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Monsters Page 4

by Viktor Zólyomi

`Why me?'

  `Because you are special, young one... You are... elven... Yet, you are a vampire... Powerful magics were unleashed to ensure your survival after you were bitten... These magics make you strong... Many times stronger than most of your kind... You are still a fledgling, but soon, you will become mature... Much faster than other vampires...'


  `Yes... Mature... You will soon learn how to shapeshift into various forms... Like that of bat and that of mist... In fact, you could probably do it right now... It's all a matter of... concentration...'

  `Shapeshift? What are you talking about?'

  `Vampires... are magical beasts... Mature ones... can shapechange... Into forms in which they cannot attack... but can do what they otherwise could not... As mist... they can pass through small holes... Enter into hidden places... And they are indestructible... As bat... they can travel swiftly... and see further than normal... Very useful, don't you think?'

  `You say... that I can do this? Change my shape? Become a bat? Or a puff of smoke?'

  `Yes, young one... Try it, if you wish...'


  `Concentrate, young one... Close your eyes... and imagine yourself... Imagine yourself in a new shape... Try bat, it is easier than mist... Concentrate, and you will unleash the power of your vampiric being... and become... a bat... Concentrate...'

  I tried what Belwor told me. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on changing my shape. I even tried to flap my arms like they were wings. Nothing happened. I kept trying for a few minutes, but it just didn't work.

  `It's not working. I can't do it...'

  `You are impatient, young one... In time... you will learn patience... and then you can shapechange... It's all about concentration...'

  `If you say so.' I said, shrugging my shoulders.

  `Yes... So young, and yet you possess this power... You are still a fledgling, yet you can do it... And you do not realize it yet... but you are already much stronger... than mature vampires are. You are special... One of a kind! Your strength unmatched... your resilience unrivaled... Even beneath the sun!'

  `What do you mean with that?'

  `The sun's light is the bane of vampires... but not yours... You can walk freely in daylight.'

  `Of course I can. With that huge storm cloud...'

  `Even if the sun... was not covered by the clouds... it could not harm you!'

  `You've got to be kidding with me!'

  `I am not... young one... I told you... You are special... That's why I want you... Because you are... interesting...'

  `Fine, fine, whatever you say. Now what exactly do you want me to fetch for you, and why should I bother?'

  `The item... is a relic... of importance... to me... A chain... of gold... With jewels... and a special enchantment... It was taken... by petty thieves... Grave robbers... There were nine of them... Five I killed... The other four fled with the chain... Find them... and bring back what is mine... I will reward you well...'

  `How am I supposed to find it?'

  `I will cast... a special spell... on you... It will... let you... see... the chain... through everything... Even dozens of miles away... Just close your eyes, and think of the task I gave you... The spell will then trigger... and you will see a small bright light... Coming from the chain... but beware... The chain will glow... The thieves may be warned of your coming... Do not... let them... catch you... unaware...'

  `Alright, and what about this reward you mentioned?'

  `It will be... generous... young one... I will... give you... items... of great power... which are of no use to me... and something else... Something special...'

  `Why should I trust you? You're a lich!'

  `I am... And you... are a vampire...'

  Point taken...

  `You know what, I'll do it. I might as well do something other than roaming around the woods hunting for blood...'

  Belwor nodded, and then he raised his hands. The bones of his fingers lit up in a purplish color, and I felt something strange, something indescribable.

  `The spell... is active now... young one... You can now... seek... the chain... Try it now...'

  `How does it work again?'

  `Close your eyes... and concentrate... on the task I gave you...'

  I sighed, but I did as he asked. Suddenly I felt something strange in the left side of my neck, like a burning sensation. I turned towards it, and the burning feeling ceased. In that direction, I saw something glowing though the walls of the crypt.

  `There!' I said, pointing towards it.

  `Good... It works... See, young one? It's all in concentration... Remember this, when next you try... to shapeshift... Remember well...'


  In the castle of Kurt Aurach, Kh'Tal, present day (1 year, 3 months, and 20 days before Twilightfall)

  I knock on the door of Aurach's laboratory. The door slowly opens and I enter. The old mage is leaning over some magical equipment near the center of the room. He greets me as I approach.

  `Jason, you have returned. Successful?'

  I take the gem out of my pouch and show it to him.

  `The third.'

  He takes it and examines the three souls in it, then hands it back to me.

  `Looks like a powerful enough specimen. Then you only need two more.'

  `Yes, and I think I know where to go.'

  `Will you at least stay the night?'

  `I think so.' I tell him. He nods. Then he turns back to his experiments.

  `You must excuse me, I am in the middle of something. Observe, if you wish. I do would like to speak with you later on.'

  `Has she...'

  As I begin to ask, he turns back towards me again.

  `No, she hasn't returned in your absence.'

  `I understand. I... I think I should retire to my room. I'll let you work.' I tell him, and walk towards the door. He calls after me.


  I stop and turn back to face him.

  `You worry for her. That is understandable. It is natural. But try to ease your conscience. She is strong now. She can survive out there.'

  `I just wish she didn't need to. All this is my fault.'

  `Jason, your curse has left quite a mark on the world. But it is not your doing.'

  `This is! I brought her here. I should never have risked it.'

  `What choice did you have? You know what would have happened to her had you left her behind.'

  `I know.' I tell him grimly. After a bit of silence, he sighs and addresses me.

  `All I can advise you now is to focus on your new plan. You have chosen your path many years ago and have come up short in the end, but I know you will not give up. Or will you?'

  `I won't. Ever.'

  `Then focus on what you must do to achieve your goal. On getting the other two. She will be alright.'

  `I hope you're right...' I tell him. He nods. I turn around and leave the laboratory.

  He is right. I must focus on this. Getting the other two so I can finally return to my task of slaying Jenathar, and eventually, Th'Mesh. I must do this. It's all I have left...

  But Flora... I can't stop thinking about her. About what happened. About what I caused.

  All of this is my fault. While she is strong, and may well have what it takes to survive, still... This is Kh'Tal. The harsh, wild, untamed world of darkness. There's no telling what might happen to her out there. Especially with the state of mind she left in.

  The worst of it is the uncertainty. Not knowing. Is she even still alive? Has anything happened to her? I just know that everything is my fault. Whatever she must endure out there will weigh on my mind forever, even unknowingly.

  I deserve the fate that awaits me after Th'Mesh dies. I know this. The sooner that comes, the better.

  Perhaps I won't stay the night after all...

  No tears for the fallen

  Somewhere in the world of Kh'Tal, five months ago (1 year, 8 months, and 23 days before Twilightfall)

bsp; It took me three days to find the chain that Belwor wanted so much, and I made the mistake of not feeding during this time. I was thinking, I would probably have to kill those thieves anyway, so I might as well wait until then.

  It was a mistake, going without blood for so long. I knew by then that four days without blood would drive me into a mindless state of despair, that my vampire instinct would force me to feed no matter the cost. I misjudged how far the source of the glow was when I used Belwor's little spell. I thought it was closer, no more than a day, and I kept telling myself that it couldn't be much further. I should have fed.

  Three days passed until I finally found the source of the glow. A wooden shack in the middle of the forest. Well hidden, actually. Ideal hideout for a bunch of thieves.

  I climbed to the top of a nearby tree, and silently climbed over to the top of the shack. I hung on at the edge and leaned down, carefully peering in through the window. The shack seemed empty.

  Just my luck, I thought to myself. I jumped off and entered the shack.

  Indeed, it was empty. Every room of it. The thieves were apparently away. I used that little spell again to try and find the chain while they don't come back. The glow came from a large chest by one of the walls in the largest room of the shack. I tried to open it, but it was locked. For a while, I was thinking that I probably have to wait until they come back, and I must take the key from them. Then I remembered that I was much stronger than while I was elven, I might be able to break the chest open. So I tried that. I grabbed the lid and forced it up as best I could, but it wouldn't budge. I had gone without feeding for too long, and was now much weaker than normal.

  I spotted a dagger on one of the walls and I tried to force the lock open with it. The tip of the dagger broke, but eventually the lock gave in. The chest opened just like that, and I could behold Belwor's prized possession. The golden chain. It was magnificent, a master craftsman's work of art. It was a thick golden necklace with several purple gems adorning it. It was glowing very brightly. The spell was still in effect, and I realized that I couldn't take it away while it was glowing like that. So I closed the lid of the chest and waited for the spell to wear off. I knew by then that the glow lasts around fifteen minutes. That's all I had to wait.

  Ten minutes later, I heard footsteps and sounds of a conversation from outside. The damned thieves returned...

  It would have been the perfect time to feed. I could have hid behind the door and I could have taken one of them by surprise. But that instinct in me was urging me. It was impatient, my body had gone too long without feeding. I just couldn't resist. As they were getting closer, I pretty much heard the sound of the blood pumping through their veins. I couldn't make myself wait. I kicked the door open and rushed at them.

  `Watch out! Intruders!' said one of them. They were still at least ten feet from the door. They had time to arm themselves before I reached them. They were humans, four of them. They were all armed with swords. I could have taken them, had I been conscious of what I was doing. But I was overwhelmed by the thirst, I just wanted to feed. I jumped on the nearest one as swiftly as I could, and tried to sink my teeth in his neck. He was somehow able to keep my teeth away for a few seconds. Those few seconds seemed enough for the others to overpower me.

  I felt a strong strike at the back of my neck, probably from the hilt of a sword. That impact made me feel weaker, but I didn't fall unconscious. However, the one I had been trying to bite slipped out of my grasp.

  He crawled out from under me, and while I slowly got up, he screamed at the others.

  `Why didn't you just stab her?!'

  `She's unarmed. Besides, she should have been knocked out by my blow.' said one of them.

  I turned towards that one and jumped at him, but he knocked me in the jaw and staggered me. Two others then jumped me from behind and grabbed my arms. They forced me to the ground.

  Had I not gone so long without feeding, this could not have happened. Normally, I was so much stronger than these humans. Normally, I could take six of them all by myself. But that day I was just too weak...

  `My, she's a feisty one!' said one of them.

  `Look at her teeth... She's a fucking vampire!' said the first one.

  `No.' Said the one who knocked me in the head earlier. `Look at her ears. She's an outlander. An elf, they're kind is called. One of those extraplanar bastards. Her kind are a wicked, vicious race. Those teeth are just sharpened for combat. Or perhaps for cannibalistic purposes...'

  He mistook me for a night elf. Of course he did. For all he knew, elves could not be vampires. The people of Kh'Tal knew the Arghardian night elves well, for the night elves had made long journeys into the world of Kh'Tal often in ages past. Quite some of them stayed here, and never left. Hence, night elves were well known in this dark world. Due to the effects vampirism had on me, I looked just like a night elf. The man who knocked me down seemed convinced that I was one of the night elves. The others were not so convinced, but he certainly was. He seemed to be the leader of the group. He had a scar on the left side of his face, like the mark of an old battle.

  `She tried to bite me!' said the first thief.

  `So gag her and she won't do it again!' said their leader.

  The first one reluctantly followed the order given to him by the scarred man. I tried to bite his hand, but I was unsuccessful. He carefully gagged me with a large piece of cloth and some rope.

  `Now, we're done with that.' said the scarred one.

  `What now?'

  `Watch her while I check to see if she came with others.'

  He entered the shack, then came back outside. He looked around the shack for a while, then returned.

  `She's alone.'

  `What did you want in our shack, bitch?' Asked one of the ones who were holding me down. I could have groaned, but I didn't respond in any way. I wouldn't give them that pleasure.

  `It doesn't matter.' said the scarred one. `She's ours now.'

  `What do we do with her?'

  `Take her inside. Strip her, and tie her hands behind her back. Then, we're going to have some fun!'


  For three days... For three days, I was their prisoner. For three days I had to endure everything they did to me. Every minute of it was torment. Every second of it was agony. Every moment of it was an ordeal. Even when I was left alone. For three days they held me captive, never even trying to feed me or even give me water. They just cared for what they could do to me. And they knew no bounds...

  But I didn't scream, I didn't cry, didn't even groan. I would not give them that pleasure. Whatever they did, I would just not give them that pleasure...

  I hate remembering those three days. All the things they did, all that I had to endure. All I had to suffer through. Those three days... are among the darkest days of my existence. But it wasn't even the worst of what happened. No, the worst came after those three days were over...

  After the three days had passed, I was much weaker than ever before. My heartbeat slowed to a rate which was barely noticeable. I was barely conscious, and could not make myself keep my eyes open. I had gone without feeding for six days straight. I was dying.

  My captors noticed this, too. The one I tried to feed on called in their leader.

  `What is it?' asked the scarred one.

  `Man, I think she's dead.'

  `Oh yeah? Then why did you call me here? Why aren't you getting rid of the body?'

  `I thought you might want to have some more fun with her before I do that.'

  `Listen up you blithering idiot! I don't rape corpses, is that clear? You'd better not do it, either! Now go get rid of her!'

  `What's the big deal? Her body's been pretty cold already, so what if she's a bit colder and more stiff?'

  `Shut up! Don't even think about it! Now do what I say! Got it?!'

  `Okay, whatever you say!'

  He picked me up on his shoulder and carried me out with him. He walked with me for some time. I could not see whi
ch way or how far, I could not make myself keep my eyes open. After a while, he put me down. He crouched over me, and spoke to me.

  `You know... It's truly a shame. You outlanders are so beautiful. You'd have made a fine pleasure slave. It's a shame we couldn't risk keeping you as one. I really wish it hadn't come to this, but I'm not the guy in charge.

  I know you can't hear me any more and I know it's no comfort, but... I'd really like to give you a proper burial. Thing is, I can't. If I don't go back soon, that asshole will think I'm raping your corpse, and he'd kick my ass.

  I will leave you here, on the road. This is a trade road, travelers come and go. Sooner or later, someone will find you. With luck, it will be decent folk. They will give you a proper burial.'

  He got up, and soon I heard as he was leaving.

  `Rest in peace, beautiful!' he said, as he walked away.


  I don't know how much time passed as I lay there until the rain began to fall, nor do I know how much more time passed when I heard the voices. Two men. Talking. Muffled sounds that I couldn't make out well in the pouring rain. The voices came closer and closer, and I was starting to understand them.

  `What kind of bastards could do something like this?' asked one voice.

  `Look at her. She's an outlander. Maybe she deserved it.' said the other voice.

  `How can you be so cruel? Look what they've done to her. Look at all those scars...'

  `Is she still breathing?'

  I felt that someone was leaning over me and touching my neck, checking my pulse.

  `No. She's dead.' said the first voice.

  `So, there's nothing we can do for her. Let's go.'

  `We can't just leave her here like this! For the scavengers...'

  `Why not?'

  `Because we can't.'

  `Oh come on!'

  `We'll bury her.'

  `No we won't.'

  `Yes we will!'

  `You know what? You wanna bury her? Fine. Do it. Alone!'

  `How can you be so fucking heartless?'

  `Just do it, okay? Leave me alone. I'll be guarding the wagon. This is bandit country. So bury her fast, and then let's go! A shallow grave will do just fine.'


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