Twilight War

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Twilight War Page 13

by Storm Savage

  She aggressively flattened one hand against his hard chest. “And you look like a buffet of ecstasy.”

  He arched both brows and a hot look sparked in his eyes. “Whoa, baby, you’re on fire.”

  “Yeah…” she muttered on a longing sigh, then took hold of the long black hair hanging past his shoulders. “I need a cool rider to put out these flames. Anyone come to mind?”

  “Hell,” he muttered while gripping her thighs and sweeping her off her feet. “I’m your man, sugar.”

  Her legs wound around his waist. Their lips met as she buried her hands in his thick mane of black silk. He carried her with ease down to the beach. They kissed with urgent desire the entire time. Upon reaching a secluded cove, Von laid her down in the sand.

  “Bring back any memories?” she teased.

  “Only one.” He peeled her clothes off while gazing into her with those devilishly seductive eyes.

  She watched absorbedly as he shucked his clothes. “Damn,” she muttered and exhaled. “I can’t tell you how hard it was for me to kill you when you look this good.”

  “Interesting pillow talk, there, sugar,” he said with an easy laugh. “Only a woman like you could get away with something like that.”

  She offered him a coy smile. “Just get on down here and show me how bad you really are.”

  His gaze swept over her, openly taking her in with hungry eyes. She shivered beneath his powerful allure. When his body meshed with hers, she threw her head back and cried out, begging him to satisfy the burning passion that raged inside.

  He took her hard, just as she expected a man like him to do. Everything about him, the way he felt and tasted, went way beyond those secret fantasies. The mystery of Von Calder continued to unravel and each piece thrilled her more and more. To say he was well endowed was a severe understatement—the man was purely gifted. Nor did he lack in the art of pleasing a woman.

  “Oh my god,” she gasped as her body shuddered with release. “You are magnificent.”

  He lifted his head from the curve of her neck and stared at her while spilling his emission deep inside. She sucked in air through parted lips, utterly rapt in his sensual expression. They groaned in soft unison as their bodies crested the idyllic wave of euphoria together. Muscles strained and flexed above her, rippling in the moonlight and glistening with sweat.

  “I’ve waited forever for you to give yourself to me,” he purred in a voice that made her want to swoon. “It was well worth the wait. You are everything and more than I knew you would be.”

  She reached up and touched his face, brushing her hand along his cheek. He was absolutely breathtaking, a superior male in every way. If not for his past, he’d be highly sought after for breeding among her peers. Yet deep in her soul, she was almost glad that he was the Satellite. Only one woman had been predestined to join with Twilight’s most powerful tool. Flame would never need worry about Naami or any other sisterhood resident panting after Von. He would always belong exclusively to her.

  “You’ll need to control your thoughts when we go into our next fight,” he told her in a gentle voice. He closed his eyes, clearly enjoying her touch. “Your mind is wide open to me, sugar.” He looked at her and smiled. “I told you that we could help each other, remember?”


  “You’re my destiny. I’ve always known it,” he paused to place a tender lingering kiss on her lips then their eyes met again. “And now you know it, too.”

  “How can I be in love with you?”

  “How can you pull me over if you’re not?”

  “I’ve become my mother’s child.”

  “That is not a bad thing, babe. She was an amazing woman.” His gaze moved over her face while he stroked her hair. “The difference this time is that I am nothing like the former Satellite. I know what I want and I’m willing to do whatever it takes, even risk my soul, to get what I want. I’ve finally broken the mind control Twilight had over me. You gave me something to fight for. Because of you, I found my humanity again.”

  “Are you saying that you’re ready to turn?”

  “Only if I can trust you.” He sounded sincere.

  Everything in her wanted to believe him. She’d fallen for this mysterious and dangerous man. There was no turning back now. They either trusted each other or the war would be lost. Raef’s soul would fall to the evil realm and her elite and precious nation would eventually succumb to Twilight’s lust for power.

  “You can trust me.” She kept her voice soft.

  “Then I will finish this with you. Tomorrow we’ll ride east and take out Aiden’s family, then uncover just what he really is.”

  “You think he’s more than just an innocent bystander, don’t you?”

  “Ian could not see his aura. Aiden has been shrouded for some reason. I want to know why.”

  “I just want them dead.”

  “I can help you with that.” He smiled the easy smile she’d already grown to love and pulled her into a warm embrace. “Sleep, pretty baby. You’ll need your strength.”

  They rolled onto their sides, facing each other. She glanced up at him before snuggling against his chest. He wrapped himself around her, shielding her naked body from the cool night zephyr coming in off the tide. For the first time in weeks, she felt safe.

  * * * *

  Von laid awake listening to the soft rhythmic sound of her breathing. Though she’d managed to channel his energy via her blood-bond, he knew her mortal body still needed rest for the hard ride east. She’d never traveled the immortal way. This brave woman was in for the ride of her life.

  He hoped that Ian would be able to carry out their plan and hide out just a bit longer to keep the master looking the other way. Von knew once he helped Flame kill the people who attacked her, that he’d win her trust and they could take on Twilight together. Without his favored tool, the evil ruler would have no power against them.

  After retracing the details in his mind, he closed his eyes to bask in her sweetness, holding Flame securely next to him. This night had been unreal. Her hunger for him was more gratifying than anything he could imagine. Had he heeded the demands of the realm, which stole his human life, he’d be lost forever. Surrendering to his feelings for this fiery female was the best decision he’d ever made. Now if only he could trust her.

  Will her love for Raef push her over the edge? He could tell the haunting mist had taken its toll. She was totally wired tonight. Does she love me or is it lust? When she wakes, which path will she choose? Questions only she had the answers to.

  He looked past her to the pile of clothes lying on the sand nearby. She’d pulled her daggers close before relaxing in his arms. He wondered. With a sigh, he closed his eyes again and tried to rest.

  Hours later, Von felt Flame begin to stir. He didn’t move except to release her and pretend he was still asleep when she quietly slid from his arms. He heard her rustling with her clothes, zipping her jacket and tugging on her pants. Her effort to do all these things without making a sound amused him, yet he could not suppress his rising anxiety. What he hoped would be a heavenly morning of afterglow followed by more lovemaking seemed to be taking a disappointing turn.

  He could feel her thinking, feel her sitting next to him in deep contemplation but surprisingly she’d learned how to block her thoughts. Apparently, another run in with the master’s tormenting mist had strengthened the warrior woman. He waited in feigned sleep to see what she would do. She let out a heavy sigh. Then he sensed her presence hovering over him. He didn’t move.

  Her long silky hair brushed his cheeks as she lowered her head. He felt her lips drawing closer, closer, until she touched them to his ever so lightly. She pulled back just a little before kissing him again, this time with unmistakable desire.

  Will she give in to her desire and accept her destiny with me? Or will she seize the opportunity to kill me and bring back her boyfriend? Von decided to risk it all. If he couldn’t trust her, then he didn’t want her. If sh
e is hell bent on reuniting with her previous love, then I’d rather her drive that dagger through my heart. It would hurt a lot less.

  Her lips tasted sweet. He waited in stoic silence for the inevitable betrayal, something he’d grown used to over the years. She ended the kiss and pulled away. Every muscle in his body wanted to grab her, shake some sense into her, and make her see how much he loved her. Still, he held back. He needed to know. For once in his life, he’d let go of the reins.

  She sighed again. “You sleep pretty sound for someone who insinuated it might be a hard thing to catch you doing.”

  He opened his eyes to find her gazing dreamily at him. “You’re not holding your daggers.”

  “I’m not preparing to kill anyone at the moment,” she said with a pointed look. Then an expression of clarity swept over her pretty face. “You thought I was moving in for the kiss of death?”

  “The thought crossed my mind.”

  She slanted him a knowing look and half smiled. “You were testing me.”

  “I had to.”

  “I’m not a black widow. I don’t mate then kill my lovers.” She gave a light laugh.

  “I know how much you loved him. It ripped at my heart to see you so broken up.”

  She sat back on her knees and released a deep breath. “I do love him, but I felt what the curse is like. I realized that I couldn’t sentence Raef to an eternity of hell. He’s way too sweet for that. What Twilight does is maddening. I understand some of what you must have suffered by no choice of your own and also how Ian succumbed to Cassie. I’ve never experienced anything so compellingly evil.”

  “You are the woman I thought you were.”

  “Don’t put me on a pedestal. I don’t deserve it.”

  “You could’ve killed me. I wouldn’t have stopped you.”

  “I-I…” She raked a hand over her hair.

  “You can’t?” His eyes searched hers for truth.

  “Once was enough.” She smiled in an attempt to cover her feelings, but he saw the conflict.

  “Can’t say it, huh?”

  “What? That I’ve fallen in love with you?”


  “I’m not making this mistake again. I held back on telling Raef until it was too late.” An indicative look flitted through her eyes. “The truth is…I am in love with you.”

  He reached for her. “Then why did you get dressed?”

  “Believe it or not, I was cold. You really know how to put out a fire.”

  “Well c’mere, sugar, let me warm you up.” He pulled her close and smiled—thrilled that he’d slaked her burning need and even more elated over her words. “Just for the record, Flame, I’ve been in love with you since the day we met. I just didn’t know how to bridge the gap.”

  She laid a delicate hand on his bare chest then kissed his neck. “You’re almost there. When I see you destroy Twilight’s evil fiends then I’ll know you’ve sincerely turned.” She looked up at him with those sincere blue eyes. “You still have a choice to make. I’ve already made mine.”

  “Oh believe me, babe, I made my choice long ago. Now that I can trust you, I won’t let you down. You’ll see just how bad I can be.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Ohhh shit,” she muttered after retching alongside the road. “What the hell was that?”

  Von held her hair with tenderness not expected from a man like him. Flame wiped her mouth, then sipped bottled water.

  “Sorry, babe. Guess I could’ve given you a heads up on that.” He helped her up. “We’re running out of time so I got you here the immortal way. Ian will do his best to keep the master distracted. Twilight lost track of me since the day I walked into Raef’s home. We decided to make the most of this unexpected glitch.”

  “That explains the evil realm’s fury with me. He accused me of hiding you.” She glanced around and noticed that they were only minutes from the Kaminski residence—the place where her hell had begun. An icy chill gripped her. “Why are we here so early in the morning?”

  “I’ve been monitoring their routine.”

  “Is that why you vanish and reappear so quickly?”

  He gave her a playful wink. “I get around.”

  “I see that.” She continued sipping water. “Not sure I could get used to traveling like this. I think my stomach is still back on the beach.”

  “You did better than you think. Pull it together, sugar. We have a fight ahead. This family gathers for breakfast every morning after sending the kids off to school. Except for Aiden, I’ve never seen him around. Maybe we’ll get lucky today.”

  “You have no qualms about leaving orphans behind?” She thought about her ex-sister-in-law. “Cathy has two kids.”

  “Twilight can care for its own.” He took her by the hand. “Let’s go. We’ll walk from here. I don’t want them to hear us coming.”

  She nodded and tucked the plastic bottle into the saddlebag of his bike. Her hands went to the daggers at her hips, automatically checking them for battle. “Do you have the lighter fluid just in case?”


  They clung to the shadows of a breaking dawn while sauntering up the street, which led to the house of pain. Her body tensed with anxiety and adrenaline. She’d wanted this fight for a long time but had no idea when the day would come and never expected anyone to come with her, especially Von. It was on the back of his Harley she’d been dragged back here the first time.

  They reached the sloped gravel drive. A strange mix of sickness and excited anticipation crept over her as they walked up to the house. Von had been right. Cathy and Chuck’s SUV and a car she didn’t recognize were parked in front of the garage. She followed him up a set of concrete steps to a sidewalk, which wound around to the side entrance of the yellow brick ranch house.

  Von halted before they reached the door. “If they invite us in, we have one hell of a fight on our hands.”

  “Why? What are they?” She fought back the rising panic.

  “They could be ancients.”

  Suddenly she recalled that Ian had mentioned the same possibility. “And if they don’t invite us in?”

  “If they try to keep us out, then they’re probably common minions hiding a new fiend in the making.”

  Without warning, she received his thoughts. “Oh my god, you suspect that Aiden has been brought back as something else?”

  “That’s the only thing that explains his MIA status. The man has not been seen by anyone in the biker loop since the night I took you away.”

  “That’s crazy. Aiden could never seduce me.”

  Von arched a knowing brow. “Don’t underestimate the evil realm. There are more sinister methods of bringing you down than seduction.”

  Her thoughts flashed back to her latest encounter with the mist. “He threatened to pluck women from my village one by one by using Raef.”

  “Your mind is much stronger now.” He framed her face between his hands and stared into her. “Guard your thoughts against them. Use your mind to communicate with me now that you know how.”

  She grabbed his arm before he let go. “How do we kill an ancient?”

  He withdrew a wicked knife from behind his waist. “You dagger their hearts…I’ll take their heads. It takes the combined power of a Satellite and Sai warrior to take them out. You won’t need flaming daggers if they’re ancients, but don’t remove your blade until I’ve taken the head. Our bound energy will be enough to send them back to hell.”

  “Then why did we bring accelerant?”

  “For the unexpected.”

  A wave of realization washed over her. She understood why both sides had been fighting for decades to win this war. If the chosen individuals from each side ever joined forces, together they could achieve staggering success. Twilight and the Supreme Lioness had known the stakes all along.

  Her eyes focused on the knife in his hand. “That is an impressive weapon.” She admired the long steel blade. Streaks of sunlight reflected off the
jagged blade. “We really were meant for each other, weren’t we?” She lifted her gaze to meet his.

  “Yeah. You’re my destiny. I just never knew which side we’d end up on.”

  “We’re about to find out.”

  He gave her a curious look then half smiled. They stepped up to the door. Von rapped lightly on the wood frame. Footsteps shuffled across the floor inside, then someone peeked through the window blinds. A few minutes later, the door opened, and Karl’s massive frame appeared in the doorway. He was holding a pair of cooking tongs.

  “What do you want?”

  “We’re looking for Aiden,” Von replied in a firm voice.

  Karl’s beady eyes darted from her to Von and back again. “He’s not here.”

  “When’s he coming back? I see his girl’s car parked in front.”

  “They went for a ride on his bike.”

  “Fine.” Von casually lit a smoke and took a long drag. “We’ll wait.” He exhaled slowly. “We can wait out here.” A ribbon of smoke curled upward from his nose and mouth. “Sorry to interrupt your breakfast.”

  Karl looked at Flame again with a disconcerting stare. “You may as well come in and have something to eat. We have plenty. Aiden shouldn’t be too long.”

  Von cast her a quick glance. Ancients. Wait for the right moment to strike.

  Fear gripped her. I was married to a family of ancients from the Twilight Realm! The dawning of how close she’d been to extinction was alarming. Ten years spent right in their midst. That is how Twilight found me. They waited and watched for me to surface, then they put their plan into action. Suddenly everything began to make sense. The evil realm had her right within reach yet she’d slipped away before they discovered her identity. She wondered how many families had been enlisted in the search for her.

  She did a wary visual scan as they walked inside. Everything looked the same. Rust colored drapes, green carpet, and the same antique Victorian style furniture as always. They hadn’t updated their décor since she’d known them. The house still reeked of cabbage and stale air. The rest of the family sat gathered around a large round table in the dining room. Her gaze moved over them. Cathy, Chuck, and Aiden’s mother Carlene looked up but didn’t offer a verbal greeting. Clearly, Karl’s invitation had not been well received by his family, but as head of the house, his word had always been law.


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