night’s rest is in order.”

  “Yes. That’s an excellent idea.”

  He walked her to the bank of elevators and pressed the button. “I’ll see you to your room. What floor?”

  “Nine.” She glanced down at the carpet and he could see her shaking. Her arms were crossed around her middle, but the dress didn’t cover much and she had the chills.

  “I’m on that floor too.” The door slid open and they waited for it to empty. With his hand on her back he guided her inside. His guts were in a knot, and he couldn’t seem to break physical contact with her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and stop her trembling.

  “Can I put an arm around you?” he asked cautiously. “You’re shivering.”

  “I was fine before you came near.” Her head tilted up and her eyes burned through him. “You should stay the hell away from me.”

  “Jennifer. What is the matter? You know I would never do anything inappropriate. I’m not a fool.”

  “You don’t need to be,” she said, shaking her head back and forth. “I can’t explain it.” Her voice rose and he could hear the panic. “I’m just trying to warn you that if we are not very, very careful things could get out of control.”

  Now he knew something was seriously wrong. He reached for her tiny purse, found her key, and when the elevator stopped on their floor, he put a supporting arm around her and swept her toward her room. He got the door opened and nearly carried her inside. She was holding on to the doorframe as if afraid to go in.

  He needed to get her into bed at once. Call the hotel doctor before he left. He couldn’t leave her like this.

  “Go.” She pushed him toward the door like a crazed woman. “You need to leave.”

  “You’re not well. I’m just going to call the doctor before I go.”

  Striding across the room to the small round table by the window, Hunter had the room phone in his hand as the door slammed shut. Seconds passed as he searched the pad for the right number to call. Sensing her behind him, he turned and his mouth dried. Jennifer moved slowly, sensuously, her eyes bright and feverish. There was a glow about her.

  Jennifer took the phone out of his hand. She stood so close he felt the heat radiate from her body and yet she trembled.

  Want and need surfaced inside of him, something he hadn’t felt for a woman in a long, long time. She looked so needy, so desirable, and…desperate! His blood heated up as she moistened her mouth.

  “It’s too late.” She said in a soft voice full of despair and promise. “We’re doomed.”


  Jennifer woke up with a blinding headache. It beat the worst hangover she’d ever had—even during her carefree college days.

  She moaned and opened her eyes. She was naked, her muscles sore. She remembered her fever from the night before. That could explain her lack of a nightie and feeling like she’d had a two hour Pilates workout.

  Sucking in a breath she darted a glance beside her. The bed was empty. Oh, thank the dear Lord!

  But then, she heard the sound of a shower. Who was in there? She slid out of bed, oh so quietly, and looked for her luggage. It was where she’d left it, on the rack next to the closet. She was in her room, but she was not alone.

  Breathing deeply, she grabbed at her clothes. A bra. Panties. She turned her back and slipped into a pair of pink silk underwear. Rushing now, her hurried movements made her drop the matching bra on the floor. She scrambled to pick it up as the shower turned off. Her remaining breath was sucked right out of her, and with trembling fingers she tried to fasten her bra but couldn’t get it to catch.

  He mustn’t come out. She didn’t want to see who it was. She wanted to be out of the room and far away from whoever was humming off-key. But she knew the name of the man on the other side of the door. She knew his face. She knew his body. Intimately.


  This couldn’t be happening. Not again. Not to her! She was smarter than that. She knew better. She knew the danger. She had been there for Nikki’s downfall right from the start. No, please, don’t let this be real she begged an unseen power who couldn’t let her down in her time of need.

  She closed her eyes and when she opened them again Hunter stood in the bathroom doorway, a towel tied around his waist. She took in his broad chest, his narrow waist, the slim hips
that kept the towel from dipping further. She remembered all too clearly what was underneath. The man was hung and then some.

  Heat flamed her face and her knees went weak. She covered her naked breasts the best she could and reached for the bed cover. “What are you doing here?”

  “Jennifer. We need to talk.”

  “No. No, we don’t. This didn’t happen. You need to get out of here. Right now. I won’t tell anyone. It will be our dirty little secret. No one needs to know. Not ever.”

  “I didn’t seduce you, Jen.”

  “I don’t care.” Tears prickled her eyes and she heard the rising hysteria in her voice. She was losing it when she had to hang on. “What does it matter? I seduced you. You seduced me. I’m telling you, it’s not our fault. We didn’t do this. It’s the virus.” She moved forward and gently pounded his chest with her fists. Not in anger, but in frustration. “It’s something about this damn hotel. Shit, shit, shit! I never realized it before. I thought Nikki was to blame, but now I realize it wasn’t her fault. Just like it’s not ours.”

  He took her hands in his and kissed the top of her head. Then he led her back to bed, covering her with the sheet. “You’re not making any sense. You didn’t last night, either. I came in, to help you and make sure you were okay. I was about to call the house doctor. Before I could make the call your dress was off and you were all over me.”

  “Oh!” The blood drained from her face. Had she done that? Oh, yeah. But he’d been pretty quick to drop the phone. “Now it’s my fault?”

  “I didn’t say that.” His expression was full of concern, and something else. Guilt?

  “You damn well did.” She brought the cover to her chin and raised her knees, wanting to fold herself into as small a package as possible. She wished she could simply disappear. This hotel was creepy. Why had she agreed to come back?

  “Who is Nikki?” he asked gently, sitting on the edge of the bed near her feet.

  “My best friend. I was her bridesmaid. We came to the Mandalay over a year ago to celebrate her upcoming nuptials. Which never happened.” She pushed her hair off her face and gave him a long look. She needed him to understand, but how could he, when she barely did herself? “The wedding was called off. She slept with a guy the first night she was here. Said she couldn’t help it. Like us.”

  “Well, I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t think the hotel can be held responsible for that, do you?”

  “I didn’t. I figured she was trying to rationalize falling into bed with a hot stranger. Now? I do blame this place. She got feverish. Just like us. I thought she was maybe having second thoughts. Could’ve been the stress she was under, or the last hoorah! Hell, I didn’t want to judge her, you know?” She paused, tightening her grip on the covers. “They fell in love and now she’s married to Josh and about to have their first baby. I never did like the other guy she was gonna marry.”

  “All’s well that ends well. And so you think that somehow our actions are linked to what happened to her?”

  “Uh-huh.” She peeked at him from under lowered eyelashes. “Sounds dumb, doesn’t it?” She didn’t want to fall in love with Hunter. She believed in free will. Choices.

  “It doesn’t sound very logical, and I know that you are a very logical, highly intelligent woman.” He smoothed her hair back over her ear. “So, I think we somehow got a little carried away last night, that’s all. We’ll make sure it never happens again. Never. You understand? It’s best that we don’t speak of it and keep this to ourselves.”

  “Yes.” She sighed with relief. “Glad we’re both in agreement about that.”

  He got up and began to dress. She remained in bed, watching him. Damn. He was super hot. Super nice. Super smart. Too damn bad he was also her super boss or they could go another round.

  He was buttoning up his shirt when he turned to face her. “I just want you to know that I don’t regret it. I enjoyed every moment of last night and what we did together. The only thing I regret is the fact that I’m your boss and that I have to leave.”

  “Ditto that.” She buried her head in her knees and felt his hand stroke her hair. She must be a mess right now. After what they’d done during the night, she probably had a scarlet letter painted on her forehead. Shame made her keep her head down.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t believe I attacked you like that. I’m not like that. I’m not.”

  “I’m not sorry. And you should be like that. Just not with me.”

  “Yeah. Got that.” She heard him move toward the door. “Do you mind if I don’t speak to you today? I’ll keep myself busy with the people coming through the booth. I’ll try not to make it awkward.”

  “Sure. That’s a good idea. Just stay cool. Everything will be fine. Nobody will ever know, and we can go back to being business associates like we were twenty-four hours ago.” His hand was at the door. “Unless you want another workout before we say quits.”

  She threw her pillow at him. Her body tensed with awareness. Was he serious? “No.” Yes. If only they could…

  He grinned and winked. “You’re smart. Me, I’m dumb enough to still want to try.”

  He left and the door clicked as the lock engaged. Alone once more, she lifted the covers and was halfway out of bed when she froze, staring into space. Maybe she could leave word with her team that she’d come down with an infectious disease. Or make it simple, like pneumonia. She didn’t need to show her face at all. She could catch the next flight out of here and they wouldn’t miss her. Probably would be relieved that she was gone.

  Oh, it might be the chicken’s way out, but right now she’d rather be chicken than a cooked goose.

  She took a long shower considering her options, but Jennifer was not a coward. She almost wished right now she could be, but it was her nature to meet problems head-on. She was a problem solver—hence the manager of production, a fairly heavy-weight job. The team might not want her, but she needed to be at the convention to make darn sure everything ran smoothly. If it didn’t, the backlash would be on her, not the guys who would cheer her downfall.

  Not going to happen. She could face Hunter and her team of engineers with her head held high. She’d learned early on that you could lie down and be steamrolled, or get up and fight for what you deserve. Jennifer hadn’t gown up with a silver spoon stuffed down her mouth. She had been poor, with a single mother who worked in a restaurant to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Her younger brother had gotten mixed up with a street gang when he was fourteen and never made it through high school. He’d died before his sixteenth birthday.

  Jennifer had to work her ass off, making sure she got top grades and a scholarship to a good college, and worked on weekends to ease her mother’s financial strain.

  She had been lucky. A photographic memory made studying easy. Her hard work paid off, and Jen made sure her mother never had to work again.

  She’d earned this job, and damn it, she was going to keep it.


  Jennifer dressed carefully for the morning meet and greet. It was an informal affair to welcome the international attendees—industry professionals, either veteran or inspiring software architects, engineers, and senior developers. Everyone was here to learn and train through hands-on labs, workshops, and intensive technical sessions. The convention also provided networking opportunities. Each member of her team was an expert in their field and would oversee individual workshops.

  She chose a simple, well-cut gray suit with an olive green silk shirt that brought out the green in her eyes. She kept her makeup light, her shoulder length auburn hair twisted in a knot and clipped high on her head. She looked professional, cool, ready to take on the world.

  Inside, there was still that uncertain young girl who had to bury her brother, take care of her mother, and get out of the dreary neighborhood to become the woman she wanted to be.

  She picked up her small handbag, made sure she had her coral lipstick, a small brush, mints, and some Tums fo
r her upset stomach. Then she dropped in her plastic key and marched to the bank of elevators, taking it down to the lower floors. No need for directions. She simply followed the people out of the elevators, heading toward the vibrant sounds from down the hall.

  Her concern about facing Hunter was forgotten. There were so many familiar faces and new ones to converse with that she grabbed a coffee, and flowed easily from one group to the next. She had it all under control.

  * * *

  Hunter saw her the moment she entered the room. He’d spent the last hour preparing for their meeting, practicing how he’d greet her, the tone of voice he would use, the way he’d smile and joke as if it were any other day. Any other day that hadn’t started in her bed, lying awake while she slept cuddled in his arms, as he remembered the passion that had both surprised and pleased him. Her kisses had been demanding, her hands inquisitive, her body insatiable. He had never met a woman so full of want, of need, who could take and give so much. She had a very passionate nature, which she wisely kept well hidden.

  Dear God, he felt himself stir at the memory of her against the sheets. Jennifer Martin had been quite remarkable. Delectable. Too much so. He would prefer her to be ordinary, at least in bed. In the working place he demanded excellence, but this was a side of her he didn’t wish to know. Or hadn’t wanted to know. Now he did, and probably being curious, like most humans, and male, he’d want to explore that sexy side of this delicious creature more often. Which would create all types of problems for the two of them.

  He had one of those problems growing in his pants right now. To avoid detection he slid behind the long, rectangular coffee table draped with a white cloth and surveyed the crowd, forcing his mind to go anywhere but there. He smiled and chatted with several people, but his mind and eyes kept wandering over to that magnetic woman he’d worked with for half a year, and had never yearned for until last night.


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