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Monsters Page 21

by Viktor Zólyomi

  The magic shield around the human archmage lights up, but the shots do not seem to weaken the shield. It seems Jenathar made sure that his protective magics would be powerful enough to withstand the force of Jason's attacks. Yet Jason keeps shooting, perhaps only to distract Jenathar.

  As Worriil realizes that Jason is trying to keep his attention away from the liches, he turns towards the undead mages.

  `You're right, Jenathar! They're up to something. Destroy them!'

  `What the Hell do you think I'm trying to do?' replies Jenathar.

  Worriil returns the focus of his attention to Jase, so as to make sure his shield keeps him alive. Jenathar keeps trying to cast some spell, but Jason's attacks are breaking his concentration.

  In the meantime, Lyour is trying his best to eat me alive. Our battle goes back and forth. He's bigger, I'm faster, and our strength seems to be evenly matched. Each time he manages to grab me and forcefully knock me to the ground in a way that could cripple any elf, I just get back up as if nothing had happened. But each time I strike him, though my claws sink deep into his flesh and draw blood, the wound seals completely mere seconds later. I'd better think up something, or this fight will never end...

  As our battle rages on, I suddenly notice Khargun and Achmor closing in on us. They have recovered once more and want to help out the troll. A few moments, and I am surrounded by the three of them.

  `Now you will die!' screams Khargun, but the troll shouts back to him.

  `Stay out of this, Khargun! She's mine!' he says.

  `Not yet she isn't, you bloody rockeater! We'll see which of us kills her.'

  `Shut up, Shorty!' replies Lyour. `She and that other bastard will pay for what they've done, and I and I alone will make them suffer! You just stay out of this if you know what's good for you!'

  `I've just about had enough of your insults!' says Achmor, and makes a move like he is about to attack the troll. Lyour intercepts him and grabs the dwarf's axe just below the blade, and pulls on it forcefully. Achmor releases the axe, and Lyour falls flat on his back. It seems the troll didn't expect this reaction.

  `Haha! You bloody rockeater! Did you forget how to stand?' laughs Achmor.

  `Why you little...'

  Achmor moves in to retrieve his axe, and I use the opportunity to quickly attack the orc. Khargun is not as unprepared as I expected however, he evades my attack and strikes back towards me with his sword. The blade cuts me this time, and Khargun smiles in satisfaction, and nods to himself. As I look at his sword, I see that it's faintly glowing. Khargun is a warrior, but he does have some magic skills. He must have placed some kind of enchantment on the sword, and that is what allowed his weapon to bypass the protections of my armor. No matter. The wound will seal in moments anyway. I ignore the wound and attack the orc.

  He evades me again, and slashes the sword towards me once more. Again, the blade cuts into me, but I ignore it and just attack. This time he fails to evade me, and my claws sink deep into his flesh. He groans in pain, but doesn't slow down. I move closer, and swiftly kick towards his knee. He evades it, and slashes the sword towards me at chest height. I quickly bow down and target his feet with a sweeping kick. He fails to evade it, and in a moment he's knocked to the ground.

  Before he could get back up, Achmor runs towards me with a fearsome battlecry, swinging his axe. I turn around just in time to see him coming. I quickly sidestep him, and he runs straight into the arising Khargun. He falls over in the orc, and both of them fall on the ground again, swearing.

  `Get off me you little maggot!' screams Khargun.

  `Stay out of my way next time, you ugly moron!' replies Achmor.

  They're prone now, I could attack them, possibly even kill one of them. But it can wait. First thing's first, first thing is Lyour. I look around and spot the troll on the ground nearby. He's real slow to stand up form the ground it would seem. Then this is what I should use to my advantage!

  He finally stands up. I run towards him, jump up, and kick him in the chest. He is knocked back, but doesn't fall. I try to kick him again, but he grabs my foot with his left hand. I jump up from the ground and turn in mid air, kicking him in the head with my right foot while he is still grabbing my left. The kick lands perfectly, and Lyour releases me. I land on the ground, but quickly jump back up and face the troll. He is staggered and shaking his head, but still standing.

  I run towards him again and try to plant a jumping kick in his face, but he grabs me in mid air, and then forcefully throws me to the ground. I land square on my back, and Lyour attempts to stomp into my gut. I quickly roll aside, and his right foot lands hard on the ground just inches away from me. I jump up, and target his right knee with a powerful kick. He doesn't manage to evade it, but he still doesn't fall.

  By all accounts, he should have fallen! What will it take to knock him down?!

  Let's see if I can trick him like Achmor did...

  I move away from him, then run towards him again, pretending like I am about to try a jumping kick again. I do jump, but I change into mist form in mid air exactly as he tries to grab me. He stumbles forward, but somehow manages to stay standing. I assume my normal shape behind him, and quickly jump on his bent back. With all the force I can muster, I strike at the back of his neck with my right fist.

  Finally, he falls down!

  `Curses! I will destroy you!' he screams, but I ignore him. It's time to finish this.


  I move in to try and slash Lyour's throat with my sharp vampire claws. Before I could even attempt it, I hear Jason's voice.

  `Now, Flora! Change your shape into mist form, and stay away from everything!'

  I turn towards him, and I see that he is standing next to the Demon Mirror. The liches are still standing near the mirror, but they no longer appear to be doing anything. Jenathar and Worriil stand puzzled, they both seem to have been about to cast some spell on the liches or Jason, but his words made them stop.

  `The liches finished whatever they were doing, Sewareld!' says Jenathar.

  `You should have stopped them! What were they doing?' replies Worriil.

  `I don't know.'

  Jason calls out to me once more.

  `Do it Flora! Now!'

  Very well... A pity. I was just about to deal with the troll. No matter, if not me, then whatever demon Jase will summon now...

  I slowly do as Jason says, while he steps to the corner of the room and rips the cover off of the Demon Mirror.

  `He... he had them break the wards on the Demon Mirror?!' screams Worriil.

  `Jason, what are you doing?!' screams Jenathar. Jason doesn't reply. He steps to the mirror and looks into it. He grabs the frame with both hands and steadily stares into the depths, into the eyes of his reflection.

  `Father!' he screams. `Come forth, come to this world, and do as you desire!'

  Father? So... this is what you're up to, Jase... To summon Th'Mesh into this world, and let him and the Supreme Council at each other's throats... Ingenious!

  `Jason! Are you insane?!' screams Jenathar.

  He does not reply. He stares steadily at the mirror, and then slowly steps back. A few moments later his reflection... his reflection simply steps forth and exits the mirror...

  It looks at Jason for a moment, and then smiles like only a demon could.

  `Yes, my child! As I desire...' it exclaims in a thundering voice. It pushes Jason in the chest with both hands, sending him flying several feet away. As Jason jumps to his feet and vanishes into his shadow, his reflection begins to change its shape... Moments later, a gigantic, monstrous figure stands there, a demon with four arms and with three faces around its ugly head. The same monster that I've once seen Jason turn into, only much, much bigger...

  `Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!' screams Jenathar. `Quickly, destroy the demon! It must not leave this room!'

  He glances at Worriil, and they nod to each other. They both begin casting some spell in unison. The demon wastes no time and it attacks
the nearest thing to it. Sure enough, the five liches are closest to it...

  The liches have been casting some spells ever since Th'Mesh stepped out of the mirror. Bright transparent spheres of varying color surround them all. They must be trying to protect themselves, they knew well that the demon would show no mercy to anyone in the room.

  The demon opens its mouth on the front face and spits a ball of fire at the liches. Flames erupt around them all, but they seem to be well protected. The demon attacks the nearest lich with its vicious claws. A single strike and the magical shield surrounding the lich vanishes. Another strike and the lich is torn in half.

  This is shocking...

  I remember well that it took the demon inside Jason several strikes to destroy the shields of the mages in Gatestown a year back, and I am very much certain that these liches are much more powerful spellcasters than those petty battlemages were. The magical protections of these liches had to be much more efficient. Yet, a single strike of Th'Mesh was enough to bring down those defenses. This demon is much more powerful than the one that lies inside Jason...

  The Council's future is bleak. Very bleak, indeed...

  Th'Mesh strikes towards the second lich. It is Belwor. His shield seems to be more powerful, as it takes two strikes of the demon to shatter it, but it still goes down amazingly fast. The demon strikes once more, and rips Belwor to pieces... How amusing! I will not mourn you, you cursed undead bastard! You had this coming...

  Th'Mesh attacks the other liches, but they have used the past few seconds to begin casting offensive spells against the demon. Before Th'Mesh could strike any of them, they all unleash some kind of magical projectiles upon the beast. One of them fires a hail of what seem like metal shards at the demon, the second one fires a thin green beam of light at it, while the last one shoots a large bolt of ice at the creature. The metal shards cut into its flesh and draw its blood. The ice bolt encases it entirely in a thin layer of ice, holding it still briefly, but only a few seconds, as the demon breaks out of the ice with ease. Before the liches could attack again, Th'Mesh strikes towards one of them. The lich's shield shatters, and then the demon tears him apart. A few moments later, another lich ends up the same way. Now there is only one left.

  This last lich manages to cast another offensive spell at the demon, some kind of purple ray. It blasts right into the demon's chest, and the beast briefly stops and begins convulsing. It only lasts a few seconds, and then Th'Mesh lunges forward and breaks down the final lich's magical shield. Then the beast grabs the lich, spits a fireball in its face, and tears its burning body in two. So it ends, Jason's unwilling allies are all dead.

  Now, after killing the five undead, Th'Mesh turns towards the five living figures in the room: the members of the Supreme Council.

  What have they been doing all this time? Jenathar and Worriil both seem to be hurriedly casting some sophisticated spells, and both of them look troubled. Or scared? Yes, scared. Haha!

  The others? Khargun and Achmor look about the same as the two archmages, but they are both just standing around. They're waiting in a defensive stance for the demon to attack them. And Lyour? He's back on his feet, and he's staring at Th'Mesh with a vicious look in his eyes. Lyour doesn't look scared at all. Is he so brave, or so stupid?

  Th'Mesh stares at them, and slowly begins to laugh. At first just silently, but his laughter gradually grows louder and louder. In the midst of this cacophonous laughter, Worriil calls out to the orc.

  `Khargun, listen! You must hold off the avatar of Th'Mesh for a few minutes. I don't care how you do it, but do it! I must not be interrupted, or we will all die!'

  `Hold it off? How the Hell do you expect me to do that? I need stronger magical protection than what I can muster.'

  `That's what Jenathar and I are doing, but it takes time, so hold it off! Evade it any way you can, just do it. Achmor! Lyour! Help him!'

  `This is pointless, Worriil!' says Lyour. `I will rip that demon to pieces.'

  `No, don't even try it! Not yet! It will destroy you.'

  `Destroy me? Me? Ha! No! I will destroy it! Khargun, Achmor, stand aside! Let me at it!'

  `No, Lyour!' screams Jenathar. `Wait until we finish our spell. Just hold off Th'Mesh somehow!'

  `No! I will not wait, I don't need your petty magics! I will crush it, rip it to shreds!' screams Lyour, and he charges at Th'Mesh.

  `Khargun! Achmor! Don't let him do it!' shouts Worriil. But the orc and the dwarf don't do anything. They just watch, and wait.

  `Die, demon!' screams Lyour, as he lunges at Th'Mesh. He grabs the demon and tries to overpower it. Seems like an impossible task, even for the big troll. Lyour is at least eight feet tall if not nine, but Th'Mesh still towers over him. Lyour tries his best to force the demon down, he grabs two of its arms and headbutts it in the chest. The demon just laughs. With it's other two arms, it grabs Lyour by the shoulders and raises him high, such that their eyes are at the same height. Then, it headbutts Lyour in the forehead.

  A loud sickening crack is heard, as the troll's skull splits open at the forehead. Lyour somehow survived that, and didn't even faint. He screams, while the demon laughs. It let's him go, and the troll just drops to the ground. Th'Mesh looks down at him, and laughs. Lyour somehow manages to slowly stand up, and Th'Mesh doesn't do anything in all this time. The troll attacks the beast, but the demon just grabs his right arm, and forcefully pulls on it. With this move, it rips out Lyour's arm, and the troll screams and stumbles backwards.

  `I'm gonna rip you apart with one hand if I must!' he screams, and he charges at Th'Mesh again.

  `Lyour, stop!' screams Jenathar, but it is too late.

  The demon catches him with two of its arms, and lifts him high above its head. It begins to rip him to pieces, with its other two arms. First, it rips out a leg. Then the left arm, then the other leg. Finally, it rips off Lyour's head. It laughs harshly.

  `Lyour, you fool!' says Worriil. `You ignorant fool!'

  The demon still holds Lyour's limbless torso in its arms. It now sinks its claws into the chest of the troll's torso, and rips out the heart, then it swallows it and tosses Lyour's torso to the ground. It raises all its arms high, and laughs aloud crudely.

  Khargun addresses Worriil.

  `How much more time do you need?' he asks, in a tone that betrays that he intentionally didn't try to stop the troll from attacking the demon.

  `A few minutes.' says Worriil.

  `That's what you said before Lyour got himself killed!'

  `Just keep the demon away from me! Read my lips! I... need... more... time!'

  `Fine! You'll get it...'

  The orc slowly begins to advance on Th'Mesh.

  `What's the plan?' asks Achmor.

  `Stay out of reach, hit and run. You take the left, I'll take the right.' replies Khargun.

  `A sound plan.'

  `You go first.'

  `Coward...' says the dwarf, but he attacks Th'Mesh just as the orc told him to. He moves in swiftly and swings his large battleaxe towards the demon, but immediately he begins to move backwards. His axe misses the demon by an inch, and Th'Mesh moves after him. Achmor begins to run.

  As the demon chases after the dwarf, Khargun attacks it from behind. He slashes his sword deep into the back of Th'Mesh, and draws blood. Then he pulls the sword back and retreats. Th'Mesh turns around and runs after him. Now Achmor lunges towards the beast and strikes it deep in the back with his axe. The demon doesn't turn around this time, instead it keeps chasing the orc.

  Khargun tries to run faster, but the demon is rapidly closing in on him. Achmor is also hot on Th'Mesh's trail. He strikes the beast in the back every chance he gets, but it doesn't seem to slow the demon down.

  Khargun keeps running, but Th'Mesh is now just an arm's reach from him. A few seconds and the orc will be in deep trouble. Ha! Too bad for him...

  `Faster, Khargun!' shouts the dwarf. `This big bastard will rip you apart!'

  `Shut up and attack it!' repl
ies Khargun. Then he glances over his shoulder and swings his sword behind his back while running, as if trying to cut into the arms of the demon chasing him. He succeeds, and cuts into one of Th'Mesh's arms. The wound is not too deep though, and the demon just laughs.

  Suddenly, a translucent sphere of light appears around Achmor and Khargun. Various magical runes litter the surfaces of the spheres, glowing in a bright gold color. The two archmages are surrounded by similar spheres. It seems they finished casting some kind of protection spell, which they hope will save their sorry asses. Let's see...

  `Now! Kill that blasted demon!' shouts Worriil. `You have five minutes until the spell wears off, so kill it fast! Don't waste time!'

  `There will be no mistake in that, Worriil! Trust me, we will have a great feast of demon meat tonight! You just get some wine for us!' says Achmor, and he viciously swings his axe towards Th'Mesh. Khargun stops, turns towards the demon, and strikes his sword towards its chest. The beast runs too fast to stop, and it is simply impaled on the orc's sword. Then it drags Khargun along with itself and they both fall to the ground.

  Khargun is now stuck beneath the body of Th'Mesh. The demon slowly arises, and pulls the sword of the orc out of its chest, then throws it on the ground. The wound apparently doesn't bother the beast.

  Achmor finally catches up to them, and ferociously attacks Th'Mesh. The demon strikes back at the dwarf, but all his attacks are stopped by the magical protection shield. A pity. It seems the Councilors have the upper hand now. But only if they kill the demon in time. What did Worriil say? Five minutes? They'd better hurry then.

  Khargun stands up and picks his sword up, then he attacks Th'Mesh. He and Achmor both cut deep into the demon's flesh with each strike, while Th'Mesh fails to harm them thanks to Worriil's spell. Half a minute passes, and a gigantic puddle of blood accumulates on the ground around the beast. Still, it is standing and viciously trying to kill the orc and the dwarf, as if all those wounds and all that lost blood was nothing.


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