Olivia Brynn Collection Volume 1

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Olivia Brynn Collection Volume 1 Page 20

by Brynn, Olivia

  “Can’t. I haven’t been home all day. Otis probably left me a nice present on my carpet. Or passed out from hunger.”

  Sidney rolled her eyes. “Fine. Use your dog to get out of helping me clean.”

  “I’ll be back tomorrow. Maybe not bright and early, but I’ll be here. I’ll even bring Otis.” She stuck her tongue out, then pulled out her cell phone to dial a cab.

  As Lily rattled off the address, Sidney set her glass down. She wasn’t a big drinker. What made her think she could steadily drink champagne, then a glass of Crown? Straight? Suddenly she felt as green as Lily looked. She glanced around the room. Aside from some empty glasses, paper plates, and beer bottles, it really wasn’t that messy. Of course she hadn’t seen the kitchen yet.

  But she had plenty of time. P and R paid out her accrued vacation time, plus a healthy severance check. Enough for her to take several months off, but she started her new job at Falcon Technologies at the beginning of the month.

  “So, you gonna be okay?” Lily slipped on her shoes.

  “Of course. It’s not that bad. It can wait until you get here tomorrow.”

  “I’m not talking about your house and you know it.”

  Sidney glanced at her friend, and her thoughts immediately went to Grant. Lily knew what had happened. In fact the weird end to their quick fling was one reason Lily suggested the party. “Yeah, I’m going to be fine.” She hadn’t even taken the time to mourn the loss, let alone come to terms with it. Grant was a friend first, boss second, and the fact that she’d lost not all that—along with someone who’d proven to be an amazing lover—in one fell swoop was still a sharp blow.

  She’d learned her lesson, though. No more office romances. She hated sneaking around, and hated lying to her friend even more.

  “I say we spend tomorrow shopping. I think we both deserve a new wardrobe to go with our new jobs.”

  Sidney leaned back against the couch. “I’m in.”

  They both jumped at the sound of the doorbell.

  “Oh, that must be my cab. That was fast.” Lily helped Sidney to stand, then wrapped her arm around her waist on the way to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks for the party, chickie.”

  “It was a good idea. I really needed—”

  “I know. Now we just need to find you a man.”

  Sidney shook her head. “No thanks.” She opened the door. “I’ve sworn off men.” She looked up and actually took a step back when she saw Grant Porter on her doorstep.

  His gaze never wavered from her face. “I guess my timing could be better.”

  Sidney opened her mouth, then shut it when nothing came out. She opened it again. “Grant?”

  “Hey, Grant. I should probably say I’m surprised to see you here, but really, I’m surprised that it took you so goddamned long. Anyway—” Lily shouldered her purse and squeezed between them and the door. “I don’t think I should be here for this. My cab should be here any minute, though. Sid, call me tomorrow…if you’re still available.”

  Sidney nodded, and was even able to tear her eyes away from Grant to wish her friend good night, and shut the door behind her with a click. She turned around and leaned against it, taking in every inch of the man in her house. As intimate as they’d been over the last few weeks, he’d never set foot in her home. Suddenly she felt more exposed and vulnerable than ever before.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Grant looked around, then gave her a pointed look. “I guess I’m a little late for the party.”

  Her heart beat so loudly she could barely hear him. “Yeah. I guess.” She took in his casual attire. Rarely did she see him in anything but suit pants, but these jeans hugged his hips and were faded in all the right places, as though they were his favorite article of clothing. He wore a long-sleeved black tee shirt that did nothing to hide each hard muscle beneath.

  And he smelled delicious. He must dab some testosterone behind his ears, because his scent went straight to her most private areas and robbed her of rational thought.

  “Think we can talk?”

  She looked back up into his eyes. God, if only he wasn’t so beautiful to her. If only he didn’t possess every physical and personality trait that she found so damn attractive, she could send him on his way. She would be much better equipped to handle him if she hadn’t struggled for every hour of sleep, only to dream of him when she did. Fully aware that she would drown under the Grant Porter tide, she heard herself say, “Yeah.”

  Then she actually led him to the living room and calmly sat across from him, as if he wasn’t on her mind every minute of every day for the past week.

  Had it only been a week since she’d been in his arms? It felt like forever. She wrapped her arms around her waist and just stared.

  “Thanks for not slamming the door in my face.”

  “I thought about it,” she lied.

  “I wouldn’t have blamed you. For what it’s worth, I tried like hell to save your job.”

  “It wasn’t your fault. I know the decision came from corporate. And although I never said as much, I should thank you for the offer on that Mexico City position.”

  He stared down at a spot on the carpet between his feet. “I screwed up a lot with you. I never should have started anything between us. I hope you don’t think I was just taking advantage of my position, or using you for sex. And then when the realignment came down, I worried that you’d think I was terminating your employment so I could continue sleeping with you. I swear I didn’t want this to happen.”

  “I know.” Without thinking she left her chair and joined him on the couch to take his hand in hers. “I never thought that about you. I know you better than that.”

  He squeezed, clearly glad to hear that, but he didn’t look up. “I hoped so. But then I haven’t heard from you since. I was sure I fucked up beyond repair. I tried to wait. Let you make the first move, but tonight I had to see you. Even if you were just going to tell me to go fuck myself.”

  She covered their linked hands with her free one, the simple connection both soothing and exciting at the same time. Tingling heat spread up her arm and throughout her body.

  Finally he looked up, spearing her with an intense gaze. “I heard Falcon snatched you up pretty quickly.”

  “I was very lucky. I think I’m going to really like it there.”

  “Yeah I think you will.” He snorted. “That morning, with Harold in the office with us? I kept hoping you’d take that job in Mexico to soothe my conscience, but just as badly I wanted you to do just what you did. I knew if you took that job I’d never see you again. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to see a letter of resignation on my desk.”

  “I think it worked out for everyone. Your employees were all in good spirits tonight.”

  He took in the remains of the party. “That’s good to hear.” He pulled their clasped hands onto his lap and stroked her fingers. “What about you?” His voice was low, almost too rumbly to hear. “Think you’ll ever forgive me?”

  Sidney had seen this man in front of investors and corporate big shots giving his profit and loss statements. She’d seen him in front of his employees issuing directives with authority. She also remembered the way he took charge in his office when he first kissed her and changed everything between them.

  This contrite man was someone else entirely. He still turned her on like no one else on earth. Without another thought, she swung one leg over his lap. “I think we can come to some kind of agreement here.”

  He lifted his gaze from her chest to her eyes. His smile was brilliant. And naughty. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  “Prove it.”

  Without another word, he stood, carrying her attached to his front. She wanted to smile, to release her happiness in a laugh, but kissed him instead, moaning at his familiar taste.

  There was something very arousing about being carried to bed. Sidney wrapped her legs around his waist and rubbed up against him like a wild animal in heat,
mumbling directions to her bedroom. By the time he tossed back the comforter and dumped her on her bed, she was out of breath and tearing at any article of clothing she could find. Before she even stopped bouncing, she had her shirt off and her jeans unbuttoned.

  “I want to go slow.” His frantic movements as he struggled to free himself from his tee shirt belied his words. “I want to do everything I’ve been thinking about since the last time we were together, but I’m not sure I can do it.”

  “You sure as hell better.” Naked, she rolled onto her knees to help him with his jeans as he emptied a handful of condoms from his pocket onto the night stand.

  “I need inside you. I’ve been hard since you opened the door. I’m not sure I can go slow.”

  He kissed her, stroking deep into her mouth with his tongue. He tasted a little minty, and she got a little jolt of pleasure imagining him freshening his breath for her. With his pocketful of condoms and his fresh mouth, she realized he’d come to her door for more than a platonic conversation.

  She pulled him down on top of her, then dug all ten fingers into his ass cheeks. With a small adjustment and a flick of her hips, she’d impaled herself on his cock.

  “Shit. Oh shit, Sid. You…oh shit.” He trembled, every muscle in his body tense. He pulled out and thrust back in once, hissing a long string of swear words. “You’re trying to kill me.”

  Sidney moved her hands up to cup his scalp, bringing his mouth to hers. “Feels so good. You inside me.” She squeezed her pussy, holding him tight.

  “God, yes.” He panted against her mouth. His body still, yet humming with suppressed need. With one more deep breath, he pulled free and rolled away. “Get the condom.”

  As she sat up and tore open the package, he sucked in huge amounts of air. “Do you want me to—”

  “You touch me and I’ll come.” He laughed tightly. “Give me a second.”

  Watching him in such distress over his desire was the sexiest thing she’d ever experienced. His eyes were pinched shut, and the muscles in his jaw bunched. When he finally swallowed and blinked a few times, she took her cue and rolled the latex over his stiff erection. In the blink of an eye he took hold of her shoulders and flipped her to her back, spearing her in one movement.

  She didn’t get a chance to enjoy the full feeling of him inside her before he began a steady rhythm. His frantic pace matched her libido. With each glide she tilted her hips to meet him half way. She tingled from her core to her scalp and everywhere in between. Frantically, he thrust, keeping a constant friction on her g-spot, building the pressure to almost bursting. “Don’t stop.” She reached down between them and put a serious rub on her clit, her fingers pressing the bulb of flesh with each pounding of his hips against hers.

  “Jesus, Sidney. I love it when you do that.” He settled his weight to one side, and brought his hand up to cup her breast. He reshaped it, pulled the tip until she thought she might bite her lower lip clean off.

  She thought she might be hurting him, the way her fingernails dug into the back of his thigh, but she couldn’t let up. She was racing towards the end, she recognized the hazy buzz that settled over her and licked her nerve endings with the hint of pleasures to come.

  “Oh yeah. Grant.”

  “Come for me. Come on my cock, baby.”


  With a gurgling sound, he pulled out. One hand under her hip easily flipped her onto her stomach, where the other hand wrapped around her belly, lifting her hips in the air for his penetration. Once fully seated, he brought her on her knees in front of him.

  “Come for me.” One arm kept her tight against his chest, and he took turns with her breasts. “Play with yourself until you come. I don’t want to lose it until you do.”

  With a purr, she reached behind her with both hands, sliding her palms down his sides, reaching further back to grab two handholds of tight male ass. The muscles in his legs vibrated with the tension he held in check. He didn’t move, didn’t fuck her like she knew he wanted. “If I play, will you fuck me?”

  “Hell yes. I’m so close though. I need to know you’re taken care of first.”

  “Mmm,” she turned the hum into a long moan, moving her hands to between her legs, stroking him where he remained embedded in her. “You’re so chivalrous.”

  “And you know just what buttons to push. I’m serious Sidney. Touch yourself.”

  “Yes, sir.” She smiled when that earned a quick thrust before he sat back on his heels, bringing her with him.

  “I’ve got you. Just relax.”

  She melted into his arms. His tight hold made her feel secure and safe. His possession of her sent tingles back down to her toes. Taking hold of her clit between two fingers, she tugged, just enough to send a sharp tickle to her core,

  “Fuck. So beautiful.” He nibbled on her earlobe and neck, his warm breath stirring the peach fuzz there. She angled her head away to give him more. And then began rubbing.

  She made sure to stroke his penis where they were connected with each stroke down, and when she swirled two fingers around her nub, she used her other hand to touch him.

  Just as he twisted her nipple, she felt the first stirrings. A seizing of her abdominal muscles until the tension broke, like a water balloon filled to bursting, she came undone.

  Each spasm of her release took her to a new level of pleasure. By the time she dropped her hands to dangle between their legs, she was sure her heart would beat right out of her chest.

  “Too hot.” His orgasm rode on the winds of hers. She’d never known a man to come without movement, and her heart picked up the now familiar pounding with the realization that he’d shared that with her. Then the pulsing began again, along with shallow thrusts from Grant.

  He kissed along her jaw, nipping at her lips where he could. “So beautiful.” Keeping her secure in his arms, he brought them both forward, resting halfway on her back. He planted a few kisses before he rolled free to dispose of the condom.

  “I guess you missed me, huh?” Her voice, muffled by the bedding, still trembled with recovery.

  “I was hoping you didn’t believe me so I could spend all night proving it to you.” He pulled the blankets over them.

  She laughed, snuggling into the warmth of their cocoon. “How many condoms did you bring?”

  The End

  About the Author

  Olivia Brynn is the very saucy alter ego of romance author Alanna Coca. Olivia was the one who lured Alanna into trouble as a child. She also would have been the one to get her mouth washed out with soap. Since controlling Olivia wasn’t as easy as she thought, Alanna decided to set her alter ego free with Olivia’s first book, For a Price, a story about one woman’s journey to sell her virginity. Other books followed, earning five-star reviews and bestselling status. Alanna realized what fun Olivia had writing sexy romances without censor. Olivia writes contemporary erotic romance near a window where the view of the Rocky Mountains beckons her to run naked through the tall foothill grasses. Except when it snows.

  Connect with Olivia Online

  Twitter: twitter.com/OliviaBrynn

  Facebook: facebook.com/Olivia.Brynn

  My Website and Blog: OliviaBrynn.com




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