Taming Mr. Flirt

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Taming Mr. Flirt Page 23

by A. m Madden

  “No, I don’t see the joy in strapping sticks to my feet and careening down a mountain at a rapid speed.” My fingers traced the rim of my mug, around and around as I realized there was so much about him I didn’t know.

  “Nessa, what is it?” he asked, picking up on my pensiveness.

  I gave him a half-hearted shrug. “I really don’t know too much about you, and I know it’s my fault for not wanting to share a lot when we got together, but is it weird that we barely know each other, yet we’re in love?”

  “Nope. People who fall in love at first sight don’t know anything about the other person. Not saying that’s us, but it’s not that uncommon. We can rectify that right now. Ask me something.”

  There was a glimmer in his eyes as he peeked at me over the top of his mug. He wanted to have this conversation a while back, but I wouldn’t open up. Now, there I was, wanting the same thing.

  “What’s your middle name?”

  “Steven. What’s yours?”

  “Lee. What was your childhood like? Were you a good student or were you a wild child?”

  His bare foot met mine under the blanket. “Not really, I went to an all-boys school from kindergarten until I graduated. There was an all-girls sister school on the same campus, but for the most part it was all dudes.”

  “So, not a lot of girlfriends?”

  “Nope, you’re the first one.” My jaw went slack at his admission. “Well, except for little Maggie who lived next door. Hers were the first tits I touched… I was eleven… she was thirteen. I thought for sure she was the one.” A combination snort-laugh flew out of my mouth. “Sure, laugh it up, but I thought we had something special.”

  I feigned a sad pout. “I’m sorry.”

  “I got over her eventually,” he admitted with a smirk. “Then I went to Yale and met Jude and Luca. As you’re aware, I was a bit of a trouble maker, knew the Dean by his first name, and had lots of fun with my pals who relied on me to get them out of certain situations. But they weren’t saints. Believe me, they screwed around as much as I did. Soren was smart and started investing other students’ money in the market. One could argue that he started his business back then. He even recruited me and Luca as salespeople for him.”

  “How did that work out for you?”

  “Not so great, but I got laid a lot. After grad, I started my own company with my life long savings account, fell in love with a sexy woman, and the rest of my story is still waiting to be written.”

  Everything sounded so much different than my life which was boring in comparison. He took my mug, walked into the kitchen, and came back with fresh cups of coffee for both of us.

  Once he settled back under the blanket, he nudged me with his leg. “You’re turn. Tell me the tales of young Vanessa Monroe.”

  “There really isn’t much to tell that you don’t already know. My life was the complete opposite of yours—except for screwing around in college.”

  “Where did you go to school?” he interrupted.

  “SUNY Albany.” I smiled. “After graduation, I ended up doing a few odd jobs until I was hired by the asshole. Since then, I started working for this extremely handsome guy who loves his country’s anthem.”

  “Yes, he’s lucky to have you. And speaking of Canada. As you know, I go home for Christmas and I’d like you to come with me.”

  I shook my head. “No way, I’d be too nervous. Plus, what if they don’t like me?”

  “They will love you. Please come with me. I’ll take you to Niagara Falls before we get to my hometown just outside of Toronto.”

  I had never been to the Falls or outside of the United States for that matter, but I did have my passport just in case I needed to jet off to Europe on holiday… in my dreams. “If you’re sure I wouldn’t be an imposition, then I’d love to go with you.”

  “Good, because I already told my family you’d be joining us,” he informed me while grinning. “I’m sure Aunt Betty is knitting you a sweater as we speak.”

  “I can’t wait to see it—if I get one, that is.”

  “Well, I’m sure if you don’t get one this year, you will next.”

  I set my mug down on the table and straddled his lap. “Next year, huh? You’re being a tad presumptuous. By then I could be sick of you.”

  “Or I could be sick of you.” His lips twisted into a snark-filled grin.

  “Nah, that won’t happen. How could you get tired of me? I’m a ray of sunshine.”

  “This is true.” He leaned in and kissed my lips long and hard. “So, next year then?”

  “Yeah, next year sounds great.”


  We had breakfast, talked, and watched the last three episodes of Sons of Anarchy. Hearing her swoon over Charlie Hunnam was getting old. We made love in the shower and were finally going outside to enjoy our snow day.

  I waited in my living room and watched the snow continue to fall outside my window while Vanessa got ready. It was a good thing I didn’t put my heavy jacket on yet or I’d be sweating.

  “Nessa! Let’s go.”

  When she came out of my bedroom, I just about died and went to ski bunny heaven. There she stood in black tight-fitting snow pants that looked more like leggings, a red turtleneck sweater, a black and white form fitting ski jacket, the cutest red, white and black striped hat with a pompom on the top, and black boots.

  “I thought you said you didn’t ski?”

  She glanced down at herself. “I don’t. That doesn’t mean I want to look frumpy when it’s cold outside.”

  I shook my head. “Grab your gloves and let’s get out of here.”

  The two of us trudged through the snow-covered sidewalks. Some New Yorkers braved the weather and were out, but for the most part the city was quiet. It took longer than normal before we finally made it to Central Park.

  Vanessa’s cheeks were tinged red from the cold. Snowflakes clung to her eyelashes, making her look even more adorable than she already was.

  “So, what now?” She glanced around the mostly deserted park. Some families took advantage and were building snowmen or making snow angels.

  “Have you ever built a snowman?”


  “No?” Was she kidding? My question was meant to be rhetorical.

  “I told you, I was never a fan of the snow or being cold, so why would I go outside on purpose?”

  “Well, I hate to break it to you, beautiful, but that changes today.”

  Vanessa could say she hated the snow as much as she wanted, but it was all a lie. My girl was a champion at making snowmen, or snow people, since she thought it was chauvinistic for all of them to be men. I will say, watching her gloved hands form the perfect set of breasts out of snow was a bit of a turn on. Of course, a few of the moms in the park looked at our snow people as if they were nude paintings. That just spurred her on. In my opinion, the moms were lucky she didn’t start making the men anatomically correct.

  The white flakes finally stopped falling from the sky, leaving the park and its surroundings looking like a winter postcard. Everything from trees to park benches were white; it was the cleanest the city had looked all year.

  Taking her hand in mine, we strolled through the park admiring the beauty the storm had left behind since tomorrow it could all look different.

  “Want to see if there’s somewhere to grab a bite to eat? We never had lunch since you were too engrossed in Charlie Hunnam.”

  “Haha, very funny. Food sounds great. I could even go for a slice of pizza.”

  “Then I know the perfect place.”

  We were both thankful the cabs were running since we were cold, wet, and tired. After a short car ride, we arrived at a small Italian restaurant. It was one of my favorites in the city.

  Vanessa inhaled deep as soon as we walked in the door. “It smells amazing in here.”

  Before I could agree, Pasquale, Luca’s uncle and owner, approached us. “Ah… Kyle eets-a so good to see you. Eets-a been-a long tim
e, no?” He kissed both of my cheeks.

  “Hi, Zio Pasquale. Yes, it’s been too long.” I took Vanessa’s hand in mine. “This is my girlfriend, Vanessa. Vanessa, this is Pasquale Benedetto, the owner and the best Italian cook in the five boroughs. He’s also Luca’s uncle. Vanessa knows your nephew, too.”

  Her face lit up. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Pasquale. It smells so good in here. Your restaurant is lovely.”

  Pasquale’s olive complexion took on a reddish hue. Leave it to my girl to make him blush. “You are-a so pretty. Why you with this clown?” We all shared a laugh before he took her free hand and kissed the back of it. “Come, I bring you to the table.”

  Once we sat down, Pasquale went to the kitchen and a younger man filled our water glasses and left us menus.

  “Looks like the snow kept people away.”

  Vanessa glanced around at the empty tables surrounding ours. “That’s okay. More food for us.” She shrugged off her jacket and turned to hang it on the back of her chair. “Luca’s uncle is so cute. I love his accent. He sounds just like Luca. Well, Luca’s English is a lot better, but still adorable.”

  “You think Luca is adorable?”

  She opened her menu. “Of course I do. All three of you are gorgeous specimens. Toss in your accents and it’s a no-brainer. We all thought so the night Brae met Jude.”

  “Wait, I don’t have an accent.”

  Vanessa grinned. “I know.” When I didn’t push further, she let out a laugh. “I’m just kidding, Kyle. Out of the three of you, you would be my first choice.”

  “Okay, enough of the small talk.” Little did she know I had texted Luca to have him join us—something I now regretted.

  We ordered a bottle of Chianti and suddenly the room was filled with boisterous voices. You would have thought twenty people walked in, but it was just Luca introducing Cassie to his uncle.

  Vanessa turned her head and beamed, standing as they came to our table. They hung their coats up on the rack against the wall, and the girls hugged as though it had been months since they last saw each other.

  I took it upon myself to fill everyone’s glass and ordered another bottle. Cassie shivered. “How about this weather and it’s only December? It’s so cold outside, I can’t stand it.”

  “Um… hello? Why are you together?” Vanessa asked, wiggling a finger from Cassie to Luca and back.

  “I was on the phone with Luca when Kyle texted, and he asked me to come.” Cassie rolled her eyes. “Lose that look, V. We’re just friends. Besides, why were you two out in this mess?”

  “We were at the park today and Kyle brought me here to have dinner. It was nice having a day to just play in the snow. With the holidays coming up, we all get busy. Plus, we will be leaving for Canada… and…”

  “You are?” Cassie looked at us in shock. Luca had an I told you so look on his face.

  “Yes.” Vanessa smiled at me. “I can’t wait to see Kyle’s home.”

  Cassie reached across the table and placed her hand on Vanessa’s. “This is so great. You’re happy, right, V?”

  When I turned my head to look at my girl, she nodded at Cassie before turning to me. “Yes, I’ve never been happier.”

  I cupped her cheek with my hand and placed a soft kiss on her lips before whispering in her ear, “I love you.”

  She looked into my eyes. “I love you, too, Lyle.”

  “It’s Kyle. Ky… with a K… Kyle.”


  Chapter 29


  I’d never been one for Christmas shopping. The only people I ever thought to buy a gift for were my girls. Since this year Kyle was taking me to meet his family, my list was much longer. Well, Kyle’s was. He was an only child, but he bought presents for everyone invited to be there.

  Kyle admitted he generally gave gift cards, but because we had decided to drive to Canada rather than fly, this year he went all out. To alleviate the pressure caused by the city’s traffic, he hired a car service to follow us around. Only after a few stops, the trunk had started to fill up. After the driver closed the hatch, Kyle told him we were headed to Rockefeller Center, and he’d text when we were ready to be picked up.

  Hand in hand, we braved the throngs of people clogging the sidewalks. Every once in a while, we’d stop to gaze at the awesome holiday window displays. “It’s so pretty, Kyle. I’ve never taken the time to appreciate Manhattan during the holidays.” I let out a sarcastic huff. “Truth be told, I’ve never really taken the time to sightsee in my own city. Aside from visiting Ground Zero, I haven’t been many places—unless I walked by it of course.”

  He pulled me into a recessed area of an office building. “Wait, what? You’ve never been to the top of the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Yankee Stadium, or a Broadway show?”

  “No to all of the above.”

  “How about ice skating at Rockefeller Center?”

  “Nope, but I do love ice skating… now.” I winked.

  “We’ll need to rectify this.” He pulled off his gloves before cupping my cold face with his warm hands. “I’m confused though, how is it that you want to travel and see the world, yet you’ve neglected this magnificent city?”

  Great question. I took time searching for any answer that would make sense and not make me sound like the ultimate New York loser. It was when our eyes locked that I knew why. “Because I didn’t have anyone to share it with.”

  I looked away, but Kyle’s touch forced me to look at him. “Talk to me, Nessa.”

  “All of what you said were things that Robert and I talked about experiencing together. I guess when he passed away, I felt guilty.”

  Kyle’s soft lips met mine. “When you’re ready, I’d love to show you all those things and more. But, I don’t want to rush you.”

  “I’m ready to finally live… and I want to do it with you, Kyle.”

  Based on the way he stared right into my soul, my words were profound. He bent and slowly placed one single kiss to my forehead. “I love you.” He then wrapped his gloveless hand around my mittened one. “Let’s do this. Next stop, seeing the prettiest Christmas tree in our city with the most gorgeous girl in New York.”

  “New York?” I pulled my hand away and placed my mittens on my down-covered hips. “Just New York?”

  He pulled me back into his arms and nuzzled his nose beneath my ear. “No, the world, baby. I meant the world.”

  “Uh huh. Good recovery, Mr. Flirt.”

  “You can’t call me that anymore… you tamed me. You better come up with a new nickname.”

  “Ok, Lyle.”

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  I reached up, grabbed the back of his head, and pulled him down for a quick kiss. “Fine, Mr. All Mine.”

  “Now that’s a name I can live with.”

  By the time we reached the spectacular pine, I was exhausted. After about fifteen minutes of staring at multi-colored lights, I reached my limit. I couldn’t prevent myself from yawning and leaning into his body as he held me from behind.

  “You ready to go?”

  I nodded my head against his chest. “Yes. I’ve never walked or shopped so much in one day before. I’m going to need time to recover.”

  Kyle sent a text to our driver to pick us up. “Come,” he said, leading me away from the tree and toward Fifth Avenue. Relief flooded me when I saw the black SUV heading in our direction. Even my feet were thankful to see him.

  We settled in the backseat and exhaled. Just as I was ready to close my eyes, that damn Groupme app simultaneously dinged on our phones. Brae forced us all to download it before her wedding so we could all stay connected. None of us used it, except for her.

  Brae: Hi! Sorry for the group text but we’re having a holiday party next Saturday. It’s a white elephant party so just bring one unisex gift. Don’t put anyone’s name on it. Fifty bucks max… be creative. ;-)

  We both uttered, “What the fuck is a white elephant party?”
r />   Ding.

  Des: Fun! I’ll be there.


  Cassie: Is there a minimum limit?


  Brae: Nope! :)


  Cassie: Great!


  Kyle: So a pack of gum is okay?


  Jude: She said creative, not cheap.


  A message appeared:

  Luca left group.


  Kyle: Why does he get to leave?


  Brae: :(


  Jude: We’ll make sure Luca gets the gum.


  Brae: That’s not how a white elephant works.


  Vanessa: We have no idea what you’re talking about.


  A message appeared:

  Kyle added Luca to the group.


  Luca: Asshole


  Des: Can you boys grow up?


  Cassie: I’ll bring Christmas cookies.


  Brae: Yummy!


  Luca: I’ll bring a gun.


  Kyle: Leave the gun… bring the cannoli.


  Jude: Hahaha


  Cassie: Ugh… The Godfather.


  Vanessa: I still don’t know what a white elephant is.


  Luca: Google it.


  Kyle: Watch your tone, Benedetto.


  A message appeared:

  Luca left the group.


  Brae: You can buy him gum.

  Kyle turned to me. “This will go on all night.”


  Kyle: Nessa and I will be there. Bye.

  He took my phone from my hand and shoved them both in the pocket of his jacket. Just as he did that, from the lining of his coat we heard—ding… ding… ding… ding… ding.


  When we walked into the Sorens’ apartment, Brae had it decorated to the hilt. Their dining room table was adorned with a red and green plaid tablecloth and a poinsettia centerpiece with a gold candle protruding from the center and random gifts surrounding it.


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