TIME SHIP (Book Two) - A Time Travel Romantic Adventure

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TIME SHIP (Book Two) - A Time Travel Romantic Adventure Page 14

by Ian C. P. Irvine

"And those on board?"

  "They were burnt with the ship. Not a soul survived. But the infection did not spread to the city, and they were thus made safe."

  "Why are you telling me this story, Captain Rob?" Sally asked, but realizing the answer even before he gave it.

  "...Because it occurred to me tonight, that we are much like that ship in the harbor in Gibraltar. For now, the plague is contained within these walls, and amongst us. Yet, if one of us were to break out, others would die. Now, if I were the King of this land, I would consider the best solution to this problem would be to do as the Council in Gibraltar did. And set fire to the resort while we were all still inside. That way, they would cleanse the ground, stop the infection and their safety would be assured."

  Sally stared at the Captain, his words beginning to make horrible sense, just as she had feared.

  "...However, perhaps the most powerful man in the world would not agree with such actions, because the son of his brother or sister was one of those trapped inside these walls, and he would never willingly kill his own family. So, Miss Sally, maybe it would be wise to let this President of yours continue to believe that his nephew is alive and well. He may be our only defence to stop them putting torch to this place and killing us all!"


  The Oval Office

  The White House


  00:05 a.m.

  President R.W. Gains sat at his desk at the White Office listening to the man in Switzerland briefing him on the necessity to initiate Piras Stage Two, and authorize the U.S. Air Force to fly two N-648 Nuclear Incendiary Devices down to Puerto Rico.

  The news was disturbing.

  Like many others across the U.S., and even the world, he had watched with great interest as he had first seen the hostage scenes from the Blue Emerald Bay being shown on the television. The pictures taken of the pirates as they marshaled residents around the complex and the shots of the 'pirate ship' in the harbor had caught his imagination and brought back many memories of being a child, running round with his own toy plastic cutlass, and dressed up as pirate for Halloween and trick-or-treating.

  Throughout the day he had received regular updates from the Operation Cutlass Incident Room in Puerto Rico, and had spoken with the Governor several times.

  It was the Governor himself who had first informed him that his nephew, Sandy Weiss, was one of the guests at the complex, closely followed by a call from the President's sister Megan who had made the President promise he would make sure no harm would come to her boy - now a grown man, a playboy, and a source of nothing but trouble for the past fifteen years. Still, Sandy was a blood relative. And he had promised his sister.

  Early that afternoon he had received the first reports about the sickness that was affecting the pirates. Since then, the dynamic had changed. It was President R.W. Gains himself who had approved the order to use whatever means necessary to ensure that no one left the complex, including the use of lethal force.

  In the past year, since taking office in late 2013, the White House had been briefed three times on pathogens that had the potential to create lethal pandemics. Thankfully, none had developed beyond local epidemics, which had threatened nations, rather than continents. They had been contained using medicine, common sense and greater attention to hygiene, and more than a smattering of good luck.

  By late afternoon, the President had been made very aware of the concern with which the World Health Organisation and the Puerto Rican authorities were viewing developments in the Blue Emerald Bay.

  However, the fact that he was now being asked to consider the full-scale implementation of the Piras Plan was shocking in the least. This was only the second time an American President had been asked to authorize and implement the plan, the first time being for a biological leak in a weapons factory. Very few people knew about that incident, which led to the deaths of a hundred key workers and an official cover up that there had been a an unfortunate gas explosion in a factory.

  This request, however, was different.

  Incinerating an exclusive holiday resort, which was full of rich, famous and influential people, would be highly visible. Exactly what they would tell the public if the Piras plan was implemented, was not yet clear.

  There were over six hundred and eighty people in the complex. How would the public react to the deliberate annihilation of so many people? How would the President feel about being responsible for signing their death warrant?

  The President listened to the rest of the briefing from Dr Anton Lebsky, Director-General of the World Health Organisation in Switzerland, and as he listened to the projected death tolls which had been predicted if this pathogen were to escape and spread, he felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck. He found himself thinking of his own children and his wife, and he felt scared for their future.

  This was an unknown enemy that could not be seen. The United States of America owned the greatest and most feared military machine in the world, but in the face of this tiny air-borne bacteria, they would be powerless to defend themselves.

  "Thank you, Dr Lebsky. I appreciate your advice and your recommendation. I know that this is not just a matter for the American public but one which could affect the whole of mankind. I hear your words, and I share your concerns, and yes, I agree that we should implement the next stage of the Piras Plan. I will authorize the immediate release and transport of two N-648 Nuclear Incendiary Devices, and they will be arriving in Puerto Rico within ten hours. However, I will add that at this stage, I will not agree or authorise further escalation of the plan to Stage Three. I understand that your advice is that one of these devices should be dropped on the resort within twenty-four hours of Piras being initiated, however, as you say, there is not yet any evidence of the plague spreading from the pirates to the residents. My medical adviser, Dr George Thomas, who is in the room with me now, has suggested that we must first witness the transmission of the disease from the original carriers to secondary level hosts, before we can authenticate the risk. ...No, please, hear me out. I promise, I will ensure that everything will be ready and in place to ensure the complete incineration of the resort and its occupants, within minutes of my command, should it be given. However, for now, we will monitor this on an hourly basis. If you are right, and transmission of the disease from the pirates to the residents is confirmed, then we will re-evaluate the threat at that time and most likely immediately go to Stage Three, as you recommend. Until then, however, we will sit back, wait and pray. In the meantime, I will instruct our medical authorities and scientists to assist you in any way, particularly in forging ahead to determine the best way to treat this disease, and as soon as you can provide a recommended treatment, I will use my authority to influence the support of American drug companies to ramp up production of any medicines or possible treatments that you advise for mass deployment and general availability."

  After the call had finished, the President excused himself from his team of advisors who were present in the Oval Office with him, and paid a visit to the restroom. He stood in front of the mirror above the wash hand basin, and looked at his reflection.

  "What will I tell my sister?" he asked himself, knowing that within twenty-four hours he was very likely going to order the execution of her son. And break his promise.


  The Blue Emerald Bay Resort

  Puerto Rico


  00:35 a.m.

  Sally reached across the desk, pouring another glass of brandy for the Captain.

  The Captain reached out and took the glass, smiling at her as he lifted it to his lips. He had a nice smile. And an intriguing twinkle in his eyes. He was a handsome man.

  "So, what now, Mr Captain. We just all sit back and wait to be infected and die?" Sally asked, half-joking, half-serious. And very scared.

  "No, we are both leaders. I have to care for my men, and you have to care for those people who work for you at this palac
e and the people who live here. And we must both plan to live, not to die. Personally, since I took to the seas, I have never had more reason to live than now...I am a rich man, as you have seen. I will not allow myself to die, even if it is the last thing I do!"

  Sally laughed. She knew he was trying to make her feel better.

  "Do not be scared Miss Sally. What will be will be. You cannot alter your fate, so do not fear it."

  "Do you believe that, Captain McGregor?"

  "Yes. I do. With all my heart. And I have a sense that harm will not come your way. I believe that you are a born survivor, Miss Sally, and survive you will."

  "I find this all rather bizarre, Captain McGregor," Sally said, waving her glass slowly in front of her. "When I woke up this morning, I would never have believed that all this could have happened today. It's just too incredible for words. I mean, here I am now, sitting with a real pirate from the seventeenth century, drinking brandy. A pirate that earlier today had taken every one in my resort hostage and was threatening us with our lives. And now, ...now...we are waiting to be infected with the plague, and are all prisoners together!"

  "That is not true, Miss Sally. Your lives were never in danger from my men. I gave specific instructions that no one should be harmed. We were only in search of food, water and grog. If everything had gone to plan, we would have got our food, and been gone by midday. None of this would have happened."

  "Then you would have set sail, and infected everyone else you came into contact with. Perhaps it has worked out for the best this way. It's just that we can't see it that way yet."

  Neither of them said anything for a second.

  The silence was broken by a knock on the door.

  Sally sat up, surprised that anyone was looking for her at this time of night.

  "Come in."

  A person in a blue biological suit stepped into the room. A badge on his suit said simply "Rodgers."

  "Ah...Danny, Sorry I didn't recognise you in your new clothes! What can I do for you?"

  "Two things. First of all, there has been a serious problem with two of the pirates. They have left their rooms and forced their way into one of the guest suites occupied by two women. I'm afraid they raped the guests."

  "What?" Sally shouted, jumping to her feet, followed quickly by the Captain.

  "Where are they? Take me to them!" the Captain immediately demanded.

  "They're both dead, Captain. The women screamed, their neighbors called for help, and the guards came and caught them in the act. They were both shot dead as they tried to escape. "

  "And the women? How are the women?"

  "Being sedated, and looked after by a female W.H.O. doctor."

  Sally stared at the Captain. "This is all your fault! I thought you were only here for food and water!"

  "We are. But the men are all scared. In a way, this was to be expected. Some of my men have not seen a woman for months, and in my world, it is not uncommon for a pirate to take any woman he wants, in any way he can. After all, he has nothing to lose. Especially now with the Grim Reaper stalking us all! And it is difficult to maintain order when all my men are locked in rooms throughout the palace and I no longer have any communication with them. Let me speak to the rest of my men, and I will make sure this does not happen again!"

  Sally was furious. "Bloody right you will. Do that now. Go round each and every one of your men and make sure they understand that any pirate that leaves his room without permission will be shot on sight! From now on, the same rules apply to your men as everyone else. Do you understand?"

  Captain McGregor simply nodded.

  "Before you leave, Captain McGregor, I should also tell you that some W.H.O. officials have just gone aboard your ship. I believe their intention is to disinfect the entire vessel. They are going to spray and fumigate the ship inside out, and kill every rat and flea on board. The rest of your men were moved from the ship to the field hospital about thirty minutes ago. Some of them protested, and refused to leave their guard duty. Unfortunately two of them had to be tasered before they could move them. No one was injured, and they are both fine now."

  "What? Why was I not consulted about this?" the Captain shouted, turning to Sally. "And what is a blasted taser?"

  "I knew nothing of this. And in case you have forgotten, I was with you!...And a taser is a weapon that incapacitates people so that they can't fight anymore, but which does no long term damage. Your men are already better… "

  Before anyone could say anything else, the Captain turned and stormed out of the room, heading towards the beach.

  There was but one thought on his mind.

  The booty.

  Captain Rob had to get there fast, before they found the treasure hidden on their ship.

  As Sally sat in the back of the pinnace, Captain Rob rowed fast and furiously across the bay to the side of the Sea Dancer, where two other small boats were already moored. Offering a helping hand to Sally, and helping her onto the netting up the side of the boat, Captain Rob made fast the pinnace, and scrambled up the netting behind Sally.

  Although he was furious, and his adrenaline was pumping, he couldn't help but notice Miss Sally's bottom as she climbed up the side of the ship above him. It was not the first time that day that he had noticed how attractive the woman was, and granted that he live and survive the pox, he hoped it would not be the last.

  As they came up and over the gunwale, Captain Rob was furious to find seven people standing on the deck of his ship, all wearing the same green clothing that protected them from infection from the plague. They were surrounded by small devices on the deck, the purpose of which he could not imagine, and a number of large, green barrels. Each of the men carried some form of weapon strung over their shoulders, with long muskets that protruded from underneath their arms. A snake came out of the back of each musket and linked to a small blue barrel that was strapped to each man's back.

  "Who is in charge here?" Captain Rob asked, immediately seeking out their leader.

  "I am," a voice from inside one of the suits shouted.

  "Then get yourself and your blasted men off my boat before I throw you off! This is my ship, and ye have no permission to be aboard her. I shall count to ten, because I am a polite man with manners, but thereafter any man that is still standing on my deck, will feel the cold steel of my cutlass running through their guts. Do you hear? Now, ONE,...TWO..." Captain Rob shouted, pulling his cutlass from the sheath hanging from his waistband and waving it menacingly at the men.

  For a moment no one moved. Some of the men started to edge towards the gunwale, the others wondering how on earth they should respond. This was obviously a first for them.

  "Captain McGregor, shall we talk for a moment? Please?" a man said stepping forward, obviously the owner of the voice which claimed leadership a moment before. "Please, do not do anything rash. Let me explain, and you will see we have no choice in our actions."

  Sally stepped up beside the Captain, and very, very gently, put her hand on his arm that held the cutlass.

  "Please Captain McGregor, hear the man out. I believe he will have a very good reason for this."

  Captain Rob looked across at Miss Sally, and saw the expression on her face. He could see a mixture of emotions written within her eyes. "Please?", she said again, quietly.

  The Captain lowered his blade.

  "Speak. You have but minutes."

  "Thank you. They told me you were a reasonable man. I came looking for you earlier on, to ask your permission to board the Sea Dancer, but I could not find you. Since you were nowhere to be seen, and because time is of the essence, I took it upon myself to issue the order to board your ship. Many apologies. My name is Ben Walton, I am an environmental specialist with the World Health Organisation. Our primary concern is to contain and stop the spread of any lethal pathogen to save human lives from continued and unnecessary transmission. Earlier today the pathogen that is responsible for the outbreak currently underway within the Blue Emer
ald was identified as a biovar of Yersinia pestis, the bacteria that causes plague. Bubonic plague is primarily carried by rodents and spread to humans via fleas, where it evolves to pneumonic plague and becomes airborne. We are currently doing everything we can to both treat those infected in the resort, including your crew, and to prevent it spreading outside of the Blue Emerald Bay. At the same time as treating any human carriers, we also have to deal with the rodents and fleas that carried the infection in the first instance, ensuring that they don't swim ashore unseen and carry the infection with them and spread it to other animals or people. We have debated long and hard as to what we should do about your ship, Captain McGregor, and it has given us a serious dilemma. It is possible that the infection was originally picked up by your men whilst somewhere ashore, but common experience tells us that when dealing with crews of ships, that the disease is carried by rats, living in the bowels of the vessel. So, we have no choice but to eliminate all the mice and rats on your ship and kill any fleas they may carry. We did consider setting fire to your boat and burning and sinking it as quickly as possible, however there is a great risk that the rats and mice will manage to swim ashore before they are killed, without us seeing them. And, given that your ship is reputedly over three hundred years old, we are already under considerable pressure to ensure that the ship is not damaged in any way, so that it can be studied and catalogued before it is handed back to yourself. I understand the Governor has guaranteed its ownership to you?"

  Captain McGregor nodded.

  "As a result of all these considerations, we have no choice but to fumigate and disinfect your ship as soon as possible, before the rats decide to leave the ship of their own free will."

  The man in the suit paused, giving a moment for his words to sink home.

  "Captain McGregor, we really do have no choice in this matter. If we don't do this, we will never be able to give you back ownership of your ship, for fear that you will sail it elsewhere and both re-infect your crew and those in any other port that you visit."


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