Christmas Mail Order Angels: The complete 11 Volume Set

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Christmas Mail Order Angels: The complete 11 Volume Set Page 61

by Darlene Franklin

  The girls scrambled to the edge and helped them down. “Elizabeth, take Katie and run on in and get warm while I take care of Nelle and Davey.”

  Elizabeth reached up and hugged her pa. “I will and thank you.” Then she dashed off with Katie in tow.

  The smile on Elizabeth’s face at her pa’s calling her by her name sent Nelle’s heart into a tailspin. He’d listened to her and was making an effort to please. Her love for him grew stronger with that simple gesture.


  Inside Jake’s store, planks had been set up for the service. Riley led Nelle and his family to a row not far from the front, but close enough to the back to leave with Davey if that became necessary. So far, the other times they’d been in church the baby had been quiet and satisfied with a bottle of milk Nelle brought with her.

  Seemed so natural to be sitting in church with his family. He had two pretty daughters, a delightful son, and a beautiful bride. Anybody seeing them would believe them to be the perfect family. But they were not. Somehow he had to get up his nerve to make a move toward asking her to be his wife. Until then, they’d be a family in name only.

  After the service the couples mingled with other town folk and talked about happenings during the week. Nelle stood over in a corner talking with Becky and Sophia. Amanda joined them holding her baby, Frank. Now that was a sight he liked to see. Nelle’s pleasure beamed in her face as she exchanged news with her friends.

  Jake strolled up beside him. “How are things with you?”

  “About the same. Nelle is wonderful with the children, but I don’t think she feels anything for me.”

  “Have you asked her?”

  “No, I don’t want to hear her say no.” Rejection was one thing Riley couldn’t bear. His own pa had not accepted anything Riley wanted. Instead of being a doctor like his Pa, Riley had chosen to come west and be a rancher.

  “Hmm, you might be surprised. If she loves your children like you say, she most likely will love you, too.”

  “We’ll see.” He still had until Christmas to get up his nerve and face the consequences of whatever her answer may be.

  Mr. Leman from the Bar L joined them. “My boys went hunting for the bear that attacked Ed, but it looks like he may finally have gone into hibernation. They found tracks leading to the caves up near Angel Falls.”

  That was good news. Riley wouldn’t have to worry about a bear coming near his ranch and his family. How good that word sounded to him, and that’s exactly what he wanted to be…a family.


  A grin had spread across Riley’s face. Something good must have happened. “Ladies, I’ve so enjoyed your company this morning, but it’s time for us to go. I have a roast simmering on the stove back home, and I know the children and Riley must be hungry.”

  Sophia hugged her. “It’s good to see you, Nelle. It looks like everything is working out well for you.”

  “It’s been a good few months.” And it had, except for one thing, and that she hoped to change that by Christmas.

  She gathered up their belongings and Riley strode over to take Davey into his arms while she helped the girls with their wraps.

  “The sun’s out, so it won’t be quite so cold going home.” Riley held Davey in one arm and helped Nelle with her cape with his free one.

  The baby had fallen asleep against Riley’s shoulder, and Nelle’s breath caught at the sight of the angelic face resting against his pa. What a wonderful father he was. Miranda had been a very lucky woman.

  He handed her the sleeping baby and led the girls out to the wagon. How could she ever hope to take the place of the one he’d loved with all his heart?

  Chapter 10

  With only a week until Christmas, Nelle decided to take the girls into town for shopping. She wanted them to pick out something special for their father for Christmas. She already had an idea as to what she wanted to give him. She needed cooking supplies as well in order to get her baking done for the holiday. Henrietta had given her a recipe for a Christmas cake that would be easy to make and Jake had all the ingredients at his store.

  She chose a day when the temperatures were not so close to freezing. Most of the snow had melted which would make the trip easier. When she’d told Riley what she intended, he’d approved, but told her to wait in town for him so he could get a few things for himself and then ride home with them.

  That suited Nelle’s plan and having him on the return trip would make for a most pleasant ending to the day. She’d cooked up a big pot of stew and set it aside for the evening. All she had to do when they returned home would be to heat the stew and toast the bread. She and Elizabeth had baked a pie with dried apples and it waited on the counter as well.

  Although not quite to the point of being completely accepting of Nelle, Elizabeth had thawed and her attitude had greatly improved to the point that she smiled much more often and frowned a lot less. She’d even begun to do chores without being asked.

  At least one thing was going well, and if her plans worked, she’d have the best gift ever for Riley on Christmas. She could only pray that he would not reject her and ruin her surprise.

  Riley had hitched up the wagon that morning before he left for the range with his men. After two hours of lessons in the morning, Nelle bundled up the girls and Davey.

  “We’re going to find your pa the best Christmas gifts, and you might even choose one to give each other. She would also pick up the toys Riley ordered from a catalog. Jake sent word they’d arrived and he’d have them boxed and ready to load.

  Elizabeth tied her bonnet under her chin. “How are we going to keep our gifts a secret? If I find something for Katie, I don’t want her to see it until Christmas morning.”

  Nelle waited for Katie and Elizabeth to climb into the back of the wagon. She handed Davey to Elizabeth. “If you find something, tell me or Jake and he’ll get it for you and wrap it up. You can do the same, Katie.”

  The little girl’s eyes sparkled. “I love Christmas and secrets.” She giggled and pulled her knees up to her chin.

  “I do too, sweetie. We’re going to have fun today.”

  Nelle climbed up to the front seat of the wagon and flipped the reins across the horse’s back. With the sun shining down on them to offer its warmth, this was going to be a fine day for a trip to town. With the money she’d saved from home, she planned to treat the children to lunch at Henrietta’s place. Since she’d started cooking, everyone wanted to eat there.

  The close to an hour trip into town went by much faster today as Nelle planned meals and ran over her list of needed supplies. She hoped she hadn’t forgotten anything, but she’d gone over each recipe and checked the pantry so she should be in good shape. The girls chatted quietly in the wagon bed and Davey fell asleep as he often did when riding.

  Nelle pulled up in front of the general store. “Here we are.” She jumped down to open the wagon end panel for Katie and Elizabeth who handed Davey to Nelle before she scooted to the edge and hopped down.

  Elizabeth was filling out in all the right places. If there were many boys in town, they’d be flocking around Riley’s oldest daughter. Only Ben Harper was near Elizabeth’s age, but from what Virginia had told her, he didn’t say much, but he did help Levi with their brother Seth and their sisters. Time enough for attraction down the road.

  The highlights in Elizabeth’s hair fairly glowed in the sunlight, and her complexion was flawless as a baby’s. Nelle decided she needed to ask Riley if it would be all right to speak to Elizabeth about womanly things. Mama had been so hesitant in doing that when Nelle was thirteen, and she didn’t want Elizabeth to have the same doubts.

  “Before we go shopping, how about going over to the eatery and having lunch. I’m sure Miss Henrietta has a good menu today.”

  Katie clapped her hands. “Can I have some of her sugar cookies?”

  “If she has some to offer, yes, you can, but you have to eat all your lunch first.”

  They traipsed behind
her across to the eatery. Patrons filled the place, but Nelle spotted a table by the back wall. She settled the girls then removed Davey’s outer clothing. She’d packed a bag with little jars of mashed vegetables she’d prepared at home so he could eat as well. He had six good teeth now, but not enough for more than gnawing at a cracker.

  True to her word, Nelle asked Henrietta about the cookies after they finished their meal. Henrietta had laughed and said she’d be right back.

  She returned with a plate of four cookies and two glasses of milk. “Here you go, sweetie. You and your sister enjoy the cookies and the milk.” She handed an extra cookie to Nelle.

  “Thank you, Henrietta. I hope mine turn out as good as yours.”

  “I’m sure they will. It’s an easy receipe.” She waved her fingers at the girls then scurried off to take care of other customers.

  After they finished, Nelle paid the bill and prepared for the shopping trip. Katie rattled on about how much she liked the food and what she was going to get for her pa’s gift. Elizabeth showed great patience as she listened and buttoned up Katie’s coat.

  Nelle picked up Davey. “Now ladies, it time for some shopping.


  Riley rode with his foreman out to the far side of the range to round up any strays that had ventured away from the others. He prayed it wouldn’t take too long so he could get back to the ranch in plenty of time to clean up and meet Nelle in town.

  Finally, they had rounded up all the strays they could see and herded them back to winter pasture. He’d keep them closer to ranch buildings during the severe winter months, so the men could get out to the feeders and restock them. They’d only lost one cow so far. If his herd didn’t produce a good group of calves this next year, he’d barely be able to make ends meet. They’d made it through in fine fashion last winter, but each season brought its own perils.

  As they crossed the range, one of the cowboys from the Jenkins spread rode up. “Got news for ya’.” That bear may have gone into hibernation, but we found evidence of a big cat roamin’ around. Already been to the Lehman spread and told them. Be on the look- out for him.

  “Thanks, we will.” A cat could be even more dangerous than a bear despite being smaller in size. Cats were faster and could hide better and they didn’t make as much noise. One could be on a man before he even knew a cat was around.

  The cowboy rode away and Riley urged his horse forward. “C’mon. Nelle and the children went into town. I sure don’t want them riding back here with a cat on the loose.”

  “I hear you, Boss. I’m right behind you.”

  By the time they reached the ranch, Riley realized he couldn’t stop and clean up. He’d have to go like he was.

  His foreman rode beside him. “I’m going into town with you. Always better to have two men on the lookout than one.

  “Thanks, Jesse, I appreciate it. Nelle and the girls planned to do some Christmas shopping, so no telling how long they’ll be. I told her to wait until I got there to meet them, but knowing Nelle, she’ll want to come on home soon as she’s finished.”

  Although a sense of urgency moved him forward, he squelched the urge to take the short cut. With the snow still on the ground in groves of trees, the trail wasn’t as clear and held more places for a misstep. Better to stick to the main road. Besides if Nelle did leave early, he’d be sure to meet her on the road this way.

  “Boss, you think we oughta keep an eye out for that cat? He could be anywhere in these rocks and hills.”

  “Good idea.” He reached back for his rifle and laid it against his thigh, ready to raise and shoot at a moment’s notice.

  Jess did the same beside him. Jess kept his eyes to the right of the trail and Riley covered the right. Two pairs of eyes sure were a lot more handy than one set.

  They rode in silence, each one wary and searching the countryside for any signs of a wild animal. Cats could hide much better and they watched their prey until the perfect moment to pounce in attack. One swipe of their sharp claws could rip a man’s face or cut his chest wide open. It’d be even worse for a woman or a small child.

  Lord, please keep them safe. They’re all I have in the world. I love them more than life itself. If that cat is to attack anybody, let it be me.

  Chapter 11

  Nelle laughed as the girls found items then went to Jake and whispered into his ear what they wanted. He’d nod and write it down. When they went off down another aisle, Jake picked up what they had chosen and brought it to the counter to wrap and put into a bag. Katie had found a pair of gold colored hair clips for Elizabeth. They were a good choice with her hair color and the new green dress Nelle had made for her. Elizabeth found a rag doll with yarn hair the exact color of Katie’s dark hair that was so like her pa’s. Then they stood together debating about a gift for Riley.

  Jake filled her supply list. He leaned toward Nelle. “I got those things Riley ordered put in the wagon. They’re all wrapped in boxes and in brown paper so the girls won’t know what’s in them. Here’s the list of what’s there.”

  “Thank you, Jake. The children will be so excited Christmas morning.” She perused the list he’d given her. A rocking horse for Davey, a doll cradle for Katie, and a hand held looking glass set with a comb and brush to match for Elizabeth were the top three. The next items included a few books and games and a larger bed for Davey. Those would take up a lot of space, but there would still be room for the girls.

  They finally came to Nelle with a gift. Elizabeth held up a ceramic shaving mug with a picture of a buck on it. “Do you think Pa would like this? He does like to shave. It has a brush to go with it.”

  “I think he’d like it fine. We can also make some of his favorite cookies and put them in one of these pretty tins.” She picked up a round tin painted with an outdoor snow scene of mountains and trees.

  “That’s a good idea, too. What are you getting?”

  “Now if I tell you that, you won’t be surprised Christmas morning will you?”

  She and Katie giggled and went back to look at more items in Jake’s store. Nelle picked out a few ribbons to match the colors in the dresses she’d made for each girl. Elizabeth’s was longer than the usual things she wore. She added a pair of stockings for each one to wear to church with their new dresses. Riley had already shown Nelle the locket he’d had Alex Vaughn make for Elizabeth. It was oval shaped gold with a heart and flowers engraved on the front. It hung on a delicate gold chain and would be lovely with the green dress, and the hair clips would be good match as well.

  The thought of the gift she had for Riley sent heat to her cheeks. She’d brought a cream colored muslin gown from home. Lace trimmed the yoke on the front and at the neck and cuffs of the sleeves. Ribbons tied the neck and streamed down the front. She planned to wear it Christmas Eve, and invite Riley to share her bed that night. She had grown to love him with all her heart, and if he rejected her now, her heart would break.

  Davey began fussing and Nelle realized it was time for another bottle. Soon she’d have to wean him away from it and start him with a tin cup, but now the bottle would have to do. Jake nodded over to a rocking chair in the corner and Nelle headed there to feed the baby.

  Elizabeth strolled over and knelt beside the rocker. “We’re all finished. Is Pa going to meet us?”

  “He said he would, but it’s getting late and I need to get back so we can start supper.”

  “When Mr. Underwood finishes wrapping our gifts, we could go on home then. We’ll probably meet Pa on his way to town. He won’t have so far to come if we do that.”

  “I think you’re right. Soon as Davey’s fed, we’ll pack up and head home. The wagon will be full in the back with our purchases, but there’ll still be room for you.”

  “I could sit up on the bench and hold Davey.”

  “That would be fine except he may get a little rambunctious after his long nap. It’ll be better if you’re in the back where you can hold onto him. Besides, we wouldn’t want to le
ave Katie all alone.”

  “I guess so. I’ll go tell Katie we’re going to be leaving soon.” She stopped and turned back to Nelle. “Thank you for bringing us to shop. This has been fun. And…um…I’m glad you came to live with us.” Her cheeks flushed pink and she backed away.

  A lump formed in Nelle’s throat. She breathed a silent prayer of gratitude for an answer to one of her most fervent prayers. Elizabeth’s acceptance now meant so much and made what Nelle had planned for Christmas Eve even more important. She hugged Davy to her chest and kissed his head. This was the best day she’d had since her arrival.

  Ten minutes later they were all loaded and ready to go. Jake had covered the boxes with a piece of canvas and tied it to the edges of the wagon. “Okay, ladies, you’re all set. Have a safe trip.”

  “Thank you, Jake. Riley will bring the canvas back the next time he comes to town.” She flicked the reins and they headed home.

  They were several miles out of town when the horse’s ear pricked up and he jerked on the reins. Nelle held on tightly to calm him down, but he kept prancing and trying to go off the trail. If he veered too much off to the right, the wheels might slip and send them into the ravine.

  Nelle noticed movement in the rocks to her left and an icy chill raced down her spine, and her heart lurched. If she wasn’t mistaken, something was in those trees near the rocks and it was too big to be a possum or raccoon or other little critter, and it wasn’t noisy or big enough to be a bear. It didn’t smell either.

  “Elizabeth, pull that canvass down and cover you and Katie and the baby. Don’t move and try to keep Davey from making a sound. Don’t come out until I tell you to.”

  Nelle kept her head to the front but cut her gaze back to Elizabeth. She was following orders with speed. Nelle swallowed hard. She had to keep control of the horse. With the load in the back, he couldn’t run fast enough to outrun whatever lurked in the trees. She had to stay calm although her heart raced and her hands had become soaked with sweat. Her foot jammed on the brake against the front wheel, but she wasn’t heavy enough to press it firmly. Please, Lord, help me hold him steady.


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