Away From the Spotlight

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Away From the Spotlight Page 8

by Tamara Carlisle

  Considering we had just declared our love for each other the night before and Will didn’t appear to be going out-of-town again, I figured that we would be together. Thinking that, I smiled, responding, “I don’t know. What am I doing after work?”

  “Good answer.” Will laughed and his green eyes sparkled as he did so. “Would you plan on staying with me at least for the next few nights?”

  I was hoping that “at least” meant more than just the next few nights.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “On week nights, nothing much, other than being with you when you’ve finished studying. On the weekends, I promise that we can have real dates.”

  “You promise to let me study?”

  Of course, I knew that I was as likely to allow myself to get distracted from that with him as he was of distracting me.

  “Yes. I know how important this is to you. I won’t interfere.” He was convincing.

  “Then count me in.” I was so excited and happy that I couldn’t help myself. I kissed him as passionately as I could. I didn’t care who would see us.

  He kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, “I love you, you know.”

  If it was possible, I kissed him even harder. When we finally disengaged, I said, “I love you too. See you later.” I kissed him again quickly and left for work, still breathing heavily and trying to calm myself down so that I could focus when I got there.

  It was difficult to concentrate at work as I kept daydreaming about Will and recalling him telling me that he loved me.

  John came in to check on me and noticed that my mood had changed considerably.

  “You’re back together with Will,” he said matter-of-factly after sitting down in one of the client chairs facing me and reading what was likely a dreamy expression on my face. He looked disappointed.

  “Yes,” I replied and smiled.

  “He doesn’t have another girlfriend?”


  “You forgave him for lying to you?”

  “Yes.” I realized that I wasn’t volunteering much, and added, “He wanted to be normal for a while and for me to get to know the real him. I can’t really blame him for that. Besides, I love him and he loves me.”

  John’s face registered his shock as if he couldn’t contemplate that Will and I were that serious. He tried to compose himself, but continued to look unhappy.

  There was silence for a few minutes and I finally said, “Thanks, John, for cheering me up the other day. I really appreciate it. You’re a really good friend.”

  He got up and walked around my desk to hug me. “I’ll always be there for you when you need me,” he said quietly.

  I let go, feeling a little awkward. John looked down and walked out the door of my office, closing it behind him.

  When I got home from work, I left a note for Kelly telling her that Will and I were back together and that I would be away for a few days. I then packed quickly, anxious to get across town and be with Will again.

  Later that night, when we were spooning in bed, I asked a question I had forgotten to ask at lunch.

  “Do you remember when you told me that you liked L.A., but something was missing?”


  “You promised you would tell me what that was sometime.”

  “I remember.”

  “What was it?”

  “What was missing in my life before you was a girlfriend. When I said that to you, and I didn’t mean to, I knew I wanted you to be my girlfriend. I didn’t want to say it on our first date, but I knew it then. I actually knew it when we met.”


  “Yes. It was practically love at first sight for me.”

  “I just thought you were being friendly. When you asked me out, you shocked the hell out of me.”

  “I noticed, although I couldn’t imagine you didn’t notice how interested I was.”

  “I don’t know. I guess I just don’t think that way. I assume a lack of interest unless someone beats me over the head with it. It’s not like you did anything to indicate you were interested.”

  “I invited you to come to the back bar to be with me. Then, we were sitting inches from each other, I was staring into your eyes, and I had a death grip on either my beer or my arm to keep from reaching over and grabbing you. Did that not make it clear?”

  “Again, I thought you were just being friendly, a Brit on holiday looking for a little conversation for the evening. As far as the fact that we were inches apart, we had to sit that close in order to hear each other. As for staring at me, it just seemed that you were looking at me when I spoke. That’s generally considered to be polite. I didn’t notice anything odd about you holding your beer. It was a pub after all.”

  “And I thought I was so obvious. Stephen and Colin knew I had fallen for you as well. I’m going to have to remember to not assume you know how I’m feeling. So I’ll tell you right now. I love you.”

  I gave a heartfelt smile and asked, “So how long did it take you to figure out how I felt?”

  “I don’t think I really knew until I saw your face last night when I came to straighten things out. I’ve never seen such a look of utter devastation. You looked like your heart had been broken. It killed me to think I had caused it.”

  “That was the first time?”

  “Well, in the beginning, you seemed so nervous.”

  “I was nervous because I cared whether you liked me or not. If I didn’t care, why would I be nervous?”

  “Good point. It’s just that you didn’t act like I was used to women acting around me.”

  “It’s a good thing I didn’t. If I had, you would have gone running in the other direction, thinking I was some star-struck fan. You don’t like it when people fawn all over you. The fact that I didn’t is probably why you asked me out in the first place.”

  “I’m not saying that I didn’t like that fact, but that wasn’t it. Something just clicked into place when I met you. If you had shown your interest a little more openly and been more enthusiastic, you would not have scared me off; quite the contrary, I don’t think I would’ve been able to go home without you.”

  “Well, that was the other reason why I was nervous.”

  “That I definitely understood. Why do you think I didn’t try anything? Why do you think you were the one to seduce me initially?”

  “I thought you were being a gentleman.”

  “Hardly. I was afraid I’d scare you away. I knew you weren’t the kind of girl who would fall into bed with someone so easily. I can’t say I didn’t hope you would give me a sign that you were willing, but when you didn’t, I figured it would take a little time. Then you did what you did and I could not have been happier.”

  “Although it would have been completely out of character for me, if you had pressed the issue earlier, I would not have been able to resist.”

  “So you’re telling me I could have put one or more of those sleepless nights before we were together to better use?”


  “Now you tell me.”

  I laughed. “Okay, now I remember something else I want to ask. You honestly thought I was at the Royalist with Rachael last week trying to pick up guys after we had spent the weekend together and were planning to see each other again the next night?”

  “I didn’t think you were looking for it, no. But there was the thought in the back of my mind that, since you were there surrounded by men, you might find someone better than me.”

  “That’s not possible. I love you.”

  He kissed me and then he expressed his love for me in other ways.

  That Friday, I was in the process of e-mailing my research memo to one of the senior partners when I heard voices in the hallway a few doors down and thought I recognized one of them as Will’s.

  I finished my e-mail and found Will standing in the doorway of Max’s office. They both looked a little tense when I walked in, but their expressions turned to smiles when th
ey saw me. I grabbed Will’s hand, told Max that we were going to dinner, and dragged Will gently down the hall toward my office. As we passed by John’s office, John said “hi” to me and appeared to glare at Will.

  When we got to my office, Will closed the door behind him, grabbed me and kissed me.

  I leaned away and asked, “What was that all about?”

  “I gather your friends don’t like me much after what happened this week.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Will looked pained, “Well, Max told me that you were very upset Monday night and practically ordered me never to hurt you like that again, and John just glared at me as we walked by.”

  “I’m sorry. They took me out to a Dodger game on Monday night to try to cheer me up. That’s where I was when you tried to call,” I explained.

  I thought I could sense a little jealousy on Will’s part, but his words didn’t make it obvious. “I understand. It’s okay. They’re just protective of you. I get that.”

  “Well, you’ll just have to spend more time with them and they’ll see how happy you make me.” I put my arms around his neck and kissed him.

  He leaned back from my face after the kiss and replied, “Whatever makes you happy.”

  Chapter Eleven

  As the next few weeks before finals went by, Will and I settled into a routine. I spent most weeknights at his place and he spent most weekends at mine because I needed to pack for my move after graduation as well as study.

  Kelly was moving to the Bay Area and taking her bedroom furniture and some kitchen items as well. I was putting the rest of the furniture and most of my stuff in storage, taking only what I needed for the summer to move into furnished USC housing while I studied for the Bar. My plan was to find a more permanent situation when I returned from Europe after the Bar Exam.

  During the last two Fridays of Trial Advocacy, all the class participants had their mock trials scheduled. Nell and I and our opposing team were scheduled for the last Friday of classes from 10-to-12 noon. The professors had brought in a mock jury even though, in the brief period we had, we weren’t expected to do go through the juror selection process known as voir dire. In addition to a grade, we would be given “real world” feedback from ordinary juror types regarding how we performed.

  The jury was very complimentary of us, saying that we were organized and presented well. A funny comment that both sides received was that we all looked like funeral directors in that each one of us was wearing a black suit.

  I was hopeful for a good grade in the class and glad that I had one class down and only three more finals to go before graduation.

  That afternoon also was my last day of work before finals and studying for the Bar. For this reason, a few of the partners I worked with and most of the associates took me out for drinks after work to celebrate. I wouldn’t be seeing most of them until I returned from Europe in September. I asked Will to come, but he thought it would be best to keep it strictly a work function and let them have their time with me. I would meet him at my place later.

  As usual, our foursome of Max, Daniel, John and I spent most of the time together.

  “Promise me you’ll have lunch with me from time-to-time this summer. I want to hear all about your Europe trip-planning,” John asked when he had me alone briefly.

  “I promise. I’ll call you guys and we can all have lunch.”

  “No. Well, we can do that too, but I thought just you and I could have lunch or drinks or something and go over your plan for your trip,” he said shyly. “I traveled in Europe after the Bar Exam two years ago. I might be able to help.”

  “Thanks. I’d appreciate that.” I was wary, but hoped I didn’t act like it. Maybe Will was right about him after all. I then considered the fact that John was still with Ashley. I’m just imagining things. He’s just a nice guy being, well, nice.

  When I got home at about seven-thirty, Will was waiting for me, sitting at the dining table talking to Kelly and Matt. Will was wearing a nice black suit with a white shirt unbuttoned at the top and a loosened tie.

  “We’re going out to celebrate the end of school. Come on. Put your things down and let’s go.”

  “Wait, I’m dressed a little too business-like. Let me change. It won’t take me long. I promise.”

  I ran into my room and put on a dress more suitable for going out than the suit I had been wearing. I was in the living room in no time ready to go. As we left, Kelly handed Will a suitcase that appeared packed and my book bag as well.

  “What did you do?” I asked as I looked at them.

  “You’ll see,” Will replied, smiling broadly.

  As we drove across town toward Beverly Hills, he said, “This is a Hollywood kind of thing, but I thought it would be nice and it would give us some alone time before you need your space for your final exams.”

  I had no idea what we were doing until we entered the driveway for the Beverly Hills Hotel. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and stared at Will with a “You have got to be kidding me” look on my face.

  He looked over at me. “It’s very Hollywood, but it’s also very private. We won’t have to worry about paparazzi here.”

  Will left the car and the luggage at valet. I looked around in wonder as he led me down a long walkway to a beautiful bungalow toward the back of the hotel.

  The inside of the bungalow was breathtaking in mauve, peach, beige, yellow and sage. It had a residential feel with a large living room and dining room where dinner was waiting for us. I wandered around at first, feeling out of my element. I was very excited when I saw the bathroom. It was covered in pink marble and granite and housed a massive Jacuzzi set into the floor. I love Jacuzzi bathtubs. My parents had one when they lived briefly in Orange County and Will had one at his house. Neither was anything like this. Will was going to have a hard time dragging me out of it. I finally made my way back to the table where Will was waiting for me.

  “I can’t believe you arranged all this,” I said looking around me and at the gourmet meal sitting in front of me.

  “Well, I wanted to do something special. It’s not every day you graduate from law school. I didn’t figure I would have my chance if I waited until after your exams. Your parents will be here, and then you’re moving. I, unfortunately, have the Midnight promotional tour not long after your graduation. I wanted a weekend where I had you all to myself and didn’t want to waste time traveling somewhere else. I’ve been here before a few times for business lunches and drinks. I always liked it. It’s different, to some degree like from another era.”

  “This is too much though,” I said still looking wide-eyed around the room.

  “For you, I could never do too much.”

  That answer made me uncomfortable in that I knew that I could never keep up with him this way when it was my turn to do something for him.

  Dinner tasted as good as it looked. The presentation was almost artistic and the portions were more of the smaller size found in very expensive restaurants, not that I’d had a significant amount of experience with that.

  After we finished dinner, he stood and led me to the sofa. “I have another graduation present for you.”

  “Isn’t this it?” I said indicated everything around me.

  “No. I want to give you something more permanent.”

  “You don’t really have to do all this,” I said, embarrassed by the extravagance.

  “I want to. I love you.” Before I could respond, he put a little blue box in my hand. Despite never having received anything from there before, I did recognize the little blue box as being from Tiffany’s.

  I opened the box to find another jewelry box that I opened to find a single bezel-set diamond in what appeared to be either white gold or platinum on a light chain of likely the same precious metal. He came around to the back of me and put it on me. It was exquisite and sparkled in the light.

  I had to excuse myself to go look in the mirror. The light bounced off all the facets of the d
iamond. The necklace hung perfectly around my neck, not too short and not too long. I hurried back into the room to give Will a big hug and even bigger kiss.

  I leaned back and said, “I just want you to know you don’t have to do anything for me. I love you without all this.”

  “I know. That’s why I wanted to do this.”

  I just stared at him for a moment a little overwhelmed.

  “Happy Graduation,” he whispered and kissed me while walking me backward toward the bedroom.

  We had a very romantic weekend. From Friday night to midday Sunday, we didn’t leave the bungalow. All of our meals came to us. We stayed in bed most of the time we were there except for meals in the dining room, using our small private pool occasionally, and relaxing in the Jacuzzi tub. I even managed to get some studying in intermittently while Will slept or while relaxing in the tub. I had Will to all to myself for the whole weekend. That was the best present he could have given me.

  Chapter Twelve

  It was a shock to the system to be back in my own apartment on Monday studying. My first final was Thursday. I had one the next week and one early the following week. Will provided me space while I studied, coming over only in the evenings to bring me dinner and spend the night. He would get up relatively early in the morning and be gone quickly to allow me to study without distraction.

  In any event, he apparently had things to do, including preparation for press day for Midnight 3 which was scheduled to take place at a hotel in Beverly Hills the week of my graduation and for the promotional tour starting the week following my graduation.

  On the days I had final exams, Will would call me afterward and ask me how I felt I did. Of course, I never thought I did well on any exam. I remembered taking the law school entrance exam, the LSAT, in college and meeting up with a friend of mine afterward saying, “Well, I guess I’m going to Business School.” Regardless of my negativity regarding that exam, my LSAT score panned out such that I was accepted by a number of excellent law schools and received a scholarship to USC.

  After my first exam for Criminal Procedure, Will asked, “So, how did it go?”


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