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Harry Page 24

by Chris Hutchins

  Ms Ferrier says:

  We have researched nine other countries in southern Africa which have similar problems to Lesotho, with a high number of orphans and high HIV infection rates, and we have a short list of four countries. We still have an absolute commitment to doing all we can in Lesotho but we want to take the programme to other countries because there is a huge unmet need.

  One of the ideas Harry came up with during his second term in Helmand was to have a Sentebale garden at the 2013 Chelsea Flower Show to raise awareness of the charity and attract major sponsors. Not equipped with his father’s horticultural skills, he made long-distance calls back home to ask Jinny Blom, a gold-medal winner in the field, to design a garden which was also to be a homage to his mother. Between sorties in his Apache, he pored over designs emailed to Camp Bastion. He asked Ms Blom to ensure that the garden included forget-me-nots, which would not only serve as a translation of Sentebale but also ensure Diana’s memory would be recognised. He was delighted when she included a ‘hearts and crown’ motif on a stone-worked terrace and a Trifolium, a genus of herbs containing the trefoils or clovers, including the ‘William’ plant. The garden was also to include pollarded willows like the ones found in the damp valleys of Lesotho. It was an instant hit with B&Q who agreed to sponsor the garden, and Harry was shrewd enough to realise that it was likely to attract sponsors and donations for the charity itself. It was a brilliant move which ensured support for the suffering in Lesotho as well as paying tribute to Diana.

  On his return to Afghanistan one of the first letters he had received was from his beloved Nanny (Olga) Powell wishing him luck but expressing her fears for his welfare. Alas, she died a few weeks later, aged eighty-two. His deployment prevented him from returning for her funeral and he did not send a wreath but urged all who knew and loved her as he did to make contributions to Sentebale.

  Olga knew more of his secrets than most but always declined to divulge them even if she was offered substantial sums for her story. She did, however, give occasional talks to women’s lunches and community events. On one occasion she said of Harry: ‘He could be a naughty boy but the occasional clout soon brought him back into line.’ Judging by the splendid way he has grown up – albeit belatedly – it must have been more than an occasional one.

  ‘A naughty boy’ might well have been the description Cressida Bonas applied to him after the Las Vegas episode but, contrary to reports at the time, she was never prepared to give up on him and, between carrying out his duties in Afghanistan, he telephoned her frequently from Helmand using a James Bond-style anti-bugging phone. The romance was seemingly back on and no one could have been more aware of it than Chelsy Davy; the two women had nothing to say to each other when they met up at the Henry van Straubenzee Memorial Fund Carol Concert in London early in December 2012. Chelsy had an unknown man on her arm but there was no sight of Henry Wentworth-Stanley, the ex-boyfriend Cressida had reportedly been reunited with. ‘It’s still a love match,’ confides a talkative friend, ‘but I would still put my money on Chelsy being the victor even though she once told me that marrying a prince was not the life for her. Only time will tell.’

  Harry’s own problems with women were swept aside when he received a call from his brother to tell him that the Duchess of Cambridge was pregnant. According to a fellow soldier, ‘He was berserk with happiness although he couldn’t tell us the reason at that stage – it was a “state secret”, he said.’ Even the huge bouquet of flowers he sent her had to be organised by a confidant in London. But when, eight weeks into her pregnancy, Kate was admitted to the King Edward VII hospital in London after being taken ill with hyperemesis gravidarum – severe morning sickness – Harry knew he could break the strict silence that Palace potentates had called for prior to an announcement planned for Christmas Day and he sent her an open message: ‘Get well soon, sis. I want to be an uncle soonest.’ She immediately replied saying, ‘I hope you won’t mind if it’s a girl. Since the times they are a-changing maybe you’ll still allow her to join your potential family polo team.’

  The birth of the royal baby pushes the People’s Prince down from third in line to fourth in the line of succession – and he couldn’t be happier. Knowing he will almost certainly never have to shoulder the awesome and tedious burden of kingship gives him the freedom to be the Harry Wales he always wanted to be. Quite apart from William’s happiness in becoming a father, Kate’s pregnancy had been the answer to his prayers. As Uncle Harry he will surely be the greatest role model the Royal Family has had for many generations. ‘What a change in one man in a relatively short time,’ says a courtier who guided me through the journey of Harry Wales, ‘from hooligan to hero, and all within the space of a few years.’

  Yes, Harry has changed and in the course of so doing has managed to achieve a large measure of the normality he craved earlier in his life when membership of the Royal Family made that dream seem impossible. He still likes his music (though Jennifer Lopez has had to give way to Beyoncé on the iPhone that goes everywhere with him), and watches The Royle Family and Big Brother (which he says he would like to appear on) on TV, although Tiggy managed to persuade him to extend his taste to include costume dramas such as Downton Abbey. Tatler said he was the coolest member of the Firm, but adds (in more vulgar terms than I repeat here) that this is like saying he was the most fanciable man in the Cabinet.

  So where does he go from here? As my reliable source at St James’s Palace admits, ‘Even he doesn’t know. Yes, he will leave the military in due course but I don’t expect him to become his elder brother’s deputy, just filling in when Prince William is unavailable. That’s not His Royal Highness’s way.’

  Harry’s dilemma is that he would dearly love to settle in his beloved Africa to work with those who truly need him – and during his February visit to Lesotho I understand he talked to Prince Seeiso about the prices and positions of available properties in the capital – but his grandmother has constantly reminded him that his place is in England, the country he says he does not particularly like. And what of his relationship with Chelsy? A close friend says that although Chelsy would have been happy to see him settle in her homeland, ‘She has come to enjoy life in London where she now has a promising career and a wide circle of friends. She doesn’t need Harry any more.’

  Harry has found that difficult to accept. Let there be no doubt about it, Chelsy was the love of his life, but Cressida Bonas is more compliant, more able to fit in with his lifestyle. I believe the Queen may be a little anxious about her bohemian ways but Cressida is more likely to conform than Chelsy was and he loves her for it.

  His love was demonstrated when she joined him for a romantic break at the Farinet Hotel in Verbier in February. Harry went out of his way to be photographed kissing Cressida on the slopes: ‘I’m told that they talked of marriage but he wouldn’t thank me for saying that,’ continues his talkative chum. ‘Fergie [the Duchess of York who was there with her daughters and former husband] was urging him to propose but “H” wouldn’t go that far. That said, however, he’s seen how happy marriage has made his brother and I think he wants some of that. I’m also informed that Cressida’s mother has told [Princess] Eugenie she would love to see them settle down together, but the girl won’t be rushed any more than he will. Harry is not one to be rushed; believe me, he still has a few tricks up his sleeve. He’s special, he’s interesting – watch this space.’

  Of all the royals, Harry Wales is indeed the most interesting one to follow: in his short life he has produced many surprises and doubtless he will continue to do so. While Charles loves him deeply and dotes on his humour and wild enthusiasms, Harry’s greatest achievement is to remain faithful to the memory of his mother. Diana would be so very proud of him.


  Prince Harry knew almost from the outset that this book was being written; indeed while explaining that – for the obvious reasons – he could not personally be involved, he sent his good wishes for the work in progress
. It is to his immense credit that he forbade no one from talking to this author – a vastly different experience to that encountered when compiling a previous biography of Vladimir Putin.

  A wide range of people helped put together this story of Harry Wales – from senior aides to humble members of staff, from aristocrats to bodyguards and protection officers, from friends of his to the not-so-friendly, from those who shared classrooms with him in boyhood to those he drank with (and still does) today, from girls he has loved and lost to soldiers who have served alongside him on the front line in Afghanistan.

  Because some of them thought they might have said too much, they asked not to have their names attached to the fascinating stories they had relayed. For that reason the author decided to provide them all with a blanket of anonymity with the exception of those who were quite happy to be named – although it is unlikely that Harry would be critical of a single one: he knows that people in all walks of life talk and that does not dismay him. As he said of one of the interviewees: ‘My secrets are safe with him, it’s the people he tells who tend to be indiscreet.’


  Adeane, Edward 1

  Afghanistan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 FOB Dwyer 1

  Forward Operating Base (FOB) Delhi 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  Garmsir 1

  Helmand Province 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  Joint Tactical Air Control (JTAC) Hill 1, 2, 3, 4

  Kandahar 1

  military of 1

  Operation Enduring Freedom (2001–) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  Alexandra, Princess 1, 2

  Algeria 1

  Andrew, Prince 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 divorce from Sarah Ferguson (1993) 1, 2

  family of 1, 2

  military career of 1, 2

  wedding of (1986) 1

  Anne (Duchess of Westminster) residences of 1

  Anne, Princess (Princess Royal) 1, 2, 3, 4 family of 1, 2, 3

  Argentina 1 Buenos Aires 1

  Lobos 1

  Salvador Maria 1

  Australia 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Queensland 1

  Rugby World Cup (2008) 1

  Sydney 1

  Bagehot, Walter 1

  Bahamas 1

  Balmoral 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

  Barbados 1

  Barber, Gerald headmaster of Ludgrove School 1

  Barnes, Barbara 1

  Bashir, Martin 1

  Baxter, Corporal Dave 1

  Beatrice, Princess 1, 2, 3, 4 birth of (1988) 1

  family of 1, 2, 3, 4

  Beattie, Peter Premier of Queensland 1

  Beckham, David 1

  Belize 1, 2

  Bell, Alison 1

  Berezovsky, Boris 1

  Berni, Mara 1

  Biden, Joe family of 1

  US Vice-President 1

  Black, Guy 1

  Blair, Euan drinking habits of 1

  family of 1

  Blair, Tony family of 1

  Blom, Jinny 1

  Bolland, Mark 1

  Bolt, Usain 1, 2

  Bonas, Cressida 1, 2, 3 background of 1

  family of 1

  relationship with Harry Wales 1

  Bonas, Jeffrey family of 1

  Botswana 1, 2, 3

  Boxing Day Tsunami (2004) casualties of 1

  Branson, Sir Richard 1 family of 1, 2

  Brazil 1, 2

  Britannia Royal Navy College 1

  British Red Cross 1, 2

  Brooks (née Wade), Rebecca editor of News of the World 1

  Brown, Harold 1

  Brudnell-Bruce, Florence Anne Marie (‘Flee’) 1, 2

  family of 1

  residences of 1

  Buckingham Palace 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Music Room 1

  staff of 1

  Burke, Ian Head of Art at Eton College 1

  Burrell, Paul 1, 2, 3, 4 A Royal Duty 1, 2

  Cambiaso, Adolfo 1

  Cameron, David British Prime Minister 1

  Canada 1 Alberta 1

  Suffolk 1

  Vancouver 1

  Carey, Dr George Archbishop of Canterbury 1

  Carrol, Tim 1

  Catholic Church 1, 2

  Charles, Prince 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 affair/relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  divorced from Diana Spencer (1992–6) 1, 2, 3, 4

  family of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

  residences of 1, 2, 3

  Cheltenham Ladies’ College 1

  Chopp, Nicola 1

  Church of England 1, 2 Synod 1

  Churchill, Lady Anne family of 1

  Churchill, Winston 1

  Clarence House 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 St George’s Chapel 1

  Clark, Dave 1

  Clinton, Bill 1 family of 1

  Lewinsky Affair 1

  Clinton, Hilary family of 1

  Connor, Lt Col Bill 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Lead US Advisor for Helmand Province 1

  Craig, Daniel 1

  van Custem, Emile 1

  Dannatt, Sir Richard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  UK Chief of General Staff 1, 2

  Davies, Catherine 1

  Davies, Dai 1 former head of Metropolitan Royal Protection Squad 1

  Davis, Colleen 1

  Davy, Charles 1 family of 1

  Davy, Chelsy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 family of 1, 2

  relationship with Harry Wales 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

  Dawson, Matt 1

  Donberg, Captain Ben 1

  Dowd, Bridie 1

  Drudge, Matt 1, 2 background of 1

  Drudge Report 1

  Duff, Hilary 1

  Dunne, Thomas (Lord Lt of Hereford and Worcester) residences of 1

  Dyer, Mark 1, 2 family of 1

  former equerry to Prince Charles 1, 2

  Edward VII, King family of 1

  Edward, Prince 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 family of 1

  Elizabeth, Queen (Queen Mother) 1, 2 death of (2002) 1, 2

  drinking habits of 1

  residence of 1, 2

  Elizabeth II, Queen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Diamond Jubilee (2012) 1, 2

  family of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  Golden Jubilee (2002) 1

  residences of 1

  Epstein, Jeffrey 1

  Eton College 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 academic performance of students 1

  alumni of 1

  Combined Cadet Force 1, 2, 3

  faculty of 1, 2, 3

  history of 1

  Wall Game 1

  Eugenie, Princess 1, 2, 3, 4 birth of (1990) 1

  family of 1, 2, 3

  Falklands War (1982) 1, 2

  Al Fayed, Dodi 1, 2 death of (1997) 1, 2

  family of 1, 2

  relationship with Diana Spencer 1

  Al Fayed, Mohamed 1, 2 family of 1, 2

  Fellowes, Alexander 1

  Ferguson, Sarah (Duchess of York) 1, 2, 3, 4 affair with Steve Wyatt 1, 2, 3

  divorce from Prince Andrew (1993) 1, 2

  family of 1, 2

  press sting incident (2010) 1

  Ferrier, Cathy 1

  First World War (1914–18) 1, 2

  Fisher, Kelly 1, 2

  Flack, Caroline 1

  Fleche de Lima, Lucia 1

  Fleming, Ian 1

  France 1, 2, 3 FIFA World Cup (1998) 1

  Paris 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Rugby World Cup (2007) 1

  St Tropez 1, 2

  Fry, Stephen 1

  Gailey, Dr Andrew 1 Housemaster at Eton College 1, 2

  George I, King succession of (1714) 1

  George V, King family of 1, 2

  George VI, King drinking habits of 1

  family of 1

  Gerard Leigh, Laura 1

  Gerard Leigh, Colonel William military service of 1

  Germany 1, 2
Third Reich (1933–45) 1, 2

  Gilbey, James 1, 2, 3, 4

  Goldsmith, Lady Annabel 1

  Goodman, Clive 1

  Granada 1

  Grenadines 1

  Grosvenor, Gerald (Duke of Westminster) 1 family of 1

  residences of 1


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