Were All Animals

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Were All Animals Page 21

by Mima

  After their conversation, Chase sent Kelsey a brief text, explaining that he thought they should stop spending time together. He went on to tell her about the rumors and how it wasn’t a good idea that they were seen together, that people were getting the wrong idea and that Maggie was upset. He chose his words carefully, concerned with hurting her feelings and his text was followed by silence. It was probably for the better anyway, he decided, she needed to find some people her own age to spend time with and she was constantly provoking his desires, something he wasn’t exactly proud of and it was about time he stopped sexualizing her, even if it were just in fantasies.

  But it wasn’t that easy. His dreams that night were full Kelsey and they were anything but innocent, almost as if his subconscious was working against him every step of the way; taunting and seducing him into a place that was wrong, regardless of the escalated ecstasy he felt in his dream life.

  He woke up hard and to the sound of a screaming baby.

  Pushing her out of his mind, the day had gone pretty smoothly until she showed up at the door later that afternoon, as if nothing had happened. For a moment, he wondered if the text went through but she quickly assured him that it, in fact, had.

  “Why are you letting people like Maggie and my mother scare you from being my friend?” She asked pointedly, throwing her bag on the floor. She wore a somewhat conservative blouse and jeans, much to his relief. “If you stop talking to me, then you’re doing exactly what they want. Why don’t you do what you want?”

  “You really want me to answer that question?” Chase grunted as he picked up toys that Leland left everywhere earlier that day. The child was a little daredevil and seemed to go in circles all day, while the babies cried for attention, food, changing, love; it never seemed to end. As much as he hated to admit it, he enjoyed having Kelsey around, she always seemed to lift his day and perhaps she was right; was he just worrying about what others thought?

  “See, I knew you wanted me,” Kelsey said with self-satisfaction in her voice as she collapsed on the couch, leaning over and watching Chase cleaning up the room. All the children were taking a nap. “You want me naked, on top of you, just like that Betsy chick in that movie you did.”

  The visual wasn’t something he welcomed but it took over his imagination and he felt his face turning red.

  “I knew it!’ She spoke jovially and sat upright. “That’s why you’re so upset by what Maggie said, cause you have a guilty conscience. You want to fuck me raw and you know it!”

  “Kelsey, I-

  The door opened and Chase immediately felt his heart race as he glanced out the window. At least Audrey’s car wasn’t home but instead it was his mother, who walked in without knocking and immediately frowned when she saw Kelsey on the couch.

  “Who is that?” She nodded toward the teenage girl who watched her with big eyes. “Chase, what are you doing with this child?”

  “I’m not a child!” Kelsey spoke defiantly and Chase gave her a look.

  “She helps me out after school,” Chase replied and shot Kelsey a warning look, something she surprisedly upheld to with a nod. “She just got here.”

  “Well, she’s not much help to you if she’s sitting on your couch, is she?” His mother shot Kelsey another cold glare as she headed for the stairs. The rebellious side of him glanced at Kelsey and felt temptation build in him, suddenly fighting an urge to pull her into another room and succumb to his desires, as his mother went to tend to the children. Almost as if she were reading his mind, she flashed him a smile and raised an eyebrow. He stood in the middle of the living room, if even for the briefest moment, considering the possibility. In his mind, counting how many days she was from turning 18.

  She stood up and started to approach him when the door opened again and Flora walked in. Ignoring Kelsey all together, she focused on Chase and seemed unaware of any sexual tension in the room, she excitedly told him about her niece from Vancouver coming to visit the next day. Kelsey appeared deflated, hunched over, she wandered over to pick up her bag and silently walk out while Flora continued to brag up her niece, apparently, a doctor who she hadn’t seen in years. She seemed unaware or unconcerned that Kelsey left while Chase felt his heart drop.

  She was also the ‘dumb kid’ that no one took seriously.


  Chase was different. He never looked at her like she was a piece of trash like the kids at school did, but like she was an actual human being.

  It was interesting to Kelsey how a girl was all sugar and spice; you know, until they’re a teenager and suddenly on the cusp of womanhood and therefore no longer pure and cute in anyone’s eyes. You were no one’s doll when you turned 12, just another awkward teenager that they didn’t want to deal with. No one wanted to hear or see you.

  Unless your name was Maggie.

  Kelsey’s older sister was a princess. A big, perfect, lesbian princess. Her marks were ideal. She wasn’t chasing after boys, so she couldn’t get pregnant; and really, wasn’t that all mothers cared about, that their daughter didn’t embarrass them by getting knocked up in high school? How many times had their mother yelled at her that she ‘better not come home pregnant’; a speech that wasn’t ever used on Maggie, even though she use to screw that Todd guy, back when she was ‘straight.’ Even then, their mother assumed that Maggie was being a ‘good girl’ and keeping her legs together while Kelsey was the wild one, out getting laid every weekend.

  Well, she kind of was, but not before her mother started to suggest it. At that point, what did it matter anyway? Hey, if you’re being accused of it, you may as well do it, right? Exactly.

  So she started to experiment with boys and it was okay. Honestly, she didn’t regret it. At first, maybe a little bit, but that was more cause she was scared of rumors starting at school, but not really, you know? It was that she couldn’t quite understand what the big deal was about cause if she wasn’t meant to do it, then why did she want to do it? That didn’t make sense.

  So that was that. She went out and had her fun and Maggie, being a stick in the mud, did everything to eliminate her fun. She was like the chastity police; always on duty, not getting it from some chick, so she had to stick her nose in Kelsey’s life. But what else was new? You can’t be mom’s favorite if you aren’t being a narc.

  It was the time that she found Maggie snooping through her room that really pissed her off. Supposedly for her own good, she claimed to think that Kelsey was ‘on’ drugs. Who the fuck is ‘on’ drugs in Hennessey? People experimented with drugs; smoked some weed or popped a pill or two to relax but it was nothing. No one that she knew was a crazed drug user, shooting up in the lame ass, downtown Hennessey, offering to suck off someone for their next hit. Kelsey pointed this out to her sister that she wasn’t a cop yet and real cops didn’t search your room on a ‘hunch’. Then she threw her math book at her, hitting Maggie on the shoulder. Of course, she went crying to their mom and Kelsey was the one who got in trouble.

  Please! People shoot people for going on their property, I just hit her with a book.

  It pissed her off that Maggie was such an uptight bitch. Of course, that’s what men wanted, right? The ones that pretended to be so perfect and virginal, even though it was almost never true. Those bitches were the worse; her sister was the queen of them all. Cow.

  Anyway, she turned out to be the cock block when Kelsey was trying to get to Chase. Even back in the day, when she would try to get his attention when he dropped in for a visit or whatever but he never saw past Maggie. Like everyone else, she had him fooled into believing she was all that, wrapping him around her finger; being the cock tease, wearing her tight little shirts to go see him; like seriously, what lesbian does that? Not for boys, they don’t.

  It was the day Kelsey tried to get in the bar and Chase laughed that broke her heart. She acted cool and stuff but when she got back home, she cried. Like, she c
ried a lot because he thought she was a dumb kid. It was humiliating and actually, at that point, she kind of hated him. Her anger grew when she realized that he was like everyone else but for some reason, it bothered Kelsey more that he felt that way. She became a little obsessed with it actually and went to see Bud and asked if she could get a job at the bar.

  Bud took her seriously and gently informed her that she was too young. Not that he was the moral police, he quickly explained, but there was laws blah blah and of course, the fact that her stupid sister worked there didn’t help. She explained to him that she wasn’t exactly some moronic kid even if Maggie and Chase thought so.

  “Oh, you know Chase too?” Bud asked in a kind, almost soothing voice.

  “Yes, he’s all in love with my sister,” Kelsey spoke cooly, rolling her eyes and glancing around the room. “I mean, she’s obviously not into him cause the lesbian thing, but he’s in love with her. She snaps her fingers and he runs.”

  Bud nodded, slowly agreeing with her, which was kind of surprising. Most people told her that she was stupid or didn’t understand but he sincerely agreed with her words and recognizing her audience, she continued.

  “And like, he’s so hot, he could have any girl but he’s married to some cow and horny for my uptight, lesbian sister,” she rolled her eyes again and noticed Bud giving her a sympathetic smile, as she sat further back in the chair, suddenly quite comfortable and enjoying their talk. “Guys are so weird sometimes.”

  “They can be, little lady, you got that right,” he rocked in his chair and seemed to take her in. “You know, I suspect that maybe you got yourself a little crush on Chase.”

  Kelsey blushed and shrugged.

  “You know, I think you have to find a way to get his attention and separate yourself from Maggie. I think once he sees you as your own person, he will see what a honey you are,” he gestured toward the door as if to indicate Chase were on the other side. He wasn’t though, it was his night off. Probably home banging that crabby thing he married.

  Still, she was intrigued by Bud’s words. He was smarter than expected and tilted her head, inspecting his eyes. “How?”

  That’s where the porn conversation started. He showed Kelsey the video and although she was slightly embarrassed to watch the smidgen of it in front of Bud, she was a little intrigued when he told her who the star was behind the camera. She knew it was him too. She knew it was his voice.

  She tried to act cool, like it wasn’t a bit arousing, asking how long this was going on.

  “Not long,” Bud turned the monitor off. “Just done a couple but it’s a secret, so you can’t tell.”

  “I won’t,” Kelsey assured him.

  “I’m trusting you,” Bud reminded her.

  “I promise.”

  “I’m gonna send you this video to watch at home and if you think that doing something like this would be of interest to you,” He started to type on his computer. “Let me know and we will hook you up.”

  She was uncertain. Porn was pretty sketchy but if she got to do it with Chase, he would have to see her as an adult. He would have to take her seriously. Still, it seemed kind of extreme and sure, she liked Bud but the suggestion of ‘auditioning’ for him felt kind of weird.

  Still, she was relieved when she got home and discovered the house was empty. She rushed up to her room and quickly turned on her laptop. Turning on the video, she felt that familiar heat between her legs that only increased as she watched the chick grinding Chase until he grabbed her by the ass and seemed to push her even further down on his dick, as things ended on a triumphant note.

  She wanted him so bad. She was going to show him she was no child and could do things with him that Maggie wouldn’t.

  She called Bud the next day.

  Unfortunately, before she could get to Chase, there were a couple of auditions that she wasn’t crazy about but wasn’t that part of the deal? It only made sense that she had to prove she wasn’t some inexperienced amateur who wouldn’t be able to perform on camera. Both the videos were her ‘interview’ and then, it was a matter of waiting to get to Chase. At first, it seemed to take forever and so, she feared they had only fed her a line. But the day finally did arrive and she was nervous and excited at the same time.

  Of course, it didn’t play out like she had thought. Defeated, naked in front of Chase, she had never been so humiliated in her life. She quickly realized - or thought she realized - that he was like everyone else. He thought she was a loser too. She hadn’t meant to cry but wasn’t able to stop herself when he demanded she get dressed and that he had no interest in hooking up with her.

  It wasn’t until he took her out of there, after threatening Bud, that she realized that he cared and cared a lot. She was stunned when he grabbed Bud by the throat and for a split second, she feared he was going to literally kill the man. Frozen on the opposite side of the room, she felt guilt that it was her that instigated this situation. Every muscle in his upper body seemed to bulge out, just the Hulk, she was expecting for his shirt to start ripping open and for him to tear Bud in half; no one had ever stood up for her before and definitely not with so much passion. Never.

  Still, there was that fear that he was, once again, doing something to help Maggie and not her. However, their relationship grew since that day. He actually listened to her when she talked and didn’t treat her like a fuck up. He didn’t put her down, despite what he knew about her; the dirtiest thing she had ever done with both Bud and that other guy, he didn’t judge. He was protective of her in a way that no one else was; not her family or friends. The others only scolded her but they didn’t really seem to be doing it for her, but rather, because they thought she was too fucking stupid to figure things out on her own.

  He respected her. He talked to her. They were friends.

  And she knew he wanted her. He didn’t say it but he didn’t have to; he looked at her how he used to sometimes look at Maggie. His eyes would scan her body, even though he pretended to not notice what she was wearing, he always did. He had this ridiculous fear of being with a minor, something Chase was obsessed with as if age was anything more than a number. She wasn’t 12, she was 17. Why was eighteen such a magical number anyway? Technically, she was only a couple years younger than Chase.

  She totally loved him. He was so handsome, so cool and caring. He looked after his kids, something that her own father hadn’t even done; still wasn’t doing, unless you count the fact that Maggie stays with him and truthfully, Kelsey didn’t count that at all. Chase was a good guy, her hero who swooped in and threatened someone’s life over her. Over her!! No one ever gave a fuck about her ever before and now he did.

  But some stupid nosey cows were talking about them hanging out and her mom was all in her face about it.

  Don’t come home pregnant. Keep away from Chase Jacobs, he’s a married man. He shouldn’t be hanging around teenage girls. What’s wrong with him? He has a lovely wife and three kids, that’s not enough for him?

  She heard it all before. It didn’t matter if she attempted to explain that they were just friends, everyone seemed to think it was impossible that either of them could keep their hands off one another; her cause they thought she was a slut, him because he had a nice body and well, there were rumours about him and other women. If they were true, he obviously wasn’t happy with this Audrey cow. It seemed unreal to her that he ever hooked up with someone so gross in the first place, but then again, her own track record wasn’t so great either. Everyone did stupid things sometimes. She assumed he got married cause of the kids. At least he was a good guy that way.

  Chase was her only real friend. He was the only person that made her feel like she mattered. Everyone else overlooked or insulted her; something that was apparently acceptable to do if you were ‘just a kid’. How did that make it okay?

  It wasn’t because she was horny for him; although that definitely fa
ctored in and it wasn’t because he was so hot, with his buzzed hair and just enough facial hair to be sexy and his dark eyes that were almost black. She loved how he smelled when he was near, how he would smile and tease her sometimes, but most of all, she loved how he listened to her. He listened when she complained about her mom or school, life, whatever was on her mind. And it wasn’t just that he listened, but that he gave her his full attention. Like, the eye contact and everything. He alway replied to her text message and sent her little smiley faces. She sent him hearts.

  But sometimes it hurt. Like days when she tried to talk to him and everyone interrupted and treated her like she was trash that wandered in. Women were the worst too. Men never made her feel as trashy as other women. She could fuck every guy in the community and it would be the other women that would make her feel like a whore bag, not the men. Men just got it. Women got off on belittling one another; either to their face or behind their backs, it was always the same. Her mom did it all the time to her face and behind her friend’s backs. They thought it was okay but it wasn’t.

  You know, all these stupid talk shows act as if women should support and respect one another, idealizing their bodies ‘no matter what their shape’ (which was a nice way of saying ‘if your fat’ cause no one encouraged women with perfect Barbie doll figures to love their body; then they’re ‘too skinny’) and yet, it was bullshit. Women hated one another. They didn’t want to see the chick next door get the hot boy, have nice tits or have it all. Everyone nodded and smiled in the right places but that’s cause that’s where they are told to nod and smile; not cause they really believe it. Fucking bitches.

  It wasn’t that she hated other women, it was the fact that they hated her. Kelsey used to hate herself too until she realized that’s what they wanted, then she stopped and started taking what she wanted.


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