04 Heller's Punishment - Heller

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04 Heller's Punishment - Heller Page 21

by JD Nixon

  On the verge of reaching my pinnacle, he spun me around in his arms so that we now faced each other. I slipped my arms around his neck. His hands cupped my butt, and barely giving me a chance to breathe between kisses, he shifted my legs further apart with his knee. Slowly, with his eyes burning into mine as if he didn’t want to miss a single emotion I showed, he eased himself inside me.

  “Oh, oh, oh, oh,” I gasped, eyes like saucers, all cogent thought flying from my mind with the sensation of him taking me, completely filling me.

  “Relax, my sweet,” he breathed raggedly. “Oh God, you feel so good.”

  “Oh, oh, oh.”

  He pushed himself all the way in and paused, his chest heaving, his wet hair plastered to his head. A wild moan escaped from him and he jammed his eyes shut for a few seconds. “Matilda, you feel perfect. Perfect for me.”

  “Oh, oh.”

  “A perfect fit.”




  “Perfect. We were made for each other.”

  “Oh, God.”

  We locked eyes and he carefully began to move in and out of me, in that age-long familiar choreography of lovemaking.

  “How is that, my sweet?”

  “Oh, Heller. Wonderful,” I breathed.

  The entire outside world receded for me. My world now existed only of him and me and the exhilarating, body-tingling sensations coursing through me because of him. I wanted him and I wasn’t afraid to let him know about it. And when our lips met again, mine were as hungry as his, my hands as frantic and exploratory as his.

  He hooked his arm under one of my knees and lifted my leg to give him better access. He was so tall that I stood on tip-toes and now balanced on one leg as he moved within me, forced to cling tightly around his neck to stay upright. He pushed into me faster and harder with each thrust, jolting my entire body, my bliss growing to almost unbearable levels as I headed for that incredible release.

  He drove me backwards with each thrust until I was squashed up the glass wall of the shower, banging into the shower shelf each time, knocking everything over, soaps and shampoos tumbling to the floor. I’d never imagined for a moment that our first time together would be a hard, fast fuck in the shower, but now that I was in the middle of such utter ecstasy, I didn’t want it any other way.

  I shifted position slightly to a more advantageous angle for me, about to come, when my foot found the dropped soap. It skidded away and my leg followed it, shooting out from under me. I lost my precarious balance, falling off him and slipping to the tiled shower floor. To save myself from a hard landing on the tiles, with a death grip I grabbed hold of the first thing I could.

  Unfortunately, it happened to be his erection.

  And as a huge sudden pain in the back of my head darkened my world, the last thing I heard was his loud shout of agony.


  When I surfaced, the first thing I noticed was that I was laying on Heller’s bed, both him and Dr Kincaid leaning over me in concern. The second thing I noticed was that I was completely starkers. Horrified, I covered myself with my hands again.

  “Someone find me some clothes!” I squeaked.

  Heller whipped off the towel he had tied around his waist and laid it across me, covering my nakedness, but leaving him standing there nude. He didn’t seem to care and the doctor didn’t either. That man gave a huge ‘you again’ sigh as he looked down at me and gently felt around a painful spot on the back of my head.

  “So what happened?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at Heller.

  “We were having sex in the shower –”

  Oh dear God, how embarrassing. Why did he have to say that?

  “– and Matilda slipped on some soap and banged her head on the tap. And . . . er . . . injured me as well.”

  Dr Kincaid eyed him up and down. “You look all right to me.”

  Heller nodded down towards his dangling manhood.

  The doctor stared at it. “I’m not touching that. Use an icepack and take a couple of painkillers. You’ll get over it.” He turned his attention back to me, tutting. “Common sense should have told you that sexual intercourse in a shower cubicle is fraught with dangers. You young people need to stop being so overcome by your animalistic urges and start being more sensible. The next time you want to have intercourse, have it on the bed instead.”

  I’m never having sex again, I decided, mortified beyond belief by the discussion. I would research how to become a nun tomorrow.

  After the doctor left, pronouncing that I’d live with some rest and painkillers, Heller stood next to the bed looking down at me with regretful affection. From my vantage point, I was blessed with a spectacularly close view of his man bits.

  “I’m so sorry, Heller. Are you in a lot of pain?” Everybody knew how sensitive men were about their family jewels.

  His expression was pure suffering martyr. “As the doctor said, I’ll get over it. It’s my own fault. I knew sex with you would be dangerous.”

  Smiling at his dramatics, I leaned over to kiss it. “Is that better?”

  It moved and he winced in pain. “Not yet. Try that again in a few days and we’ll see what happens.”

  “Perhaps not,” I smiled again. “You know, that wasn’t really how I imagined our first time.”

  He lay down next to me and gathered me in his arms. The towel annoyed him, so he yanked it off me and flung it over his shoulder to the floor, pulling me close again. We lay naked together. I guess there was no point in being shy about my body in front of him now.

  “How did you imagine it, my sweet?”

  I laughed ruefully. “I don’t know. Something more romantic. Something that didn’t leave me with a pounding headache and you out of action for a while. Maybe champagne and lobster and a rose petal strewn bed and a string quartet playing romantic music discreetly in a dark corner. And fireworks, of course. But just not the ‘conked myself on the head’ kind of fireworks.”

  “So not me taking you roughly in the shower?”

  “No, not really.”

  “Hmm, I think I need to read up on this ‘romance’ business.”

  That made me laugh. “I’m sure there are how-to books about it.”

  “Everything is so complicated with you, Matilda.”

  I kissed him. “You’re a smart man. You’ll work it out.”

  He kissed me back, pulling me tighter. “Ow!” he complained when his lower regions stirred again. “I never thought I’d live to see the day when I said this, but you need to put some clothes on, my sweet. It’s too painful for me to have you here so lusciously naked.”

  So I did, though he stayed naked and we fell asleep together, both of us nursing our love injuries.

  Chapter 19

  I awoke with a terrible headache and Heller insisted that I spend the day resting in bed. I didn’t argue, not really feeling up to work. When he found out, Niq joined me on Heller’s bed, bringing his schoolwork on his laptop up with him. I kept him busy running small errands for me, which he did willingly. Heller popped in when he had the chance, to check on me.

  Watching him leave, with his brow furrowed, Niq asked, “Why is Heller walking funny?”

  “I don’t know, sweetie,” I lied, trying to suppress a guilty giggle. It was true – Heller’s step had a certain tenderness to it, the poor guy. It was probably the first and last time he’d ever try to have sex with me, I thought with a lot of regret. It had been an amazing ride while it had lasted.

  I felt much better the following day and went to the office. Daniel was already at work, looking up when I arrived. An angelic smile spread across his face.

  “What?” I asked, suspicious.

  “Nothing,” he smiled, shrugging. “Anything . . . interesting happen to you lately?”

  “No,” I lied firmly, turning on my computer and ignoring him.

  “Feeling better?”

  “Yes, thank you.”


  “I slipped in the shower and hit my head on the tap.”

  “Shame. Luckily Heller was on hand to immediately call the doctor.”


  “Showers can be pretty dangerous places.”


  “Oh,” he said with studied casualness, picking up a piece of paper. “Dr Kincaid rang yesterday and I took a message for Heller. Do you want me to read it to you?”

  I sighed hugely and looked at him. “Go on.”

  “The doctor said: Heller, make sure the young miss takes the painkillers with food. If your genitals swell up or discolour in any way, you should contact me immediately, otherwise keep applying the icepack. And please remember that it would be wiser in future to abstain from intercourse in the shower. End of message.”

  I hid my face in my hands. “Oh God, how embarrassing.”

  Daniel grinned. “I’d love to hear the story behind that message. Did you and Heller finally get it on?”

  “Sort of, but it was a complete disaster and will probably never happen again. Enough said.”

  “Oh, I don’t think there can ever be enough said about this,” he laughed.

  “Don’t you dare tell anyone!”

  “My lips are zipped,” he promised piously.

  “I mean it, Daniel.”

  “So do I.” He checked the clock. “Don’t forget you have a security staff meeting this morning.”

  I groaned. We were due for another boring DVD presentation on best-practice security service. It was part of our required ongoing professional development as security officers, but we all hated watching them. The acting was appalling, the messages insultingly obvious and banal and they were always a waste of everyone’s time.

  I pottered around until it was time for the meeting when I made my way down to the ground floor. I wasn’t in uniform today as I had no assignments, but I wouldn’t be the only security officer present not in regulation Heller’s black. It was compulsory for us all to attend these development sessions, whether we were working that day or not.

  If you’ve ever had the experience of walking into a room full of people who immediately stop talking on your entry, then you’ll know how I felt when I opened the door to the security section and stepped inside.

  It’s just a coincidence, I told myself, making eye contact with as many of the men as I could, trying to gauge their mood. They looked back at me not in an unfriendly way; in fact many of them regarded me with amused interest.

  And then it started.

  “Hey, Tilly. Heard you just finished up a slippery assignment,” smirked one.

  I shot him A Look.

  A second man quipped, “I heard she got herself into a lot of hot water.”

  “Well, that’s what happens when you shower someone with too much work,” tutted a third.

  I crossed my arms and stared at them all, unimpressed.

  A fourth piped in, “It all sounds like a bit of a soap opera to me.”

  “Oh, leave her alone,” said another. “She’s just trying to tap her potential.”

  “I think she deserves a night out on the tiles after working so hard,” laughed another.

  “That’s enough,” Clive snapped gruffly, interrupting the men’s laughter. He hadn’t even cracked one smile during the whole routine. And neither had Farrell, his face shuttered, gray eyes steady on me and steeped in . . . unhappy disappointment?

  “Whatever Heller gets up to in the shower is his own damn business,” Clive admonished. Gee thanks Clive, I thought, annoyed, my face blazing. Great way to dispel a rumour.

  The men settled eventually, their hilarity quickly replaced by complaints and groans when Rumbles, Clive’s second-in-charge, rolled out the trolley holding the TV and DVD player and dimmed the lights. It was instructional DVD time.

  “Shut up, everyone,” Clive said with his usual sympathy.

  I perched on a desk, crammed between two of the men, one who liked to continuously whistle soft tuneless melodies and the other whose breath smelt like anchovies at ten in the morning. Leftover pizza for breakfast? Must be a bachelor.

  The title of the DVD appeared on the screen: Safe Sex, a Department of Community Services promotion. The men started laughing again and glancing over at me. My two bookends nudged me so hard with their elbows that I had bruises afterwards. And with the greatest dignity, I sat there and endured every second of that DVD, not even flinching when the men erupted again as the rat-faced narrator recited the statistics for injuries from sexual encounters in the bathroom. I was proud of my serenity, but what precisely safe sex had to do with the security business was beyond me. Unless the government felt that any industry staffed by loads of huge, young, lusty men needed to be reminded about condoms and STDs, not to mention risky sexual situations. Like shower cubicles.

  When the lights came on, knowing I was the butt of their jokes yet again, I had my usual choice – take offence or take it on the chin. I felt as though I’d taken a lot on the chin since I’d started working for Heller, but I really had no freedom in my choice. If I wanted to keep working here, I had to grin and bear it again and sass them back. It was what they expected.

  So I looked around at them, and with an airy wave as I moved to the door said, “Well, it’s fortunate for me there’s at least one man in this business who realises that sex involves two people and not just a man and his favourite hand.” And with that parting comment I left, closing the door on their catcalls, whistles and rebuttals with a sweet smile.

  And ran smack bang into Heller. He saved me from bouncing backwards against the door with his hands on my shoulder.

  “Are you feeling better, my sweet?” He leaned down to kiss me, but I dodged his lips.

  “Heller, how does everyone know about the . . . shower incident?”

  “I told a few people.”

  “What the hell? You told people?”

  He shrugged a shoulder, a little perplexed by my reaction. “They asked me why the doctor had been called, so I told them.”

  “I can’t believe you did that!”

  “What did I do wrong now?”

  “I’ve just been embarrassed in front of all my colleagues over this and you strut around like some kind of stud, boasting about it. It’s not fair! You shouldn’t discuss our personal life with other people!”

  “But they asked me, Matilda. What was I supposed to say?”

  “Tell them to mind their own fucking business!” I shouted and stomped up the stairs away from him. How could he be so smart, but at the same time be so stupid?

  I avoided everyone for the next few days, not wanting to tolerate any more teasing, quite fragile over the whole matter. What should have been my special first time with a man I thought I loved had now become nothing but a farce and a joke for everyone else. On a romantic scale, the whole incident rated minus three billion and falling. I found it difficult to maintain my composure about it. I can take a joke and I’m used to being teased, but this stepped over a boundary I hadn’t even realised I’d decided on. It was too personal and it was too emotional. I didn’t want to speak to anyone about it and most of all, I really didn’t want to set eyes on Heller’s beautiful face at the moment.

  On Sunday afternoon, I sprawled on my lounge, a wine bottle already open and within handy reach, the TV on a random channel. With great disinterest, I watched a musical movie from the 1950s, so relentlessly cheerful and at odds with my mood that I fought a strong urge to smash the wine bottle across the plasma screen to shut all the happy chirping up.

  A soft knock sounded on my door.

  “Go away!” I shouted, not in the mood for company.

  The knock persisted, but as it wasn’t immediately followed by Heller bursting in, I gathered it was someone else. Lazily I answered and when I saw it was Daniel, I realised that he was exactly what I needed to recover my equilibrium. He could tease with the best of them, but he always seemed to know when sympathy was a better option.

>   He took one look at my face, at the open wine bottle and at the TV and held his arms apart. “Oh, Tilly darling. A musical?”

  I let out a watery snort of laughter and stepped into his arms, allowing myself be hugged, listened to, cuddled, patted and comforted back to an even mood.

  After a couple of hours we were bunched together, both slouching on my lounge, drinking wine and the afternoon had turned into evening. We’d made a slapdash dinner from cheese, crackers, olives and watermelon. And more wine.

  Daniel hesitantly reminded me that he’d had his first ‘date’ with Anton the previous evening. I felt like a worm for not bringing it up first. It was the most important thing that had happened in his life for ages and I’d been too busy moping over myself to pay attention.

  “Oh, Danny darling. I’m so sorry! I’ve been too self-absorbed lately and I completely forgot. Tell me everything. And I mean everything.”

  He didn’t answer, but a shy expression crossed his face. I moved closer to him to examine his features more carefully, his lovely chocolate eyes meeting mine, a hint of pride in his chin line.

  “Daniel, it went wonderfully well last night, didn’t it?”

  He nodded, barely controlling the smile that was threatening to burst from him. “We had a great time together. He had a couple of friends with him and they were nice, fun guys. It was all very relaxed and casual so I wasn’t tense at all. I don’t think anything is going to happen between us because he seemed to be very close to one of the other guys, but I don’t care because I had such a good time. They’ve invited me to a party next weekend. I think I’ll go.”

  “Who’s going to be there?”


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