Back Door Magic

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Back Door Magic Page 3

by Phaedra Weldon

  "And it's yours," Edward said. "Hope creates a back door—another way in when everything else in front of you says no." He looked at Brenda. The two still stood in the small landing where the back door was.

  "Mine?" Jackie turned a surprised face to the two of them. "But I can't afford it yet—"

  "You already have it," Brenda said. "In this world, it's yours, so the money you've already saved will carry you for some time." She reached out with the key in her hand. "Take it—just don't forget to come visit me from time to time?"

  Edward put up a hand as Jackie took the key. "Through this door—come see us. I'm afraid in the reality there, this shop doesn't exist." He shrugged. "And neither does Brenda. There, your mother never sold it, you inherited it, and you never married."

  Jackie clutched the key to her breast. "This is a dream."

  "No," Brenda said. "It's hope. You enjoy this—and let me enjoy this shop the way granny wanted it. Okay?"

  But Jackie had turned and was enjoying the view, already lost in what she wanted most.

  Edward reached in and shut the door. There was a click, and Brenda knew if she opened the door again, there would be a brick wall.

  She looked at Edward. "That's how granny did it."

  "Yes. But," he held up his index finger. "Only to certain clients. Those in most need. And you always have to be careful. Like the warning I just gave your mother—or tried to give you. If she comes her through that world, she'll never find this shop because it doesn't exist. This door travels from world to world and reality and time. You can screw things up royaly if you're not careful."

  She grinned at him. "That's why you're here. You're kind of like the door's guardian?"

  "No, I'm your guardian." He smiled.

  The two of them went back up the stairs to the front desk. Brenda looked at the wick of a candle there and snapped her fingers.

  No fire sparks appeared. No wisps. Not even a tinge of smoke issued from the candle. A single spark, and the flame ignited and burned a tall, strong blue. Brenda knew it wasn't magic—she didn't know how to conjure fire without a fire spark. But she'd thought of the door, and she'd thought of Edward's faith in her, and she'd thought about the faith she had in herself since he'd arrived, and the store had made money.

  On her magic.

  Magic…and hope.

  She'd seen the back door in her mind.

  Neither of them said a word until Edward moved closer and pinched out the flame. "You thirsty? I'm thirsty. But not for tea. I know this splendid pub over in Yorkshire—and they have the worst meat pastries—but a fine dart board. Care to come?"

  "Yorkshire?" Brenda blinked at him. She was wondering if she'd ever seen her mother again. "As in England?"

  "Well of course."

  "Edward, how are we going to get to—"

  "Back door," he nodded to the stairwell. "And we'd better get a move on."

  She grabbed her coat and followed him down the stairs to the back door. It looked different somehow. More alive. Vivid colors that seemed to swirl and move all around.


  Brenda put her arm in his. "I could kiss you for being here for me."

  "Ah—one rule for familiar to witch or wizard," he looked down at her. "No fraternizing. Can't be missing it all up." And with that, he smiled and gave her a soft but firm kiss on the lips."


  And he opened the back door.

  About the Author…

  Phaedra Weldon is the author of the Urban Fantasy series, Zoë Martinique Investigation, published by Berkley, available for Kindle. She most recently completed the soon-to-be released Eureka novel, Brain Box Blues. Look for it in stores Winter 2010 under the name Cris Ramsay. Her new urban fantasy series, Grimoire: Book One will be released December 2010.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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  This is a revised edition.

  For more information about the author please her visit website at

  Read about the further investigations of Zoë and her friends in Wraith, Out of the Dark, Spectre, Phantasm and Revenant, available in bookstores now, as well as Kindle and ebook formats.

  Look for Grimoire coming in December to ebook readers.

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  Back Door Magic




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