Home > Other > DOUBLE TROUBLE: TROUBLE IN VEGAS series > Page 14

by Patrice Wilton

  “That’s nice to hear.” She smiled. “I try.”

  Hunter crossed his legs and studied her. “You’re sitting with me at dinner. Why don’t you wear that dress from last night?”

  “I have a cocktail dress. Can’t wear the same outfit two nights in a row. It’s blue and shiny. You’ll like it.”

  “I’m sure I will.” His eyes twinkled. “You want to grab a drink before we head upstairs? To talk about how your workshop went.”

  Before they’d slept together, she would have accepted the offer. She forced herself to act natural. “Sure. Why not?” She brushed the cookie crumbs off her lap and stood up, stretching her back, forgetting that her jacket was left open. His eyes followed her movement and settled on her breasts.

  She put her arms down and marched ahead of him toward the bar. She didn’t like the tingly feeling it gave her when he looked at her as a woman, not as his employee. It did not bode well for the next few days. They were away from Mountain View, California and in the decadent Sin City. They had lived up to the reputation of Vegas last night for sure. What happens here darn well better stay here, or both she and Hunter were in serious trouble.

  He caught up with her and matched her stride. His hand lightly brushed up against hers, and she remembered clearly the warmth of his touch on her back, and the way he’d caressed her body. She’d never know the feel of them again. Not now, not ever. But, oh how she’d thought about those hands during odd moments of the day.

  They sat a cocktail table near the bar and when the waitress arrived, he ordered them both a scotch. That was the last thing she wanted.

  She corrected him before the waitress stepped away. “I’m sorry, but I would prefer a Chardonnay, please,” she told the young lady, who nodded and hurried off. “I’m really not much of a scotch drinker,” she confessed to Hunter. “Especially on an empty stomach.” Making herself comfortable, Jennifer sat back in the club chair and slipped off her shoes.

  Hunter picked up a mixed bowl of nuts and pretzels and helped himself to a handful before passing them over. “You look wiped. You better have an hour’s shuteye before the dinner tonight.”

  “I will. Right after this glass of wine. I’m hoping it’ll put me to sleep.”

  He touched her foot under the table with his shoe. “I know something that would work better, but unfortunately it’s off the books.”

  “For sure. Not that I have enough energy even if it weren’t.”

  He twisted his neck around, as if working out some kinks. “I’m sorry we got carried away last night. It won’t happen again.”

  “Good.” She wondered where this conversation was leading. Far as she was concerned, the less said the better.

  “You know I’ve been divorced for a couple of years, and I’ve got a few lady friends.” He spoke quietly, his eyes on her face. “Nothing serious.” He shrugged his big shoulder, the one her head had rested on half the night. “I wish I could say it was because I was lonely and you were very desirable, but that’s not necessarily true. The desirable part is, but I’m not lonely, and I don’t have time in my life for a complication like romance.”

  “You think romance is a complication? Something to be avoided? As if you have a choice?”

  “Of course. Everyone has a choice.” He leaned back in his chair and watched her face.

  “I’m sure you’re right. I don’t have the time or inclination either.” Even as she spoke the words, she couldn’t help but notice how sexy he looked with his tie loosened, his hair rumpled, his mouth needing to be kissed.

  Luckily the wine arrived and momentarily distracted her. She clinked glasses with him, then took a long, slow sip. The wine was smooth, chilled and delicious.

  He rolled his scotch around his glass, his gaze still on her. Her insides were doing loop-de-loops, and she so wanted to reach out a hand and make contact with him, but couldn’t. The best thing to do was drink up fast and get away from temptation as quickly as possible.

  She was bone-tired, and tired people made mistakes. They did things on impulse, without using their heads. Last night was different. She had no choice. The entire situation had been out of her control. Incapable of thought, aroused and needy, she’d been unable to do anything else but what she did. It was so similar to what happened to her friend Nikki that she refused to accept the blame.

  Nikki, two weeks from marriage, had been swept away by a handsome stranger, a force too strong to resist. She’d been a victim, just as Jen had been last night. If she knew what caused it, she would damn well sue the Mandalay Hotel…for…for…inappropriate behavior!

  “What are you thinking? You look lost in thought.”

  “That I should finish drinking this and go get some rest.” Her cheeks flamed. She fanned her chest with a cocktail napkin. “I’m feeling a little warm and I don’t want to combust.” This evening she would control her urges or whatever the hell it was driving strangers into bed. Now that she was aware of the danger, she’d nip it in the bud. She had choices, and she’d make wise ones.

  He swallowed a mouthful of scotch and she could see a tick in his cheek as he slammed the glass down. “Hot? Not again,” he said and lifted his eyes to the ceiling. “Lord, help me.”

  She giggled and hid her smile by bowing her head. “That’s not how most men react when they know I’m hot and bothered.”

  “As we both know, I’m not most men.” He reached to touch her hand. “I’m the one you can’t have. Not that I don’t want to, but it wouldn’t be smart.”

  “Got that, and don’t worry. I have the situation under control.” She snatched her hand from beneath his and grabbed her chilled wine. His comment irked her, even though she knew he was right. A small, unloved part of her wished he’d forget about being her boss and get caught up in the craziness—not let her simply walk away. No man had ever wanted her that much, and obviously he didn’t either.

  “Let’s hope we both do,” he said as his knee accidentally touched hers.

  She shifted her leg and straightened in her chair. She felt as if they were playing a child’s game of one step forward, two steps back. It was infuriating. Wanting each other, but unable to satisfy that need. They were grown adults. If they both worked for different companies, they could be upstairs right now going at each other like rabbits.

  Of all the damn luck! Why had the fever struck the two of them, when she was in a convention filled with eligible men? It could so easily have been anyone else. Heck. Even Barry or Mark would have been a better choice.

  “What are you thinking,” he asked softly, folding his cocktail napkin in two.

  “I’m thinking even Thomas would have been preferable.”

  He laughed at that. “Really?”

  She smiled too. “Definitely. He’s brilliant, and sweet.”

  “I’m not?” he asked, inching closer to her.

  Afraid to answer, she turned her gaze toward the entrance of the bar, looking for a distraction, and got one. “Oh, look who just showed up. The nice guys from Chicago. Bill and Ryan. Ryan’s wife is having a baby, but Bill, well, I guess he’s single.”

  Hunter’s eyes followed hers. He cleared his throat, and his shoe nudged her calf. “Jennifer.” His voice was low. Stern. Thrilling. “Don’t you dare.”

  “Don’t I dare what?” she asked all innocent-like and straightened her back, knowing her breasts were well defined in the clingy silk shirt. This time, she did it on purpose. She knew she was playing with fire, but couldn’t stop herself. Nor did she want to.

  “Don’t mix business with pleasure,” he told her. “It’s not smart.”

  “Is there something in the employee manual about that?” she inquired sweetly.

  “If there isn’t, I’ll amend it when we get back.”

  She snorted and put a hand over her mouth. She loved teasing him, and being with him, and seeing his eyes glitter. Oh, how they had glittered when they’d been in bed together. At the first sight of her breasts—as she lowered herself on top
of him. There had been fire in his eyes then, as there was now.

  “I’ll try to remember that, boss.” She gave him a flirtatious smile and waved the men over. “And to behave.”

  He stood up as the men approached and shook their hands. They ordered drinks and she chatted with them until their drinks arrived, then decided she could slip away.

  “See you all later,” she said, reaching for her jacket from the back of her seat. “I’m going to put my feet up for an hour. It’s been a long day.”

  The Chicago men used their considerable charm to convince her to stay for another round, but she waved them off. “Tonight. I’ll have a drink with you then. There’ll be some dancing too.”

  She noticed Hunter’s dark face, which only made her smile wider. As she pranced away, she knew the guys were watching her backside. Instead of being annoyed, she enjoyed her sexuality and new-found power. She’d always used her brain to gain a man’s interest, but heck, she was starting to enjoy herself, and had completely forgotten her earlier wish to sue the hotel.

  Once up in the room, she stripped her clothes off and got under the clean, cool sheets. The room was dark and her mind replayed the sex last night with Hunter, and she remembered the look on his face down at the bar. He didn’t want her with anyone else. That was so deliciously clear, but what to do about it was like searching for an answer through a thick pile of sludge.


  I watched the bar scene from my vantage point on top of a capped Courvoisier bottle, feeling very proud of myself. Things were going smoothly until those other young stallions showed up. I stamped my feet in fury and nearly toppled off the bottle, managing to grab on to the side and shimmy my way back up.

  Boss man was livid with Jennifer for flirting and had big aspirations of keeping her to himself. But how did he expect to accomplish that if he refused to touch her? A woman as lovely as that needs to be touched, to be loved well, and often.

  Sighing, I cursed my bad luck. Oh, to be a man instead of a Cupid. To be with a beautiful woman and lie beside her in bed. To love and to be loved instead of being only a facilitator, a guide leading two reluctant people down the garden path of romantic bliss.

  I slipped off the bottle and landed in an unwashed glass with a half ounce of gin. My favorite libation when I’m feeling down in the dumps. I sipped and pondered. How could I make sure these two worthy people overcome their business priorities, their natural good judgment, and embrace the joie de livre, the fun and freedom of a weekend in Vegas? They need passion in their lives, and companionship, and to fall madly, forever in love. All work and no play makes for a dull existence, as I well know.

  The gin was making me woozy, and I fluttered my wings and flew out of the glass, making lazy circles above the bar. After a few seconds, I steadied myself on the top shelf and leaned against a big bottle of Grand Marnier. I felt sleepy and my eyes half closed. My thoughts returned to the problem at hand. A large burp escaped from my lips, and caused me to knock my head against the glass bottle.

  I straightened up and looked out at the crowd of people, laughing, gambling, having a marvelous time, while my head hurt, and my brain felt like it might explode. Oh, what would Casey do? He’d likely resort to some trickery or give them another shot of the arrow. Perhaps that is exactly what I should do. I will hide and wait, then sometime during the dinner hour, I’ll make my presence known.


  Hunter was having a drink at the open bar as people flowed into the ballroom for dinner with their keynote speaker. It was open seating and many of the tables were already filled up. A few of his men were holding their table, and he’d told them to save a seat next to him for Jennifer. He was lingering at the bar to accompany her to the table so she wouldn’t have to search for them.

  Yes, he was a very considerate man. An extraordinary boss. Most bosses would give this detail to an underling. It didn’t escape his notice, nor did he imagine it would theirs. Already he was acting out of character, spending more time and attention with the only female on his production team than he was with the rest of the guys.

  He didn’t like it, and he had told himself as he showered and dressed that tonight he would keep things on an even keel. He’d also told himself that he’d make sure she sat at the opposite end of the table with at least one man between them. But he’d blown that concept the moment he arrived at the table and opened his mouth.

  He scanned the room and then wandered back to the main doorway, although there were three. Then he saw her, standing alone at the last door, searching the room for him and her team. He waved, then guided his way toward her. Before he could reach her side, he saw Chicago Bill slide up next to her and slip a hand on her waist. The younger man was wearing a charcoal suit and wore his dark hair slicked back. He had a strong face with carved cheekbones and a firm chin.

  As Hunter watched, this movie-star looking dude leaned in and whispered something in Jen’s ear.

  Moving quickly, Hunter called her name. “Jennifer! I’ve been waiting for you. Our table is over there, close to the podium.”

  She met his gaze and smiled.

  “Hello, Bill. Thanks for keeping her company,” he said, inserting himself in between. Bill had no choice but to back away. “We need to take our seats now. The speaker will be on soon.”

  Without waiting for a response, he placed his hand on Jennifer’s back leading her away. “You want a drink before we sit down?”

  “I do, but I was quite capable of getting it myself. And you were extremely rude chasing Bill off like you did. What must he think?”

  “He probably thinks you’re the most beautiful woman in the room, and had hopes of wooing you into his bed.” He grinned and raised a brow. “As I do.”

  She was wearing a slinky midnight blue dress that had a very low back, and hugged her body like a second skin. He’d been waiting for her for the past twenty minutes and had seen many women enter, but not one held a candle to her. She took his breath away. No other woman made him look twice. Or gave him wild ideas. He ached to strip away her clothes and kiss every damn inch of her.

  “Which part?” she asked, her green eyes sparkling.

  “Both parts. You are clearly the most beautiful woman in the room, and I wish I was a perfect stranger here for a good time. I’d want that good time to be you.”

  Her lips twitched. “That’s so insulting, I’m not sure how to answer that.”

  “Then don’t. Chardonnay?” he asked.

  She nodded and he got her drink. She took it from his hands and their fingers touched. He felt a spark searing him from the ends of their fingers to his toes.

  “Did you feel that?”

  “No. What?” She blinked innocently, but he was sure she felt it too.

  “Nothing. But back to what I was saying. Imagine if we had only just met and you didn’t work for me. Two people here for a convention. Nothing to keep us apart.”

  “Oh, you mean like Bill and me?”

  His hand clenched into a fist, and he wanted to use it on Bill’s pretty face. “No, not like the Chicago boys. Like us.”

  She took a sip of her wine and looked at him over the glass. “I can’t imagine that because it can’t happen. But it can with anyone else that I find attractive in the hotel tonight.” She tossed her hair back with a smile. She seemed to be enjoying herself, tormenting him. He didn’t like it.

  “Careful, Jen.” He put a hand around her shoulder, gave it a squeeze. “We have a good working relationship. Let’s not mess that up.”

  “You threatening me?”

  “No, it’s not a threat, more of a warning. You’re egging me on, and it’s bugging the hell out of me. Last night…” He wished he’d shut up before she dumped her wine glass over his head.

  “Last night what?” Her eyes were clear and held a hint of defiance. “We made a mistake. Won’t happen again.”

  “Maybe it wasn’t.” He ground his back teeth. “Maybe we are good together in more ways than just o
ne. Outside of work, I mean.”

  “I can list fifty reasons why that can’t happen.” She walked away, taking her seat with a friendly smile to her co-workers and a cold shoulder for him.

  Hunter had no recourse but to follow her. This was going to be a very long night.

  He touched base with the men at the table, chit-chatted a little before taking his seat. The room quieted as the keynote speaker took the podium. The man spoke for twenty minutes, and by the laughter in the room he was entertaining enough. He might have speaking Hebrew for all that Hunter actually listened. His thoughts were scattered, and he knew he was close to making a really bad decision. Possibly the worst one ever. But as every second, minute and hour passed, his desire to possess this smart, sexy woman beside him, only got worse.

  It was the worst case of infatuation he’d had since middle school when he’d lusted after his twenty-three-year-old teacher with her bouncy hair and bouncy boobs.

  Although he’d hardly spoken to Jennifer, he noticed the instant she crossed or uncrossed her legs. He’d get a glimpse of the inside of her creamy thigh, and remember how he’d licked it last night. He’d worked his way up from sucking on her toes to places that had made her squirm. He wanted her under him, squirming right now.

  Somehow he made it through dinner and the thinly sliced chocolate cake for dessert. Next there would be dancing. How to persuade her to dance with him? She’d barely glanced at him as he’d kept up a lively conversation with his male colleagues during their meal. By her own choosing she’d been left out.

  Not his fault. She could have entered the discussion at any time, but instead she’d sat silently, eating very little. Perhaps she wasn’t as unaffected by him as she’d professed. Finally he had enough of her silence. She was rubbing him the wrong way on so many levels he could barely think straight. “Jen? The music just started. Would you like to dance?”

  “Not now,” she replied, patting her lips with the white cloth napkin. “I’m going to freshen up in the ladies room, then be right back.”


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